(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hushlilbb - still have... Credit card or loan telemarketeer...

- I'm a bankrupt cos I owed ur bank $$

- why should I need a loan?? Give me a good reason.. Then keep asking him/ her why??

- can u please do ur market research and check with credit bureau... I've got nothing but $$...

- I was waiting for ur call... Can ur bank loan me $100,000?? I need to repay credit card debt to ur bank...

- eekk!!! Don't want... U all are legal loan sharks...


Mwahaha... That irritating property agent called again... I told the person HE went to give birth.. The person said "oh... Ok..." WTF she obviously never listen properly... Haha...

Mommies @Compasspoint JACK'S today

Nice meeting with you all! Sorry din say proper goodbye to Elle, Shirlyn, Pat - tot we all adjourning to Kiddy Palace but like din c u all there. Hope u all enjoyed the gathering.

Those who brought along cameras, pls pls email me the group foto cos I hv no Facebook acct. Thanks!


Can email me the pic of Megon n me taken at the gap buffet, plus the group foto as well? Thanks!

Hi Mommies who were at Compass Point today,

Nice meeting you ladies! I made it! Brought Alexis out on my own for the first time under the encouragement of Phyllis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So happy to meet you ladies and your babies.

I only notice BabyT wearing transformers, Optimus Prime, did we talk just now?

Yvoone: Wao u r v creative. Such an 'ardous task' and u make it a fun time w bb.

Most of the time, I find myself too tired to play w bb. Always just rushing to clean her etc...

Hushlilbb: I wear a mask when I am around her and trying to keep a distance cos I think my flu is more serious than hers...did u give her ebm or still continue to latch?

Jessica: I actually think u r coping v well. Look at those 3 beautiful darlings of urs, v well taken care and adorable too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Sometimes watching Home and Health on SCV is good cos those Angmos all cope on their own,v admirable and encouraging. And I agree with OP, we r blessed as compared to many ladies who r struggling to have bbs. My Hb was saying that all these stress and late nights r good problems cos many would love to be in this position but can't...(trying to stay positive myself...)

V happy to meet so many mummies n babies at compasspt today. The jacks place pple must b so amused cos so many of us there. Am v bad wif faces hope to b able to recognise u ladies again at nxt gathering.

Jessica: ur kids r so lovely! Happy birthday to Christophe hope he had a great day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Facebook: can add me pls. [email protected]

Jessica - please add me to the Sept 2010 Forum group on Facebook. Want to see the pix [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!!

You have beautiful kids, by the way!

Jessica, Happy birthday Christophe! He must have enjoyed the day's out with you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Looking at their pic, they are happy so you also must be a happy mummy ok? Happy mummy = happy kids

You gers are really funny on ur tactics in fending off pesky unsolicited calls. I'm glad i don't have to use such lines.. can't imagine if the person end up knowing me thru someone. Super paiseh.


I always like to look at your children's photos. Like one big happy family and so loving and well behave some more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I hope my children will be so loving to each other too.

Fashionable nursing wear

Went celebrating my wedding anniversary early today. Went to robinsons and saw this top from Le'range. Drappy in front and fitting at the back, long to make the body slimmer. got dull green and black. Can double as nursing top on top of being office wear. Those who need office wear and nursing wear can consider. $43 before 20% discount.

Happy bealted birthday to Christophe!! Juz came bk from a Hen's party, half way the sick hen went home... lol.. so boring, was playing bache challeng card half way..

Windy - u blur le... OP was the one wearing the autobots t-shirt... I wore orange colour de... The one sitting beside shinchan...


Ur kids are so lovely lovely! :D Camille looks like the mature n 懂事 elder sis. Christophe also looks quite big boy leh. My girl has same hair like Chesed - standing up in the middle. :D Glad u enjoy Ur day out wif Ur #2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes we spoke! Outside Kiddy Palace. Now I know why they all say u v young! Ya, I'm the one in transformer tee. :p

North east, north and east mummies...

I very 佩服 all those who put on make up... How in the world so u find time to put on make up with a 2 month old baby?? Ask me draw eyebrow I already 眼睛掉灯...

Windy - I used to put false lashes to... But now.. I would trade in those few secs for sleep...


hey. thanks for showing me how to sure the sarong sling. later, got shabu shabu dinner at my SIL hse. can use the sling to fm le. yeah.


for me if don't paint my face. really cannot go out leh. looks like ghost lor. mwahaha... natural beauty is the best -save $$ oso.

Tigerlily - Honestly u don't look ur age lor... Ydae shinchan and I were just saying that u and leobaby look like half ur age nia... So I think without painting ur face should be ok de... U maintain until soooo good... I hope I'll look as good too...

Optimus Prime,

Aiya... I am so sotong. Btw, can someone upload yesterday's pics? I want to take a good look at it!


Yes, I know you are Val. But I didn't notice another mommy in transformers top. How come you don't get enough sleep? Does Germaine sleep longer hours through the night?


I think I may do something suicidal - bring my boy to watch Megamind with Megon tagging along. Let's see if I get rnd to doing it, n if I get evicted from the cinema. :p


Really take my hat off you.. YOu can always think of some challenge to challenge urself. Movie with 2 mth bb?? Do share with us your experience ok. You are a true to your "live life dangerously" motto.


You are not suaku.. i think i am more of it. Can you gers teach me how to upload more than one photo under the facebook. event for 2 mth old bb under our group?? I don't see any button for uploading multiple photos leh.


Great to see all the pretty mummies yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Not been able to finish saying hi before leaving! Perhaps another gathering soooon!

I will upload the pictures on FB!


I salute your bravery!!! U are not a mummy who lives dangerously but is a mummy who lives SUPER DUPER dangerously. Wahaha...


Aiyo, u mean my SMS to BabyT?? Haha.. Dun u see the similarity? Not only the fat content, I even have the stripes!!! Lol...


Think I cannot make it for buffet on 16 nov liao, forgot that hb is on leave. Haiz.. no more pastries and desserts for me liao...

If in any case, it is change back to 11th, then I can join again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Movie over - v fun show! Thoroughly enjoyed!

Never got evicted. :p Never had to get out of the theatre even once. More abt it later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad that you feeling better now, I can see it... From your colorful fonts! How to use colours?

You doing serious housekeeping for fb, but I still don't know how to upload pic using iPad.

HI Jessica

thanks for adding me onto FB.


U win!! Bringing a 2mth old bb to the movies..I was so impressed when my col brought her 1 yr boy to watch toy story..u even better lor! Kowtow..kowtow....


the pictures @ Jack's place is so colourful and nice, a lot of young pretty mummies i have yet to meet..sad sad that i miss the gathering..and look like a lot of mummies in the east compared to west


u r really v creative !

Tigerlily & Leobaby

agree with babyT & Valerie, must shared ur tips on maintaining youth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any special facial product or any facial places u recommend


u win liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just yday i was contemplating to bring Kyra out for a movie with hubby so that my mum can rest fully and i can latch on in the cinema..in the end backed out cos no good horror movie

hehe, but since u recommend megamind, we will bring our kids there


hehe, u r v creative regarding ur response to these nuisance calls..the worst call i got was this person who claimed to be my daughter over the phone and said she was kidnapped, that time, my 1st gal was not even 2 and at home .


Love those pictures of ur kiddos. Jia You ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh dear, since hb on leave, he take care of Denise and u come & feast with us ? only 2 hrs mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] somemore only 2 mrt stops fr ur place


Just had Neo Garden Buffet , verdict is this

sambal fish -yucks

cereal fish - dry

The yam thingy - Not nice

Curry chicken - v nice

Eclairs - v nice

honeydew sago - not nice

hong kong mee- v nice

sotong yu tiao - ok lah

butter prawns - so so

brocoli - nice

think will ask weiting n shinchan what to replace for the xmas party

those members and regulars, any tips to share regarding what other fish or chix or prawns is better

BBT & pinkyluv> thk u for compliment. guess its just the fact that I am small size that cover up my actual age. Ever since I pregnant I had not gone Facial or do anything extra. so much so that my beautician who also does massage for me told me to put more mask. That means my winkles are already showing.

Chewy> R u keen to join us at xmas party? still can accomdate a few more.

Megamind - debrief

Honestly, I wouldnt hv gone to the cinema with Megon if not bcos of my boy. Since he was abt 1.5 yr old, I think we hvnt missed any cartoon movie at the theatres. I feel bad that he can't go watch movies anymore bcos of Meimei. I also don't like the idea of my hb bringing him to watch w/o me - I'll feel so left out!

Anyway, these were my considerations:

1. Choose earliest possible showtime, preferably in the morn abt 10+ cos usu less crowded (I chk eng wah and GV near my place. Unfortunately, earliest is 12 or 1pm.)

2. Chk online to hv a sense of the crowd and if there are still back row seats which are near entrance/exit so that u can mk a quick escape if bb wails (I didnt pre-book tics. I purchased them at the box office so I can still change my mind abt watching if it's too crowded. For the 1pm show, I check via iPhone at 12.15pm and saw that it wasn't packed at all. So I decided to go for it)

3. Choose a less popular cinema (eg. GV Yishun n Eng Wah Jubilee from my exp)

What I did prior to the show:

1. Try to keep bb awake before entering the theatre. If bb z b4 entering, the high sound level may frighten bb suddenly n mk her wail. If bb is awake when entering theatre, may hv chance of getting accustom to sound level and if fall asleep subsequently, less chance of awakening unless sudden loud sounds (eg. Explosion, crashing, etc)

2. Hv bb in sling when enter theatre. Bb shld feel more secure. Don't wait till bb exhibit discomfort then put in sling cos if u'r not fast enuff, she cld wail down the whole cinema

3. The power of comfort nursing! Dont remove bb from sling. May need a shawl to cover if ur sling doesn't provide enuff coverage. She was latching for most part of the show and fell z and wake now and then cos of some loud explosion sounds. I was also patting her butt for most of the 90min show.

4. Feed bb and change diaper before the show. This will make her hv lesser reasons to wail later.

5. Bring stroller. If suay suay bb poo and you really need to change her, can exit with stroller n do quick change. Don't think they hv diaper changing station in the cinema toilets.

6. Dress bb lightly. Some cinema can be quite hot like the one I went today. If cold, u can use your shawl/cloth to cover bb.

It was quite managable today and though Megon did make some unhappy noises, it was just for a few moments and v infrequent. She's easily comforted when I latch her on. I think a 1.5hr cartoon movie is still manageable. Anytg longer wld be challenging. I also won't recommend action packed movies... Those with a lot of bang bang n explosions. *gulp*


What sort of fish did Neo use fir sambal fish? For cereal fish, it shld be the usual dory right?

How abt those breaded sweet/sour fish to replace the dry cereal fish? It's so normal/boring that it'd be hard to go wrong. Got almond beancurd with Longan? Sambal prawns?


U r my idol!!!! Hb did suggest bringing Mik to watch movie... But being a chicken... I din agree cos scare Mik will cry during the show n might ve to leave the theatre Liao. Waste $. Looks like I think too much liao...

Today went Metro at paragon bcos of the 20% storewide sale... So happily went to grab quite a few pcs of clothings for Mik.... Who knoes by the time I wanted to pay for my items.... The cashier told me no disc since I'm paying by vouchers... Chey!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Really dpd on what movie u'r watching. If it's those soapy, romance type of show, shldnt be too loud/noisy.

But one thing I forgot to mention is that I went in with the mental preparation to waste $8 (price of my movie tic). I figured if I don't try, I won't know if it'll work out. But if it doesn't, it's just $8 and I'm prepared to throw the $ down the drain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP, IDOL IDOL IDOL!!! you really daring oh. No wonder you are the head of the transformers (correct hor?)! Maybe hb and I should bring cavin out for movie, not sure if he likes it?

Jessica, glad to know that you are fine.

pinkyluv, 美食专家。 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You happen to know which vegetarian restaurant is good? Wanna bring mama over to celebrate her 60th birthday.


Maybe you can break up the feed into two times? Feed half then burp and feed again? My method of burping: I will let Christy's head lie on my shoulder and burp her if she doesn't burp after a long patting, I will put her back to her bed and lift her up again on my shoulder (can understand hor?) and burp, then she will burp out very fast. Not sure if this works for you?

Kudos to Jessica and OP.

One bring 3 kids out alone and the other bring bb to cinema! *gasp*

U two are my hero!


Too bad no 'kowtow' emoticon here..

Megamind - debrief (add on)

Get aisle seat. Easier to get out when bb wails.

Familiarise with escape route. For the theatre yesday, the entrance is below while exit is abv. Most of the theatres I went to is entrance abv and exit below. For exit, it's usu one way ie. U can open the big heavy door to get out but can't come bk in. So if the door nearest to u is the exit, chk it out n mk sure u coord with hb to help u open door when u done and trigger him via HP.

Keep the ticket stub with u. Nvr know if u hv to get out of the cinema completely n come bk in again n need to pass the ticket attendant.

I think it's important to go to the theatre without any expectation to sit through the entire movie. If you do, it's a bonus. If u don't, it's only $8 n you can go shopping while waiting for your family to finish the show. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP,nice to meet u in the gathering.

u really steady ler. dunno when i will have the courage to bring my gal for the movie. tat day outing is already a feat to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


vegetarian restaurant , you can refer to the list here


If you would like to have vegetarian buffet, then quality hotel is good. The restaurant name is lotus vegetarian. they also had ala carte menu. The best thing for the vegetarian buffet in quality hotel , the one having birthday is free of charge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

