(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

BabyT: lol! I think so leh. Cos he sat my dad's car hor then he cry n fuss cos the car is stock suspension then sit ours, deng dengg dengggg so hard but he like! Haha


Yvonne - *burp~salmon belly smell* eh so easy find job ma??I also wanna look for new job... I march take bonus then I wanna go le...


Wow.. u are very lucky in job interviews ya.. 百发百中.. Ok lar, wait for your transfer tonite.


Then u realy look young leh.


U poo-ed at 313 again? And did u use the nursery toilet again? LOL

I oso intend to bring my parents to the buffet again.. $18+ per pax quite reasonable hor..

Yvonne - I think it's the exhaust la... Must loud loud car haven't reach exhaust reach first then he song la... Mwahahaha...

Shinchan/ babyT: not ez to find la cos i worked 3 yrs plus in printing so im only looking for printing de.. They wan experienced one ma.. Now is still pay buay gum... $600 transport how to pay for car sia? Stupid.. Lol

Babyt: u sickening woman! I wanna eat salmon belly!!!

Pinkyluv haha u just made my day!

Shinchan pls lor i where got slim??! I need super big bottoms coz i have super big butt. Got any idea where i can get shorts? Running out of bottoms to wear and still cannot fit into old ones...

BabyT ur system so efficient? kekeke hmmmm


Can i add myself in first. I'll try to make it if i can be excuse from work.

Me and my helper coming for tea too.

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm


1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat

4. Phyphy

5. Mama G (currently not feeling well so may/may not come)

6. BabyT

7. Lizzie

8. Elle

9. Shirlyn

10. Pinkyluv (feeling gian n itchy feet but can't confirm yet

11. tigerlily n helper

12. Krishojw (Maybe)

Jacqueline - Me do have a sling but have never used it b4, so doubt I can master how to use it by next Tues, ha.

Pinkyluv - me not so capable like u, can be so mobile with bb n stroller ;p

Worst case scenario - will prob take cab to n fr destination n carry bb all the way. But will try to br a stroller if I can handle.

all this talk abt salmon belly & BabyT's burp (haha) just make me very hungry alto i just have dinner ..

talking abt jap buffet, think there is a reasonably priced one atPomo ( old Paradiz Centre)

think also good variety

i m going to try that out soon

ok, think u gals all v humble..hope to learn makeup skills fr u all then :p

PS: anyone using anti aging cream..which brand is recommended ?

i think i better do something before i end up looking older than the hubby :p


u r another The Score Fan hor ? it is getting so exciting.

maid wise, i hav been getting the unmarried ones not too old, younger than 30. so far so good

mine indonesian..my 1st maid is very good at cooking spicy sambal dishes which i love then she went to get married ..my current one can't really cood but at least she dun throw temper, get emotional or give me black face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so far only 4 months old..hope she stay that way


sigh* i m not capable, just a risk taker =p

and always counting on kind strangers to help me haha

too bad the last trip no one helps me to get the stroller down the bus, so i have to balance between a baby, a diaper bag and a stroller

and also crossed my fingers kyra wun get hungry on the bus..still have to breastfeed her while trying to balance my bag and stroller that day on bus, but lucky someone gave us a seat

the thought of having a hungry bb on public transport is indeed v scary, next trip i will pump out my milk b4 setting off

no one gives up their seat to us on the mrt too


Nobody write review for Momiji yet. Maybe you go makan there then put your review on hungrygowhere. :D


Hv PM you my HP. Hope to see you at Compasspoint for tea! :D

Tiger Lily,

Hv PM you my HP too. See you on Thu at Jack's Compasspoint. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Woah, I take that as compliment. You girls are so nice, say I gentle and young. Haha, made my day though is ending soon. I can be very fierce and siao, when I m out of my mind. I sometimes cannot control my emo. Keke...

Hello everyone,

Sorry MIA for a while. Baby Daniel's cough and cold got really bad and he was hospitalized. Had to cancel the first mth party we were organizing for him last Saturday.

On Fri night, hubby noticed that his breathing was very effortful, so we called the PD and he told us to go Mt A's 24 hr clinic to chk it out. The GP confirmed he had phlegm in his lungs, so he was admitted to hospital with suspected RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). There's an outbreak now apparently.

There's only supportive treatment for this virus. No medicine can cure it, but only aid in alleviating the symptoms. DS couldn't eat properly 'cos he couldn't breathe properly through his nose. I was so tired out too, 'cos getting him to latch was such a feat.

Hubby tried to feed EBM. Usually, he can down 100+ ml very easily thru the bottle, but now he barely took 10-15 ml each feed!

Treatment: Hospital put a hood box over him, with warm humid air (abt 37-39 degrees mist) and extra oxygen to help with the breathing. Funny thing is, after a few days of this treatment, ALL his baby acne and rashes on his face disappeared! Talk abt spa facial for bb man!

PD and nurses say that sick babies normally prefer the breast, not bottle. Oh man, I was so tired that my headache became really bad, making me giddy and nauseous such that i had to go downstairs to see the A&E doctor to get a jab for my giddiness... so drama. And the A&E GP said "why don't u express bm to feed?" sigh... Thank God the nurses at Mt A were so nice. They took care of bb for the couple of hours that night so that I cud recover. So funny, it's like hubby and I were hospitalized and using the ward, while bb was at the nurses' counter with all the devices connected to his hood box.

We just discharged today, and the lab results were just out. Indeed RSV confirmed. PD's treatment was correct. We brought home the nebulizer to administer the drugs for opening up his airways. All in all, really thankful that bb finally got his cheeky ways back. The whole experience at Mt A was very good too, very assuring nurses and PD etc.

Really hope to meet with you mothers soon. If I see you next Tue, i prob won't bring bb out with me yet. Hope you all are well.

Oh yes, another young father shared a tip with us. We parents and caregivers should get the flu vaccines as much as possible. Hubby immediately got his today and we're getting our helper to do it. Some GPs do not recommend that bf mothers do so though.

Cheap and decent Jap rice/noodle set lunch to recommend

Check out the A+B+C Lunch Special for $7.99++. Looking back, I think I go there once every week in Oct.


BBQ Chicken - Korea's No 1 Chicken Restaurant

Anyone tried this? The set lunch also v worthwhile and avail everyday of the week. Order any main course and get free soup, drink and ice cream.

I was at the Rivervale Mall outlet on Sun. The soup is very nice and not the canned type. Choice of minestrone or mushroom. Tried the Korean Traditional Charbroiled. Taste like bak kwa seasoning - not bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The main course are about $12+ to $15+.


Maybe after this Thu's North-East mommies gathering, we can org a lunch outing to BBQ Chicken at Rivervale Mall? ;)


Sorry to hear about Daniel. Glad that he's discharged.

We've "been there done that" too when Megon is 13 days old. Yes, it's for RSV and had the O2 therapy for 4D3N at Mt A. Also went A&E but lungs were clear. Who's your PD? Dr Lim from Kinder Clinic? For Megon's case, she saw the PD earlier and PD had the foresight to do the swab test when we saw him at the clinic. He said just in case things get worse, he'll know what he's treating. So when Megon was warded several days later, the report was out that evening.

Saw PD 3 wks ago and was told there's a RSV outbreak. Many of his young patients were coming to him for that.

Hv you bought insurance or is intending to buy? AIA rejected my girl because of this recent hospitalisation. Hope you hv better luck.

Viral vs Bacterial Infection

I think quite a lot of people do not understand the diff between a viral infection and a bacterial infection.

For viral infection, no medicine can cure. If you kena cough/runny nose and it's a viral infection, you may get fever and fever will go up and down. Phlgem/mucus will be clear. Whatever medicine prescribed by doctor is to support you through this period and is symptomatic (ie. treat the symptoms) eg. cough syrup to make your throat feel less itchy, runny nose medication to dry up the nose so that it doesnt run. It does not get rid of the virus. Your body will build up the antibodies against this and then you'll get well. Generally takes about 7-12 days or so to recover.

If your cough/runny nose is due to bacterial infection, the mucus is coloured (yellow/green) and not clear. You'll need antibiotics to kill the bacteria.

Sometimes, your cough/runny nose may start off as a viral infection but along the way, you may kena another secondary bacterial infection. You'll know that when you notice that your phlegm is clear for the initial few days and then some days later, it turns yellow/green.

Btw, viral infection is not restricted to cough and cold. Also got others like viral rash (vs bacterial rash), etc.

For my #1, if he gets a bit of cough/runny nose, I'll give him his leftover cough mixture. But once I notice that his mucus turns yellow, I'll bring him to see a doc and make it a point to tell doc my observation of the mucus.

OP: sorry i think i am not joining in on thurs as its too late le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nx time ya!

Pinkyluv: pls organise another sashimi gathering leh.. Hehe. Mayb we can go to Hanabi?

hi OP,

Wah 13 days old! Gd thing her lungs were clear. Yah RSV hits adults too. I believe my hubby got cough/cold from his office 4 wks ago and that was the start of it. So funny that now my hubby is afraid that bb spread to him, cos the PD said it's very contagious. But I told him, bb don't go out at all, how can he get the virus from being in his room?!

Anyway, the PD that handled this was Dr Tan at Kinder. We see either Dr Tan or Dr Lim, whoever is free at that point of time!

When we first saw Dr Tan abt this cough, baby had a dry cough, no mucus or phlegm, so no test to be done. It was gd that Dr Tan told us what to look out for, and kudos to hubby for being diligent in noticing bb's condition.

What was AIA's reason for rejecting? Don't they know, once they get RSV, they become immune to it for a while. It's like getting a vaccine =P.


Insurance coy don't give reasons officially if they do not wish to insure you. They simply reject your application with a 1-liner. Unofficially and according to my agent, he said it's due to the recent hospitalization and suggested we resubmit the application 6mth later n see how. Well, surely AIA hv their panel of docs to advise them abt RSV and the likes. I also submitted a PD letter stating the medical condition, the virus name and that my bb has recovered n no further treatment needed, together with the insurance application. But no use also.

For my dau's case, she caught it from her bro who on Day 1 of her birth started coughing/sneezing. My parents kena too, but not me. Maybe too mild symptoms so I can't tell if I got it. But I wonder why my BM din help her at all!


cya tml~


kindly take note that the venue change back to my hse liao cos jacelyn is sick~ dun go her hse hor :p


no need to bring anything ba. We ordering food for lunch rite?

I also first time meeting the mummies so no need to be shy~ :D

west mummies gathering

hai... I can't join... My 40days confinement officially ended today!!! Yippy!!! Thought can get out of this cement cave! But who know my boy kanna HFMD, I need to quarantine with him at home for 1week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Waiting for xmas gathering!

Tiger Lily: Thanks for the offer but can't join this Thurs cos BB just came down with runny nose. Bringing her to PD tmr so don't wanna pass to other bbs. Next one...I keen to join the high tea but multiples of 4, so if more pax then I wanna come along. The thought is daunting but must try.

Brownrice: I am without help too. Am seriously wondering if I have made the right choice to not get a helper and to not send bb to MIL. Just that sending to MIL may create rift between us if we don't see eye to eye, which is likely.

Jessica: So you told ur bb out of infant care after the fall? Cos I am thinking of puting my bb in one. Have registered in one but now considering another. I think we both in the same job so I'll be taking 1 mth no pay before going on 3/4 load cos employer ain too supportive. Don't know if I should tong pang at MIL's for a while instead cos bb will be in late Jan which is v soon...but I don't think I can stay home too long am going crazy.My mom also keeps saying she doesn't think it's rt for me to go out and get help to take care of bb. Sian[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Xmas Party 3 Dec 2010 time 11am to 4pm

Function room and KTV has been cfm booked.

Confirmed ppl coming are:-


1 Optimus Prime

2 BabyT

3 Tiger_lily

4 Pommelow

5 Batgirl

6 Windy

7 Pinkyluv

8 bubbleling

9 Yvonne

10 Jacqueline Aktop

11 shinchan

12 hushlilbb

13 twirley

14 Jacelyn

15 chin

16 starluster

17 mango

18 Lizzie

19 Leobaby

20 bb dreamz

21 Jessicaong

22 Clueless

23 phyphy

24 krishojw

25 Mama G

26 Letty

27 Pat

28 Mag

29 Karen

30 Jynnsan

31 Badfifi

32 ccpet

33 Cherry Neo

34 Chris

Pls log in into your schedule book.


Who is looking after baby when you go back to work?

Poll - any mummies got to quit job to look after baby?

Is either they can find a caretaker or they wanted to.


I will most probably be stopping work for a year to take care of my little cookie. I cannot bear to leave her in the hands of a maid, and my mom is unable to cope taking care of her and my nephew.


I felt like crying! My hubby just told me that our day nanny cannot look after our bb. My mum told me clearly that she will not quit her job to look after bb. Cos my bro wife is going to give birth in Jan, to be fair, she will not want to look after both. She said she had scarifed for us which is enough. My mil cannot see and is old, she stay in west and we in north. We want to bring bb home every night, we have no car, so is not possible.

So now, is who? Me or hubby? I can't bare to leave my job and with no income. Hubby is the stingy type and yet he always spend a lot on his toys collection. If I quit my job, depend on him, I will be miserable and poor poor poor.

For him to quit? But the chance of his career advancement is much much better than mine. Thou we are on par now in term of salary.

I was in a spite of anger with our suitation and upset that I told him, if we know we can't find someone to help us, we shouldn't even bother to have kid to begin with.

Both our mum make it very clear when we all met up for dinner due to wedding that none want to take care, play play with bb can, not looking after.

Is very hard to find a good caretaker that you trust. Normally, mil and mum are the most suitable candidates. I love my bb very much, but full time housewife, will I still be sane?


i quit my job when my no1 came along. No regrets till now but i have a helper so it's not that bad as in, i still have my rest and time to do my own stuff (taking up assignments to work from home).

Financially you have to work it out before you really quit, hubby has to be really supportive and you must not feel guilty spending on yourself cos you contribute to the family in a non-monetary way. If you have no other choice (infant care or nanny), maybe you can try for 18 months and send bb to childcare thereafter? Or if your company has the option to work from home or for you to take no pay leave for a while?


No work natural doesn't allow working from home. Have to find out abt no pay leave. Need to work out financially really really hard. Our dream of getting a condo seem a step or many steps further away now.

So..... Chances are mummy have to quit rather than daddy?

Hi pinkyluv, last night episode of the score basically reveals everything. I find that the plot of this show is quite gd. Last episode soon right?

Thanks for sharing on your helper. I hope to get one asap as my mom is going on holiday early dec. Kind of worried that I can't cope alone. And eventually when I return to work, we wld need a helper as well. So might as well get one now.

Hello optimus

I was at rivervale mall on Sunday too! Perhaps we bumped into each other without realizing


My mum will be helping me to take care of Denise when I return to work in Jan. My mum stays at Yishun, while both hb and myself work in town. No choice lor, have to shuttle across the island everyday liao. Luckily it is between north and south, cant imagine if I need to travel between east and west everyday, the distance is even longer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How come your day nanny is not helping anymore? She back out last minute? Have u considered putting Charlotte to infant care?

Agree with u that although I love my girl alot but I dun think I can give up my job to become a FT housewife. Think I will go siao very soon. In our society, the norm is for mother to give up their career rather than father if given no choice.


Wah.. u are going to resign to be a FT housewife ah.. peifu peifu.. so u are going to resign after your ML?

Rae & Pinkyluv,

Hee.. I was oso chasing The Score, was very curious to find out the secret but then the suspense was spolit by my BIL last sunday. Cos he was watching the last episode on MIO tv at my in-laws' place, so I know ending liao.. chey..suspense killer.. :s


Alamak! you also fell prey to the nasty virus! I am almost recovered, though throat is starting to feel dry again. But my boy is now the one having a broken tap as his nose. Hiaz..... I hope my girl is strong enuff to withstand the attack of the virus. Take care!


Paisay, cannot join, better not go and spread the virus. Hiaz. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] You gals enjoy yourselves!


Ya, probably you can consider infant care if work arrangments cannot be made. but I understand the places at such centres are very hot, so you might want to research on these centres first while working out work and family arrangements.

been down with flu so have not posted anything although i tried to keep up with the posts as much as i can... now pumping... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pomme: no worries about kidnapping lucas - more than happy to let you do that so i can have my whatever little time away from him since i one man show almost all the time...

yvonne: you win already loh, say my ah boy lucas poop poop! quickly pay up for the xmas party lah - see your name red red no scared ah! :p

bbt: you sick still can go makan ah?! sexy lips ok?

sab: if a good job offer comes along, i will be sending lucas to infantcare/nanny... otherwise i will just stay home...

ebelle: i also one man show although hb takes the night shift (he takes over feeding and other housework once he's home so i just concentrate on pumping)

sharing load with hb

you mummies really very nice to your hbs - i make sure mine shares my load as much as possible - he does as much as he can cos he scared i post-natal (had a couple of meltdowns)... not saying to use this as a 'threat' but they should be aware that we are under lots of stress especially after undergoing such big changes to our bodies... and always remind him of how involved pinklyluv hb is! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

at the end of the day, we mummies are the best (just like our own mummies are even though they may not be able to help out with our babies)!


I quit my job after ML to take care of my Bb two years ago n no regret. For me, both mil n mum WANs to take care of the children but it's me who say no . I wan to be the 1st to witness on their progress.

Finanically I'm independent , I have my saving n I have make planning before getting preggy. I don depend on my hd . I will let hd know the expenses of running the house . For my own leisure/social actvities, I will pay for my own.

In most cases, it's the wife who will quit to take care. I have a friend who was force by her husband to quit even through he grandparent wan to take care .

If u don wan to quit, just try to souce for other option. Later i go cc n get u the contact number for day time nanny, but it's for north east mummies. Or worst come to worst, u take no pay leave till Bb is 6-9mths .

Hd is now trying to put T2 back to sleep , I'm at the living rm , two sound I hearing from the room, err err sound n snoozing. I think is Bb putting papa to sleep instead.


Really u going to stop for a year? Great, can have playdate for the little one.


Ref 3325

Sry for late reply

Thur gathering

I'm having mild fever now due to engornment . Not sure if in time to recover or not. We will c how.

Need some advice. T2 only take one side for each of his feed. Wats should I do with the other side? My friend was telling me that I should not have pump it out, as it will tell the body to produce more milk. Now having engornment on both side .... Pain. Anyone else Bb also like this?


Thanks for sharing on the Viral vs Bacterial Infection , Noe I know y my gal alway takes two weeks to recover.


Mine also only like one side of the breast for leisure sucking. Have to pump out the other side, I still pump both side. Otherwise sure engorment. I don't agree with your friend leh. My ss is higher than confinement time and is stable. Pumping regularly and drinking more water stabilized for my case. If one day, my ss drop, let you know.

Windy, so you already plan to take a year break. At least you are prepared for this.


Only know of this news last night that friend mum can't help mis to look after. I stay at toa payoh. No, I don't want to get maid. I don't trust maid him alone with baby.

Infant care, my aunt work in one of the centre before, she don't advice putting bb there until bb is 18 months. I don't know how well they take care of bb, pui fen xin.


This nanny is our friend mum, they stay near trevllis tower. We went their house before and saw how she took care of her grandchildren. We are comfortable with her, some more is friend mum. But she now has other commitment and can only look after temporary till we find another solution.


paiseh,can't join tmr & got to catch up another time. tmr hubby taking leave, so will spend some couple time tog while the older kids in childcare

and thanks for the tips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Poor Daniel ! and poor mummy..it must have taken a toll on u too


think windy taking no pay leave right ?


for me, i will go into infantcare if can't find someone to care for bb, also dun dare to leave bb with maid.


hehe, i dun mind knowing the ending of The Score


yupz, last night i only watch until 945pm. ..cos next day the eleder ones need to wake up at 7am for childcare, so must slleep latest by 945p,..will catch up on xinmsn later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha, ur hb must be thinking mine has spoilt the market then

i realise tat spouses usually complement each other, hard to get both to be hands on at the same time..

usually one is a bit lazier :p in this case, my hubby will disagree and will say not a bit, but a lot


Hope all the mummies can recover fast !


Back to work

it is contradictory, on one hand i am sad that my maternity leave is ending..but on the other hand, quite exciting to go back and interact with my colleagues and share all the shopping lobangs and jokes

i guess the best part abt work is pay and adult interaction [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if only one can go in as and when one like, then work is really fantastic :p yupz, just dreaming

keeping fingers crossed my kids will stay healthy and not fall sick too soon after i go back, take leave after maternity leave is going to be very annoying to the bosses

i will be taking 10 days of leave right after my ML ends on 18 Dec, so that i go back on 3 Jan.less disruptive rather than go back then take again

