(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


really makeup do wonders? Teach me please... I am so hag... I never put on makeup when I go out. Looks like I should put on some colours when going for the Xmas gathering. If I never make myself beautiful, will hb look at other women outside?

Welcome brownrice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Karen and Brownrice,

I previously commented on that sharp pain too. When i check my nips when the pain comes, i realised i am having a letdown (saw milk oozing out from my nips). So no worries. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You're so blessed to have a gd helper cum baby sitter. Hard to find gd ones these days. My current helper leaving in end Nov n now waiting for a new one to come. Sweat...

Jessica: hugs.. cheer up mayb when chesed is older it will be easier to handle.. even thou my elder son is 5yo, he also try all means to seek attention now. the only diff is he love his didi alot and its able to understand what we say to him but human nature tt he wants our attn too when we are too busy with the baby. remember a happy mummy then can produce happy milk for baby.. thats what my TCM told me. she said our emotions are also carried into our milk.. if we are ANGRY or SAD, bb will feel it thru our milk. No scientific prove but i choose to believe to make myself happier. don wan a grumpy n crying baby Jayden [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding milk supply

thanks mummies who have enlighten me! will not be so greedy and work hard.. after i go home yesterday i calculated and jayden drinks 450ml +/- in 8hrs which is about what i am expressing in office.. so shd be sufficient for him. just realised that freezer have quite abit of milk too =x mayb 1st day at work too stressed up.

Regarding Age Gap

my elder son is 5yrs different from baby Jayden.. personally its the age gap i wanted. becos to me 2 yrs is too close as when elder boy was 2yo i look at him and told myself that i don think we can handle 2 "babies" as he is still too young to understand and definitely needs alot of our attention at that age.. moreover the terrible twos is making us crazy at that time. am glad that now the korkor is more understanding and loving towards the didi, no jealousy but he will feel tt sometimes we spend too much time on the didi and he needs attention.. overall felt that 5yrs is abit far but easier for us to cope. my personal opinion..

Windy: alexis is lovely! her eyes are beautiful.. i wan a baby girl too! hehe

Pinky: u are v blessed with nice hubby and sensible kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Karen: is the pain let down? bcos when i have let down the nipple iwll feel some pain but not super painful..


Jacelyn jus msg mi tat she's sick so cannot go her place liao.

Bb Jaron had his jab ytd and he looks ok till nw so can we just fix it at my hse than.

So sorry for the changes again and again~

Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Weiting (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum if shinchan recovers

5. Leobaby

6. Badfifi and father

7. Bubbleling

Hihi, Can I join?

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm :)

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

9) Tigerlily

10) Jacqueline Aktop

11) Mag

12) Letty

13) Jes~

thanks pommelow for the advise. I have the same like Karen. Pain but no letdown. Shall monitor and will see what's the next course.

Agree with Adelyn. Baby somehow able to sense we are tense or stressed up. I notice this whn I care for my boy/gal. Whenever I'm stressed up they cries so much and they can't seems to settle or "go along" with what we need them to do. A happy mummy is a happy baby.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sometimes say is always easy than done. I can't preach the same here...now with No.2 also kelam kabut sometimes especially when she cries for milk.


hehe, kids not sensible yet..think have to wait till they are at least in kindergarten [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

attendees for Hi Tea Buffet

so we meet at Novena mrt at 2pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks..if got multiply of 4, then we move to Orchard

Hi ladies, I can't join the Xmas party liao. Confirmed my hubby having family day at his workplace so khloe and I are tagging along. I wanted to be extra sure cos when he told me last week, I find it weird why family day on Friday... Expect family members take leave to attend sia


U definitely look younger than me. Jess, pinky n me are the same year. Lucky hd also look older than his age so quite ok.


I'm not nice. Just that if hd don help , I'm ok to do it by myself but will nag .

Talking abt neglect no 1,

Remember T1 was enjoying her lychee behide my back. Really regret not taking the drink away when I found out n T1 having mild diarrhea for 3 days.


In that case, alexis is sleeping very well. Gd for u.

Due to my laziness , I give it a miss on my last night pumping n result engornment. I tok ss have stable already


I'm not working hence I'm facing the two kids 24 hrs.


Me too miss those days that T1 need me to tuck her into her bed. Now my hd will take over.

Hi ladies, I can't join the Xmas party liao. Confirmed my hubby having family day at his workplace so khloe and I are tagging along. I wanted to be extra sure cos when he told me last week, I find it weird why family day on Friday... Expect family members take leave to attend sia


my mum tot u r younger than me when they see the group maternity shot

in our thread, a lot of ladies here are very well maintained and look younger than their actual age

last week gathering, took a pic with shinchan, tigerlily & leobaby at dining table in Tarafuku and my mum tot they r ard my age

dun noe to feel happy for shinchan, tigerlily and leobaby or to feel sad for myself hehe

Tmr gathering

so meeting 10am at Weiting hse ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks weiting..going to facebook u for address

Hi Tea

Hi Jes, would be great to cya ..do join us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xmas Gathering on 3 Dec 2010

need to confirm with caterer a month b4 event , so need ur help to tt shinchan latest by today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkyluv dun feel sad coz I also tot they are quite young! Haha u know everytime I look at my wedding pic I feel like I have aged abt 10 yrs plus now put on so much weight dunno when can regain my figure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bbt best gained 7 kg during pregnancy n lost 12 kg. Shiok!!

Hi mummies, need some suggestions or advice regarding Xmas party.

Have gotten feedback fr some 1st time mummies whether it's possible to segregate the babies from the other older children as they r concerned little "accidents" may happen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Will transfer to u tonite cos am at mama hse now.. Token left it at home.


I'm also at 79 "kid" hahaha but I guess I look much older than my age bah...

West mummies gathering

So it's cfm at weiting place.... I tink I shld be able to reach before 11am but will have to leave early cos need to supervise my #1 homework when she is back frm sch


My #1 and #2 also 5 years age gap... It'd definitelyuvh easier to handle but somehow I feel the gap is too far apart. By the time #2 can run and play I tink my #1 wouldn't wana play with her already haha


winner ! haha, can't imagine u r there again

hehe, i dun mind going back myself


all of us tot u look young when we saw u for the1st time so dun be sad lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


shucks lor, i only took 1 slice that day ! ate too much of the cooked food so no place for raw ones

Anyone else?


Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm


1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat

4. Phyphy

5. Mama G (currently not feeling well so may/may not come)

6. BabyT

7. Lizzie

8. Elle

9. Shirlyn

10. Pinkyluv (feeling gian n itchy feet but can't confirm yet)

Pinkyluv *blush blush* but u have seen my sis before right? she looks much younger than me ... alot of people say i am the older sister -_-

babyt u winner! Yvonne i also miss the salmon belly but hubby forbide me to go for such jap buffet anymore ... he say the sashimi not fresh and hence cause bb to have stomach upset. he kept nagging at me after i came back ... i didnt agree with him but its also true that bb had bad stomach that night n the day after. too much of a coincidence? nvm force him to bring me to high class jap restaurant to eat fresh fresh sashimi wahahahahhhaha *drooling*

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) phyphy

5) bb dreamz

6) starluster

7) Leo baby

8) Tigerlily

9) Jacqueline Aktop

10) Mag

11) Letty

12) Jes~


I've removed my name from abv list for high tea on Tue. Tot it's Tue 16/11. Tue 9/11 I cannot. You gals enjoy ourselves then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP: This thurs i applied leave.. may drop by to say hi to mummies.. not going to stay and eat as baby still got block nose.

bubbleling: ya true but its easier for my caretaker which is my mum to manage.. i tink if i have 2 yrs gap she surrender already..hehe

Next tues outing - Are u gals taking public transport or cab n bringing stroller? I'm thinking how to carry bb if I need to bring/push the stroller, hm.

Leobb - like u, I havent tried driving alone with bb. In fact, bb haven't even tried the car seat cos somehow I think she will cry in the car seat and I wont be able to see her and pat her.

Windy - dun feel u r an incompetent mum. I think wat's most imp is u must feel comfy/confident abt handling bb, bb safety is still the most impt.

Bb: my boy loves to sit in car seat n enjoy d scenary then fall aslp.. N surprisingly he will wake up n fuss when we stop say to pump petrol or buy things.. ;)


*hugz hugz* don't feel upset and hurt yourself again k. Maybe your mama is the traditional kind, let her talk. Then you can one ear in and one ear out. Maybe you will feel better to listen selectively?

mummies whom are sick,

get well soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Drink more water.


I did the ATM transfer this morning $30 , can't give u the ref yet. It's at my house, to9 will let u know

Me and my helper coming for tea too.

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm


1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat

4. Phyphy

5. Mama G (currently not feeling well so may/may not come)

6. BabyT

7. Lizzie

8. Elle

9. Shirlyn

10. Pinkyluv (feeling gian n itchy feet but can't confirm yet

11. tigerlily n helper


i m bringing stroller [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] taking bus to clementi and then mrt to novena, like wat i did last week


hehe, but i recognize u as younger sis , remember ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur mum is very young ! gosh..mine is abt a decade older


Hope you are feeling better. Dun worry, u are not weird abt the going out thingy. During the 1st mth plus, I cant go out, I oso feel damn pek chek. Then a least nowadays, I started attending the gatherings during wkdays and wkends with my hb to meet our frens, I'm definitely a much much happier person..

I always use mental health as a reason to get my way thru my parents. E.g. when they asked me not to renovate my new hse during my pregnancy, I told them I'll qi siao, if I dun have my own place to do confinement. Then when they dun let me wash my hair during confinement, I will become moody and pek chek, then subsequently I'll have my way.. hahaha.. not putting up an act lar, it is my true feelings but at least I get to have my way and be happy..

Age gap btwn #1 and #2

I oso feel 2 years gap is too small. But no choice leh, for pple like me whose age is catching up, gotta gin kar gin chiu.. But who to blame but myself lar, procastinate soooooo long then decided to have a kid.. backside itchy.


I thgt u look young too!! Which year are u born in??


Alamak.. you are so slim.. dun complain lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for your compliment ya.. but do u know the wonder of makeup?? Wait till I remove my ICI, then I'm sure you wont make the same statement again liao.. LOL

But tigerlily and leobaby really maintain well lor.


Maybe you shld bring along a sling\carrier together with your pram. So in case your girl fuss, so u still have your hands free to push the pram.


Ya leh, Denise oso fuss once the car stop at the traffic light and will stop immediately once the car move. Maybe they will be very happy if we drive up to msia, non stop along the highway.. haha...


I also wonder to bring carrier and stroller together or not. What I did b4 was carrying Zeynep in carrier and one shoulder a diaper bag, then another arm take the stroller which is the combo lite weight one. But think next Tue, I decide to juz bring stroller n bag. Take mrt lor and from my house walk to MRT. hope its not very sunny...


I been to hardships b4, I understand. My mum the same, alway remind me to put my kids on the top, shdnt go out, or go holidays with my hb.. But at least I tried to go out with friends for relaxation. Happy mommy, Happy children. Dun think too much and overstress yourself. Some stress is 'zhi ji jao'. So try to think positive! Be strong! Join us for next tue if you can!!

Hi everyone

I need to get a helper fast. Wondering if anyone could share their experience in selecting one. Eg Which nationality n whether married or not etc?

In addition let me know if you hv any gd maid agency to recommend

Phyphy, thanks! I am older than you!! Hehe..

Shinchan, me a 78 kid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Makeup wise... Just apply thicker can already! My complexion not good, but surprising I don't have pimples when I am expecting wor.

Jessica, I can qi siao also, so not just you. When I go qi siao, no one can imagine what it is like man! So you don't judge me too yah.

Yvonne - j'don also like 烈火战车 like daddy and mummy... Haha...

Jacelyn - please... I thought ur younger than me lor... Anyway 1 year doesn't make much of a diff... Speaking of freshness.. Hmm... I pooped when I was at 313 and also again at home... Is it coincidence?? Eh this morning my hubby very bad... I weighed myself, 55kg, I super happy.. Then my hubby said wait go eat buffet become 57kg, then Germaine MMmmmmm very loud... Kns... Haiz...


Shinchan: i think i will get d job but i also think i willreject.. Still buay gum.. I tt to u later ok?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

