(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Pomme> come to think abt it I have another quite similar event as yours. That day at taka went to buy royce chocolate with DH. after paying the staff went to wrap the chocolate and we walk off. I only realise didn't take when home. End up had to call them to keep for me. When BB with me kanna stress out i think

May I join!!!???

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two, so it is either 4 or 8 or 12.. $16.50 nett,

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

9) Tigerlily

10) Jacqueline Aktop

Seem like a lot of ppl not well. My DH also suddenly wake up with aching body and fever. Does he need to stay away from bb? Was afraid he pass whatever he's having to me as he always kiss me goodbye when he goes to work. So just now ate 3/4 of a papaya liao.

Windy> It good to take the first step to go out with bb. I was so stress initially but like most gals here they will bring out with DH first then slowly build confident then you go alone. I have been bringing helper all this while because I drive and need her to oversee Hai rei. My next obstacle is to bring hai rei out alone ie I drive with bb in car seat at back. No courage to do that yet as I know he will cry a lot and I will be driving.


We don't dare to bring bb out as she is not vaccinated yet. The only times where hubby is available to bring her out with me are after office hours and every where is so packed. Is it ok to bring bb out while she is not vacinnated yet? You are right, I really need to build up my confidence. Being over protective is not doing bb any good also.

which vaccination u talking abt? All our bb has the same vaccination that is the one at birth. 6 in 1 is usually later (3mths). If you can go out with other mummies like phyphy or ??? since they are experience mum. Also when mummies all go out we look after each others bb just like Alice help with mine that day. Its a lot of confidence boosting and fun

XMAS Gathering on 3rd Dec

Calling out to the following mummies:














We have yet to receive your payment for the xmas gathering. Appreciate if you can transfer by tmr to confirm your attendance. Thanks

Aiyo Hai Rei got new pattern liao. when he lose his pacifier, he doesn't cry for me any more to pick it him. He will just suck his thumb. Now gotto watch out more closely.


I hope is false alarm, but I only feel the throat funny today. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] During the haze time, i'm ok leh... Now drinking lots of water.

Leo Baby,

I drove out a few times with bb alone as i need to go to work and no one help me take care of bb. I work at bugis and stay at bedok.. there is once she cried almost half the trip and suddenly no sound. I got scare and have a fast glance and she was asleep.. But i put my hand on her stomache to ensure she is breathing.. haha.. think she cry till too tired and doze off.. It can be quite dangerous to drive a crying bb.. have to concentrate.. Just have to remind yourself that even when he cry you must not panic.

Eeks, got my name in red. Just transferred and PM you already SHinChan! Sorry for the delay.

Leo Baby,

Thanks so much for the encouragement. I will slowly try it out. Btw, I thought the 6in1 is taken at the second month?

Karen> Noticing you coming in more often. Looks like you really need to air out. Isn't it lucky to have technology to let out and be heard. Do take care and call me if you need to chat it out.

Kris> My DH had tried to drive him out. guess he also kan cheong and had to stop by the shoulder on highway to chat with him before bb finally calms down.

Windy> 2nd mth are optional vaccination call rotarix which is an oral medication. but according to them can also have possible fever.


Any symptom ? If no , don scare itself

Driving with Bb

I will alway ensure that Bb just fall asleep before i start to make the journey a much more safer one .

There was once during my gal time, I need to pull off at pie express way to bf her n I was at the shoulder lane for 20min.

Quite dangerOus as that is during the peak hours

For mummies who worried or scare to bring Bb out alone , can just try bring Bb go to the nearby park or even just downstair for a 20-30 min walk, slowly it should boost up ur confident in handling them outside.

It's gd to ensure Bb are well fed and have diaper change before setting off. A sling or a carrier is gd to bring Bb out with for a start. It can help to rock Bb to sleep or make them feel secure.

Remember Bb are very sensitive , if u are unsure of urself, Bb may feel insecure and cry.

This is what I mean... my bb Alexis had put on so much weight her face almost become square-shaped liao... She took 150ml and 1.5hrs later, asking for more now. *faints*



I shld b able to burn all since I have 1PC, 1Notebook & 1Netbook.

Distribution wise I might pass to one person for each area then the rest can just collect fr that person lor. Might need your help for NorthEast ladies.


Thanks for offering help. Normally the photographer will take a few days after the shoot to hand us the DVD & I need at least 3-5days to burn depending on how cooperative my kids will be. Hubby will be helping me wif burning so shld be quite ok bah.


Thanks for offer. Currently I shld b able to cope wif the burning bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two, so it is either 4 or 8 or 12.. $16.50 nett,

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

9) Tigerlily

10) Jacqueline Aktop

11) Mag

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

9) Tigerlily

10) Jacqueline Aktop

11) Mag

12) Letty


Have transferred, but it was via inter-bank, will take 3 days to show!


Received your message thanks! Will pass on message to PAT.


is alexis sleeping well at night?

sarah did posted a parenting book ,title is contented baby and happy toddler(i think the title is something like this).this book mention that if bb drink well in the day,they are able to sleep well in the night.

T2 face also square shape.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4686744.jpg]


im too was thinking y a baby is born,the mother life change but not the father.should be im the one asking for it(hahaa).i wan to be with them in their early years,i wan to be their most important ppl,i wan to be a perfect mother....

sometimes i wonder if the 2 years age gap is really gd or not as now im looking at T1,she started like people to teach her do thing,she enjoy people reading story books to her,she enjoy learning now but i don have the time to do all these with her.feel that if i postpone one more year will it be better? now just hope that when T2 gets older,im able to spent more time with T1.

regarding hubby,my husband's social life have not change ,he continue to take leave to malaysia for his golf session(leaving at 6.30am n bk at 9.30pm) when T2 is only 1 week old. i don blame him as he work hard for this family .

Morning ladies,

I too feel the same way. If it is indeed a good idea for the 2 yrs gap. I feel sorry for my T1 that I am not able to spend as much time with her and very heartache everytime she cries due to insecurity and we have to scold her/reprimand her coz she seems so bu ting hua.

But on the other hand, if we take a step back, we know that the notti things that she's doing is mainly due to insecurity.

Sometimes I feel if it is the right thing to even have a 2nd child, like so dui bu qi the first child like that. During the first few weeks (within the confinement) I keep crying and felt that I had not been a good mother. Sigh...


*pat pat*

lets tell urself,thing will get better as the months goes by.

i have stop quite a number of activites with T1 since im preggy . my T1 is quite dong shi ,that is sometime im proud of her.she care for her didi just that she still cant share her toys with him.so for now wat is hers is hers,wat is didi is also hers.

like ytd,when bk from my mum place.hd n me busy doing unloading .there she is making so much noise,trying to open the car door to get her didi out.


Alexis used to wake up every 3 hourly for feed when she was on 120ml, but since she started to take 150ml, she is able to sleep 6 hours through at night. She doesn't wake up in the middle of the night crying. Sometimes after her first morning feed she wil doze off again. Does this mean she is sleeping well? Or what are the other signs to look out for?


But I think you handle both very well, and that you remained calm even when one of them fuss. Like you can carry T1 when you preggie. And carry both T1 and T2 at the same time now. I can never do that. And you still think of having number 3!!


Hey, you are younger than me and you have 3 kids already. If I am in your shoes, I would have gone into mental hosp by now.

You girls are very nice to hubby, I needed mkne to help me at nights and over weekends. So, he now has less time for leisure and friends. I do felt bad for him, but I needed him to help me even more.

morning mommies!

think 2yrs gap sometimes make mommies to pu in more efforts n shed more tears. My #2 is comin 4, but oso feel insecurity, clingy to me all the time n wan me to acc him do tis n tat. #1 is 7, so he is v sensible ndote on bb sis. As for hubby, he prefer to stay hm wit us. But i alway wan him to help over weekend nite duties, sometimes it work, sometimes he cant even hear bb cry..


Any mommies let bb take tis?? I need to make decision by next tue morn, bb 2nd appt to take 5in1. These will cause fever?? Cos we have high tea on same day. Mayb i can change to wed for PD appt if so. Haiz... Hb gg overseas tis sun for a mth.... Home wit 3 kids... But at least got a helper..

Hi mummies, I have a bad news ... ... I woke up with stuffy nose and sore throat!!!!!!! Going to see the doc... so that means I cannot host the west mummies gathering tomorrow! *BOOOO HOOOOOO* how how??? sobz

I can think of 2 options:

1) Someone else host this gathering tomorrow so that everyone can still attend; otherwise

2) I can still host it but will have to postpone to maybe next Thursday, 11 Nov?


Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Jacelyn (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum if shinchan recovers

5. Leobaby

6. Badfifi and father

7. Weiting and hb if bb is ok

8. Bubbleling

hugz jessica,

Relax. Juz an advice. Think mayb u can relax yr mind, think of other ways to handle? Time alone for yrslf, time alone for gg out? Mayb in d beginning, u can leave hse wit one kids, mayb christoph the terrible two, juz two of u, go shoppin, have an ice cream. Be positive! Stay happy ok, this is important to human's health. Be good to yrslf too.

btw mommies,

I stop BF, ms really low, after a week not able to pump n bf oftenly as i need to attend to my grandfather's funeral, dun wanna stress myslf. Cos hb oso keep stressin me, keep askin me got bm for his bb ger ornot, am i feedin bm to her. 1st feel gulity cos he made me feel like i am not good enough cos i dun produce more. But since i wan to stay happy, i giveup.

Child spacing - Is 2 yrs good?

Actually, I dun understd y everyone is saying that 2 yrs is a gd gap. Is it bcos they will be able to play with each other cis of small age gap? If it's abt ease of taking care if kids, based on my personal exp, I think 4yrs is good.

I look back at when my boy first started pre-N in 2009 @2yr 4mth, he's still not so independent. But 1 yr later when he started N in 2010, I feel he's ready to hv another sibling cos he's more "mature".

Thankfully, I dont really see any jealousy. He adores his bb sis.

I'm not sure if girls mature faster than boys. So if your #1 is girl, perhaps smaller age gap is fine?


*pat pat* As I read your posting, I was trying to imagine the scene, wailing and all. Yes it's crazy and really not easy for you!

Be strong and comforted that this will be a passing phase and soon, the kids will grow older and will be more manageable.


I'm @the PD now for 6-in-1 n rotavirus. Rota will not cause fever fr my exp wif #1.

HB not lifting a finger

Just b4 I deliver #2, my HB friends jio him buy this $100+ PC game to play online. I tell him #2 coming and ask him where is he gonna find time to play? He say he need to destress from work and will play after kids z. I tu him and say, normal days kao-bei not enuff z, quality of z v bad, and now still wanna play online games into d night? He say he can play during wkends. I told him, fine. But just don't kao-bei to me in d morn that he's tired and don't wanna wake up/go out during wkend.

Btw, his gaming friends married but no kids - of cos can afford the time lah!

2 wk ago he went out for bach party with his friends on Fri nite. I told him u wanna go, make sure u dont kao-bei to me that u tired on Sat morn. And he really din dare to kao-bei to me. I say go downtown and he din dare say no. We still went out till late that day. :p


are the two elder kids in childcare .. if so, can still join us for brunch or dinner or high tea with Chesed ?

do take care and def must get out of the house once in a while

i think my itchy feet will be scratched badly and bleed if i dun go out

Jaclyn/ Shinchan

oh dear, do take care ! hope u both have a speedy recovery


not to worry abt it, we can always posphoned it, afterall..most of us are meeting next tuesday which is like in a week's time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i salute u ! u r a super strong lady and a v supportive wife

hehe, i admit i m not so selfless..there are a few times when i go out with my pals or my mum b4 having #3 and leave 2 kids with hubby solo..

i know if it is vice versa, i wun be v pleased..

but hubby always assures me it is okay

i m just glad that my hubby is as nice as u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now since i have #3, i will be bringing her wherever i go so that hubby dun have to handle all three..and no more going JB shopping alone with my mum too on weekends


Kyra taking hers this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am v kiasi, watever jabs there are, she will take


hehe, i am just blessed that thanks to the invention of childcare, i feel i am having 1 kid and not 3 on weekdays :p

Child spacing

personally ,at least in my case, 2 years gap is really v perfect . They really have a fantastic playmate and pick up language v fast. Parents can also relax, laze a bit and watch them play while the two kids serve them pretend food

and now when Kyra is born, the Gor Gor & Jie Jie both love her lot.

everytime i see Kyra, i feel v blessed that I have her

Oh yes..Sab, u look super young..alto my age is the same as Jessica, i feel u look at least 5 years younger than me

and ur skin is so fair and flawless

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

9) Tigerlily

10) Jacqueline Aktop

11) Mag

12) Letty

any lady going for Hi Tea who dun have my hp pls PM me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i m ok with meeting at novena station next tues 2pm. is my first time bring Athena out on my own. this thurs i will go with my helper see if i can handle Athena alone. Helper just standby only..hahaha.. what a kiasi mummy i m hor.

Morning ladies!

Sorry MIA for the past few days, shinchan and leobaby, have pm-ed u both. So sorry for the late reply.


Aiyoyo, ur gal is so chubby and adorable, good job mommy! I wish my boy and drink more and sleep longer, have big big panda eyes now, dunno how to tong when I back to work next week[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] He has no sign to sleep thru the night yet. Wish he can like gorgor, sleep thru since 3.5mths old.


Ahh, am also feeling guilty towards my #1, who just turned 2 years old 2 weeks ago. It is soo hard not to neglect him as didi needs attention all the time when he is awake. And I really salute u can take care of 2 urself, my #1 is with nanny daytime. Weekends always like battle handling 2 kids for hb and myself, especially during dinner time. Btw, ur T2 looks so much like u lay, so cute!


I also keep feeling this say these days as my boy is 2yrs 3mths. Cus my No1 at times also act funny by asking me to carry etc.. But i keep charming to myself tt things will improve slowly.


I miss the days where i can read to No1 during bed time. As now i"m trying to make BB slp when she fuss at night wanting to be carried.

Regarding husband,

I feel i spoilt hubby. He don really care abt the kids. He feel thats a woman job. Everything i plan and do. He is jus the guest of honur attending my function. As we work tog, This time i haven finish confinement, I'm back at work in 3wks as he is outstation. But at the end of the day, i"m tired of quarreling. Jus do what i can and have peace at hm.


I have never left Hubby alone with No1 till now. Ur so fortunate.

XMAS Gathering on 3rd Dec

Calling out to the following mummies:








Pls PM soonest

Needing to have your details:-

your nick, your real name, bb full name, gender, romper size 0-6mth or 6-12mths, additional head count (other then yourself & bb)


Woah, sound bad. I am very happy with my baby and very contented as well. I better keep to just ONE. Not too stretch financially too.


You are kidding me! I look horrible without makeup, old and shag. You know makeup can do wonders. That what my hubby said, cheated by me! Since I have a baby, I felt that I had aged 10 years. Last time, I always sleep 8 hrs on weekday and 12 to 15 hrs on weekend. Gone are those good days.

Hi Ladies,

I am a mother of 2. No.1 turning 3 this Dec. I just got to knw of this forum for Sep mummies thru a friend.

I wish to join this lovely bunch of mummies thru our motherhood experience and hope I can make more friends [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

A little intro of me.

Etd: 16 sept

gender: princess

hospital: mt eliz

stay: tampines

I wish I can b more active in this forum like you gals. Caring baby alone with no helper and in laws. Abit of a Desperate Housewife now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessica - I totally agrees with you. My hubby also like that. Although he will help out with the feeding and taking care of #1. But sometimes his taking care is to let her watch TV while he stays in the study room doing his own things. Whereas when I take care I will sit down beside her to watch TV with her. With #1, I have also given up on alot of things. Have cut down on my salon trips to do my hair (before wedding, I used to go for hair treatment ard once a month), also cut short on my shopping trips.. Now feel so out of touch whenever I go to Orchard coz so long nvr go there liao.

Gathering at Compasspoint this Thurs

I am currently down with a bad cold. Not sure if I will recover by Thurs. If not then I will have to give it a miss liao. I also cannot join u gals on Tuesday for Hi-Tea. Its the day that my part time helper comes and I need to be home by 5pm so that my mom can go and pick up my #1 from cc.

It looks like we have a common problem with our No.1 being insecure. I do have my fair shares too and it drives me up the wall sometimes.

like yesterday my hubby has to be in the office till 11+ and i was juggling btwn No.1 and 2. Managed to put both to sleep close to 12am! Feel so beat after tht.

I guess all of us here mummies have given our best to care for our dearest and we shouldn't push ourselves too hard else we will breakdown 1 day. This is what i have been telling myself in order to keep myself sane!

Hi mummies

Welcome Brownrice


Can PM me the total? I will be bring hubby, maid + Hugo, so total 5 of us? Gam xia

Child spacing:

Hugo and Chavon is also 22 months gap. But for IMO, i think it is still not so good since Hugo is still not so independent at 22 months, hence, i got 2 "babies" to take care of. Luckily I got a good helper cum babysitter to assist me. Else I think I will not be able to manage as I am very impatient type, very bad hor :p


I stay at Dr 60 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone else around our area?


You are really blessed! I envy you lor, 3 kids still energetic and active, I got 2 already having headache at home.

Hugo is into his "terrible 2", sometime I really dunno how to discipline him haiz...



cos now after confinement already. hahahha... furthermore nw got time to sit in front without any disturbance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just feel throat funny and this morning my nose like dripping. Hopefully is normal dripping then gone. Now using aromatherpy, hope it helps.


*hugs hugs* NEX is opening soon right? Just cross the road and you can bring Christoper out for a short walk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the impt part is you must be happy, bf or not is another issue. No bm, got fm mah. Don't worry, be a happy mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sharp pain on nip,

Any mummies experience sharp pain on the tip of the nip? I felt this sharp pain on and off since yesterday. Been applying nipple cream but still the pain is there, on and off coming back. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

