(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


The original objective is to replicate our monday's photoshoot at a later date. With babies much more developed by then, we can try more poses since their necks should be stiff.

Then ideas get thrown in as someone suggested a christmas theme for photoshoot since it will be in dec. Then someone suggested catered lunch and gift exchange for babes.. I suggested water babies.. so we end up need to book a condo function rm. Then comes to getting our own sept mummies to be photographers instead to try different styles. Now it has developed into a full blown sept mummies and babe gathering cum photoshoot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Seems like now with the big group (should be 33 babies when include Letty's and ur bb) we have on hand, i don't know how to have individual (mum and baby) plus groups shoots in interesting poses.

So i suggest splitting the group into 2 (16 bb per room). E.g. you take function room while Letty takes the KTV room (cos we want the naked babies sofa shot and there got big sofa) and each of u can suggest some group poses based on ur photography style.

The rest of the time can then be spent interacting and just having fun.

Quitr true hor by then 5 mths wear dress nt that nice also... Is it ex to customize ur dress and romper? At first was tinking of customizing tee and rompers but ur dress sounds nicer since I have so many flaws to cover frm head to toe hahaha ... Wonder if ash will wear the same as me haha

wow, didn't login for a few days cos at mum's place (no pc there), so many things happen here. I am keen for the xmas PS, but there are so many people, how will it be organised.

Mummies, pse add me to your FB. Only created FB account when my baby is born, ha ha. I am real outdated. my email is [email protected]

May I know, if our babies are on BM and FM, do we still use the formula 150ml x wt? Cos my baby is about 80% bf while 20% fm. If say, we give baby 110 ml of BM, do we also give her 110ml of FM?

Jeslyn/batgal: me also exclusive pumper for #1 but hardly blocked ducts. Is only tis time I latch then sway sway cracked nipple and dats y kena breast infection until high fever for days. Nw v scared latching too much alr, phobia leh

Op: hey we really v qiao right everything! Even ur son in cat kindy lor. Tell me more abt them, I just went for orientation that day so chaotic dunno wat to expect in jan also. Teachers r good? My boy is only coming 2 yrs the uni i buy s size also too big for him haha hw to take over ur son's one? Hehe. My boy wil b youngest in class cos he 1 jan baby I send him in 1 yr earlier let him try. Dunno if he can make it anot

St Anne lotsa babies one, can't imagine infant baptism 100? Faint...

Sarahmay: sure when do u wan to take the indoor shots? My plc in Punggol.

Tigerlily: thanks for ur compliments. I just copy wat the pros do only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbleling - if ash, I think u can customize dress for her.. She big girl liao, wear dress sure nice.. Then A2 can wear romper... Then u wear dress lor... My estimate I guess for my dress would be $50 plus, then her romper maybe $20 plus... She has limited slots available for cny customize apparels, so if u want u have to contact her soon... And measurements are done in her home, unless u can get someone to measure for u...


hehe, my mum nagged at me when I bought 3 dresses for Kyra b4 my confinement.

She has been saying that bb will only look good in dresses after they learn to walk

and i went to buy 3 party dresses that can only wear up to 6 kg

forgot that time that babies reach 6kg so fast that time, they put size S, and my elest gal is wearing size L, so i happily thought size S is fit one year olds

Bubbleling - yes... Nice right... I wanna make the baby bloomers, ruffled romper for her... Ooh... Buay tahan... I wanted to customize wet bag with Germaine's name but she got too many orders on hand she stop taking orders for it le... End up I bought from Tango...

Mommies, I would like to join u gals for the december xmas gathering. Do count me in.

Christmas Party on Friday 3 Dec 2010

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT + Germaine + helper (tbc)

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

Pinkyluv - haha... I bought only 2 or 3 dresses for Ger... And it's 9 months and above de...

Ok shall we do a poll...

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

Pat> Function room very well lit 3 side full window i side wall but have low shelving. KTV room very enclosed has sofa (a bit torn and worn even though this pls is only 2 yrs old) Can throw a bedsheet over and should work.

Can someone propose how to solve bb resting area issue? I think I should go take a picture of the plc.


I stay in st 93. Is your house walking distance from pioneer? If so i think I can walk to your house!

Regarding West gathering next wed, I'd love to join but i'm still on confinement. (Yeah, for 2 months) So I dun think I can make it.

Speaking of CL, mine is like the other extreme of Badfifi's CL, a bit over-bearing, and LOTS of comments. Sometimes she really make me feel like i'm a lousy mummy. So I really cant wait for her to leave so that I can learn to handle baby myself. Although i'm scared of handling baby alone.

My CL will leave 12 Nov, so really hope to have more gatherings and meet ups with west-side mummies after that, to gain confidence in bringing bb out alone.


So far I only bought one dress for A2 that's for her full mth party and the rest are either rompers or top and bottom only..


Ya those bloomers are way too cute to resist lor .... I go fb her see if got slot or nt


I dun have playmat at home. So u bring urs k~ thanks ah~


Next Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Weiting (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum

5. Leobaby

6. Batgirl and helper

7. rachoho and hb

8. Badfifi and father

9. Jacelyn and helper

10. Bubbleling

I think most of u gt my add liao rite? Who else dun have pls PM mi ur number than i sms u.

Shinchan: wat batch is ur hb? Mayb they knw each other leh? Mine born in 78. He is planning to join the alumni. Ur hb?

Op: oh btw my hb not fr sji junior. So no priority for the pri sch right? Dats y just go holy innocents so meimei can go tougher lor

mummy princess,

Mine is near the pioneer mrt, 5mins walk. my mum hse is near pioneer mall.

ur confinement 2 mths??? u strong le. I almost go crazy doing 1 mth. everyday nag nag nag my mother~

Leobaby/pomme/mummyprincess: yes pls do take a pic of the rooms and the sofa. Hw many babies can it accommodate? Perhaps someone can get a black cloth to throw over if wan to put naked babies for pic on it. But if the ktv room is not well lit the pics may not turn out nice, we may need some lights to support

Hi mommies, can I ask when do you unswaddle your baby? My baby is about one month old n I m still swaddling him cos I find that he sleeps better.


pasir ris! omg ...really one end to the other end for me....shiong lor! hahaha

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling


got ur sms...tks! frm my hse to ur hse i wonder how am i goin to walk there

mummy princess

how come ur confinement last 2 mths? if its me i sure ki siao


So coincident, my hb oso born 78. Wonder if they know each other. My hb joined the alumni years back liao but unfortunately we cant put into gd use since my FB is a girl. Luckily my plc is jus a stone throw from CHIJ TPY, so gotta rely on the within 1km criteria lor.


Other than ordering of food, wat else can we help in?

Xmas Gathering

How abt spliting the photoshoot and gathering into 2 sessions, different days since we have such a big grp. Based on Monday experience, with photoshoot, feeding, taking care of cranky babies and of cos lots of talking among the mummies, we hardly have time to makan. So I feel we maybe cramping too many things within the few hours, thus will be very tiring and we may not even consume much of the catering. Maybe we can keep 3 Dec as PS and choose a wkend nearer to Xmas for the catering and gift exchange. Then we can also include in the daddies and a nearer date oso more xmas feel mah..


if your baby feels more comfy being swaddle, IMO just swaddle him to sleep lor. Probably when he is awake, dun swaddle his hands to let him experiment with his arms. I stopped swaddling my girl before reaching 1 mth cos she hated it and become cranky when we did that.

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Shinchan

v sad all the gatherings i cant make it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

This friday @ 313 - mum's going back hm got to pick up my son... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

4th Nov @ compasspt - I am back to work from 1st Nov.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

3rd Dec @ xmas gathering - Mth end closing cannot take leave.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yeah, I really cant wait for it to be over. Actually more relaxed in the 2nd month, can bathe with shower, but still eating confinement food. But it's all the nagging! much as i dread the sleepless nights with no help, but on the other hand I cant wait to be alone w baby. Right now, I feel like baby does not truly belong to me, becos have to follow the ways of the CL. Dun dare to try anything cos I know sure get negative comments or nagging. If u get wat i mean...

My mom wanted me to bu3 longer during the confinement to build up my constitution for the 2nd prenancy, cos I had a miscarriage 6 months before this pregnancy. And this pregnancy started off as twins, but lost 1 early in the 1st trimester, that's why i had constant bleeding during the 1st trimester.

Anyway, also lucky that i hired CL for 2 months cos 3 weeks into the confinement, my c-sec wound got infected. Imgaine if I only hire for 1 mth, I would have been in a very bad situation. So now, just gotta tahan another 2 weeks.

Shinchan> since its christmas party can think of decor for photo shots and thing like logistic which is the bb resting area that I headache abt.

bbt, dunno leh i drink the papaya soup from tmc is milky one. then i read online also say cook until soup turn milky. so i tot i am missing something.

Re PS and christmas gathering, i agree with shinchan to eep 3 dec as ps and a later weekend date for christmas gathering with daddies! Pomme has a good idea to split up the group into 2 durng the PS session too.

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

mummy princess

its gd to rest more to build up ur health...if not 2nd pregnancy u will suffer lor ..for me my 2nd pregnancy i have bad backache not sure is it becos during confinement i din rest well cos for my #1 its all so smooth sailing.

in fact u can let ur CL know roughly how u want her to handle ur baby in ur own ways

friday gathering

i might not be able to go liao cos its my #1 orientation day and if the daddy cant take leave then i will have to go to school early in the morning...sian man..just saw the letter today and im gona b $300 bucks poorer that day

Shinchan> I think its still ok to do as all only if we don't set our expectation too high to have individual picture of bb. more impt is the grp shot since all are there. My condo booking time for morning is 10am to 4pm so we can have our own time to slowly eat and chat and take grp pic


i second ur tots too...most impt is to get grp shots. individual shots will be very chaotic cos on that day itself there is will be 30 babies plus daddies mummies helper etc etc cannt imagine the mess


If it is on wkend, I can help to provide one bumper mat for baby to rest. If still stick to 3 Dec, I can't cos I cant handle baby and the mat on my own.

For catering, how abt using neo garden since quite a few of us here are neo member. If confirm neo garden, i can help with the ordering.

Ya, I think u are right on the PS thingy. Maybe we shld jus focus on grp pics on 3 Dec. Dun think we have enuf time for individual shots (baby alone or mummy + baby) for 30 babies.


weekdays catering frm neo garden will be slightly cheaper also right?

playmat i can bring along ..but then if thats the case then i need to bring my helper along to help to carry the playmat

Wow, looks like I missed quite a bit of action on the forum too! looking fwd to the xmas party.

DS was lethargic yesterday so we were monitoring his condition, wondering whether to go ahead with the party we're planning for him this weekend too. He's really awake today, although his cough sounds a little more phlegmy

Realized that Neo can do catering with just one day notice.

Shin Chan, did i read that you have Neo card? How does it work?

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne


Yes, I got the neo card. will be entitled to discount/promotion lor. u can check out on their website. if u need, let me know lor.

wah man, really very siong going thru all the posts - pant pant pant man! i always too lazy to do it but you mummies simply too happening liao...

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

Leobaby: if you need inflatable mattress i have a single one - will definitely need many more to house 30 babies... dunno if anyone else has... i also have 1 playmat which we can bring... no idea how i can even carry on my own but that can come later once we decide on the final arrangement...

xmas party: does it include spouse? if it does, really siong cos like that means 30x2 adults and 30 babies - think leobaby's condo residents sure complain hahahaha!

stroller on bus: has anyone tried to put baby in stroller and carry whole thing up the bus (as opposed to folding stroller then go up the bus?)


Passport pic , just use camera snap n upload to CIA website , it will advice on wat to do

Christmas Party on Friday 3 Dec 2010

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)


1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT + Germaine + helper (tbc)

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G


Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. twirley

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. Jacqueline Aktop


I only swaddle baby for first few days. Then off with the swaddling. And I din let her wear mittens too cos she dun like it. So regret buying alots of mittens.

Count me in for the Xmas shoot...

Christmas Party on Friday 3 Dec 2010

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)


1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT + Germaine + helper (tbc)

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

Christmas Party on Friday 3 Dec 2010

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:how abt 10am ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT + Germaine + helper (tbc)

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat



Your boy is born in 1-1-2009? So he will enter Pri1 in 2016?

I just contacted my dau's godma-to-be this morning and since she hasn't gotten her dau baptized, we'll be doing it together and be godma to each other's dau. She's picked IHM over SDVP (she attended RCIA and was baptised there) so I'll be seeing you on 5/12 at the IHM baptism too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

