(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. Jacqueline Aktop

8. pinkyluv


Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 6:46 pm:       

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. Jacqueline Aktop

8. pinkyluv

9. Mango

Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 8:22 pm:       

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. Jacqueline Aktop

8. pinkyluv

9. twirley

10. Mango


Your original $28 for a romper is v ex, but the one you found in BP THREAD is v reasonable price! Good if we can go for this cheaper one.


Next Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Weiting (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum

5. Leobaby

6. Batgirl and helper

7. rachoho and hb

8. Badfifi and father

9. Jacelyn and helper

10. Bubbleling

Anyone else dun have pls PM mi ur number than i sms u.

Shinchan/ jacelyn,

I will be lugging my pram down on fri.. Today i tried to eat with d carrier.. Need to have skills lor. Haha. Moreover we r having buffet tt day so need to eat n eat one. Hehe.


can be done de. Jus that need to eat with one hand only, so not so comfy lor. I usually do that when I bring her to lunch at tpy central.

think i will bring both carrier and stroller on fri too cos i tried her on stroller when we went thomson plaza today and she seemed ok.. *touchwood* heehee.. hope i can enjoy my sashami better on fri.

mummies who went for PS on mon

Pls bring along a thumbdrive or a CDR to copy the group pics. Cos John said he will burn the grp and individual pics into separate CDs and in case he only provide the grp pics in a centralised CD, we have something to copy the pics hm.


U are bringing your lappie isit?

Friday's buffet & stroller

If too many of u are bringing strollers, may need to book double the sitting capacity else dunno how you're gonna park the strollers at the table.... Scarly they ask to fold the stroller and put one corner...


You made reservation already? Dunno if need to tell them to give us bigger space or some corner cos many strollers.

Shinchan: ya, can be done. With many stares from d kpo pple.. Hahaha. Anyway i think i will bring stroller only bah...

OP: agree with u! If dey ask to park 1 side then ho sey liao..

Shinchan - my ang went to gey kiang upgrade the ram of my netbook... Then my netbook now cannot on... Kns... So he's giving us 1 cd only?? I thought it's one for each mummy??

OP - the one from Mischa's is $20 just name, no appliqué... $26 with name and Xmas appliqué... I will print the picture of the Xmas appliqué and bring on Friday... Together with the name... Then we discuss lor... The BP de is just simple name... We brainstorm then see how lor...

Yvonne - since u and pinkyluv bringing stroller then confirm cannot share cab de... Sonata or crown boot cannot fit... Unless u all call cab, transcab got wish... I shall play safe.. Bring stroller and pouch... I'm sooooo looking forward to sashimi.....

BabyT: oh isit? Then gotta call for wish or estima liao rite?

Pinkyluv/ Jacelyn/ pomme: Pomme, u calling cab isit? If so can call for wish or estima? So that we can put 2 stroller..

Yvonne - ya... But depends on what stroller u and pinkyluv have... If i never remember wrongly urs is Capella right?? Put one stroller in u can't squeeze another same size stroller in... Unless pinkyluv is using maclaren or bonbebe kind... But barely can squeeze in I think... Better play safe to request wish or airwave... erm cab got estima ar?? Which company... Sibei sian cab got fit lor... And GE fit some more...

Babyt: yup, gt estima.. Light blue color one, under prime taxi.. Lol, those who buy estima or camry lagi sian.. Especially u pay $100k to buy estima and worse, in light blue to end up seeing pple waving n stopping u.. Muahahah

Pomme: pls book Estima taxi, hotline is 67780808.. Booking fee is $8.. Thank u !

Personalise romper

Mayb can consider Handygifts..

i received a diaper cake for both my son, got personalised rompers & shirt with the 2 boys names on it.



Yvonne - ya lor... Estima light blue... Camry dark blue... Cannot imagine driving along the road then see this person flagging down a normal car... Mwahaha... My hubby sent me this email, Dubai use cayenne, lambo, Ferrari as taxi lor.. I stun.. Dunno real or not la..

Adelynn - yup... Already dropped the person a note in her thread...


Yr com stil cant open? Yr hb add new ram to yr existing ram or take the old one out nreplace new one? Cos if u put together new n old, n if differ brand n model, com cant open. U can try take old one out n put new one, think can on le.


oops, mine is indeed Capella

estima can squeeze both or not.

if not, think i can arrange to go there myself since the rest of u stay in CCK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jacq - mine is netbook only got one slot... Upgrade from 1GB to 2GB... Now even put back 1GB also cannot on... Heng under warranty... But dunno when he will do something about it..

spring cot

Bought it yest under my mum advice. Dad againist it sayin dangerous. Discuss wit hb n explain wat spring cot is. Let Zeynep try for noon nap, she kinda enjoy, no fussing. At night when hb got home to see his ger slpin in it, he was shocked. He tot its only mean for makin the bb slp n once bb slp, shd bring her to bed cot. I told him olden days ppl put bb to slp in it, then he keep askin wil it affect bb growing development, bones structure.. Make me irritated. Told him alot of bb slpin in it still growin up well develop. Then told him if he feel uncomfortable then bring bb up lor.


Ehhh..dun think it is dangerous but you might have a problem if she requires it to sleep. ie, if you are outside, there is no yao lan, you going to have a sleepy, cranky baby as she won't be able to sleep. Or if you go on travels, there is no yao lan in the hotel, also jia lat wor. This is what I see my other frens experiencing.


Agree with batgirl. It's a personal choice. But if caretakers are prepared to carry n rock bb to sleep in the absence of spring cot (outside shopping, on holiday, at someone else home), then not a prob. If caretaker not prepared for this, then may need to think twice abt introducing spring cot.

For my #1, my CL was carrying and rocking my boy to sleep. So I had to do the same aft she leaves cos bb is used to it. For Megon, I look after her from birth and the furthest I go is carrying and patting her with me seated.

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. Jacqueline Aktop

8. pinkyluv

9. twirley

10. Mango

11. tigerlily

Pinkyluv: i think not a prob. Estima is very BiG n spacious. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies...

The BP thread organizer reply le...

u can do the christmas logo on apparel as well.

romper with name and wordmark :

10 pcs = $15 each

20 pcs = $14 each

30 pcs = $13.50 each

romper with logo,name and wordmark "

10 pcs = $17 each

20 pcs = $16 each

30 pcs = $15 each

IMO the Xmas appliques won't stand out on the romper cos it's gonna be white romper... The only feasible one would be the candy cane... Also, we need to decide what to put as in name only of for eg, Princess Germaine or Sexy Lips Germaine or Germaine... Then whether we're gonna include the crown and also what font to use...


Netbook upgrade on memory - memory of different brand might not work together.

My HP Business NoteBook oso fail on me ytd afternoon so can't come in until I got it fix last nite - hb did that cos' is his job. BTW, he's Technical Base and does all the support for our office computer. He better know. muwhahaha...

Bringing Notebook.

I can bring mine since I m not bringing Athena. Need cds - I ask my hb to bring some from office.


Can you confirmed that the photographer only giving 1 master copy and wants us to duplicate it ourself. Maybe can ask him to provide a copy for each and every mummies.

Tiger lily - but why when we put back the 1GB ram it doesn't work le... I so pek chek lor... My iTunes is inside that netbook.... Grrr... And it's my fav netbook got flower flower de... Ahhhh!!!!!


not so sure leh. must ask my ang lor. i not do technical la. i only sell and sell by part no. what's the max yr netbook can upgrade. maybe, just need to re-instore everything but must remember to backup yr stuff.

Hushlilbb – the bus driver will not allow you to board the bus with the stroller opened. They will require you to close the stroller and carry the baby then board the bus.


ya im all prepared to go until i saw the letter yday ...sianz man ..need to go Ash school in the morning for orientation for K2 which means i cant sneak out w/o her afterthat.

anymore gathering after this friday one? i make sure i turn up :p


my #1 i let her sleep in spring cot i really regret cos she cant sleep when she is out and i remember on her first day i still need to bring along the sarong to the chalet, very ma huan so now #2 i die die refused to let her sleep sarong again dun want history to repeat itself hehehe

but then again babies really do sleep very well in sarong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] as in they are not easily startled and can sleep longer hrs


Have u try clear ur pc bios ?


I think there's a report abt the spine for Bb sleeping on spring cot. Last time my neighbor houses doing semi Reno n during nap time they come bk to sleep as the toddler can't sleep w/o the spring cot. Imaging the amt of dust the 2 yrs old kid take in.

If u tale Bb out after it fall asleep, I think it's ok as that wat I did for my t1 n now t2 , just that mine is human sarong

Personalized white romper with Xmas appliqué and baby name... $26 per pc...

1. BabyT

2. bubbleling

3. Jacelyn

4. Shinchan

5. Yvonne

6. Hushlilbb

7. Jacqueline Aktop

8. pinkyluv

9. twirley

10. Mango

11. tigerlily

12. Leobaby

Out of Curiousity how many of you here prefer 4th Dec(Sat) as thot your other half can come w/o leave? Pls put the prefered date next to your name. Also, are you all ok with just grp pic? If yes we can just engage a event photographer like pinkyluv suggested so we can free up letty and pat to enjoy with us. Only $200+ for few hours. Pls indicate your preference nxt to name.

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT + Germaine + helper (tbc)

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

Also, I will be limiting total headcount to 38 max so only 3 slot left pls add and cfm. Thanks too many plus spouse the plc pack liao.

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime

2) BabyT + Germaine + helper (tbc)

3) tiger_lily

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat


mama g - lucky i came online and saw your msg - thanks so much for advising - heng you tell me else i sure at loss on the spot! how you know ah?

