(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

angela: HAHHA. why? ginger cream so stinky but is it effective? thinking of whether to buy or not. can use for postpartum slimming which i need lor. tossing and turning very sianz hor.

BabyT: not nice to explicitly state who wait kena like the BW incident. we kena 'policed'. hehe. but give you clue. Sells insulated food jars and bottles from Japan. brand starts with 'th'. can guess? dunno la...mb i preg so cannot read properly but her BP thread really give me 'tau heen' ...headaache.

BBL: Hehe.can always try. even 5% also good ma.



U r funny..security guard..how to catch theif with a big tummy...cant even run..hahaha


Boycott her..but b4 that make sure u either get the product if not the money back..

What the BP thread...

Ya lo..what are they selling at Taka,..think tummy too big liao..cant go ard shopping..somemore orchard so many ppl...damn scare children knock onto me..

cos hubby keep suaning me that i got those X factor..tend to attract people to come n knock me..step on me..i wonder if i have the look "come n knock me face"!!

SarahMay - Hubby HATES ginger! Haha! So far I find the cream quite good. I apply on my toes, ankles, knee and fingers every night. Just that last night more jialat, so I gotta apply double dose. I like the hot feeling and it sort of releases the tension. But the smell can be overpowering so it depends on whether you can take it.

Ok, will update you gals wat is available. But then again, i'm not lobang queen ah, cos i seldom do much comparison kind as i cant rem prices well. *bleh*


You can get those pink/blue type from kiddy palace and kaki bukit.. they come in pigeon brand as well as no brand type.


The cheong choon at chinatown also gt sell~. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubble mat...is it the olden days type with many small squares on a piece of rubber, then in the middle got one big ang kong one? If it is, I bought mine from taka fair in March. I think the big piece one is about $13. If not, Kiddy Palace should have.

tiger lily> you wanted to share the BM shell right? i think phyphy was looking to share some time back, you might wanna check with her.

babyT> gastric: mine used to be so bad, i had to take both veragel (antacid) and famotidine (stops gastric from further excess acid production). 1 offered "instant" relief and the other was supposed to ensure relief in the "long-term" too...famotidine is supposed to be "old" med, now got new alternatives, maybe you can ask JT abt it cos from a very long time ago, antacids alone stopped working for me liao. i'm allergic to panadol so never took painkillers and isn't panado acidic in nature?

lsb> don't feel bad abt being emo. i emo a lot too, until my husband can figure out the "pattern" to my emo...his cure? give me a bit of B&J ice-cream every alternate night... it doesn't make it go away totally but it helps...i NEVER had a snacking habit before. i don't know why i/c is my comfort food now...sheesh. and emo is a result of our kee siao hormones, totally out of our control. i've wondered why i'm like that, cos it's very contrary to my nature but really, it's out of our hands...

sugar ong> make you feel better abt washing and tidying baby stuff esp since we are counting down to the same day... i just tidied some of the stuff but haven't started washing at all. the baby room is still a HUGE mess and i'm discovering things that i've left out here and there...

sarah may> pls update me abt the DVD. will be seeing gynae next tues, if i can, i try and get from you after that...

Su Bing,

Hope you are feeling better already. Sometimes I emo i will just vent it on my hubby (like pinch him or ignore him) because I need to release the emotions and I just can't seem to cry out. Unfortunately for him, it does makes me feel better. :p Good thing he never takes this kind of things to heart one, I just apologize later when I get a better hold of myself.


Thanks for the comment on the maternity shots. :D It is taken by my wedding photographer cum good friend and we were so comfortable with him.

Sarah May,

I've on leave already! But this week a bit busy, let's catch up sometime next week k! Are u going to organize a east-side gathering? :D

sorry, realise my typo..my email got sg

mummies who want to add their data into the excel file can email me at [email protected], i dun think i will ever have time to look at archives fr thursday, looking at my current workload..sianz lor..


cos he said how does people work related to me contact me like tat alto i told him in morning i will get a replacement after work

hp is mine, company neither pay the hp nor bills

taka fair - think cant make it today liao. stuck in funan wif customer. 3pm got internal meeting n my customer got roadshow at expo from 6/8 onwards so busy doing planning. heng tml, i on half day leave, wil go taka see see. breast shell - i sharing with pinkyluv. think phyphy shared with pomme le.

Tiger Lily,

ANy idea if breast shield / breast shell is the same as Nipple Protectors?

Is it supposed to look like this?


windy> i think the milk saving shells are different from protectors. the protectors basically protect nipples from abrasion...


yupz, i am sharing with u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know how much to tt via email

will colect my hp after work fr the salon where it was dropped yday

mummy princess: Don't worry too much abt bb turning. I tink wat's most imp is bb is safe. My bb is in breech position all the way, until wk 35 scan, then turn head down. Good luck to u.

pinkyluv: I can understand the part on your boss, work so hard still get reprimanded. Cos I also kena same experience. My only "consolation" is think of bb future. Btw, I msg u, not sure if u received. U got $70 sakae voucher for me. I pay u $73, enuf (to cover registered mail)? Let me know if not and also your POSB/DBS bank acct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb kicks: my gyane also mention jus monitor got 10 movements a day will do.

Windy: Me also stay in the east, but not tampines. Do let me know if there's east side gathering, maybe can join. ;) I'll be on leave after next week, 16 Aug onwards.

Windy - If you don't mind, I can sell one shell to you. I bought my philips avent one at the taka fair as a bundle in March. Since most mummies here suggests that we don't need both, I can let you have the other one.

Hi mummies,

1) My Brest Friend Pillow in very good condition at $50

2) Brand new Mothercare Multi purpose support pillow at $65 (Original $81.50)

- For use during pregnancy & post birth

- Supports your bump at night

- Can be used in several positions for daytime

- Support during pregnancy & while breastfeeding

- Moulds to your body

- Removable machine washable cover

- Help baby to learn sitting position

Pick up at Queenstown.

Pls PM me if keen.

Pics: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/4325016.html?1280903911

hi gals... have ur baby movements changed to like tai ji movements... slower but longer? if i were looking at my tummy, i can actually see it move the skin out for a few secs before either staying as a bump or moving back to original position.... its not like the sharp prods in the previous months... pretty cute

is everyone going on leave in the next 2 weeks? makes me so gian... i was going to start on the 30th.... abt 1 week before EDD

Hi Angela,

Thanks for the offer, but I doubt I will be getting it as I dunno if I will get to use it. I will probably just have hubby running to the stores if I really need it when b-feeding as I don't want to buy and keep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any other mommies need breast shells? Can share with Angela.

badfifi: what time is your appt at TMC next tues? I'm going to my doc's at 10am next tues too! So if around same time I can pass to u.

Angela:eek:h! cos that time i asked if still got stock before i transfer money. tt's why she said who pay first, who get lor. then after i transfer, she just answered my q on pick up BUT didn't tell me if I 'beat' the other mommy. Your poor hubby! But tell him too bad la...it's for your good and baby's mah. heheh

BBL: Haiz. Ya la. Boycott next time if i don't need anymore things from her lor. This particular lunch jar I need and she's selling at v good price so no choice la. but feel a bit KNS u know what i mean?


Okie. I got stupid question. Can we just stick on nipple and leave it there to collect milk or must we use hands to hold?


Thanks ladies. I forgot to check KP yday when I was there. Or did I? DUH me.. Yes it's the oldfashioned one i'm looking for. My second bb then i buy this. Hahaha


DATE: 13 Aug, Fri

PROPOSED TIME/S: Afternoon tea (330 pm) or Early Dinner preferred (6pm) ?

PROPOSED VENUE: Tampines Mall/Century Square/Tampines 1.

Please Indicate Name, Pref Timing and Propsed Venue below in following order:

1. Sarahmay/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm/ Tampines One Toast Box.





badfifi: what time is your appt at TMC next tues? I'm going to my doc's at 10am next tues too! So if around same time I can pass to u.

pinkyluv: heng you found ur phone. I really don't get bosses la...they don't pay or subsidize phone bills yet expect employee's personal phone line to be company property?

Angela:eek:h! cos that time i asked if still got stock before i transfer money. tt's why she said who pay first, who get lor. then after i transfer, she just answered my q on pick up BUT didn't tell me if I 'beat' the other mommy. Your poor hubby! But tell him too bad la...it's for your good and baby's mah. heheh

BBL: Haiz. Ya la. Boycott next time if i don't need anymore things from her lor. This particular lunch jar I need and she's selling at v good price so no choice la. but feel a bit KNS u know what i mean?


Okie. I got stupid question. Can we just stick on nipple and leave it there to collect milk or must we use hands to hold?


Thanks ladies. I forgot to check KP yday when I was there. Or did I? DUH me.. Yes it's the oldfashioned one i'm looking for. My second bb then i buy this. Hahaha


DATE: 13 Aug, Fri

PROPOSED TIME/S: Afternoon tea (330 pm) or Early Dinner preferred (6pm) ?

PROPOSED VENUE: Tampines Mall/Century Square/Tampines 1.

Please Indicate Name, Pref Timing and Propsed Venue below in following order:

1. Sarahmay/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm/ Tampines One Toast Box.





SarahMay - The breast shell no need to hold one. Can just put inside your bra. It's something like a breast pad, just that it collects instead of absorbing your breast milk.

sarahmay> what a coincidence! my appointment is ard 10.30am i think...abt the cot mat, KP definitely has...i saw it there before at the Toa Payoh branch. i can't be sure but maybe NTUC has it too?

Hi SarahMay,

2. WindyTeo/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm/ Jack's Place for Lobster Bisque :p

Every friday evening is bad for me because I have cell group at my home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i would love to join in but i can only make it if it's lunch and if it's the following week onwards because i will be on course next week.

u guys enjoy! will join u all if it's a lunch date next time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is sarah sharing the breastshield with u?if not, can icshare with u?

East gathering

I'm fine with any timing.


Yes the bb description u mentioned is exactly the same as mine. Guess must be very tight inside and movement are limited to that much only.


Something funny to share. A so call female tried to find me on face book as if she was a long lost friend of mine. Said she lost my name card and ask me my hp no so can sms me. She Name herself LV Cindy with no pictures. Of course I don't do that without knowing who she really is. I asked how did we met and he just gave me the HP no to sms her. I called instead and guess what no answer but later on a return call came back and it was a guy. I think he got so lost as to what to say next and he said he with someone and will sms me. Halo you called me then hang me up saying you with someone. Later on he sms me and said we met at St James. I was like ??????? I never go St James lor.... and I text him that guess he lost of words. What a lousy pick up method to use FB to pick up gals. Apparently a lot of gals responded to him leh. from 1 friend (new FB start up) to abt 5 gals liao. Haha... U know i few like telling him that you are targeting on a pregnant mummy btw... haha Still finding it very funny lor....LOL

phyphy - No leh, I think SarahMay is sharing with Badfifi. No problem! Do you work around Raffles Place area? If you are, I can pass it to you directly.


Me too me too! I dont fancy their main course, so my order is usually just one lobster bisque and one baked potato! Cheap and fulfilling!

leo baby,

Maybe he has a fetish for yummy preggies!!

Ya lor that how I look at it too if not life will be boring guess these ppl make my day lol. I use to have a sexy secretary who is very busty n always post her nice pic as profile pic. She always attract ppl to ask to be friends n she never reject one. Guess what she max out her no. Of friends on FB

leo_baby> huh? there is a max no of friends you can have on facebook? i never knew that! i never got this thing about getting to know pple using facebook so i'm quite swaku 1...

I was told it's 500max. Yes u can chose to add anyone by search. Once my guy friend saw my secretary pic n went to add her n she just accept lor. I also don't understand y?


500 max liao? Jialat, think I hitting quota soon. My customers & colleagues already more than 300... And I don't want to manage 2 seperate accounts.


Anybody started to take Bean Curd Skin + Barley Dessert? Heard it's very good for baby's skin. My MIL had been talking about cooking it for me since I was expecting, but until now no smell yet... By the time she buys the barley maybe I pop already.


Tiger Lily,

Actually, epidural jab is not a injection. Think of it as a drip. They stick a needle at your back. The needle has this tube thingy that connects to this bag/container (I think it is a container) that contains the pain relieving liquid which will flow into your body. There is some valve to control the rate of flow. When I felt pain during my 1st time labour, I told the nurse and she will turn the valve higher so that more of the liquid goes into me. I don't get to control it...just like what mummy princess said earlier.

But I think if dilated 6cm or more, it'll be too late to administer epidural and the nurse will ask you to bear with the pain.

mummy princess also said that the person conducting her antenatal course advise to go off epidural completely or at least half the amount when about to deliver. Reason being that if we're on a high dose, we will not be able to feel the urge to push the baby. Personally, I tend to agree on the need to lower the dosage of epidural closer to delivery, and I was actually planning to do so. I think the last time I overdid on the epidural. Once I feel -some- pain, I ask the nurse to turn it up. In the end, I finished the first container of liquid and have to use another new one. Scary lor! And when it was time to push, I felt so numb from waist down that I don't even know if I'm pushing when the gynae asked me to. It's like, you tell yourself to "geng", but you just can't feel yourself "geng-ing" lor. In the end, gynae snipped me 2x (ouch!) and my boy was forcepped out. :p

