(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


I think can eat a "normal meal", but not too heavy cos if too bloated, also v uncomfy. Just don't go to hospital with empty stomach. Minimally eat a sandwich and milo. I gave same advice to my friend and she ate Mac breakfast before she go hospital. :p

I really don't know how soon the food will change into glucose and be absorb by bloodstream. But can't be all that long. Cos you know how you'd feel better almost immediately after you have eaten, or after you drink a cup of milo, especially when you experiencing hunger pangs.

Eventually in the hospital, the nurse will give you this thing to make you poo everything out. But the glucose would have already been in the bloodstream.


You can forget about hunger! That's good! I was so pek chek by the hunger, tiredness and waiting until drop tears of frustration lor.


Wah! Your baby big leh! At this rate, will be at least 3.5kg at full term man!

Epidural again

Actually, what I dislike about epidural is the immobility. Just lie there like vegetable. And I was lying on my back on the "bed" from 3+pm (when I got the jab) till 9+pm in one position cos I numb until cannot move. OMG(oodness) lor! 6hrs in 1 position is like, no joke!

It also didn't help that I was hungry. And I was strapped to this CTG machine (I think) which monitors the baby heartbeat. And for 6hrs, I keep hearing the loud MRT-like heartbeat - had major headache man!

On the contrary, my colleagues/friends who had epidural can still z and watch TV in labour ward! Must be just me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Aiyoh... hope this time not as bad as the last.


Hi Mummies,

Been trying hard to catch up on the posts. Glad you all enjoyed the photoshoot and meet up at Marche. You all make me v gian to go for a photoshoot session leh, but dunno if my husband will agree. =p

Went for gynae check-up yesterday. Baby is 2.2+ Kg at 32weeks. But she haven't turn head down yet, and i'm very upset. Really hope she turns soon because I really want a natural birth. Thanks for the many links and methods that some of you posted previously. Will try and see if those work. Although I know that there is still chance that baby will turn and my mummy told me that baby will turn when the time is right, just cant help but feel worried. But I know I need to get out of this depressed mode and be happy. Think positive, that's what my husband will always tell me. oops, sorry for ranting on and on...just wanted to share.

On Epidural,

I went for the antenatal course at Mount E. From wat i got out of the course, we can ask for epi any time we want, and we can control the amount we want, the nurse will be the 1 who admister the drug. Altho it is the anaesthetist who does the initial insertion of the tube into the spinal cord.

But the person conducting the course advice us to go off epi completely or at least half the amount when we're about to deliver, because if we're on a high dose, will not be able to feel the urge to push the baby.

Apparently Mount E has got another type of epidural called the walking epidural, which allows us to still walk around and have sensation, just no pain.

Just finish seeing gynae.. Baby is 2.467kg at 35weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jus 5 weeks to go.. Woohooo'!!

To let bb grow better in our tummy,maybe can sleep more on ur left side as on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby.

Just can't wait for next Friday to come earlier to c bb Travis

sarahmay, i haven started my ML yet...but started 4 day working week to clear AL....ya, tamp mummies can haf a gathering....unfortunately i do not take beef for religious reasons...and im on quite a hi-carbo diet ...dunno where all those went to...stubborn fats inside mi lo...oso hoping machine cranky yest...my c-sec will be almost 2 weeks before my edd.....confirmed, consulted with master and booked liao.....and u are fast! i haven washed bb clothes NOR packed bb stuff [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

badfifi, thanks for your encouragement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] trying to stay positive...and yes, shall try out other food, see if bb respond better...

karenng, thanks for your advise...ya lo, initially wanna stop my durian feast liao cos heard too heaty wait bb come out easily fever.....yet this has to happen...haiz....ya, am looking forward to my coconut nearer my delivery ... but actually week wat can start taking ah?

angela, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gynae says slightly under but still ok....my gynae actually tried to console me saying smaller babies, less bleeding...haa..he says its natural way of protecting mummies cos in ancient time when there is no such thing as c-sec, big babies for small sized woman pose as a life threat....

gloomybear, u are right, cos when i told my gynae im so gg on a durian feast, he says in moderation and the last thing i wan is food poisoning....also decided to drink more milk and maybe add cereal in it...gg to start on those sample sachets...

elle, hope u are feeling better today.....yest while sleeping and while working today, my whole head was bogged by my underweight bb....haiz....trying v best to stay positive...u too ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah good weight ler. another big bb? hahaha.


today I indeed feel better. As long as the baby is still active and gynae says ok, I think it should be fine.

Dun think too much, ok? stay positive.

elle, yups trying to take it easy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least its slightly under and not way under....still got time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elle not big la my edd in scan back to 7sep again normal.. Ub positive k? Don keep worry the uncessary. Dr adrian said to ensure bb kick 10times a day. Tts all..


My gynae ask me to count for at least 20 movements within 2 hours, once a day. If don't have, repeat for another 2 hours. If still dont have, have to call him already. Hiccups not counted.

Dear mummies who enjoyed the grp photo-shooting and gathering... really envy u gals.

I was too busy for the past few weeks and missed all the happy moment.

May I know Benjamin does provide free photo shooting? What is the T&C?

pomme> so far ok for the cord blood bank, but depends on actual day also (if they get enough vol etc)

sarahmay> not to worry abt the dvd! just let me know when you get it and i'll figure out how best to get it from you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lsb> abt donating cord blood, um, my take is that it's like donating blood lor. when we donate blood, they still charge others who use it. i think of it as the users having to pay for all the human labour costs + lab tests + storage costs etc. and i also think that if a cure is really needed, even if a huge sum of $$ is needed vs no cure at all, the former will still be a better choice...

Windy: i see. I shld ask my gynae then. He nv mention anything bout this. Strange!

Argh.. Been tossing n turning on bed for d pass 2hrs. Cant slp man... Hub is snoring like a pig n im awake like an owl. Wish im working at least it can tire me, rather than cant slp now... Boohoo!

Morning mummies..

I am like zombie now.. last night brain very tired but body can't sleep.. or it it the other way round.. Can't remember liao. So toss and turn whole night never go into deep sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can't take MC cos these two weeks packed fully liao. Sianz..

Optimus prime

Thanks for the explanation.. will try to remember to eat something before going to hospital. Your description about ur epi experience and bb heartbeat is so funny. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

BTW, anyone knows if we need doctor's prior approval before they allow us to walk around after epi was administer? Can we sit up with the CTG on us? I don't want to be stuck on bed until numb.


Saw your maternity shots.. So beautiful.. almost like wedding shoot liao. Got outdoor one somemore.


Your babe is really growing well. Congrats.. Seems like the biggest among our babies to date.

Good morning mummies... Orh bak kak... Nite 2 of gastric attacks... Woke up 2 plus with that sharp pain... Didn't wanna wake hubby up... Went kitchen on my own to boil hot water, make Milo and fill hot pack... Milo didn't work... Hot pack didn't work... End up I was sitting on the kitchen floor crying my eyes out... My maid woke up... Could tell she was scared, told her I'm ok, then went back to my room... Hubby woke up cos I was sobbing like a baby... Popped antacid... Didn't work... I needed instant relief, hubby woke up to get panadol, mil also woke up, crystal woke up... Hugged her while hubby got panadol... Mil asked whether I confirm not in labour, I said ya, cos it's upper abdomen not entire tummy... Popped 2 panadols... Used hot pack on my upper ab... Cried myself to sleep... Now feeling the achy crampy feeling... Not to mention I look like goldfish from the crying...


oh mine..so bad gastric ah..

i also have this gastric feeling coming this few days..but quite mild so i ignore..

mild one already uncomfortable..imagine yrs is so jialat..GP cant prescribe something stronger for u? seems like u have gastric attack almost every night..like that how to zzzz

Dear Mummies,

Me feeling EMO now. This feeling sux n made me feel so apologetic to my bb princess (Sorry lil bb...) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope the other mummies won't kena the EMO bug like I do...

sugarong : ur not alone! I also haven started my washing of the bb clothes nor packing bb stuff + hospital bag... N i'm due in 6 sept lor! Chill out ok.. Gan chiong also won't help the issue, right? ;)

Badfifi : Thanks for the reassurance. din have a chance to talk to you @ Marche. U have FB acct? Add me ok, [email protected] [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shirlynn : If you wana go for Benjamin's FOC photoshoot, best that you email him @ [email protected] for further details. Do act fast cos I'm not sure when he'll close the offer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBL, weiting - I get it more often during pregnancy... And recently tummy bigger, squash everything together then more GAO wei... Previously I already got gastric attacks cos my dad has severe gastritis... Which I think I inherited ba... Which is one reason why I quit drinking... The pain is unbearable and even if I foresee it coming, I can't prevent it before it becomes full force...

LSB - u ok ma?? It's normal to be emo... Last nite when I was in pain, hubby a bit pek chek to be woken up from beauty sleep, then I also felt emo on top of sobbing like a baby... If u feel emo, just cry ba... Or u can make use of being emo to get ur stuff done... 小姐... My Edd 1 day after u and Im only waiting for cot to arrive Nia... Better start lo... Once u start u won't stop de... I also like that...

BabyT: Are you better now? Pls take care. Your gastric pain really sounds horrendous. Is there any way the doc said you can reduce the pain?

badfifi: Okie! Let u know once she returns me...and I hope it's this weekend.

Pomme: Did u reply my msg abt the inthewomb thing? I didn't seem to find any. Are u keen to combine our orders with them so we can get some discount?

Subing: HUGS! Being emo is entirely normal. Don't beat yourself up over it now. Just let the tears flow when u feel need to. And then go find someone u can trust to share...and do stuff that will make u smile again. Glad you got the slot! I'm going this friday 1030am with my son. NOt sure what to wear. Benjamin's really q nice. He asked me over email what preferences i have for shots - likes and dislikes.

OP: hahah. what analysis la. Anw...u're one stylish mama is all I can say.

EPI For birth

I am one who's actually very terrified of epi cos I dunno why so suay know MORE ppl who had terrible epi side effects than good. Even if I eaat cod liver oil when I was younger, I would get high fever. Certain antibiotics I suay kena side effects too... Now come to epi, I would LOVE to know that for me it will be confirm DREAM DRUG but given my history...I am scared! Hehe.


My gastric also inherited from my dad..i used to have very bad gastric attack till i roll on the floor..whatever medicine also dont help..so when i am pregnant..i make sure i dont feel hungry if not gastric attack i be damn cham..

Lately the very gao wei feeling is back..i damn scare the attack comes back..even now i am having that feeling..

LSB - emo lo..thats our privilege ma..dont be too sad lo..cry out n u feel better..

BabyT : lol.. me similar case like u leh... also woke my hb from beauty sleep cos can't rem which switch to off after using the comp. then he pek chek n made me emo liao lo... i guess it's just one of those days for us ba...

ok, shall take ur advice n start when I go back home tonight. we already so 难受 and still have to tahan their insensitivity sometimes. sigh...

U also take care ok.. Why do u call up ur gynae n let him/her know of ur condition? Not too good to be popping panadol/antacid as remedy for pain relief until EDD, gal n it seems to me that this no longer works for u... Hugs...


You ok ma?? Gastric and can't sleep when u need it badly is a sucky feeling. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Take care and try to rest during the day.

BTW, ur gynae give you more HL? If not like that cannot go back to work leh.


It is ok to cry .. better than bottle up and feeling frustrated for the whole day.

Dear Mummies,

Sorry to intrude.

I’m from Nov 09 MTB. Have a brand new/ totally un-used 2009 Maclaren Quest Sport Stroller to let go.

It was bought as spare, for my mother in law usage but she prefers to hand carry my baby instead.

Since I already have a stroller myself, I can forgo this.

Does not come in box because during my purchase, I told the sales person to discard it for easy transport back home.

Neatly kept in its original plastic packaging.

Color: Black/Scarlet

Offer Price: $220 includes personal delivery to your doorstep

Click link for specifications


Interested mummies, please email me at [email protected] or text me @ 9735 6852. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


http://babymeadows.com.sg/maclaren-1/2009-maclaren-quest-sport-stroller-black-scarlet-.html Selling @ $358.20 after discount

http://www.springmaternity.com/catalog/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=392 - Selling @ $398

ebay singapore - Selling @ $331

Mothercare - Selling @ $398 with 15% discount

A photo for your review.


BBL/sarahmay : Thanks for the concern... makes me feel much better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sarahmay, Benjamin also asked me the same thing! haha... Now I'm thinking of what outfits n props to bring n also what poses for the shoot to keep me from the emo bug.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rem to upload ur photos in FB after the shoot! :p

good morning ladies..


*Hugs* Are u ok? U must be dreading bedtime now. Your gastric seems to attack you mostly at nite hor, did u ask your gynae how come like that?


Emo is our privilege now. Dun bottle up your emotions, ok? that is even worse.. That day i oso got emo after looking at the U/S scans from detailed scan, thinking how my baby has developed from a lil beanie to current size, just make my nose goes suan suan..

Talking abt packing.. think I'm the champion. Nothing washed, cot not set, hospital bag not packed, work haven handover and the best of all - I have one of the earliest EDD. Will try to do everything by this wkend. We all jia you together lor.

Re: Baby Movements

My gynae oso asked me to monitor baby movements by taking note of the 10th movement from 9am. But i find it damn hard leh cos i'm not so sensitive to her movements once i'm concentrating on other things. So my method is as long as she moves quite a bit from 9am to 10am, I will not alert my gynae lor.

Good morning mummies!

Do any of you feel joint pain, especially in the middle of the night? I think my water retention has spread to my hands as well. It's so swollen that I can't close my fingers. Then middle of the night all my fingers on my left hand was so painful I couldn't lift it up or put it down to get rid of the pain. =(

BabyT, take care... hope you are feeling better. Stay positive ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Another few weeks to go.. JIA YOU!!

shinchan, u really champion lei... i am almost done with the washing but i am still panicky... cos hubby dun intend to organise room/baby cot untill Sept. make me so gan jiong.

looks like nesting instinct haven kick in for u. haha

BabyT - Maybe can ask your gynae to prescibe veragel? Coz gastric pain is quite normal during this time since our uterus is pushing our tummy upwards, but your case seems quite bad. Hope it goes away soon for you. =)

Su Bing - Think happy things! Or when you feel emotional, talk to your baby. I find that quite therapeutic. Hope it helps for you. =)

Popped in for a while..really damn busy with work and just now still got told off by boss ( whom i guess is stressed and in bad mood ) for losing my hp this morning when i informed my office that i lost my hp.

anyway, it was found..called up the salon when it opened at 10am where the kids cut their hair yday and it was still there..

funny why the staff din pick up my hp when i call my own number since 9pm yday though.

Just a quick glance and Adelynn / Jessica, ur babies r growing very well..i also went to gynae visit at 34th week yesterday ..Gynae said bb is 2 to 2.2 kg..he commented that head is big though at 8 plus cm ( i think is cm, cannot be mm or m rite) ..hope can come out naturally

Subing, babyT

take care and rest well

for mummies who want to add their data into the excel file can email me at [email protected], i dun think i will ever have time to look at archives fr thursday, looking at my current workload..sianz lor..worked so hard still kenna told off when the boss gets stressed..i still think it is ridiculous to tell me off for losing my hp

Pomme - Heng lor... Gynae extended my HL if not I dunno how to work man... Really Orr bak kak...

I didn't inform my gynae wor... But I mention to him before, he just say take antacid... I can finish 1 strip of antacid in 1 night... But the best way to take away the pain is panadol...

Pinky; your bb is smart ...big brains! Phew! Thank goodness you lost ur handphone. Btw, does ur company pay for your HP bills? If not what right do they have to expect

BBL: Pls put me down! So we will get about $50 off each is it? Thanks so much for coordinating!

Angela: Me!!! I ache so easily. Hard to sleep. I fell asleep at 9pm when I put my son to sleep. Then woke at 2am and up till 5am. Even then whne i tried to sleep was really fragmented sleep.

shinchan: did u gt the brest friend pillow bargain? dun worry... i never had nesting instinct before bb arrive. only WHEN my toddler started messing up my house then i had nesting instinct to clear mess up so i have less thigns for him to destroy. hehe.


I just want to complain a bit about this BP person. Her BP thread a bit luan but so happens I need to get something from her, so I ask her to give me details abt account and postage cos darn hard to track on her messy, pic-loaded BPthread. She give me attitude. Then I made payment liao, and I made a mistake with the self-collection dates (again cos her BP thread so luan)....PIANG! She can reply me SO RUDELY in the email. I'm damn pissed lor. Somemore don't want to confirm if the unit is mine...but yday can tell me got another mommy want, AND who gets is based on who transfer money first.

Damn sh*t! I am SOOOO pisssed. Not my fault her bloody BP thread SO messy and hard to find all these details. Grrr...

End of complaint. Sorry i really just need to vent. Haiz.


got lar, i'm gan jiong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I woke up in the middle of the nite the other day feeling damn stressed, thinking wat if my girl decides to see us earlier and i have nothing ready. But bo bian leh, i can only start preparing after i shift in this sat.


Y your boss like that? It is not as if u lose company ppty, it is your own hp leh. Luckily u got it back.


My gynae told me it is ok to take panadol but i dunno wat is the limit. Since panadol is the cure for u now, think it is better for you to check with your clinic on the limit to be on the safe side.


I dont know the $50 discount still stand.cos need to know how many mummies joining..

So far now only u, tiger lily, pomme n me..might not be enough to get the discount.

By the way the price is $250..abt 100 capsules..


No leh, i emailed her since monday nite, no response from her until today.. think jus not my luck to save $$.. haha.. will probably drop by taka/ isetan baby fair to see if there are any deals. otherwise, last option will be kiddy palace liao.

SarahMay - I think hor, the both of us can work as part-time security guard. I'll wake up at 2.30am to pee, then 3.30am with pain, then toss till 4.30 or 5am and not before long, alarm clock ring. -_-!! I know I feel damn tired but just have problem getting to sleep, then with the joint pain, it just sucks lor. When I apply the ginger cream in the middle of the night, my hubby will wake up. I see him like that so poor thing.

SarahMay - But you made payment for the item liao mah, so why should she say that whoever transfer first should get the item? I mean, it's the bp seller's onus to keep track of who order what and we only need to tell them our transfer details and address. And moreover, it's her fault for not keeping her thread neat. Best is to boycott her in future.

