(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

BabyT: poor u le.. haah still got next gathering? i see pinkyluv write next gathering at KKH.. hahah


Weiting/Angela : Thanks for giving me a different perspective [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] makes me feel better... hee.. prob I was a bit disappted tt my gynae wasn't supportive of my decision to donate ba..

Yvonne : the S$26k is for patient wanting to find a suitable match from SCBB's cord blood reserves, unless the donor herself unfortunately needs it later on. Yup, it's also open to overseas patients [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are right, they said must paid!


Hugz! You must be suffering for the entire night, take care yah


Really huge different :S


I think i would prefer in the womb since they still have a website for their business and upfront about not being licensed. Seriously i don't think HSA will give license for human products. Any other mummies joining other than tiger lily? I already inform my gynae i want my placenta back.


You where got long long one time eat good food. Your fried prawn noodles makes us drool liao. Yesterday i only eat crepe and icecream.. i'm so scared of bloating nowadays.

Adelynn - ya hor... Hahaha... Ydae during photo taking we Q by due date... Wah damn fast leh... Ur Edd and my Edd 1 day apart nia rite?? My gynae says I should deliver last week of aug or 1st week of sep... Today's ur check up rite??

Jynnsan - thanks... And of all nites to get such an attack, my ang was at work... End up I got to hug my dog instead... And the silly girl kena woken up so many times cos I was tossing and turning to find a good position to lie...

Pomme - please leh... That one is my mil cook de considered good food ar?? My good food is go out eat with friends wor... But I gan yuan bloat, better than everyday kena niam to eat rice, rice, rice and more rice... Grrr... MUST EAT RICE, NO RICE NOT GD FOR BABY!!! Gosh...


Hehe. Same same le. My mother also niam mi tat i need to eat rice la. Even if i dun like also is for bb la.~~~

Weiting - which I think it's total nonsense... Ang mo also dun eat rice, baby also healthy and growing... So everytime I tell her I bloat, she give me stupid face... Then ydae came back from check up she keep asking how is baby's weight... I told her 2.2kg, then she say wah so small.. Wah piang.. I dunno how to satisfy her...

Yvonne - ai exchange mai?? Haha... Actually she's ok leh... I got no complains about her except for her antique thinkings... Just busy gum with my thinking... But I cannot deny her cooking is really damn good... But she dunno how to make rosti... Hahaha...

babyT: wah if by EDD i will stand beside u! heheh yea u 7th i 8th.. tonight gynae visit le.. cannot wait :p

BabyT: Come exchange one lazy MIL who keep niam-ing saying shes tired when she dont have to work nor do much housework. hahaa!! and the food she cook sucks! even kids niam say tasteless... lol...

i think urs is better than mine la.. cos i already showed her "dont mess with me" attitude. so she dont bothers me.. just tt shes very lazy nia.


Poor u.. feeling better now? U ate very little ytd nia leh.

Tell your MIL, carbo may not have direct impact on baby's weight lar. My fav food during pregnancy is carbo, jus gimme rice, bread, noodles.. I like.. hee.. but then look at my baby's weight.. she is much lighter than your germaine lor. I think Jessica was telling me ytd that calcium has more impact on baby's weight.

And i agree with Yvonne, home-cooked food is gd. All my 3 meals are settled outside, sometimes really craved for some home-cooked meals leh.

Re: Placenta processing

Sorry gals, i dun think i wanna join in liao. I did ask my gynae abt the pros and cons and seems like he is not too supportive of it. He said that the high temp wld have destroy the possible nutrients that placenta is supposed to provide. So he suggested might as well used the $ to buy other supplements which cost less. So I think i better save the $$ and used it on my epidural bah..

shinchan: ya lor, i eat outside for all my 3 meals, only when I go back to my own house, my mum will cook delicious food which me and even my hubby yearn for every week.

Eat outside food tillllll sian liao...

So shinchan, u going for epi? this is ur first bb also?

hi gals,

Afternoon, drag myself out of bed. I am sure all had a good time. I am now suffering from a bad muscle ache. Last nite a strong leg cramp and now muscle still aching. Will be posting some pictures up. Realize dont have some gals in FB. Pomme, Sab, BBdreams, BabyT, SarahMay and Mag pls send me your email link.


take care and rest more.


Is really hard to please your mil. I almost have a difficult mil... unhappiness happen way before we ROM. But now she is fine. Phew...


You are so funny. Next gathering at KKH? Later the nurse will come and chase everyone out cos of the noise.


ya, have been eating out for the past 7 years, sometimes really eat until dunno wat to eat liao. Same lor, only when i go back to my mum's place then will have home-cooked food.

haha.. as i was sharing with some mummies ytd that i only have one birth plan, i.e. get my baby out with the least pain.. LOL. so i have alrdy informed my gynae that no matter natural or c-sect, I want EPIDURAL!!! :p

Leobaby - I'm in ur fb liao leh... Valerie Sim...

Yvonne - haiz... House house got Nan nian de jing... My mil cooks, but she lazy to clean up de... And ar her hygiene isn't the best... U know we wash hands le normally will wipe on the hand towel right... She doesn't... She flicks the water on the floor, which I hate... Told her many times don't listen... Sometimes I really want to jia jia fall down and show her lor... Next time baby come out and if she wanna

carry with wet hands sure kena jialat...

Shinchan - true la abt home cooked food... But sometimes she adds MSG and sometimes too oily... Haiz...

Adelynn - ya ya.. The countdown is getting shorter!!!

Hi gals,

have fun yakking with some of u gals yesternite. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today not feeling too good... Lower half of my body is so painful. Starting from my back, to butt, to V bone to my t

right small thigh. Urghh!!!! Wat's happening to me???!! Have problem walking properly today. If this goes on... I will be Cham liao... How to bring kids to sch? Haiz...

Feeling depressed.... Esp so, when my hb is heading to Phuket for his dept LEISURE trip this coming Fri (till Monday), while I have to suffer in PAIN alone n juggling the kids. So unfair. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mango.. Haha normal la.. After awhile these pain will go away but dont knw how long but sure it will return... Hurhur..

*pray tt my gynae dont call me today! If he nv call me means i pass my glucose test n i can indulge on the m&m's choco n kinder bueno in d fridge!

Eh... My ah siao is confirm siao liao....

1st time in my life.... I see pple use vacum cleaner to vacum ANTS!!! Her reason being.... "There's too many ants" Funny rite?? Wanted to laugh when she told me that.

Yesterday by the time they reached home (park kids n maid at inlaws place n hb went to fetch them back)... It's already late 11+ liao. Who knows... After the washing up... She went to iron my gal's uniform. It's not strange if my gal has no more uniform to wear the next day... But then... She has enuff to last her till end of this week!!!! Dun know wat she is thinking.

Also... Despite she is experienced n I ve spare drying racks n hangers.... She love to cramp all the clothes together when hanging them. Really lor, 1st time seeing pple hang clothes like that!!! For eg... She can put hankys n boslter covers ON TOP of towels. Or she loves putting a few kids underwears on 1 hanger. Despite explaining to her not to do it... She still do it!!!

Hb told me not to chap her since we have already choose a replacement... But then I'm facing her 24/7... Hard to IGNORE her when she keep doing ki siao things rite.

Hai..... When will my replacement maid come????

Yvonne - if u can't indulge, I stay very near u nia... Hurhur...

Mango - ur ah siao is really siao... I think she should go for mental check up at chalet... She purposely de hor... Tsk tsk... Eh my maid really good life leh... She sleeps around 10, wakes up at 7.30... Sibei ho mia... My sil was saying her life is worse than hers... Office job 9 to 5, but worse than maid... Mwahaha...

BabyT: Eh...tell your MIL the next time she comments on baby size that 1. doc - the pro- says everything's good 2. bb is healthy 3. big inside belly doesn't mean big outside. u can quote my example lor...my son was considered rather big at birth but then my friends' sons who were born below 3 kg are now all 1.3 - 1.5 X his weight lor.

Pomme: Me ! Me! I want to go with inthewomb? So how shall we combine orders?

leo-baby: i think u asked for FB friend request but i've not approved cos i wasn't sure who u were. You're L** K** right?

okie...i better go...shall catch up with rests of posts later.


Ur MIL hard to please lor. How big she wants a bb girl to be. If come out >3.5kg she will comment how come girl not petite and so toa kor.


You gers so funny. Lazy MIL vs Hard to pls MIL not a very good exchange deal leh.

BTW, you do ur confinement in CCK or Buangkok?


You can go ur parent's place and eat home cook meals everyday since you eat out. They stay too far?

Yeh.. i am opting for epi too. No heroism for me. Think my bb big one.. so sure more painful de.

I can't stand outside food de, everyday wanton mee, fish soup, chicken rice, no variety at all. So i'll cook dinner after work. Two weekdays dinner and all meals for weekends.Two days go back parents' place to eat and fri go out park tor with hubby so eat out. Any of you mummies still do marketing and cooking? Got any receipe to share?? I need new ideas for my meals.


I am also in ur facebook. Nick is Yongfang. But still can't see ur maternity shots leh.


Hug hug.. take care.. we are in the last leg liao. almost there so hang on.

Ur ah siao seriously siao. No logic at all. Luckily get replacement liao... but beware she ki siao when u send her away, better get ur relative to come and have your children away when u send her packing.

Mango : Hang in there... This means that we are not far away from D-day which means the pain will be over very soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Impt to stay positive and cherry, ok... Try not to stay in sitting position for too long cos the moment u stand up, it's very painful. For me, I use the frequent 'toilet-breaks' as an opportunity to move around to relieve whatever aches I'm feeling (back, V-area, butt). :p

Re : Ah Siao

I think your ah siao is tryin to make u siao b4 ur replacement maid comes. Don't let her have her way. Try to close one eye if you can until ur new maid comes. Always remember a happy mummy means a happy bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Photoshoot

Sarahmay, I'll also be gg for the FOC photoshoot by Benjamin.. Hooray! Thank god his offer is still available.. hee... Interested mummies can email [email protected] to check for slots! I'll be doing mine this Sun @ 5pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyT: choco u can eat ah? Lol.. Late ur mil niam then u know ahhhh! Lol

pomme: do at cck! Only chance to stay there for 1 full mth n enjoy d mummy's love.. Lol..


Why don't you do 40 days confinement? Do 28 days (full works) and then more relax kind for the next two weeks? Then can enjoy ur mummy's love longer? Plus ur wahwahs are there in ur mummy's place right?


wahahaha.. no words to describe your ah siao liao. use vaccum to kill ants??? LOL

Think most of us suffer more during the 3rd trim, guess we just have to ren ren abit and soon it will be over liao bah. I oso having achy back more often now.


actually i always wonder y pple bother to use MSG in their home-cooked food. If wanna put MSG, might as well eat outside, since it is jus a unhealthy.


currently i'm staying far far away from my parents - one south and one north, 2 tips of the island, so not possible to go hm to eat lor. and we rarely cook at hm oso cos we tend to reach hm late on wkdays and not at home on wkends. Imagine, we cant even finish a pkt of 1kg rice per year.. kekeke.. Talking abt this, i need to check my kitchen liao and see wat i need to stock up for my CL. If i'm not wrong, i only have one pot to cook maggi mee nia. *bleh*

Yvonne - I eat potato chips she also niam... Drink too much water also niam... She say wait water retention... I told her doc ask me drink more to counter water retention lor.. U know what she told me?? Don't listen to the doc too much.. I flipped.. My contractions med also.. She say don't take, not good... I want to jump down... If she dun let me eat what I want, I will just use what she say to say her back... I crave I don't eat wait baby lao nua...


I fully can understand how you feel. These maids really one kind. Haiz..My maid also not bad, i bought the dettol detergent to clean the floor, she used them to clean the window, still have the nerve to tell me, like that more cleaner. Too many other stuffs they did to drive us crazy. Bear with it, dun let them affect us. Sometime really feel like "humtam" her, but of cos cannot la. Buay tahan!!!


At least your MIL ask hor, mine, dun even bother to ask a single question [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Do add me in your fb: [email protected], Thanks

Sarahmay> yes that is me.

Pomme and BaByT> oh so that your real name. Didn't know that.

BBL> can you remove what u put in the FB abt that video. I don't think that is an appropriate video inside. Thank you.


Hahaha, I like your "no medal fot bravery in labour ward"! :D I also doing epidural. My gynae's philosophy is like, if there's something for you to help you suffer less, why not? For me, it's like, unless I am prepared to suffer bcos I want to save $ from the epidural jab, else I have nothing to prove. My threshold of pain is very low one. And neither am I so gian to experience pain - not the sadomasochistic type! :D


Hahaha! I like your analysis!

On stranger days before I was preg, I will wear knee high leather boots to office, cos it's one of my most comfy pair of shoes (serious!) and it's good for rainy days and floods, hence very practical lor! I like leggings cos it works like wearing socks to keep feet/shoe dry. :D


For a moment, I was trying to imagine what is "perfectly done half boiled eggs". And guess what came to my mind? Hard-boiled eggs!

Sorry ah, I'm just being corny... :p

Pomme: Wah! Good idea to stay there for 40days... Can tell my hubby hor tt i do confinement for 28days then stay there to rest for another 12 days..

Thank u leh pomme. lol.

yup, my wawas are there.. lol.


To be frank, i agreed that Epi is the saviour for aiding normal delivery, it really significantly reduce the hardship and suffering during childbirth. But still depend on individual, there might be side effect

First time mommies...

Just to share, if you go into labour hor, pls eat something before you head to the hospital. Mai kan cheong. Cos that could be your last meal till the next time when you can eat again... whenever that is.

For my 1st, I went to hospital from office at about 1+pm cos experienced contractions. 1st time mah... so kan cheong lor. Did not even take my lunch. Breakfast was miserly sandwich and tea. I didn't deliver my boy till 9pm that night and I was so braddy hungry (and tired) until I had no energy to push either. After my boy was out, I asked for food but they say after epidural cannot makan cos will puke...

Sian man! End up suffering not from pain, but hunger!

Optimus Prime: u are so right.. pls eat before going to labour! for me i cant chose bcos i was induced.. 10am summoned into delivery suite and wait.. waited all the way till past mid nite 2am then give birth. lucky no EPpi, was awarded HOT MILO after bb born. haha

Optimus Prime,

This is a good reminder, my 1st one i also din makan, too excited and dunno what is going on, forget about hunger. I think i din eat for the whole day. Haha

shinchan - Wah, then gotta wait how long after baby is born before we can eat something?

I also heard that after jabbing epi, will keep shivering. I think it depends on the individual bah...


Minimum you got to stock the soya sauces (dark and light) plus sesame oil and rice leh. Salt and sugar too. Oh yah, cooking oil too.

Yeh, i don't use msg in cooking too. So if food got msg i can immediately pick up de.

My parents stay very far too. In hougang and i am at CCK. But lucky my hubby can knock off on time and he work in toa payoh.. so shun bian. We end up take taxi home after visiting.


ur MIL win liao lor.. She thinks her ways more reliable than doctors... then cannot reason with her liao.


Ur MIL sure can't say no if you want to do 40 days confinement. Then got nice food and ur dogs are there.. plus 1st two mths breastfeeding may be quite frustrating de cos need to establish supply plus do latching. If there is no good food i will sure be pek chek.

So you are going natural without epi??

I downgrade to B1 ward to take in the epi cost. Cos i super scare of pain de.

Optimus Prime

So eat something is normal, light or heavy? i heard pple also poo when they push during natural delivery.. so embarassing. I am scared if i eat too much then i end up pooing in the dellivery room.

optimus prime,

Thanks for the tip!!

LSB & Yvonne,

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_welcome2.gif] and yvonne, u learn fast ya.. hahaha...


I dunno oso cos I'm first time mum too.. Think u gotta ask Optimus Prime or the rest of the experienced mums here.


Ya, thanks for the tip. all those that you have mentioned, I dun have and i think i need to buy a big pot too. Haiz.. Think pple wont believe that we had staying on our own for the past 6 years with such an ill-equiped kitchen.. LOL

Pomme: My MIL dont dare to say anything la. Haha. Its more to my hubby will nag say so long there..

Yup, i shld be going natural with Epi.. hehe

Jessica: wah, big baby!

Hi, Sorry to disturb.

I'm a July 2010 mother. I have a complete set of the Pump In Style Advanced for sales. Bought on 26 July 2010. still with warranty & box. Receipt still available too. Full set selling @ $690.

I only open up to sterlize & use it once only.

Due to stress there is no more milk flow thus decided to sell away.

Interested buyer kindly sms to 91459082



Thanks for yr compliment. I guess is my pettie size ba. U ladies seating too far away from me la. Din see my grey hair & wrinkle.


If u really getting the shower gel, I should be able to join the East region gathering, then can pass to u.

