(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


okay. So late u still not sleeping.

Yesterday went taka for dinner, saw the taka bb fair been setup, I so tempted to go see see look look but now I can forget abt it. Actually, today after gynae visit if everything ok, I tot of pop by taka to see before heading back to work, but after checkup, lagi no mood. Just head back office to start hand over.


paiseh paiseh

dun worry ! afterall i came out of the whole episode unscathed

the night nurse was very irritated with me cos after tat i keep pressing the bell when i wan to go toilet

still tell me u can actually go urself

ANGRY! stupid comp hung on me. typed so many msgs and kena lost! now my preggy brain don't rber what i typed...and eyes too tired to re-read posts.

Sab: Hugs! Stay strong. My last pregnancy I kena bed rest, house arrest for like 1st trim and W 32-35. like u, i was at preterm labour risk. suddenly bled, and had contractions. i felt miserable having to stay home, stay in bed...not do much and alone ALL day. like invalid. BUT hang in there k? baby IS MORE impt. do stuff u enjoy but norm can't cos of work like read, watch DVDs? Oh! btw, my bb was full term! so stay positive!

badfifi: yup got ur PM. i shall go chaase my friend. ur hubby going w u on tues? which floor is ur doc?

LSB: how? decided on outfits? i thot i did...but looking at my sun's shoot i think i better change so got variety of free shots. hehehe.

OP; thanks for lobang on BHG bugis.

Sugar: I sent u the BP thread name liao.

Windy: Lucky no mossie bites. that will be worse. ur photog is good! how much does he charge for somethign like this? dun mind doing family one when hubby returns. as for your MIL...one ear in and another ear out. best tt way.

diamantz: underarm for babies the cheapest. i got ear one that time durign first preg...REGRET. cos too big to fit in ear. now as toddler, he is too squirmy. forehead is good. got BP here selling one used in hospitals. about 100+. tempted but think i shd not spend anymroe money.

pinkyluv: YIKES!!!! Scary!!! u mean u can see such things? YIKES. my haair standing. eeek eeek eek. and it's 1 am and i still cannot sleep.

leobaby; i'm really curious as to how your suitor looks like man. heheh.


hehe. i got almost 100 shots from my free sunday session. pretty good for free and photography club ppl. blogged abt my exp and some of my fave shots from that day. http://messangel.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/the-boy-and-the-bump/


btw, anyone thot of doing this? i'm tempted. cos with my firstborn i didn't and now regret. but all the sites i found on this forum are like UBER exp! like 5-600 bucks!!!


take care and like wat everyone say walk lesser.


where u stay?


I prefer the ear type as my gal can't stop moving when I use the underarm .I don think we get to use it so early as my gal only use it like abt 6mths old .

pinkyluv> because you say you luv horror movie that y I say you are peers mah. I don't dare watch horror and esp during preggie time. Channel 5 or 8 got a little of those only, I will run to off the tv.

Shinchan> google can find answer is it... I think i will want to watch 1 more time after delivery and see can understand better first. then google to find answer if still don't. Thermometer the ear type think still not suitable for new born but eventually grow older alsi need to get the ear type. I saw my dr client use on their children. Is Avent still having the lucky dip thing? I only spend $38 the last round and drawed a bb monitor that cost $200. the sales lady jaws drop.

diamantz> I rather have other kind of luck then this kind of luck. I did not reply a single sms to that little boy but he really let me recollect and ask myself when was the last time I step into a Disco? Then I realise last nite was ladies nite almost forgot wed is ladies nite... LOL. Is yor DH also in the movie club thing? My next movie also SALT. Maybe should go together.

Sab> Taka fair is very long till 22 Aug. U can always go towards the end when u full term and go only in late morn or early afternn wkdays. lesser ppl.

Sarahmay> I am not at all curious how he look as his text is so direct and non-interesting. could tell is just some small boy.

Good morning mummies!

Having leg cramps now every night, unable to sleep, the pain is really PAIN, sigh. I dun think i can walk so much anymore, last night my left ankle was like super painful, it was @ the joint area, it lasted for 15 mins and I am struggling. It was not cramp but somehow it was attacking me on and off.

BB photo shot:

My #1 Benjamin Loo taken for him, this round might get him as well :p

Sarah May,

Benjamin charged $300


I think we are having similar things wor, i am also having cramps and pain as well as baby in breaching position already. I am now praying tong till Wk#36, now i am Wk33&4days. Take care, let's pray together

I am using Braun brand baby thermometer which is very useful and quick reading. Reliable too.

good morning mummies,

i need to rant. took the bus to work this morning. it was quite packed so i din get a seat. A guy offered me a seat the next stop and before i could step forward and sit down, the uncle next to me just took the seat.

arrrggh.... and he pretend not to see me when i stare at him. Look away. i know he did that purposely!!

the gentleman who gave up his seat to him realise what happened when he turned his head back. but he didn't do anything. just shake a bit of his head.

i was about to give the uncle my piece of mind but the lady behind offered me her seat

so i din create a scene... now thinking back, i SHOULD HAVE!!!

arrrggh... hate these people!

Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pomme/shinchan/angela/pinkyluv/badfifi/windy (hope I din miss out anyone :p) : Thanks for the 关心! Can't wait for the wkend to come! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Windy/Sarahmay : Love how ur photos turn out.. It's just so awesome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hopefully my 'modelling stunt' this Sun will also yield such beautiful pics cos I have limp coordination issues :p

Sarahmay, I'm still cracking my brain on what to wear... :p I love ur pose with the flowy red cloth most, so arty farty lo! lol.. wonder what 'props' Benjamin has that I can use for the shoot... I'm comtemplating on doing artistic nude photography leh but haven discussed with hb yet.. :p will u be doing that as well (but a bit hard for u since ur lil' one will be there)?

always love reading ur post cos so entertaining n provides me with much insight. I find writing such stuff will kill a lot of my brain cells cos I'll keep on editing my post.. lol

jynnsan, share with us your boy's videoslide lei...

looks like all of us are starting to get aches and pain... the good news is, bb getting heavier!!


Now i am walking as though limping, cos both my leg (suffered from bad cramps and pain every night) are painful. Walking speed getting slower and slower, yesterday one colleague just asked me,"You are getting heavier, can see that you are walking slow!" :p

Ya, gynae said anytime will trigger due to super low breaching position. By right muz bedrest de, but got to handover.


That is ugly! Yesterday taking bus, as usual pack, nobody give up seat is juz norm, I was standing and right in front of me are all ladies/woman, they just simply stared at me as though I am ailen. Finally a kind UNCLE gave up his seat, maybe he find me very poor thing. Haha, with tummy so low. I go and see whether the videoslide still there ma...

i so going crazy.

Woke up by hacking, drilling and knocking sound. i thought it was my neighbour upstair, went to complaint via HDB through town council. They came down to inspect and found that my neighbour below doing reno work till sep.

I cant even get out of house now. I have to either live with it or find another shelther to hide.

I just find that this generation of people are so caught by the singapore system. We are "too rich" to get a new HDB flat, "too poor" to afford a condo. End up we have to get a flat from the crazy overly priced old HDB flat. We are not there and not here.

What a day for me and more to come.

Morning ladies!


Do take care, bb is more important, I am on HL since 25weeks due to my short cervix problem and on ventoline til 34weeks to prevent contraction. Must learn to take things "slowly" and try to rest as much as u can b4 baby pop. Time flies, b4 u knew it, u will be in ur full term liao, jiayou!


Me me me, i had the wrist pain from taking care of my #1, it took me months to recover from it, veru depressed when having it, coz cant care of bb properly. Went acupunture and tuina, all useless as we can't stop using our wrist unless u dun take are of bb. At the end, went to see orthopaedic, and only recovered after 2 jabs. Have to wear wrist guard for months too. Oh, my fren's boss also had this and only recovered after operation. This is a very common problem for new mommies, the medical term is called de quervain syndrome. So mommies, be careful when taking care of bb. Praying hard that this problem wont relapse for my #2. I hate this and PND!


Yup, we must pray faithfully yeah.

I saw Windy and Sarahmay photos, i must hang in till week 36, if i can make it, i also want to take photos. My hubby frd offer to take for us, as he did our rom and wedding dinners shoots too. It will be meaningful if he can do for us again, i must hang in till then.


I opt for 4 bedders room, (1) in case i need to c-sec and also (2) i scare alone in hosp cos hubby will not company me stay overnight.

Oh no, my temp staff is having flu, please dun spread to me, can't afford to fall sick now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also opt for 4-bedders de

Hi ladies,

I went for a checkup a 31 + week checkup last week. But my bb is only 1.68 kg. Paid for my package.

Waaah....need to cough up more than $2000 in cash to deliver in A ward at KK.

But my gynae say baby already turn down. Position is at already at -1.49...so I guess I will pop before week 38????

Morning mummies... Taka fair is pretty much the same as the one that just passed in march... Even the suppliers and layout are the same lor... But still my damage ydae $215...

jynnsan : omg omg... ur boy boy so cute... I like those animal booties.. so kawaii!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sab : Please take care and dun worry too much... Just guai guai listen to ur gynae n minimise ur movements around. Poor u... If u can't tahan the reno noise, mb u can go back to ur parents' house to take shelter?

Being curious, what camera would u gals or ur hubbies be using in the labour ward to capture the new born ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That time i juz brought the normal digital de, then my sister said should bring video cam to capture the special moment.


What have you got this round?


dun be ! i think i am just very suay tat nite.

bottomline is i m not harmed in any way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just got a scare that's all

needless to say, i asked to be discharged the very next day


the uncle is quite mean


regarding ur website which i feel the title is very meangingful, did u pay for the site ?

newborn pics in studio ?


after seeing sarah, i feel apologetic to my kiddos for not doing my maternity shots with them this round :p

too bad venue is siglap and not bukit batok


actually i want to kpo the camera models , esp those that u gals have been using and find tat it is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkyluv - My hubby and I bought a simple Olympus camera which is simple point-and-click, coz we reckon that there won't be time for him or whoever is in the room to fiddle with the camera functions if it's too difficult to use.


OIC. ehh, model, now then i realize that i din even know my camera model, only know Nikon de :p

The website if FOC, but the disadvantage is subject to the risk of losing it!

For newborn pix, Benjamin come to our place to take de

Actually is my friends buy for me de... Early

pressies for Germaine...

The First Years Musical Mobile Dreams In Sight $79.92

Leap Frog Baby Counting Pal Caterpillar $42.90

Mini Laser Safety Clip On Fan $6.90

2 Cheeky Bon Bon Fitted Sheet $29.90

Munchkin Powdered Formula Dispenser Combo Pack $7.92

Kiddopotamus Swaddling Bag $23.60

1 pack of ribbons $5.52

WTS - Pigeon Rapid Steam Sterilizer (Brand New)

Brand new and unopen/unused. MIL prefer the boiling method.

Willing to let go at $60.

Meet up at Sembawang/yishun MRT.

Interested parties pls sms me at 81003093


Ya, i thinking of going my parent hse, the only thing that hold me back is having to bring along my laptop otherwise i will be v bored.

Looking forward to seeing your photo shoots!!


I know what u mean, met rude and inconsiderate ppl too. I will also keep quiet and later regret not telling that person off.


My photographer charges ard 200/hour and all photos return. I have ard 120 take back shots. But he is my close friend so didnt charge that high for me.

I also signed up with Sean Lau for my baby's photo taking@2weeks. Was only $188 at the baby fair and I felt comfortable when talking to the photographer himself. (http://seanlau.com/babygallery/babygallery.html) Maybe you can call and ask if they can extend the promotion to you if you like his shooting style. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sean Lau took for my 1st Maternity shots during year 2008 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Only $188, that is a good deal, will make enquiry

Hi TigerLily,

Sean Lau package includes:

- 02 Hours of studio session with Sean Lau Baby Photography

- 05 Pictures printed on 5”x 7”

- 01 Reprint on 8”x 12” with framing (Tabletop)

- DVD with selected images in high resolution

The website puts $248, but sign up at baby fair is $188. Maybe can try calling to enquire if they could extend the promo to you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Tigerlily, now he become a little DEVIL cum MONSTER!!! haha


Thanks for info.

$188 is really good deal, but do we need to bring baby to his studio? He is not coming to our place?

Maybe i will call him up


Need to bring baby to his studio. I just found out that Sean Lau is a friend of another photographer friend of mine, and my friend said that Sean's home is the 'studio' where he will shoot the baby.

Hopefully he can still extend the baby fair promo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If not will be 248 already.

Hi mummies,

I'd love to meet some of you since I couldn't make the 6 Aug one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for organizing SarahMay

Please Indicate Name, Pref Timing and Propsed Venue below in following order:

6. Dorothea/ 13 Aug/ Tea 3.30pm

I'm stopping work on Tues 10 Aug even though it's only my 33rd week, because I want to use the one month before full term to learn as much as I can from all the books and videos people have been recommending to me! Thankful for the rest...

Diamantz and Leo Baby, I also experienced the slower and more obvious movement of baby this week! Hubby and I were trying to figure out what is a hand or foot or head :b

sab> i would move back to your folks' place if i were you. having a tranquil environment is impt for you right now and all that reno noise is definitely not what you need. my neighbours (from both sides) took turns doing reno last year...although i didn't visibly get pek chek or anything, my mood during that time was very tense and i was more short-tempered than usual

Tiger Lily,

I see... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hmmm, dunno if there be any more baby fair from now til we pop, they participated with the same offer in the last 2 fairs.

hello all

Has anyone shine a torch light at your tummy? We tried last night, using hp light cos no torch light. As i know where is bb head, we shine at the tummy bottom only, and talk to her, hopefully she will be drawn to the Light. Just like us human, we are drawn to the Light. Dont know if it works, will try a few more time.

As we shine my tummy and talking to her, she does respond with kicks. The feeling is so wonderful.

Sab - Yup babies do respond to light, and surprisingly they will cover their eyes when the light is shone on them. My baby gave me a few hard kicks the first time I used LED light, but after that she simply ignored me.

Sab, that sounds like a great way to play with baby plus get his head to head in the right direction! Shall try it tonight. I suppose must try in a completely dark room right?

Question - Anybody sending their babies for infant care? Is it something you would recommend?

My mom has offered to help take care of my baby, but the thing is she is currently taking care of my 3 yr old nephew as well. We will have to get a maid to help her if we put the baby there. Thing is my nephew is rather naughty and spoilt, and my gut feeling is that he wont be able to accept the baby. We tried to introduce the baby to him, like ask him to sayang my tummy, and he pinched my tummy instead. Last week he said 'I don't want mei mei'. He also hyperactive, climbing and running everywhere. I am worried that my baby will learn all the bad things from him.

Anybody got advice/experience to share? I am at a dilemma.


Windy, what my friend suggested we do (which we are planning to do with my nephew too) is to get him some toy he really likes as a gift and give to him when baby is born, and then tell him the gift is from baby and us. We hope that helps ease any potential jealous feelings!

Meanwhile, have been repeatedly telling my nephew that his cousin is someone he can play with in the future. Sometimes he 'sayangs' my tummy, other times he ignores what I am saying and does his own thing. So... I just hope he eventually comes to love his little cousin!

