(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Sugar if u have rashes I suggest u see GP for mild rash cream. Cos I'm having eczema so my skin will b extreme dry so I need moisturister. Den I think our breast also stretch n enlarge so will also have dry skin so I guess moisturister help.

I rem someone mentioned calamile lotion(donno spelling). But it won't works for me. Usually I need strong cream for my eczema so now can onli endure e itch den scratch once in a while wen I bth hee hee hee



Yap just google,, its braxton hicks...

Braxton Hicks contractions are sporadic uterine contractions that start about 6 weeks into your pregnancy, although you won't be able to feel them that early. You probably won't start to notice them until sometime after mid-pregnancy, if you notice them at all. (Some women don't.) They get their name from John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor who first described them in 1872.


yah.. i google on braxton hicks liao.. i think wat i experience that nite might really be braxton hicks. cos the discomfort is relieved once i change position. Aiyo, how come mine started so early? the article said braxton hicks usually occur ard 3rd trim but i'm only reaching my 27th wk this sat leh.. does that imply higher chance of earlier due date? hmmm..gotta ask my gynae this sat.


i wonder if u guys have this pain: its like a sharp pain, a mild 'pins & needles' concentrated in a coin size area of the tummy. lasts for about 2s. it feels like baby pinching me .... what is this? it's wierd!!

Can I ask if any moms here gets depressed at times? I've been feeling very sad for no reason at times these days, like 2-3 times a day. But I can still control it as of now and snap out of it quickly by thinking happy thoughts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Should I tell my gynae about this?


Its the hormones that playing a trick..think few mummies here also exp this..by right having a bb should be a happy occasion ma..dont think of negative things..then wont be sad ba...but i know mood swings is unavoidable..try to control ba cos too sad not gd for bb too..

BBL what pain is it? it's creeping me out. and also experiencing some big movements from baby... like upside down turn... *wail* what happened to the nice little prods that i'd been experiencing. yesterday my tummy also lopsided to the right, and v. hard at the right side- is it baby's head?

Thanks BBL. That's the weird thing. Apart from the 6kg I've put on, there is really nothing much for me to be negative about. And the sadness just hits at times. I guess you are right, its probably my hormones playing a trick on me. have to control my mind to think happy thoughts only!


Just a sharp pain anywhere in my tummy.it suddenly one..but go off fast..

Ya my bb also have big movement..sometimes my tummy is lopsided to the right or left..very normal la...i even took pic of it...

Braxton Hicks

I thought that's just supposed to be a just a tightening of the stomach which should not be painful?

I also experienced menses-like cramps in my stomach yesterday morning, coupled with sharp pain in a concentrated area just in between the boobs... also had mild lingering pain for the rest of the day so went to see gynae immediately... she cannot pinpoint the reason (she says unlikely Braxton Hicks) but says it's likely muscle-related as I may have probably over-strained myself... felt more at peace after seeing baby's ok...

Anyone to advise me..

do u all tink its still safe to travel now? husb suggested bringing me for a short trip before labour..


y not, now is still second trimester, i think before 36 weeks is ok leh ..no intensive walking rite ? =)


do take care gal, no harm seeking gynae's advise too..


the dessert buffet at Lenas @ Bugis ( Part 3 of Buffetlicious) looks really good, on sunday fr noon to 10pm..i must go one of these days

hi all, i will also have such sudden thoughts and feel very depressed.. like on mon, esp at night, my bb was super active and i felt alot of movements.. then the next day until today, my bb's movements were less active and mild.. was wondering if bb's ok? i feel so paranoid n stressed now.. sighs cos i thought their movements will be more as they're much bigger now?


What my gynae advised was if long-haul flights, better dun fly after 32 weeks, if regional flights, can fly till 36 weeks. But regardless, you will need gynae's letter to state that all's ok.


yes me too! itch on the breast, i apply little breast cream on the itch area. The breast cream is sample size together in the same package as my stretch mark cream bought from gynae, forget about the brand name already.


childcare leave only 6days.

hi jessica, i see. i cant help being paranoid though. cos sometimes bb's really so so active and kept kicking me but just sometimes he's really quiet...

will log off now to rest my eyes and for an afternoon nap..cya gals later.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

call me when reached =) u can go inside and sit 1st if ur legs r tired

hehe, i noe i m such a nag

Maternity leave,

This unhappy leave claim happen to me in yr08. My so-called HR (we don't have HR dept, only angmo boss secretary doing the HR things) told my boss, my ML is 4 months, but in terms of weeks should be 16weeks. Then she told my boss, I am given 4mths by the company, but that 4mths got 1 week extra so I "earn" 1 more week. But I mentioned to my boss, is 16weeks, since confirm and allowed by her. Ok loh, since you say like that I take lah. Free 1 week, good mah. Take!

When I come back to wrk in 09, then she claim my ML from government. Then tell me got to deduct my 09's 6days of childcare leave. I WAS LIKE... shit! Your mistake I pay for it?! You are the one whom approve 4mths (17weeks) now you want to deduct my leave for your mistake. I told my boss, I already informed is 16weeks, then she give 17weeks, now take my childcare leave. Not fair to me. Not my mistake.

I fight for my rights. But in the end, lost lah... Boss say, if company found they gave me too much salary then how? Take back right? Since he told me this, I know I have no way to fight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then my 09 childcare leave disappear just like that... sob sob sob...

Now she is starting to ask my boss, when I want to take my leave. Saying that I have so much leave to clear, then is like 08 again loh. Want me to take leave 2 weeks earlier again. I now keeping my leave for at least 10days ahead to clear before my EDD. Very sian leh. Such a person as HR. Somemore, we cannot keep the last 4 weeks, must take all at one time. She don't want to trouble herself to keep track of our leave.


don't worry. As long as bb moves is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When I am having cavin, he is so active and move and move and move. But now day or night time princess is so gentle, she seldom move, I don't feel my "mei mei" moving or my pubic hair area no slight pump then I conclude maybe she is sleeping. Till my bedtime sometime she moves, at least she moves then I am ok.

Yvonne: thanks.. maybe will go down today.. not so crowded..

about ML.. think i better go and talk to my HR soon.. and also check with her on childcare leave too... the time is my main HR dept is in Hong Kong.. so it might be slightly diff policy.. but ML is sure 4mths (16 weeks)..

i am trying to save as much leaveas possible nearer to EDD.. but dunno y nowaday, i am getting more and more tired/sleepy.. sometimes i just take urgent leave to rest at home..

i was thinking worst come to worst.. i will request gynae to give me one week of MC before EDD..

braxton hicks!! yes, i experienced that early this morning. it's like mense cramp... gosh..

spooky how events coincide here in this forum...

diamantz, i also felt something hard on 1 side of my tummy... i woke up hubby up and ask if it's bb's backside.

thanks ladies for advice..

husb wanna go Taiwan.. not sure if i got the energy to walk!


so nice.. i like taiwan.

ya, agree that ability to walk is impt. I dun think I have the ability to walk liao. Jus some walking over the wkend will cause my feet to swell.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can only go R&R places only.


Taiwan!!!! I think u will walk until u die. Tats wat i think when i'm there 2 mths ago~~~ :p

Hehe. but nice place to eat n shop. Try to rest as much as u can.

Oh no, i think i am going to fall sick, my nose is very itchy and eyes is getting teary.

I am also trying to save leaves as MC using up pretty soon. Most probably will start ML 1 week ahead of EDD to get ready/standby haha. My friend asked me to talk to bb, try to come out over the weekend so that can save leave and hb can have additional day to accompany me since Paternity only 1 day for him.

Hi Adelynn, I been to taiwan a couple of times and I realize that there are always a lot of flight of stairs to climb! I guess that is why their girls are mostly so slim. It's hard to find escalators there, unless you are thinking of shopping at the high-end areas.

Besides, you may have to miss out those street foods and spring baths if you go there now and that would a great pity. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Toking abt coincidence, I also had v bad cramp just now.. Silly hb still thot it's my bb moving... Kept asking me "baby move huh?" buey tahan... Pain like siao still have to entertain him.. :p

wah.. after all these comments.. i don tink i wanna go already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

probably ask husb go nearby will do.. zzz


So sorry to "shao ni de xin". But i think u can go somewhere more relaxing? Its really nice to go for a short getaway before bb pop out. :D

Weiting: no la u never shao my xin.. i tink i also cant enjoy la.. don tink my legs can tahan le. now i walk ard in office also like lao ah ma.. HAHA imagine go holiday must fast fast and climb stairs..

maybe go to some beach for a short getaway.. but cant tink of any!


maybe can consider Bintan? KL? Phuket?

I'm still thinking abt my Melbourne trip... But v v v unlikely I can go. Hb v bz with his work lately. Unless I go on my own?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

TAIWAN?!!!!! I LOVE TAIWAN! I just went there at w23! With an active toddler too. If you want R&R, can do the more resorty places. Sun & Moon lake supposedly v romantic. Don't have to be in Taipei. Even in Taipei you can go places w minimal walking. I used the lifts all the time...didn't feel like my legs were breaking. hehe.

Adelynn: Pls check w airlines tho if they will take u. Tiger and Jetstar up to w35 of preg, but dep on doc cert to say u are fit for travel. Cruisees are out of q cos after wk 24 they dun seem to want to take u ... my mum called. Phuket? Thailand leh...is it safe? Bintan by 1 hr boat ride is perhaps q good. do spa retreat?

Rachoho; Bb movements can vary from day to day. Don't worry. If u get worried abt bb being too quiet, perhaps, pat ur tummy and talk to bb and ask if s/he can move to let u know s/he's fine. that is what i do.

Windy: feeliiing bluesy? me too! been feelign a bit mang zang la. cos i'm going to have a second kid...and really wondering how i'm going to cope...and whether i can ever go back to work as in if i will ever be marketable again.


Have fun girls! Pls post pics can?

BBL: yea.. i waiting for it to arrive! if good will order again for my sis :D

Sarah: hahaha but now i am 26weeks.. by the time i go mayb28 weeks. i jus spoke to husb.. we gonna save $$ after baby out then we go holiday.. mayb in DEc go HK.. ;)

Hi Mommies!

I just came back from my shopping spree at the Motherhood Fair. Must go!!!!! Managed to grab the following;

Pigeon rapid steam steriliser, bundled with bottle n food warmer, 5 pigeon bottles, 2 packs of moisturising cloths, 1 bottle of liquie cleanser and bath thermometer for $199,

Medala breast pump (PIS) at $699, bundled with nipple cream, baby leg warmers and medela breastmilk bags,

3 carter bibs for $10 and 5 carter blankets (100% cotten) for $15

Baby Poney: Blanket for $15, mittens and booties set for $5

Cordlife Package: NUH sweet deal, processing fee of $800 instead of usual $1.4K for other hospitals, $50 discount if you have a referral, 1 year of personal accident coverage for u and spouse, thumbdrive and both u and referral receive $50 capital mall voucher.

Also saw Mac Claren XLR for $468 and XT for $3** (can't rem since I've been eyeing on XLR so was looking out for it).

Diaper counters include Huggies, Nepia and Pampers.

Hey SarahMay, I think I am very worried that I will become fat and frumpy after giving birth. I'm mad about nice dresses and very worried that I won't be able to fit into those dresses anymore. my mom and sis both put on considerable weight after they gave birth. Though I know it will be worth it definately once my princess comes out, but still...

Thanks for the update Xiao Pang. Looks like its a die die must go sale. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiao pang,

thanks for the update.. happy to see that pigeon steriliser is a gd deal. that is one of the item on my to-buy-list..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jus to add, i bought a car seat for $89.. Brand is shears which is d same brAnd as d baby cot i bought.. Baby cot is $169 there with 4" foam mattress...

Hi, Yvonne.

Is the car seat, infant car seat or those convertible one? How about the baby cot, 4 in 1 type? I'm thinking of getting both at the fair.


i heard the car seat is frm newborn - 4 yrs old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

