(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Yes, adelynn is right abt d car seat.. We took d last black one, so now left with orange. Baby cot yes, can b converted to toddler bed.. Shears counter is right at the end, infront of d stage..


Thanks Yvonne and Adelynn,

hope they still have stock by Saturday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelynn: Er HK??? With or without kids? I go HK quite often with my son,, and was there when he was about 3mths (dec 08). Honestly, HK isn't really a fantastic place to go with young kids in tow cos 1. MTR travel is bad, hard to take ur stroller out cos no lifts/ and if ur stroller is not the COMBI or GRACO narrow range, can really forget abt it. 2. Few places have suitable high chairs. 3. Ppl there dun really have patience for pple w young kids. If u really want a trip out of SG with ur kids, shd consider other more kid-friendly destinations.

Xiao Pang: Wow! sounds like a great deal u got.

BB COT convertible to tot bed; That is really a bargain!

I think theres quite gd bargin for cordlife if u intend to sign up.. But when u walk in, beware of d super irritatingmotherhood magazine sales pple. Haha!

Bumwear price also not bad..

yvonne - yes that's the shears car seat... we're getting that tomorrow.. oh irritating sales people?? i like... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pray hard tomorrow i good mood arbo sure kena from me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehehe....

BabyT: hope still have cos jus now tt guy claim left 10 seats nia, duno hw true though... I walk past one time 2-3 of their sales pple jio me at diff stop, wah lan, damn pek chek. Imagine i walked by 3 times! Bishhhhh.

Most of the stroller brands are there, even maxi cosi n Quinny. Can find the strollers at Spring Maternity booth, but seems like baby supplies or B supplies (right at the corner in front of the redemption counter is cheaper). Also include delivery.

Not a wide selection of cots though. I'm trying to find the oval shape which wasn't available.

There are also caterers for full month, photographers n lotsa apparel - Carter, Baby Poney...

Ergonomic Bath Tubes from PiKu, whole section on Avent, Pureen and Pigeon. Pity no Nuk.


Believed the rest of the mommies still enjoying themselves at the gathering...


Nice!!!! though can be tiring for the legs, but the stomach will have a feast of nice food....just the thought of it make me drool....

rachoho, i tink its normal....i used to feel how u feel when bb is esp quiet when the day before she is active like anything....gynae says normal too....after a while, i decided prob depend on bb's mood....but sometimes when shift position, u will feel it...or at certain times of the day (mine is at night), more active than the rest of the day...dun worry...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

expo baby fair

agree that its a must go....haa, bot a lot of things there! my fren "mobilise" mi to help her get the papmpers active pack (2 packs for $20 nia, but only limited for 50 sets and only for M/L)...this starts at 1130am and when i reach there abt 12, oredi all snapped up liao...expected...i too slow la...haa....ok, some of the items i saw there to share pricing with u gals here...some items are those that has been discussed in this thread while others are based on what i saw/rem and some are my loot:

- papmpers NB x 24 pieces: $8 per pack....thought quite cheap so bot 3 packs

- Nepia $14 flat for all sizes + 2 pieces free

- EQ and sealer...saw some mummies here using EQ so went to check it out but they dun have NB and S they din bring to fair today..promoter said sealer (under same co but more premium (dunno how true) can tahan longer....NB x48 and S x 46...$9 each or 3 for $25 (can mix)....promotor was v nice so bot 2 NB and 1 S....she threw in quite a fair bit of freebies like toys, baby bowl, bib...

- other diapers brand available: huggies, drypers and this jap brand Goon or something but i din really check pricing cos oredi bot pampers and sealer...

- saw babyjourn carriers @50%...cos haven research on this as not on my buy list, cant comment on whether its a good buy or advise what sorts they have...but i saw 50%...after less $125...

- shears baby cot...the $169 looks good and decent...too bad hubby prefer a play pen...shears has 1 too, $99 inclusive of mattress but gotta go to their ofc @ jalan peminpin (not sure of spelling but at bishan there) to pick up...we tot its quite a bad idea so gave it up...

- shears car seat @$89...apparently its advertised and for 1st 50 customers after 2pm...din noe abt this til we chanced upon it at 1 plus pm....so manage to get it...tot its quite a steal

- playpens...those getting playpens, there are a few choices/brands to chose from....cheapest $69.9, then $79.9 and $99 ..but all these dun include mattress...we got the $99 from farlin plus mattress @ $19...comes with nice mosquito net, toys, changing tray and organsier tray

- quinny zap $399 nia

- pigeon steriliser bundle set as per Yvonne's post above @ $199

- the pool that some mummies mentioned a few days ago...its there...$75....at least can see the "real" thing..

- pheony: 70% discount, but some stained or defects (which they are v honest abt)...still many pple tossing the trolleys of clothes for good buys...some "defects" are actually not too obvious....only gotten 1 bb top @ $4 cos too crowded for mi to "dig" safely...

- puku bath tubs @ 20%...tot quite good cos they have this recline (either built-in or sold separately depending on model) so can rest baby there while bathing....lucky previously din buy cos now got 20%

- cordlife....signed up during the fair cos they throw in quite attractive freebies ($50 capitalmall voucher, 1 year free PA insurance for parents, 1G thumbdrive)...leo_baby, I use my SIL's name to get the $50 rebate instead...sorry...theres a $50 capitalmall voucher for "referer" too

- desitin cream @$11 (considered ex le)

- foc june edition motherhood mag at the entrance of the fair...just need to fill in some form, and they will "SHUN BIAN" promote on subscription promotion...not pushy at all...lucky this month din buy the mag cos gotten it free...

- carters rompers (5 piece per pack) at $16 and carters blanket (5 piece per pack) at $20...yvonne, u bot at $15 ah? cheap lei...or i see wrongly...in the end din buy cos rem seeing in BP thread that its $18...so if its $15, then v cheap!

Thats all for now...if anyone wanna enquire anything, jus lemmi noe...(ma jiam i work there...haa)...but spent like almost 5 hours there! alamak...sorry for the super long post...

sugarong - me... i'm the one... okok.. shall grab the playtex milk bags and the car seat... but i'm working at 3pm tomorrow... how to wait until after 2 to be the 1st 50... kaoz.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] heard from my friend hor... pampers got people quarrel/ fight leh... omg.. damn kua zhang...


you mention the car seat @89 is only meant for 1st 50 customer? which means if i go tomorrow or sat, i won't be able to get [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]?

sugar: haha..you are like reporter, providing live report from Expo! good work! thanks for the updates. sealer is actually very gd quality and i'm surprised! thought it's some cheapo cheena brand, but isn't. oh! for carriers, i suggest tt u wait till u have ur bb, then bring ur bb along to test it when getting....cos then u can tell if ur bb likes the carrier, and if u feel comfy using it.

CAR SEAT lobangs: for those lookign for the maxi cosis, i know that sometimes bb hypermart/kingdom (cannot rber which) sells prev season stock for like 50% off. can call them and check.

PLAYTEX milk bags: WAHAHAHAHAH...soooo cheap?!!!!! can someone help me buy? 10cents per bag is cheap cheap!!!

yvonne - regarding milk bags...

u pump out ur BM into the normal milk bottle, then u transfer to the milk bag... seal and store inside fridge... when needed just thaw and warm up the milk, then transfer back to bottle can le...

BabyT: orh.. I din get tt.. U convenient help me get a pack then i pick it up from ur place since i stay at buangkok? If its convenient.. If not nvm.. :p

yvonne - can... which part of buangkok u stay?? IMH side or buangkok MRT?

sarahmay - where u staying?? if sengkang, i can help u buy 1 pack...

BabyT, keke, sorry i jus rem some mummy post abt the milkbag but cant recall who as the thread was moving so fast....blur ah..

Playtex milk bags

playtex bags good ah? jus a question: does all milk bags come in similiar openings? promoter says to tie rubberband or clip (those photato chips clip)...then i a bit xian liao cos rem i saw pigeon de, the illustration on the box like got zip loc...so jus wanna understand how these milk bags work....cheap ah? alamak i din buy...but like it that its BPA free lo...if i gg back again, i can buy for u sarahmay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elle, i dunno how the car seat promo works too cos this is what i heard from those before mi (there was some 10 pple there before 2pm, asking the uncle can distrubute the coupon for the promotion first since they oredi there but uncle says he cant cos "governed" by the organiser...in the end, he got the organiser to put those queue barrier so that pple can queue for the coupons to buy it at 89....and we were one of them....so dunno izit a everyday-promo or what....sorry, cant help here...but funny thing was at abt 4plus, saw a mummy leaving the fair with a newly bot car seat...so maybe still got stock left? but dunno whether the evening crowd will snap up everything anot)

sarahmay, keke, jus sharing so that mummies can assess for themselves whether they wanna go down anot....having said that, i shd haf some disclaimer first...keke...wah, 50% is good deal....the hypermart participated in the fair too...the pricing like similiar to what they selling in the hypermart itself.....only quinny cheaper....so sealer is a not bad brand....*phew*...i oso tot wat ulu brand is that but since under MQ, shd be ok la...anyway, economical can try lo...

the fighting thingy over the the pampers really kua zhang lo...lucky i din see, else sure affect my mood....

PLAYTEX: huh? no ziploc??? must tie one? is it hygienic then?

Baby T and Sugar: I live in tampines...but wait ah, can someone tell me if these playtex bags are just bags that we must tie? if so, i think i rather not buy.

sugarong - playtex got ziploc de.... got another one lansinoh bag.. i think that one my friend use the ikea clips to clip...

sugarong - hmm.. i just saw again.. machiam no zip lock hor.. but my friend bought have leh... hmm....

yvonne - if no zip lock u still want??

hello! just got home not long ago. haven't read thru the posts from today yet.

price report on babyfair@expo:

diapers: pampers NB 24s $8, goon diapers at 18.80 (32cts a pc), nepia per pack $14, pureen per pack $14, there's also a huggies booth but i didn't check price...

pomme> the baby tub for swimming you wanted (from yourbabycanswim blog) was there, $72 for the 80cm x 80cm

baby cot> the cot that babyT got previously was there, and i think the bonbebe cot pomme had got has well, but dunno if they come with mattress. shears cots also there.

carseats from maxi cosi and also strollers (but i forgot to note the brand)

breastpumps from medela (sorry, didn't note price) but this was all at a booth by mums and babes, not medela itself i think

pigeon had one big booth, steriliser, liquid cleanser for bottle, baby soap and shampoo etc. the baby soap and shampoo comes in at set, abt $23.90 or something (cheaper than supermarkets) and i think others too. however, the wet tissues were 82 x 3 promo packs for $10. i saw at NTUC for $9.85 i think...

pureen products have a booth too. i recommend you sharing orders with your friends for these, cos the savings really come when you get 2 or 3 of the same item...btw, they have wet tissues here, um, 400pcs work out to $11+?

EQ wet tissues (THANK YOU MAG for the tip!)> i found these the best wet tissue buy, it was $10 for 5 packs, which works out to be 400pcs for $10.

the booth with the swimming tub for babies (near the entrance, extreme right) also sells carter clothes and bibs. i'm not sure abt pricing for these online but there, it was $16-$18 for a set of 5 bodysuits for babies of assorted ages (3mths, 6mths, 9mths all the way to 24 mths)

playtex> they have a booth (i think sarahmay's asking whether they have ziploc? if you mean the liners, the answer is no. must seal yourself. but these are just for storage of EBM) i bought cos we're gonna work out a way of hygienically doing this and we really don't want to trouble my family to sterilise n wash bottles etc

there's a thermometer available for $79, tells temp by infrared, less invasive option to the type you stick in the ear ot butt...


the playtex that i saw no zip loc de....thats why it deter me from buying....i tink quite cumbersome and might not be too hygiene???

wah, just finished reading. so many posts on the babyfair! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ha, mine redundant liao :p

sarahmay> wah so lucky, can get SIL to buy desitin back for you!!! i'm not as lucky wor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

maxicosi car seats> it's baby hypermart that carries them

playrex milkbags> no ziploc, but all BPA free...

diapers> we bought so many things, we forgot to buy diapers!!! argh!

btw, i saw sealer at Giant, Tendersoft wet tissues also


i used the ikea clips in 2008..quite ok =) it can contain the milk well. I remember mine was playtex..bought fr bulk purchase i think


it was great meeting u gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] lets do it again next month..any good place to suggest?


thanks for the lift [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope ur gal is ok !


hope u recover fast !

PS: too full to sleep, must be due to the sugar of my huge dessert

hi everyone

i have a Bloom session with The Studioloft Maryann at old rate of $180 to let go - please pm if keen to take over. new price is $250 now. thanks

darn! should have bought the sealer diapers but forgot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then i cannot go liao cos husband will be working!! ARGH!!!! anyone driving there and can help? need 1 pack of NB and 2 packs of S. sugar said 3 packs for $25?

yvonne> i know there are milkbags with the ziploc thing ard. can check out pigeon and medela? my friend told me not bad.

Mommies, have u bought your stroller yet? Am tempted to grab either Quinny Zapp or Maclaren's XLR. Any reccomendation?


best to get those 5 point harness so that they will not be able to climb out of the stroller when they are older.

Hi All,

Can i juz check. I'm planning to get the medela BP was wondering can the btls fit into the Pigeon rapid steam steriliser??

Yvonne: u are right those magazine sales ppl r irritating lol n not to forget those selling insurance too.

I bought LG bumper map there. Find it good deal. 1900 x 1300 x 11 for $140.

Avent sales my sis mention tat kiddy palace almost same price. Hmm I also bought some wet tissue n nappy liner.

E rest like car seat or cot I nv take note. So can't share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i also visited the fair last night. Not much time to finish touring the place as we spent a lot of time registering for Cordlife.. and then we need to rush off for the Patrizio concert at Max Pavilion...

Managed to get my Avent Steriliser though. it's selling at $120 but unlike Philip Carnival, it comes with free gifts like baby teether and feeding bottle.

So glad i didn't buy at Philip Carnival last week.

Good morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] IS FRIDAY!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So happy!

Wow... so many ppl go expo, hai... I wonder I have the time to go? Tmr will be super busy for the whole day with cookie making for my niece's 1st bday's door gift. Sun will have to attend niece's bday celebration. Hope I have time to go and grab.

Warming the BM,

how to warm up the BM? Is there any special temp to take note of? Is milkbag necessary to buy now?

Baby T and Sugar: Think I will pass on Playtex cos I dunno how many I will really use. Thanks for offer to help.

sweet: wah. LG mat is good price. but is yours the thich one? tt is really heavy to move around.

xiaopang: stroller? what considerations do you have e.g. Do you travel with car or public transport mostly? How often do you think you will take bb out? You want travel sys or no? What is your budget?

I've learnt that strollers u can keep wanting to buy diff ones cos not ONE will meet all your needs. But for first one, you shd make the max of ur money. If budget allows, the Stokke is super. can adjust seat in diff positions, and last to up to 5 yo.

5 pt harness: okie. this one. not squirmy tot proof.

MILKBAGS with ziploc/standing base: can be quite ex. Kiddy Palace got a few brands like First few years...but ex. I think Avent also sells. But this korean brand, blue egg, bags is rather cheap from what i recall. Try searching this forum for a spree?

Good morning mummies,

Glad you ladies had a great time at the gathering. Yesterday was so busy for me. Working in the morning, went to the law firm, then facial and then meet the banker. Reached home around 10pm liao.


So what's the prices of the stroller and which one you got?

For the desitine creamy (blue) you can get from KP gal of the SMH spree. I bought from her at $10 for the 4 oz size. She also have Lansinho milk bags at 50s for around $18. Think their bags got ziploc de, so easier to use.

Baby T and Sugar: Think I will pass on Playtex cos I dunno how many I will really use. Thanks for offer to help.

sweet: wah. LG mat is good price. but is yours the thich one? tt is really heavy to move around.

xiaopang: stroller? what considerations do you have e.g. Do you travel with car or public transport mostly? How often do you think you will take bb out? You want travel sys or no? What is your budget?

I've learnt that strollers u can keep wanting to buy diff ones cos not ONE will meet all your needs. But for first one, you shd make the max of ur money. If budget allows, the Stokke is super. can adjust seat in diff positions, and last to up to 5 yo.

5 pt harness: okie. this one. not squirmy tot proof.

MILKBAGS with ziploc/standing base: can be quite ex. Kiddy Palace got a few brands like First few years...but ex. I think Avent also sells. But this korean brand, blue egg, bags is rather cheap from what i recall. Try searching this forum for a spree?


Morning mummies!

Badfifi, yes, sealer ones gg for 3 packs for $25 for NB/S size...can mix.....if im gg back to expo, can help u buy...let u know again

Xiaopang, quinny zapp cant recline so maybe first few months, not comfy for bb since cant lie flat...but quinny's manuveour is really smooth and it cost a fraction to quinny buzz...like sarahmay mentioned, stokke is good too but too high end for my budget....my cousin jus bot at 2k...i tink u shd consider whether u can manage the stroller alone shd u go out with bb without your hubby....this was one major factor cos i doubt i can manage the heavy quinnies...and also consider budget....we were so adamnant to get a quinny buzz or prego against all odds in the first place....then we heard a lot of frens spending on ex strollers but turn out their bb prefer to be carried...so we looked at others...finally saw the this bonbebe brand at tangs sale, hubby found the manuveour similiar to quinny and the price is 200+ plus, and he like, so jus get that....usu these kinda "machine" thingy, let him decide...those more "ku nia" thingy, i decide ;p now after all the additional bb purchase, we were quite glad din splurge on ex strollers cos the $ would have otherwise be used to buy other bb necessities...jus my thoughts...

Blue Eggs...saw the booth at expo but din check it out....i tink for desitin and milkbags, i will join spree...

mummies who were looking for nursing cover, there is this BP selling affordable ones...some designs quite not bad...comes with boning, so can see bb while feeding...u gals might wanna check it out..i bot 1 too and its ready stock..http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3978770.html?1275227694

