(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

tiger lily> the therapist tells me the TED stockings usually bye-bye after 3 months cos elastic will loosen. not sure abt the pressure travel socks.


so super tired and still got more than an hr to go b4 knock off time..sigh*


hehe, i guess so bah..but i do wish they r equally close to both parents :p


ask hb to daobao back after work :p


nice bag! my pal has the PM version

PS: super sianz, the moms in mind items have reached me via courier..most so tight..still got to lug back all the way to Bishan to them tmr to to get bigger sizes

They r only opened on tues, wed and thur fr 11 to 4pm


win liao ! =) there r some ladies who dun need, just wear tube & bbdoll ..esp for those who put on less than 10kg thru out

wah.. the thread moving so fast... trying hard to keep up..

mummies, which brand of nipple cream will u all be buying? i am clueless with this manz..


i trying to save money by not buying any..still trying to squeeze through all those bbdoll dress n pant with elastic band..

But i think all those aren't gonna fit soon..

Hi all mummies here! I'm a totally new mtb. I've a question here and need some help.

I would like to get medela breastpump but wondering if single pump or double pump?

Anyone can share your experience on this?

bbl> wah u win! i had to start wearing maternity clothes earlier on liao! i tried to save $$ too, so luckly my friends got hand-me-downs for me and i only bought 2 outfits for myself. plus i don't go out that much...

tinkerstars> i think i will get meddela nipple cream. my friends highly recommend that even though it's expensive. they tell me i'll be thankful i didn't try to save on that when the time comes...


Maternity clothes are ex leh..i rather spend on my bb than on myself..stingy to myself..but spent on bb..

Is avent nipple cream good?? i got it for free when i buy avent product..

does anyone know how come i cannot post on spree pages?

"Your username/password combination was invalid, or you do not have permission to post to this topic. You may revise your username and password using the form at the bottom of this page. "

bbl> i'm quite heng cos my aunt knows a bit of dress-making. so i went to spotlight and just bought cloth, then pass to her to make skirts with elastic waist-band. after pregnancy, just change the elastic, can wear as normal skirt. then for tops, i got hand-me-downs from friends and family. so in the end, even with just 2 outfits that i bought, i have a very extensive wardrobe...

no idea abt avent nipple cream. i'm a noob abt these things. my friends recommend, then i buy. :p

diamantz> could it be cos you haven't been a member on the forum long enough? cos i know for those, you must be a member for a certain time period 1st. PM the spree organiser instead, usually works


wow.. u are gd leh.. lasted so long still haven wear maternity. U can try to buy from overseas site, they are cheaper. A few of us have ordered from bbr (one of the organiser), quality is wearable lar.


Think u have to be a forum for more than 1 year before u can post on overseas site spree. Think u can pm-ed the organiser instead lor.

sweet mummy> i've got a VERY low threshold of pain, if nipples crack/are very sore ah, i sure die...so will buy nipple cream 1 :p


Think breast now very tender n sore..i ever once got a cut on my nipple while showering..then i saw blood flowing down..cos my fingernails too long..must take care of nipple...

the pain lasted for 5days i think

bbl> the 2 outfits i bought are from the taiwanese spree by bbr. but i think she'll start her next spree only near end-june? anyway the 2 outfits i got, is the not pregnant can also wear kind...so not too bad.

bbl> i think you really very gd! i'm abt the same height as you, and i'm a dumpling! maybe i'll finally remember to take pics tomorrow, then can show... i keep calling myself a beached whale, cos i'm also super inflexible to boot!


Yap can invest on those clothes that we can wear even not pregnant...think i need to source n think think b4 i buy..hahahaha

Rice dumpling festival coming..

Beach whale..so cute...

Ok time to knock off lo..

finally can go home..

Talk to u mums tomorrow...

nipple cream

i have one very small tube of the medela cream but i don feel gd as after i apply for a while my gal wan to drink milk already.so i feel that she is actually eating the cream.

pls don use cabbage leaves,it will reduce ur milk supply.that was i heard.


I have already sin up with cordlife so if want to can be your referal to get you the $50. You PM me your contact so I can get that gal who serve me to attend to u.

i also cant bear to spend on myself..

but i can spend alot on both my man and my DS..hehe

i love nonya zhang..less fatty bah and sweeter~~

never wear maternity clothings..now still wearing babydoll and those lose lose kinda dress..dont intend to get also..coz its quite ex..=(

i never used nipplle cream for the 26mths i bf my son.. i don really tink its a need la. cos what i did is jus apply some bm on the nipple after feeding and impt is must air the breast else "soak" in the breast pad for so long no good..

wont really recommend cold cabbage too. i have frens who used cold cabbage and they tell me their milk reduce alot? not sure.. usually i use warm/hot towels to wrap the breast if i have engorgement pain..

to be frank i got more the 10 times mastitis [not sure if its the exact terms] when i as bf-ing... =S

maternity clothings: i been wearing them since 3/4mths? cos i outwear my own clothes le.. boohoo probably before i got preg i eat n eat to gain back my health therefore normal clothes cant suit me now.. haha i'm a happy n fatty mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U Good leh never need to spend on maternity clothes. Go Easy on those rice dumpling ok as we will have slow digestion as we progress and you will find that at later stage you will break a lot of wind. I am already experiencing that.

My TCM also ask me not to eat glutinous rice last time as not suitable for my body for pregnancy. so do be mindful to moderate

Leo baby: yes i ordered black electra too! will reach me tis friday~ cant wait.. my flats are making my feet hurt..


Whr to buy the flip flop. Those from shop very slippery leh.


I haven't order yet. Cos' this wk & next wk will be busy wk for me - I need to help out with the paper work & logistic portion for the PC Show which will start next Thurs. Maybe order from Tan Leng Leng when she start her next spree.


Fulfilled my soon kueh craving fr parkway bengawan solo & cold soya milk fr Tampines Mall.

Maternity clothes...

Wore the clothes fr my previous pregnancies. Hb said this will b my last pregnancy... Will b very wasted if I dun wear.

Of cos at the same time I also bought new clothes.. But those r the clothese where no preggy also can wear (such as maxi dress, elastic band dress). Oh... I also bought leggings... can wear with the dresses as with the big tummy, dress also become shorter. :p

Wow...today's thread super active.

Leo-baby: i have a huge bump. i look like i'm already due! lol. and i've been farting lots today. must be eat too much muah chee.


er. i think sg only sells the purple one (very fishy smell!) not the blue (fresh) one. and also the spree site diddn't mention how big the tube. Cos i know tt US sites sell the 4oz for cheaper than sg's 2oz...at least from the last time i went to check like more than 1/2yr ago. I'm intending to buy from www.drugstore.com but will buy the giant 16oz tub for US$12.99.


erm. i had one big tube of lansinoh ( highly rec by Lactation consultant at TMC Parentcraft) but tell u i only used like erm, twice or thrice. But cracked nipples depends on indv. Some who pump can get them too.

Treatment: No need to buy big tube. just small tube more than enough. If you can get hold of those free palmer samples too, will be good! No cream, putting ur own BM on it is also good.

Cabbage Leaves: NO NO NO! this treatment is for engorgement, not for cracked nipples. can reduce ur MS.


BBL: You 'yiah' liao lor. still dun need at this staage! super slim! u can still fit into ur regular jeans ah? Anw, no need to invest in too many pcs if u want. Best to just buy pcs that can double as maternity-nursing, or regular clothes tt are comfy. ( U saw my blog post on this? i got some links for these transi clothes if u are interested).


anyone of u started to get ur nursing bras and tops? pls let me know if got good sales for these can? so i can send someone in sg to help me buy. hehe.


hehe. tell you it depends on indv, ad varies from preg. last preg, me completely zero. then now, diff story.


eh...depends if your hubby minds lor. those who don't leak when nursing will prolly not have this prob. but those who leak a lot when nursing bb can 'spring fountains'.



tell u u ladies MUST really go visit this llingerie site man! i really want to buy some of this sexy stuff. anyone keen to co-spree?

sarah may> how much is the shipping if we buy from the website? i'm keen to get the fresh one also, cos i'm quite sensitive to smells... are we really not able to get this in sg at all?

Hi pinkyluv: Hope you are ok, be more careful.

Btw, me most prob will be late tomorrow cos got some last minute work commitment, hopefully can still make it. Will sms you again tomoro, in case you gals end early ;p


actually all cream for the nipple are safe for bb to 'eat' but i don like the idea n also it just help in speeding up the healing process.other than that its not much use.


my nippl e cream tube size was super small n i cannot finish it.but its quite expensive.

Sorry to interupted i got some BN items and preloved items to sell

BN Avent 125ml bpa free bottles (twin pack):$15

BN baby gift set:$12

Preloved baby boys clothes(fox,disney,babyware starting from $6)

sorry i can't load pic here, you may wish to refer to this link if you are interested.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/sagittaurius/ please note strictly no bargain for perloved clothes.Self collect at braddell.sms at 97878819

