(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

mag: super driven. good good. i have been stalling on my masters for like forever. cannot decide. which uni u doing ur degree with? child psych and criminology? wooo hoo. i suck at psych i think. hahaha. btw u POWER such big bb no epi.during our parents' time think no epi. my mom also the same. she still can tell me no pain. she had super easy labours. the leg jab is pethidine.

adelynn; genetics - yup. but i dun understand why my mom doesn't have SM but i do lor. she can tell me my tummy looks ugly. bish!

coolrainbow: u have 2 kids alreayd???? u look soooo young and good!

pinkyluv: haiz. if look good from front, sure better from bacck! i ate BBQ wings lasst nite! hubby bot them from pub after work! hehe.

MT A tour:

honestly not much but i still encourage u to go cos it helps to give u visual of what to expect. i love the space and greenery there. the OUR LADY ward is the newest renovated one i think, unless they did the other ward. I love that hospital. just hope not too late to book in for that. i emailed them after reading this thread and asked how i can do it from overseas.


me want man! i also want png kuehs!


*wave* Shinchan & tinkerstars

I also join the weekend class and the first class at 11/6.

@Shinchan, where's ur working place? I think i'm most likely late for the first class also.

Shincan, elle... see you next Friday.

must wink wink at me hor. haha

I will be attending weekday Friday classes cos my hubby & I end work at 5pm on fridays.. so we shud be able to make it for 630pm classes on Fridays...

Yeh Yvvone,

I like the one opposite AIG too. There another one quite good near hougang ave 3 (food stretch at upper serangoon area).

I just like traditional kuehs (non peranakan ones) like png kuehs, soon kuehs, gu cai kuehs... With dark sweet sauce and sambal chili.. super shiok.

I haven't been hungry lately cos i've been over eating. No hunger pangs for 3 days liao.

mag> you are SUPER power lah! i can't imagine studying and juggling a kid at the same time!!! i'm so glad i finished my studies last year, then got pregnant this year. i don't think i can bear it if i have to do my assignments and STILL take care of a baby...

thanks for the tips abt the baby wipes! i'll go see. didn't see tendersoft etc at NTUC, but haven't checked out Giant. hope can see at the babyfair! hee, if desperate ah, can i ask you to buy for me and then i pick up from you when i'm in the east?

Tinkerstars... what's your occupation? How come can end work at 5pm on fri?

Clueless and badfifi,

I am starting to feel the strain on my feet these days. So i have pluck up my courage as you gals said and asking pple to give up reserve seat for me on trains. So far so good for the past two days. Though i feel aunties are the worse, cos they wun bother with us cos they gotten by without help last time.

sarahmay: hhaaaa nvm la.. i tink SM are nice wher got ugly!

btw ladies got lobang ot share with u girls.. go to mandarin gallery website and regiter for their late nite sales.. can get S$40 voucher for first 1k people [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh.. now we have 3mtbs as kakis liao.. gd! gd!


I'm working at china square. in between chinatown and raffles place.. are u on wkend class or same as tinkerstars - wkeday class?


u sound like a foodie.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wat is the diff between traditional ones and nonya one? i like my png kueh fried and with dark sweet sauce.. shiok!!

pomme> very glad that you've been getting seats on the MRT! sigh, for me, i sit 98% of the time, and i still kenna aches, just below braline...and i have at least 3.5 more months to go!!! :S now, everyday, my husband must really massage for me, if not i can't even sleep without feeling muscle aches...


Thanks already book the maternity tour..on the 26 Jun 12 noon.

If we like it think we just book a room for delivery straight..dont wanna wait le...


I'm on weekend class tat's y most likely will be late for the Friday class.I'm in Orchard and the earliest i can off from work is 6 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wow...yummy yah, talking abt kuehs today, have been some time since i eaten kuehs, perhaps tonight should buy some


Peranankan ones have coconut juice as its ingredients and i don't really like coconut very much. Except for the fresh fruit.

Just that my place here in CCK don't sell such goodies... can't find a decent png kueh, soon kueh or gu cai kueh here. Not even zui kueh. So i will eat such foods if i go to those famous shops.


I got aches in my thighs and legs too. Just got hubby to massage with anti-water retention gel last night.

Now my sleeping problem getting worse as i can only lie upwards, can't turn sideway, will feel "trembling 震动" whenever i turn to either side. My back aching :S

pomme> you're in CCK? wah then you live very near me! well, in this area, not that great for foodies lah but got a few gems if you know where to look. eg. if you like tofu, the si4 bao3 tofu from the hokkien assoc is very nice. my friend also says their salt-baked crab quite good.


anti-water retention gel?? can advise more? I'm interested to get leh. My water retention started early.. leg alrdy swollen, esp on wkend when i walk more. it was very bad 3 weeks ago, very swollen, then plus i got small feet, really make my feet look like zhu jiao.. even my havianas felt tight.. *faint*

jynnsan> on bad days, when i turn to lie on my side, even when i'm sleeping, i can feel my tummy "weight shift" and the muscles on one side straining to "hold" it in place. i sleep with a pillow on my side also no use :S

btw anyone suffering from insomnia.. i am having it for past few nites! really v v xinku cant slp till at least 3am.. CRY

shinchan, tinkerstars, elle

See you all at 11 June Fri's class at mt a - i'm under sat classes for the rest of the sessions! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelynn> mine is not really insomnia i think... but i find it hard to fall asleep...toss and turn a lot before i drift off, then wake up very soon and gotta toss and turn again!


So can share where the gems are? Hokkien association. Where is it?

I believe the two of us feel the same way about when the ladies share on JB and malaysia. So near to us and yet so far.

Insomnia.. Badfifi description is so apt. Cos i have the same situation too. Lying on the side strain one side of the muscle. So end up i sleep in partial tummy down position so my whole tummy lie on the bed. Gideon was a bit squashed by me.


I got the gel when it was selling half price at Loccitane. Think they don't sell anymore cos they are phasing out this product, so sell at half price.


me too. very difficult to sleep. by the time i can sleep it's already 4 plus then 6 plus, surely bb will kick me to wake up. I can't even lie around on bed cos she will keep kicking till i get off the bed. So tired and having panda eyes now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hushlibb, wave wave. See you next friday. Wat time is ur weekend class? i join 4pm class.


I am facing the same thing; checked with TCM; he advised that this is a passing phrase and this is also because we seldom exercise. He advised me to walk ard for 20mins after meals. Tried last night and i really slept better; thou not that well also but got improvements, at least baby doesnt kick me that much during my sleep liaoz..

wah, all the talk abt soon kueh, png kueh and zui kueh makes mi drool mann! haf been having craving for zui kueh for a few days but not yet satisfied......maybe later! i love these kuehs mann!

Anyone noe where to see medisave deduction for delivery? so agar agar use the estimated bill size (sarahmay's post) minus the medisave will be our cash outflow?

Stretch Marks

I cant believe all those talks abt SM lately so zhun........actually saw a coupke of SM at my neh neh last nite...was so upset last nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and lately some itch at breasts, tummy and thighs....wah lao ...


Huh.. pdt end of life liao ah.. haiz.. then maybe gotta see see look look if have other similar pdt.


there are 2 sessions on sat? i din know or maybe i forgot.. hehee.. memory bad now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif] I'm attending the 1.30pm session.


yeah, another kaki. so which wkend session are u attending?

pomme> yup! when people talk abt shopping in msia, i'm quite bummed. for me, it's not that i can't go cos of pregnancy, but it's just SUPER troublesome for me cos of mobility issues...sian...

um, the Hokkien Huay Kwan is along Upper Bukit Timah, next to the Shell station. we always go and tapow from there, never eaten there. um, if you like porridge (the Cantonese jok kind) there's one stall in bukit panjang...CCK/Teck Whye got the bak tow mee opp the teck whye macdonalds...as well as the wanton mee at the kopitiam nearby at another cluster of flats... bukit timah market got fish porridge etc etc...basically, i'm very yim jim abt food lah, so i've got my preferred stalls for everything 1... very bad hor

elle> i sleep like a log usually, so i just need baby to not move too much until i fall asleep, then can liao :p

jokris> thanks so much! i will try! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] baby's kicking doesn't really bother me much, it's the actual falling asleep. grr!

sugar> i think the nurses at your gynae will be able to help with the medisave info. can call and ask.

jynnsan> sorry ah, i don't know where the paper with the info on charges is...cos now tidying up to make room for baby, so bit of a mess... when i find it i let you know?

Insomnia - I have the same problem. I woke up at 2.30am didn't get to sleep until 6:30am. By 7.30am got to wash up & go to work. Now I m super zombie lor.


Salt-baked Crab - where is it. I want to address.


I also got the gel from Loccitane at half price when they were clearing stk in Marc. Think they already discontinue this prdt. But I got 2 new tubes haven't open yet cos' I super kiasu brought 2 tubes at 1 go. Touchwood, so far I don't have water retention. If you want I can sell you 1 of them.

Mummies..just came back from lunch..

Due to the kuei topic in the morning, i went to buy png kueh for tea break..then went ntuc so those green colour oneh oneh..also bought a box..so later i got plently of food for tea break..

With regards to kicking..my bb got this bad habit..whenever its my sleeping time he will wake up n kick n move n somersault non stop..i have to talk to him to ask him to quiet down if not dont need to zzz ah..and everynight ..more zun then alarm clock 130-150am i sure to wake up n pee..i cant sleep on my side cos bb will kick non stop think its due to the gravity sideway..he dont like..i have to lie flat on my back..damn cham..

Back from lunch...


No problem, somehow i got the idea of how the calculation works, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Insonmia - mine is something like always half sleep 半梦半醒, i don't think i really fall into good sleep. Easily waken up, really force myself to get up from bed. Tired lor

Hushlibb and shinchan,

wah then we're not at the same class for weekend liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. If not mistaken there are 2 or 3 sessions for weekend. u'll both will deliver at mt a?


hahaha, good for u can sleep like a log. my bb when it's time to wake up, she will kick till u really get off the bed. the kick can shake my whole body till one time i stupidly think there was an earthquake. but i look at my surrounding, nothing moves only my tummy. hahaha


u sure u dun wanna keep that tube for yourself? If u really intend to sell, then i dun mind buying over from u to try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah, we are both in the same session.


I'll be delivering in Mt.A. I have done some op at Mt.A b4, the nurses are very friendly and nice, so decided to choose Mt.A lor.


aiyo, we have the same sleeping problem. I oso 半梦半醒 type. Really tired when i wake up in the morning, gotta drag myself to work every morning. Although 半梦半醒 but maybe i'm not that sensitive, my girl's kicks dun wake me up..


Ya, every morning i have to force myself to wake up though the alarm had already rang 10 mins ago. No choice, need to save leave, my MC left pathetic 4 days nia.

Mt A:

Heard good feedback from colleagues who delivered there, services, food, location, carpark thumb up. I initially really think of going to Mt A, but gynae will charge transport and she mentioned that she has no problem but somehow it will always be advantage if we deliver at the hospital where her clinic is located for convenient reason and she can as and when drop by to visit us. So ultimately, hubby said just stick to TMC.


abt bb weight:

#1 (gal) - 2.85kg

#2 (boy) - 2.95kg

both kids were born on the 37 weeks. I forsee my 3rd 1 also will come out on 37 weeks (though I ve been telling her dun come out until after 9 sept).


I can spare that tube cos' I got 2 ma. And I don't need it at all now. U going to the gathering on Thursday? If so, I will bring along. Otherwise, got to make other arrangement.


Ya, i will be going.. so i'll pay u this thur oso lor.

Re: Gathering

Where are we meeting huh? Meet at the entrance jus outside shoduku? Or Pinkyluv alrdy made reservation?


do call my hp when u gals reach..i will reserve seats if they allow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha, diamantz ..with my hb lah =)

microwave them to make it slightly hotter and tastier


Yes, 630pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PS: can u ladies reach that time ?

PSS : memory wise, yday i was @ harvey norman..remembered that i am supposed to get something but just cannot recall..end up developing some pics as well as see the blender..and actually my main aim is to get a hard disk..geez

only remembered this morning lor



I really envy u leh.. u can really eat but then still so slim.. xian mu ah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

