(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


sound so funny..round up the ht..actually above 150cm is ok ma..think all mummies abt the height..just that i dont know wat i eat...maybe long beans lo...so grew few cm taller..



yr bb heavier than mine by 80g..bb at week 21 only 400gr..also grew 300 g in 3 weeks n mummy grew abt 2 kg...think its abit proportionally increasing...hahahhaaa


haha, like tat i will feed my children long bean..

i m so scared my son will be below 160..like Dennis Chew..then v cham

PS: i have never been ashamed of my ht hehe, not even my pal who is 170cm tells me she will faint if she is as short as me

i m a gal afterall..so who cares abt ht :p


Was kidding la..i rem i dont like long bean while i was young..its was during puberty time i drink alot of HL milk..2 glasses a day and plat badmintion...had training 3 times a week..so all the stretching make me tall..

I grew 10 cm in a yr...


Yr bb oso heavier than mine wor. 315g at 20wks. 560g at 23wks.


Eat long beans - next time I will give my girl long beans oso. I must have eaten alot of french bean that's why I'm so short - in fact, I m shorter than my younger sis my 10cm lor. So unfair.... :-(

Yvonne - i just saw ur pics... u got apply stretch mark cream ma?? so far.. i have tiny ones at the same area as u... but not as visible... and at them thighs... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

About height, im same as bbl. I played badminton n netball.. So prolly tts well? I shot up when i was in sec sch.. But also parents genes .. My dad is about 178 n mum 168cm, me 170 n bro 180cm..

BabyT, got i apply d palmers one.. Hub apply every night since start of pregnancy. Then apply the whole front tummy n near vagina area. So the 2 sides n thighs nv apply all kena stretch marks.. V stewpiggggg la..


anyone of you had low placenta during the full scan?

would it move up gradually?

Perhaps i am worrying for nothing. hiaz


I agree with Yvonne..genes played an impt factor too...

Maybe sport also help..make yr girl play badmintion, basketball n netball lo..

Optimus Prime & Sarah

hehe, tahnks..look like i better serach for otehr K ..3 syllabus names then =p


ok will update my chart =)


Softy is good, i bought 5 packs of 35cm fr Watson

$2.95 for 10 pieces with wings

gaahaa.. my baby grew the most i guess..

20weeks 300++g

24weks 800+g..

mummy gained bout 6.7kg liao.. woowoo standing 1.56cm only.. start to wear all maternity dress.. no more pants for me.. tight tight..

BBL - oh drink milk ah. I will try to remember that. I don't want my princess to be like me so short leh. Tall, slim & shapy can wear nice cloths ma.

BabyT/Yvonne - I oso out apply stretchmark oil & cream. Notice recently that got some marking on my tumtm le. Maybe is my scratching that causes it - really cant tahan sometimes is so itchy esp around my waist band.

Tiger lily, my mum already warned me not to scratch but butttt cannot take it.. Lol.. Nvm la, i kinda like it cos show tt im a real woman le.. Lol!

pinkyluv: yea yea i still got "stock" of sofy at home.. collecting dust. hehe


I also really buay tahan about the itch, keep wanting to scratch but got no choice, scare got stretch mark. Unbearable!

Oh ya about height hor, my parents n relatives all say i got long legs becos i love to eat chicken feet since i was young.. Cos im a cantonese so my grandma n my mum always cook man gai giok(braised chicken feet) my fav!

BBL - i kiasu.. i use Clarins during bath time... then after bath, i use Mustela... haha... i scared.. but stretch marks are really unavoidable... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i just uploaded a pic of my 26 weeks tummy...

tiger lily - mine also started itching recently... hubby said tummy growing ma... and hor.. I CAN'T FIT INTO MY BUTTON MATERNITY SHORTS TODAY!!!! DAMMIT!!!!

Stretch mark..

Ya i was told not to scratch it..but i dont know y..in the middle of the night i will be waken up by the itch..will scratch..in the end wat i will do is patch some cold water n cool it off..it works..

And also apply stretch cream daily..its a must cos tummy is stretching everyday...till today no stretch and also dun wann see them...

BBL/Yvonne - sports & will encourage my gal to play badminton. Maybe is genes lor - but my sis is not short leh 167 leh. My BIL is quite tall la - 178. Hope my bb won't be a shorty.


So which baby wash is good? I m using SebMed myself at home cos' the usual onces abit too dry and I feel itchy esp when tumtum expand.

stretchmarks - i don have stretch marks/any itch for #1 till after labour saw abit .. didnt bother to apply anything.. this time round.. also nv bother to apply anyting and all, no itching too but the stretch marks appeared~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



No la..i also dun dare to eat chicken feet.. also tall ma..

Milk n excerise is my secret..hahahha


not kaisu la..if can prevent the stretch mark y not..i do watever it take to prevent them..cant rem the brand i use..got the pic of the tummy one..white bottle..think its a common brand...

Then i also got 2 bottle from avent FOC from buying their product..dont know if its gd anot..

where to get the eczema creams that sarahmay mentioned? all sound so foreign... this is not same as diaper rash right?

Adelynn - u have the linear nigra... wah... is it every preggy will have?? cos until now i dun have at all... is it normal??

Hey Ladies,

Have you heard of eating placenta? I read from some site that some ppl eat their own placenta after they deliver their bb wor. Placenta can eat ah... Sounds quite horrible, right.

BBL - ya.. i just ate... hahaha... morning is small... but i always never manage to capture morning picture... cos i'm in my nightgown... and so pai seh take pic without shorts.. hahaha...

tiger lily - yes... either u bring home and "dun" or u ask those company that process placenta into pills... it's said to help "recovery" process, skin, milk, youth, blah blah.. but honestly.. i dun wan... abit gross...

placenta is q gross..i dun think u gals dare to eat :p

i kept mine for almost 2 years and finally throw away to make way to store BM for my son

like some organ lor

yeah, i realise, so decide to take away, those who wana view can go my blog indeed..

paiseh,, Baby T, was a bit late .. :p


height, sports, milk and chicken feet> hmm. like bbl, i used to play badminton! BUT i don't drink milk and i seldom eat chicken feet (cos adults didn't intro to me)... and i'm abt 1.67m

pinkyluv - haha.. thanks... arbo very gory... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] u kept it for what ar??

linear nigra

I have it too! but mine more obvious above the belly button, all the way up to my underbust where there is a short horizontal line. So mine looks like a "T" ...aiyoo...and i got "hairy" stomach and fine hairs forming a letter "O" ard my belly button....wonder whats all my hormones doing...whaha


i heard a lot of pple take lei...somemore got a fren's fren (i dunno de), not only took her own, oso took her SIL and asked my fren can give her anot!!!!!!! apparantly take liao hor, the complexion etc v sui one...but i oso dun dare...maybe keep first lo...pinkyluv, where u store it? freezer? can keep 2 years so long ah?

sugarong - i also got hairy tummy... my friend told me it keeps the tummy warm.. that day stupid hubby pluck 2 hair out... my tummy became red... tamade... i grabbed his and pulled out more than what he pluck from me... idiot...


was thinking how to eat..then wait and wait..and it was in my freezer for almost 2 years..

ok, i have a bad habit of not throwing things away promptly lah :p


yeah, i kept mine in freezer

2 years is too long liao, tat's y i scared food poisoning..

i think should consult tmc doc the moment after discharge if really wana eat

my son one was thrown away by hosp cos i din ask to keep..forgot and they din ask

babyT> i'm actually the one who will want to pluck unruly hairs out, and then husband will scold me for being itchy-fingered...

PLACENTA; anyone know someone who will process these into dry pills? so want to take them this time. eh,..a lot of nutrients...can make us look younger, and 'bu' you know?

pinkyluv: eh...why did u just freeze and not do anything w it leh?

diamantz: cetaphil, oilatum, eq etc for washing/cleansing : most pharmacies. for physiogel creams, also from pharmacies BUT only Hospital pharmacies sell the biggest tubes and most value for money.

BBL: not tt i'm tt experienced...just got some exp after having my first, and when he had that bad ezcema (cheeks skin all open sores...sores all over entire body, even got blister-like sores between fingers and toes) , i really cried and cried. v sim tia. he looked like some burn victim. so tt is my exp tt i hope NO other mom will have to go thru. i cldn't even take photos of him for like 2 mths cos it was really tt bad. one day i dig up the photos and show u.

BabyT: is ur hubby's ezcema really bad? don't think all products work the same for everyone.plus other than washes, got to take into acct moisturisers and diet. so in anycase for u, since there is family history of it for ur bb, better play safe. stay away from fragranced products for bb and those brands tt are already known to be drying. J&J, kodomo for sure got a lot of artificial chemicals.

btw i also got the clarins tonic oil. can u share how to use it? i'm a little blur leh...use before bath or after? how to use before bath? won't oil be wasted?

jynnsan: oh! for ezcema prone skin, also must be careful not to overwash skin right?

adelynn: my SM also didn't appear till like last 2 w of preg. v annoying. so this time round, i kinda like don't really bother anymore w stretch mark cream. i believe it's genetic. tho i invested in clarins tonic oil...just to pamper myself and make myself feel more beautiful. hahaha

tigerlily: actually i don't think u really need a separate freezer to store milk unless ur MS biz is supper HUAT! and u need to take up entire freezer space for it. as long as u put them in proper EBM bottles or bags and keep them in separate section from raw food, it shd be fine.


btw have u girls heard of this blue egg brand or seomthing? it's from korea. my last preg group from here used to buy those. apparently it's cheap and good.


actually,SM caused by the break in the cellular structure...think prolly not enough collagen or something, not so much cos of scratching la.

badfifi - my hubby pluck 2 nia the area turn red, then machiam mosquito bite... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] leave it la.. it will drop off de...

sarah - ya.. hubby's eczema starts when weather is too humid (like recently.. aiyo.. every nite he will scratch and scratch, i got to wake up to apply aloe vera or calomil lotion for him...) that if he perspires also tio... abit of dirt nia sure start... like his uniform too dirty, must wash frequently...

that's why i heard that california baby calendula not bad... both hubby and baby can use also... then the mustela body wash i bought is suitable for sensitive skin...

the clarins tonic oil is for during shower use... after u shower with ur normal shower form rite... u apply onto ur palm, then spread in circular motion.. even to hips and thighs... just rub/ massage... then after that rinse off with cold water can le... the oil will still be there de... and i love the smell... =) then after i wipe dry... i will apply the mustela stretch mark creams... u go my facebook, under BabyT album, it shows the mustela creams i bought... during preggy use and after preggy use...

sarah - oh milk bags.. i have one box given by my friend.. i think it's piyo piyo brand.. then during baby fair i'll be buying playtex de...

babyT: oh ok. but i went to ask the clarins counter girl...she said to use that after shower at nite. then morning clarins SM cream. thaat is why i'm confused cos on bottle says use before shower. how much do u use each time? like in coin size reference- 10/20/50 cent size?

OH OH OH! calamine lotion is supposed to be v drying and aggravates dry/ezcema skin actually. aloe vera is soothing, but don't think moisturising enough. Cali bb smells great! texture a bit on the light side if skin is more dry ( i have dry skin, it doesn't work on me NOR on my boy or my friend's boy who's got bad ezcema too). pricewise, also, there are more cost-effective and result-effective options in my opinion. i ended up giving my CBC cream to my mum to use on face. hehe. but CB sunscreen is pretty good! I tried mustela stellatopia cream for skin w atopic tendencies ( meaning ezcema) and for some reason made my son's skin worse! he wld scratch. sebamed bb cream also no use...worse the fragrance in it also made things more itchy for him.

pinkyluv... i just had dinner at 6pm...and now tummy growling. still craving for my BBQ chix wings man. how???? anw u say u eat a lot...ithink u still look slim and good lor. u are having ur 3rd! did u see my photos? looking like dumpling liao. just in time to celebrate the bah zhang festival..

BabyT, badfifi, my hubby oso suggested to shave them off! then i say leave it alone la....since appear during preg shd be preg-related....pluck pain lei.....

now this talk abt placenta has made mi wana try.....haa....like some elixir...

clarins tonic oil i used too but i din follow the last part of the instruction to "rinse with cold water" cos i scared rinse with water liao, wasted lei...wait some kenna washed away how...this is what i did: after shower and towel dry, i pat some water to moist the areas in wanna apply...then apply some on palm and spread in circular motion and massage....this is also how my cousin apply and she has no SM throughout...ya, i love the smell too!


sarah - is it... the calamine lotion was given by hospital and works also... then to stop the itching.. he will apply the "snake powder"... he doesn't like those oily creamy stuff to put on his skin de... that time we went boat fishing.. both of us machiam steam lobster... i had to "force" him to put on cooling face mask... he just hates to apply cream... haiz... and his work doesn't make his skin condition better... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

