(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

tiger lily> i've not had the salt-baked crab from there but my friend told me it's quite gd. i hope you'll like it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Thanks for sharing the gems.. i only live in CCK for 1.5 yrs. Not very familar with the place. I only know got tis nice wanton mee place at sunshine place that sell very nice prawn tofu and chinese prawn cake.

Tiger lily,

How come you bought two tube but never use? I was kiasu cos i think better to start before the water retention comes.

Soon Kueh yeh.. i will go buy later too.


I really wish i can thank you for the compliments, but like tat will be v dishonest of me lor ")

let the truth be revealed on thursday then :p

if u see a gal with her hips swaying fr side to side, it is not done on purpsoe but it is just tat the size is too big ;)

PS: JTS some tips on faking a slimmer figure :p

(i)NEVER wear shorts, jeans or pants

(ii) go for black, brown or navy blue A line Skirts ( Denim is good)

(iii) NEVER wear white skirts

(iv) wear tops that dun tighten @ tummy area

(v) avoid body hugging dresses with thin materials

(vi) DUN go too near mirror when doing self shots, the further the better

(vii) when others take pictures, dun stand too near the camera



aiyo.. dun be modest lar.. at least from your pics, i can see that u are not fat lor. Unlike me, probably my food intake is jus a fraction of yours but then definitely bigger in size than u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/embarrassed.gif]

haiz still remember what my sitting partner in sec 3 told me..

Tingting dun likes u cos u sway ur hips fr side to side..she finds it v irritating

was quite hurt that time cos i can't help it lor

pomme> i've stayed in this area all my life, so i know some places for food lah. plus before my accident, i used to pa-pa-zao all over the place... i quite like the bak tow mee (dry) from teck whye, but warn u 1st, the chilli super spicy!

now the thing i am searching for is good putu mayam...


I super kiasu lor. I was at Orchard one day probably at the end of my 1st Tri. Wanted to get the water retention gel, went to Taka outlet - out of stk, walk towards Centrepoint outlet - also out of stk. Finally forgot it along Orchard Rd, the outlet facing the old JL. They only got 3 tubes so I grapped 2 lor.


yes, I've got 2kids le n tis is my no.3.... Me not young le, coming 38 tis December......think I'm one of the oldest mommies here!!!!

Ladies who r getting pram, ntuc xpress sell d capella s705 model for only $295! V cheap! Original price is $368 if im not wrong.. Tts d cheapest i can find..

hehe, just realised we r mostly above 30..clueless how abt u ?

and there r 6 mtbs having Prince and 6 having Princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha, tat's funny. Really very "kiasu", matchmake before born ;p

Btw, we have quite even numbe of princes and princesses here. My friend was just remarking seems like a lot of princess this year, amongst all her friends.

Tiger lily,

hehe... Yup, it will be fun seeing our Xiao Bu Dian holding each other hands. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (I'm thinking too far liao, I know :p )


Can i still join the Thursday gathering? Been super duper busy with assignments only came reading just :p

PM you my tel?

hi mummies

have problem coming into sept mtb thread since morning...DUH!

but seeing the part on matchmaking and xiao bu dians holding hands make me luff...so cute!

will be checking out the bb fair this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Insomnia: Yooo hooo??? Anyone there? It's 340am and i'm up eating a red bean bun. haiz.

thursday gathering: sooo fun. wished i cld be there. nvm...got choc buffet in aug? and wow! matchmaking? hehehe.


just realised there are a few moms living in tampines! yay! that's my area!

MtA: i just submitted my online booking for single room. hope it's fine.

Water retention:

noticed my toes are like cocktail sausages when 1. weather is hot 2. didn't drink enoough water.

so maybe can try drinking more water, and propping legs up at rest.

Hi Letty

just saw ur sms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

paiseh, slept at abt 9pm yday :p

of cos can join lah! any more ladies coming

cya on thursday, will reserve more places =)

Tigerlily, mango. bb

hehe, with the number of singles increasing, no harm being kiasu..qing1 mei2 zhu2 ma3


yupz, will wait for u regarding the August Choco buffet.. ;) when r u coming back.early aug ?

i just woke up cos i m v hungry..wana eat macdonald breakfast hehe


in july will also arrange for a gathering hehe

cos i think we can only meet thrice before the early sep mummies pop

Kiddy Palace

i will be bringing my member card on thursday..maybe we can go shop shop at the kiddy palace 10minutes away that day ?

members is 20 percent, so ladies who wana get any things can use my card that day =)


I'm going to the fair on Friday - took half day leave. Avoiding Sat, scared of the crowd.


Me oso woke up early at 5am to pee then can't sleep le. Wait for my maid to be up at 6am. Now eating instant noodle.


me too tampines area.we can have more outing next time


great,but i also don know wat to buy as seems like this round everything also have liao but we still can shop shop n c

me side is raining.hope will stop before i go out


wat kind did u makan ?

thanks to teh commercial, i bought this to try => the Myogo Mee Siam , which is really awful..diun taste like mee siam at all..taste like sweet noodles..

yday was still discussing with my colleagues, most of us like Mee Goreng & Myogo Thai Tom Yam


nice to zzz but when hungry still die die must wake up lor :p

Craving satisfied

I really love the Breakfast Deluxe, best of all worlds..:p



Wah kao...yr breakfast make me hungry again...i have been eating alot lately..

sometime if i am very sleepy..i hungry also bo chap..but my bb wont allow..he will kick till i wake up for BF..so in the end still cant zzz


I agree with you.. so nice to zzz and i got to wake up at 6.45am to prepare for work.


I had hotcakes on monday and feel so blissful. Really pei fu you for eating such sumptious tea breaks and yet put on the same weight as us. I don't usually take teas and even if hungry just take a biscuit or two or fruits.


Do share what you see at the fair. I hope to go but don't think hubby allows.

At my last count yesterday, finally managed to retrieve data from my dead laptop. I have spent $2200 to date on both maternity and baby stuff. Got to stop liao.

Pomme Low,

I woke up at 615am lo..refusing to get up of bed..cos outside still drizzling..so cooling..

I had to prepare breakfast for hubby..so my breakfast is usually very simple cos no time not like pinkluv...

But if u r hungry,,u better eat cos bb need the extra food..i have upgrade to eating 6 meals a day..gonna be super fat n gain lots of weight...hahahah but i dont care..as long as my bb get the nutrient he needs i dont mind fat..the most i complain to my hubby ..


I had Maggie Curry mee.


Ok. I will post what I see & get. My main item is baby cot. Hopefully got good place otherwise, I will buy 2nd hand de.


Myojo mee Siam not nice cos u din add the lime? Thaz wat the commercial show leh... Must add then nice I think?

Toking abt Tom yam instant mee.. I like the nissin Tom yam cup noodles. Yum yum!

Just woke up with a super GONG2 head... Hate it!!

25weeks checkup

this Fri will b my checkup liao...Gals, b a dear n help me control my food intake during thu gathering k? :p

thu gathering....

So, our last stop will b Marina Square?

Wow i jus pan fry d soon kweh bought from bengawan solo coupled with the black sauce n chilli! Nice leh! Nv knew their soon kweh taste so yummy!


Talk about spending. My colleague just came back from Europe - and I ask her to buy for me a LV Paolermo GM Bag. That cost me $2k lor. This time really broke liao.

hi ladies,

Good morning!!

Haiz, ytd nite leg cramp again.. sianz..


See that is wat i mean, u always have full sumptous meals but then weight is about the same as us.. now not only i say, pomme said it too liao :p


this is ur 1st bb rite? sure got many things to buy mah, y is ur hb stopping u from going?

Pinkyluv, u jus have to change ur url name can liao. From d settings of blogspot.. It will automatically become d new url if tts wad u wan..


dun heartache lar.. u shld be getting a good deal now mah. Great savings when u buy now since price of LV is cheap in Europe and Euro is historically low now.. Me oso asking my fren to help me buy one during her tour in Aug..


i mean i want to copy from 1 blog to another blog..but want to retain the same article/pics..both r blogspot =)


Not me lar.. it is yvonne who answered your qn.. hahaha.. I'm an idiot when comes to blogging.. :p


I have been eyeing on your design for very long liao. Just that i cannot decide between size PM and GM. the handle for PM like abit short to shoulder-carry but GM seems kinda big, so din buy any in the end. So this time round i may consider this again, or maybe a Galliera PM or Artsy MM. Let me think think.. hahaha..


i blur liao must be too much food in the morn till my blood sugar goes to brains ..paiseh :p

still v full now


can teach me ? =)

hi guys, are there days where ur baby is super active? is this normal? today is one such day... i'm feeling tired by its kicking n turning ...

hehe, Yvonne, Bengawan Solo Soon Kueh is nice lor

and my pals have been hearing this lame statement from me..my fav kueh is Soon Kueh cos Soon is my middle name :p


Thanks for your advice. I will try to standby things to eat. But really no hunger pangs these days. Don't feel shiok eating cos was not hungry in the first place.

You are so wonderful.. preggie liao still wake up early to do breakfast for hubby. He must be very sweet to you for you are so sweet to him. My hubby only get homemade breakfast once in a while.


Don't feel too guilty about your bag. I bought a burberry blue label bag for $500 recently too. Count it as our last chance to splurge on ourselves. Raising a child not cheap leh, so most prob we wun spend like this next time.

Check out the bag you are buying.. it is nice leh.. Nicer than never full bag. ... can put a lot of things. Good choice


Gideon is our first babe. Hubby says we got all we wanted to buy, so why still go and hunt for bargains or compare prices. Some more we don't have car and CCK and Expo are like the furthest apart places in Singapore. He say to save a few cents not worth the trip for two of us.

Hi mummies, back after so long. very busy these days... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkluv, I am oso the same as you. I keep forgetting things and my memory just keep getting worse and worst...not to mention i feel like a baby elephant now that I am in 24th week and keep dropping things! My hubby needs to pick up many things for me everyday! lol.

Then he grumbles that i keep asking him to remember to ask me to do this and that ...until he also forgets.

tiger lily, if you feel happy about the $2K bag, then its worth it. don't think so much. for me, i keep my hubby happy by buying him a $2.3K watch ...cos i think he's v frighened and anxious about being a new father lol...and of course , its his birthday. for myself, i bought a KS bag on sale for my birthday...hahha..

After my birthday last week, I am now officially in last trimster.... dreading it actually :p

btw, I am expecting a baby girl and my EDD is 14 Sep. think I haven't updated here yet? thanks thanks!

Pinkyluv, ok it means u have 2 blogs tt u r blogging concurrently n u want to import the blog entries from A blog to B blog right?

If so let me go n c my blogger n c if i can help.. Long time nv blog liao...



Hahah i dont know if he is sweet to me anot..but he tends to nag at me say this cannot that cannot..he is more worried abt the bb than me..he say he gonna have depression soon..

Yesterday after dinner on the way to car, i trip on a step n nearly fall flat on tummy..scare my hubby that he scream at me..lucky i nv fall if not i also dunnoe how sia..

Then hubby keep saying y u so careless..can u look down on the floor while walking..can u be more careful..nag non stop for the night..then he say..if really fall then how...

