(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

sugar - won't waste de.. no worries... it's to rinse off any excess oil... then wait stain clothes also... and i think the cold water is to "tighten the skin".. cos cold contracts ma.. but honestly... IN THIS WEATHER.. HOW TO HAVE COLD WATER!!!! i never on heater, water is warm de lor...


BabyT, u got a point on cold water tightening the skin....maybe lock in the oil lagi better hor? keke...but wait rinse liao, gotta towel dry again...i too lazy la.....but maybe try later see how [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] im a sucker for warm water for bathing...even in this terribly hot weather, im also guilty of on-ing heater...too used to it le..or maybe i stay low floor, no chance to get natural warm water...

sarah, i pressed my palm against the bottle, turn it upside down and up such that palm has some oil, apply to 1 area and message...then another area, i will repeat to get some oil on palm....for bigger surface like tummy, i will do it twice ...

babyT> i also aim the playtex milkbags! but i want to get with one or two bottles also.

sarahmay> aiyoh! i hear abt your boy's eczema, i already sim tia! that must have been sooOOO terrible for you!!!

badfifi - i'm getting medela breast pump, comes with medela bottles, so will let Germaine use and hope she likes it... dun wanna buy too many bottles for her...

BabyT, saw d spring one hor, they have 2 for $49.90 offer but its top only leh. I did not c any shorts there at amk hub.

babyT> ah ok! i was thinking about BP how??? then my aunt very kindly passed me hers, and some maternity clothes too! heng ah!!!

sarahmay - i m planning to store my BM in the glass bottle then keep then in the freezer. I just brought a new 4door fridge - freezer is at the lowest level. How do we defrost the BM from freezer?

tiger lily - i read from other thread... take out from freezer, put in normal chiller, then once defrost, heat up the ebm... my fridge is so packed i dunno how to pack my milk bags... that is if i do have loads of milk...

tigerlily: eh...but how we know whether hygienic or not? and whether they will NOT mix up our placentas leh? but v tempting hor.

btw when u say store in glass bottles? what kind? got proper lid or not?


babyT is right. But make sure u use milk within next 24 hrs for best possible freshness. also just to let u know, fresh BM is better than defrosted EBM in terms of certain nutrients and taste.

good BF resource http://www.kellymom.com/bf/index.html

PLAYTEX: why is this brand so good?

sarah - it's quite tempting... i sms hubby, he replied "HUH?????" hahaha... but i'm quite scared wait mix up how ar... any "complications"??

tigerlily - ya... some babies actually reject frozen EBM cos of the taste... but if u have plenty of supply then it's better to freeze la... rather than pump and throw.. waste rite...

yvonne - placenta in chinese is TAI PAN.... do u know there's this product called goat/ sheep placenta, apply on face, face damn smooth like baby's butt.. i used before.. that was before my mum told me it's the placenta... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hospital charges:

I paid $500 cash deposit in 2008 for 4bedded @ Mt. Alvernia. My total hospital bill incl baby was $2900 n after less Medisave, I still got back $200+ from $500 deposit. So my total cash forkout is almost $300 for hospital fees & gynae fees Assisted Delivery w/o Epi 2days 4-bedded stay. If my boy wasn't vacuumed, I would have gotten almost $500 deposit refunded. Vaccuum costs me another $200.


I thot I can pass u the wet tissues if u staying nearby my place. Nvm, u can still check out Pureen & Tendersoft & EQ in supermarkets or Motherhood next wk. Quality better than Carlson & if these brands are on offer, they may be cheaper. John Little used to sell Carlson for $5.50/3pks. Maybe u can check if JL still carries it.


Ya, I've been SAHM since I was pregnant wif my son. I dun have helper but have been staying at my in laws' place after I delivered. FIL could only help me watch my son & bottle feed(I must prepare the formula b4 I leave house but provided feeding time is within the hour) when I go for my classes in evenings. As my MIL is half paralysed, he has to take care of her. Everything else is done by myself cos my hubby dare not do anything. Luckily I insisted my hubby fork out 2K for confinement lady so I could recuperate well during that mth & I'm so glad I had a gd confinement & maybe that's y I'm not having any problems wif this 2nd pregnancy. Still as active as the 1st pregnancy, running all over the place. I had the same concern as u on handling 2 kids so I decided to send my boy to fulltime childcare since last mth. At least b4 my hubby comes home fr work after I deliver, I have enuff time wif my NB & when my boy's back fr sch, I could dump my NB to my hubby & FIL while I spend time wif my monster/young master. But this is my plan, won't know if it'll work. Now that my boy's in school, I usually do some housework, watch TV, do my assignments or study for my exams. Starting to meet up wif frens for lunch & coffee as well b4 No.2 pops. Have "abandoned" all my frens since I had No.1 cos devoted fulltime to him & my studies. New place is ready but not intending to move cos hubby said at least my FIL can help to watch over No.1 or 2 whenever there's a need.

Cash to standby for delivery:

In my opinion, if normal delivery 1-2 bedded plus confinement, best to standby at least $5K-8K cash in case Emergency Csect. If C-sect, then better to standby $8K-10K especially for TMC, Mt E or Gleneagles. Bottomline is whatever amt u calculated, best to add another $1K-2K just in case. Delivery & confinement can be pretty unpredictable according to what I've gathered from other's experiences including my own.


If u planning on Mt A better book fast cos always fully booked.

Mummies who are planning to breastfeed, Mt A will be a good choice cos they r very patient & make sure u r ready b4 they discharge u. The lady next to my bed at that time had big problems latching & bf so the nurse was so sweet & patient to come every feeding to guide her although it was a busy day cos they had >30 deliveries on the day I delivered.

I've heard alot of hospitals got no time & patience to wait for u to master the art of bf so u'll be quite lost if u r a 1st time mummy.


JB is good if u planning to do big time shopping then u'll b able to save.

Thanks for your compliments on my children's names. I'm the very fussy type so Christian names r my duty cos if I leave them to my hubby, he'll probably just use any cat or dog name. :p

All this talking about weight really makes me paisay but maybe I can make u ladies feel better. I'm weighing at 81kg since last check on Sat's gynae appt. Have put on 7kg so far but had 4kg brought forward from 1st pregnancy. Put on 5kg b4 I got pregnant wif No.1 cos cut down on smokes & booze so snacked & ate alot. My height is 1.72m but I really look like a bloody king kong now so anyone who wants to feel better should come stand next to me. I dun mind as long as I can make anyone's day/mood better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, I put on 16kg for No.1 so aiming for 10kg for No.2 cos still got balance 4kg from my son. Just to motivate breastfeeding mummies, I lost 9kg in 1mth thru breastfeeding from 9am to 11pm, used formula thruout the nite for baby cos I wanted to zzz... so my milk supply can build up faster.

Any1 want to guess my weight b4 I quit smoking? :p

Eh mag, i think quit smoking has gt to do with weight gain.. I too quit smoking since i started when i was 14.. Then i stop when i was 5 weeks preggy.. But the last 5 weeks when i was preggy somehow or rather i smoke v little, just hate s smell of ciggs.. Mayb baby hates it.. Haha..

I guess u were ard 50plus given ur height? Im 170 n weigh 58kg during the fatter times..


Just to share wif u my experience wif No.1 since we're ard same height. Ppl also commented my tummy small even at 8mths but in the end my baby was induced @ 40wks+5days & came weighing @ 4.005kg & length 52cm wif head circumference 36.5cm. Biggest baby in mths at Mt.A fr wat the nurses told me. I tell u y our tummy look smaller, it's bcos our body longer so they got more space to grow so just ignore wat ppl say. If gynae say ok means ok. Dun worry too much. Next mth u will know wat I mean.

Bill size for diff hospitals and diff deliveries;


just check under DELIVERY and there will be diff types e.g. normal, normal w complications etc.

MAG: u are still studying? what are u studying? ur bb was huge! how did u manage to do natural? no epi also right?

mt A; is SUPERB for breastfeeding....tell u the nurses kept coming and helping me...even in middle of the night. and all v patient and nice! thin better than TMC.


Hehe.. I was abt 65kg b4 I cut my smoking/drinking. I'm a glutton so no chance to be super slim eversince I finished secondary school but at least still could wear M size tops but now must wear XL, damn sian. U got better figure than me liao even during your fatter times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm studying part time degree in Child Psychology & Criminology. Graduating in Mar 2011 then maybe if No.2 manageable, I still want to do masters thru distance learning.

My boy altho huge still lose to me, hehe... I was a giant NB weighing @ 4.65kg & my mum only 1.6, during that time no epi so she kept telling me I so big size still need to take epi meh. So I die die also must prove to her I can do it lor. I called her once my doc finished stitching & she asked me "So how? Now u know how I felt when giving birth to u right?" Grrr...

I started inducing at 8am & doc broke waterbag at 3pm cos whole morning only dilated 2cm. Labour pain started at 4pm & by 4.20, I asked for the thigh jab(dun know wat it's called) then dilated only 4cm nia, then nurse gave me laughing gas but din tell me must press very hard until machiam got suction so I had been breathing nothing until 5pm, I pain until want to die already so told hubby tell nurse to give me Epi. Nurse came in & checked & said too late cos already dilated until 9cm, called my gynae immediately, then she saw my mask how come so loose so she pressed it hard into my face & I was taking so many big & quick breaths until when my gynae came @ 5.10pm, I could hardly open my eyes but could still talk to him when he sat in front of me @ 5.15pm. My koo koo hubby still told me to continue breathing the laughing gas, I got so mad & pushed his hand away & still got strength to scold him "Get that thing out of my face!! If breathe somemore I no need to push already!!" when I was quite stoned already & I really din feel much of the pain liao.

By 5.40. my giant monster was out liao. His head was too big so gynae gave me a bigger cut which needed 4 stitches plus vacuum him out.

My delivery super drama lor. Until today still can remember so clearly. I hope No.2 dun b so drama.


I thought so too..i am tall so bb got more space to hide inside me..haha

I wanna go maternity tour at Mt A..anyone got any info on this?


Yeah! I can finally login to chat.. my peak period is finally over!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Think u can check out Mt.A website for more details on the hospital tour. If i'm not wrong, Tinkerstar went for for the Mt.A tour few mths back.

Good morning mummies,

Talking about weight.. i now weigh 67 kg at 166cm. Sigh.. just going to reach 3rd trimester liao then reach 8 kg. How to maintain 10kg by birth.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for no stretch marks on breasts, butt and thighs and tummy. Been more diligent after you ladies shared about it.

I kenna some serious rashes after scratching my tummy a bit. So you ladies be careful and don't scratch if you can.

Morning mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm expecting my no.3 but sorry not able to advise much cos my no.2 was born premature @ 34 weeks plus @ a weight of 2kg. My no.1 born @ 39 weeks @ 2.97kg.


u're indeeed tall n slim....u'll sure slim down very fast after u deliver!!!!


me too, kena rashes and stretch marks after scratching my thighs. din know that my thighs will be the first to stretch, so never apply the oil, only concentrate on tummy, who knows.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/crazy.gif] I know now is abit too late to hug buddha's leg but i still apply on the thighs lar, soothe the itch lor..


for my case yes, but not a fair comparison cos #2 was born at 39th week and #1 at 36 plus week.

#1- 2.65

#2- 2.85


lately appetite is like forever hungry..yday lunch having fillet o fish value meal with coke & fries , was still super hungry soon after

this morning still v hungry after my 4 soon kuehs..

PS: slim and good indeed..cos wearing the right clothes and NEVER take pics fr the backview haha :p i think u look great lor


paiseh, hp was on silent mode and missed ur sms . anyway, i have been slepping at 9pm lately too

to sum it all up, these few days i am very easily sleepy & hungry.


wow, in 3 days times..really looking forwrad to it hehe

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyT: yea i got the linea nigra already.. if i ron rem wrong first kid also have.. i tink not everyone will have it. i have frens who doesnt have this line too..

Sarahmay: yea i cant be bothered cos like u i believe its genetics.. my mum don have much SM.. hee

Tiger lily,

Not sure how reputable the company is. Scarly you end up eating lamb placenta and then they take your placenta and sell to cosmetic firms.

But to take and cook ourselves like a steak sounds very horrible.. Don't dare to use that frying pan ever.

hehe, Pomme, that's funny

ok, anyway, i am not keeping mine for this round..

dun think i ever dare to eat

PS: to prevent contamination, must not left it in the open for too long after delivery

BBL, yes, i went for the maternity tour. I think i updated after my tour that we like the atmosphere there. They just renovated so the place look bright and clean.

Nurses all look very pro and friendly when we visit the nursery. Can feel the love....

so hubby & i decide to go with Mt Alvernia. We didn't even go TMC to take a look. haha


hehe, i love soon kueh..had them from Bangawan Solo on Vesak day

Yday, my neighbour made a dozen for us as well..

last nite has 3, this mroning had 4

Talking abt soon kueh, i think d best ones are from d coffeeshop near AIG n opp queensway there.. D famous one. Yum yum.

u mean bengawan solo sell soon kueh? good? i like thin skin one... fav so far is from 'rong'2. ..

yvonne, the one that sell ang ku kueh? the ah ma one or the one inside?



Yeah, got companion.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I took the wkend classes. U leh?

But the 1st class is like kinda rush for me cos it is on fri and not near my workplace. Think I may have to attend alone for the 1st lesson cos HB may not be able to make it.

