(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

I wanna join in too! Thursday company shutdown so no need to work, but will need to leave early as 5pm need to pick up #1 from sch. Not bring bb cos need to fetch kor kor so not able to handle two.

Gathering for Tea at IMM Iciban Sushi this coming Thursday from 3-530pm


They have a tea time set which is not bad.



1) Pinkyluv

2) Leobaby

3) Mag

4) Mango


6) badfifi&hb

7) phyphy

8) Karen


Hi Karen

great, am happy tat ur company shutdown tmr =p

cya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha, thanks. I think i m just good at buying lots of clothes that hide the excess..a big nono to clothes that emphasize my tummy

i will never ever wear jeans or pants..that will reveal all the chunks of meat i had


i only pump once during lunch time cos' my appt is normally back to back. I go to nursing room near my office or customer's place - today is city sq mall. Nursing room here is nice n comfortable. Got power source too so no need battery or my manual hand express. I use medela swing can only pump 1side at a time. Pumping here - i can chk forum n post too. Hahaha... Since only pump once, i only preapre 1set of pump parts n 2 bottles of 5oz each to store EBM. I put them in fridge when i reach office. After pump, i rinse all the parts using tap water. I wash n sterilise again when i reach home.


although my weight is back to normal but alot of cloths still cant wear leh. Esp. the top. Pants ok but i feel tummy still flabby. How to go back to my previous firm tummy huh. Need to go slimming ctr anot? My hair lost is terrible, i even cut away my long fringe but still didn't help - i m going botak soon. Sob sob.... Can't take half day leave tml cos' i m already covering for my 2 colleagues who is on leave. Sianz....


i only pump once during lunch time cos' my appt is normally back to back. I go to nursing room near my office or customer's place - today is city sq mall. Nursing room here is nice n comfortable. Got power source too so no need battery or my manual hand express. I use medela swing can only pump 1side at a time. Pumping here - i can chk forum n post too. Hahaha... Since only pump once, i only preapre 1set of pump parts n 2 bottles of 5oz each to store EBM. I put them in fridge when i reach office. After pump, i rinse all the parts using tap water. I wash n sterilise again when i reach home.


although my weight is back to normal but alot of cloths still cant wear leh. Esp. the top. Pants ok but i feel tummy still flabby. How to go back to my previous firm tummy huh. Need to go slimming ctr anot? My hair lost is terrible, i even cut away my long fringe but still didn't help - i m going botak soon. Sob sob.... Can't take half day leave tml cos' i m already covering for my 2 colleagues who is on leave. Sianz....


Oh, sucking toes is 5th mth? Dunno man! I think since they start to grab anything to put in their mouth + kicking legs n holding in the air, it won't be put long before they grab their feet and bring to their mouth! :D

ECP n bb

Quite a nice place to be out with bb on a not so hot weekday morning, even if it's just sitting in the shade n enjoying sea breeze.

Now that bb getting more responsive and can chuckle at silly peekaboo faces and all, am a bit sad that I'll be going back to work soon.

My bb's fav tune is the Austin Power's theme. A bit "low crass" I know, but what the heck! :p

hmm... Imm gathering.. V near my office but cannot go. Got a indo client comin to meet me. U gers enjoy.

Same here la, losing hair, gainin weight. Still cannot wear my pants, shirts n some blouses. Haiz... I oso wan the opposite, losin wg n gainin hairs. Arrgghh..

pinkyluv & bb,

I think a major factor that contribute to my fast weight lost is - I m not getting enf sleep every day esp. when I go back to work. Baby super manja, see me only want to latch. Sometimes, she drink until she throw up. On weekends, she refuse bottle cos' I take care of her myself & of course my helper (who is of not much help) Week days she will drink from bottle when I am at work. Once she sees me or smells me - she won't take bottle. So every day I have like 3hrs of sleep on average cos' baby still wait up in the middle of the night feeds.


wat can i say...just sigh* lor :p ieveryone said Bf will lose wt..not for me and now u said lack of sleep will..but also not for me

i think my fat cells r the super stubborn kind

i am latching on kyra fully unless i go out without her

at nite after her last feed which is 10 plus or 11plus..she will wake up at 3am and 6 plus am for milk

i confirm wun wake up to pump out one, even more tedious..

PS: the top can't fit must be due to a more wei da bosom ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think all my buttoned clothes r popping at that place

however i dun mind all my fats going there if it is possible ;)

one of u gals post this yummy looking Nasi lemak from Old Town on your facebook ..make me so tempted..

smsed the hubby to bring me there for dinner liao

one thing i notice from our gatherings is those mummies with v chubby babies lose wt very fast .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wish all my excess wt can go to Kyra

i m not greedy, just hope to wear my working clothes , those that i can wear in April 2010

Tigerlily, but pump once means u use a lot of formula for all the other feeds right? Which formula do u use? Or u still using ur frozen store?

Ear infection- mummies whose bb ever kena this, wat did ur pd prescribe?

So gek! Called pd in the West abt DS's smelly and clogged up ear.. Can see dark colored wax outside the ear already. The nurse chk'd w pd and adviced us to come down, and come asap cos no patient then and doc will leave early, but

didn't tell us wat time. That phonecall was 730pm. So we said

we'll eat dinner and come. Left house at 810.

Then nurse called at 815 asked if we coming, cos doc will

leave soon. We said we in the car on the way, but when we

reached 833pm, they called us and said doc left already.. We were just outside the clinic! Card says 9pm close leh! Grr..

We traveled home due to traffic jams. Wasted 50min on road. In the end popped by GP locum who cfm ear infection but not sure what to prescribe for so young bb...

So tx for reading my long story. Just venting how I wish I found nearby PD's. I live at balestier so if u hv recommendations pl let me kn.

Then again, if u kn of a gd GP near boon Keng, novena area that would b better... Cheaper too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought bb to pd at united sq called aglow dr Ong. Bb ear infection due to piles, got lump. He gave us cream to apply.

My bb now sick bought to her pd at mt a who deliver her. Cos sick went to see dr without appt waited 2 hr plus for our turn. Sigh. How to predict sick, how to make appt for this. I prefer the pd at united sq but Hubby prefer to stick to pd who deliver bb. Sigh. I just hope she faster get well from cough and block nose.

PInky: Fats at bosom...oso a problem...that's y can't wear all my dresses...sian and difficult to buy tops and dresses.Champ lah...I think really must change wardrobe. My work clothes are usually dresses...my own fault lah keep craving for buffets...hehe. My staff meeting will end abt4pm but I got a gathering at nite. So nvm cny then...

CCpet: My bb had yellow crust like and some sticky bits that had a strange stench. My pd gave a cream to apply. Healed. But he didn't diagnose it as eye infection so not sure if it's the same. Hey I tot I heard Bishan and AMK got gd PDs...not sure of the names...why dun u google around.

I am still using mine at Gleneagles. I tot $50+ for short consultation is cheap but heard some gd ones can be $30+??? What are the rates like for the PDs?Just simple consultation w/o any med.

Kinderclinic is 60 per consult. It's very sticky dark brown. Sticking to the outside of the ear now.

Ebelle and Sab, sorry to trouble u but what was the exact cream prescribed for that condition? Tx !

Sab - wat are the opening hrs for Aglow? No website one ah? I can't seem to find. Btw where do u live?

OP, I use Avent Isis duo. Doesn't really fit all sorts of bottles, but I guess I'll use avent's 9oz bottles instead of the 4oz ones that come with the pump. Btw I like your container idea. It's like a manual dish washer, swish here swish there ;)

Mng mummies,

Have not be coming in to the forum for quite some time liao.

Can see that some of you already back at work and some going back to work next Monday. Me too. Although I was looking forward to go back to work, but think I will miss baby. She is getting very responsive now and will keep chuckling when we talk to her.

Pinkyluv, I am not able to meet u all for the high tea this afternoon. Will see you all for the cny celebration.

Oh yah, any dress code for the cny celebration?

CCpet: Axcel fungicort cream.

Today 1st time away fr bb for meeting...goin to try out the pump and clean mtds suggested by u moms...pumping away now before i leave...looks like i m going to b v v late...

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt. I'm a Jul 2011 MTB and am looking for a good and reliable CL. Can anyone recommend and PM me your CL contact? Thanks in advance and happy new year to all!


Hi ladies,

Sorry I took so long to burn the DVDS, kindly please contact me @ 90073277 for collection. I may drop off at one of the mummies near your residence so u can arrange for pickup.

List of mummies




Ebelle Heng










Jacqueline Aktop


Jessica Ong














Tiger Lily





PS: I'll b going for the IMM gathering today so if u want me to pass your discs to any of the mummies there, please contact me @ 90073277. Dun post here as I won't be checking the forum. Thanks for understanding.

Pls also contact me if you dun c your name on this list. Thanks again.


My bb is on full BM. I pump up to 4 times at home and only once during working hour.

1) 7pm to 8pm when I finish work.

2) About 12mid night or before I KO.

3) 3am before or after latching baby

4) 6.30am before I go to work

hi ladies head g to imm today,

sent bb for jab yestr n today not cooperative at all. do u mind if i still come along...been want g to meet u gals. at most i double up as bb sitter lor....heh!!

can i pm someone my hp no. or someone pm me can? scared cannot find u all leh...


wah so nice, stay near ecp. i wish i do too, i love to nuah at that plc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies... haven't reported here for so long. very busy since started work. time after work totally spent on bb ... somemore bb started to eh-eh few times + 1 feeding every night; even though he has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks before that. plus, he's realy fussy during the day as well. And bowel movement used to be abt once every 3 days... yesterday he poo-ed thrice!

don't know what's wrong with him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] don't know isit teething as leobaby mentioned...

pinkyluv & Mummies,

I have change a photographer for the CNY photoshoot. He shoot quite a lot of studio shoot for kids and babies as he got his own studio. Will post some of his shoot later when he email me.

I negotiate $210 for one DVD with internet and normal size picture. He is willing to do it at $250 for 20 DVD (hv to burn DVD as CD might not fit in all the photos).

Pinkyluv, can you advise the budget is enf?


m stay g sooooooooo v far fm ecp that every time i suggest to hubs to go there for one of the weekends, he wld nag n nag n nag that so far, so crowded etc etc but i like it there mah....men! complain so much, he shd jus get me a car then no need to ferry kids n me ard lah....n can jus jet ard during the weedays instead. hmmph!


you are lucky leh. BB only wakes up for 1 feeding. Mine wakes up at between 2am to 3am for 1 feed. 1hr+ she will wake up and play till almost 6am then KO. By then, I can only rest like 30mins before I pump and then prepare to go to work. Wonder when my bb can start sleeping thru' the night. Is killing me - every day I am so tired when I reach office. I oso dun have time for makeup lor. Do in when I m in office now. My colleague was saying that I look very haggard now. I wish I can enjoy motherhood but this is really a killing me. help ah....

Wa tigerlily u power! Wake up at night to feed and to pump! DS seems to sleep fr 11pm to 6 or 7am now, but I wake up bursting w milk at abt 4-6am so no choice hv to pump.

I realized that when I pump in PM it's less milk. So maybe I can do just 1 pump at work.. Dunno la, I prepared 3 pumps just in case.

Tigerlily, take lots of chicken essence w cordyceps and stuff! Jia you! Use ur weekends to catch up on sleep, and maybe ask the daddy or grandma to train bb in night sleep over the weekend? It may b noisy...

Sleep very crucial for me, I'm in the kind of line where my mistakes can cost the firm a lot money!

Hi Mummies,

Have been busy the past week so hardly follow the forum.

Too bad, miss out the gathering this afternoon. Hope it was fun for bb n mummies.

I'll be going back to work next week and really dunno what to wear... Most clothing cannot fit already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. I always have this problem - want to buy cloth cannot find nice ones, dun want to buy alot of good ones.

hi mummies haven pop in here for some time. just want to comment on PD. I have been seeing dr ong @ aglow for #1 and now #2 as well, Love him to bits! He is a super nice doc and i just trust whatever he says. But its a pretty long journey for us to go there so usually what we do is to go down and reach at 830 or so (the same time we go out for work and my mum will go with us so that she can bring bb back home), be the first to walk in. Usually (not always) we can be the first few. Try not to go on sats coz they are always booked. If have to, also go at 830 or so. Otherwise be prepared to wait 1 -2 hrs, can go for breakfast coz the nurse will call.

I always say he saved my #1 life because she had pnuenomia @ 9 months old and he was very experienced to have her hospitalised at the critical time. Else I dunno what will have happened.

Tigerlily, u very kot lat in pumping. Me now only pump 3 - 4 times a day. Think if go back to work supply decrease might just stop if too tiring. else think max i will only dong until 6 months old (counting down 2 more months only!!)

Ebelle, me just went shopping for work clothes today. For me, I also cannot wear all my pre-preggie clothes. Just went Iora and bought 10+ pieces. I like their clothes because the cutting fits me, esp the skirts. Few weeks back also bought quite a number of pieces there. THe trick is to get the salesperson to recommend. If i go find myself, i will end up not buying anyting. If u like iora, go to the one at suntec and look for mei yuen. SHe is quite good.

Ahh... Very sad. Think bb now prefers my mum (who is looking after him in the day) more than me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hahaha... not wei da la. If don't pump will leak leh so no choice lor.

This morning I only pump once at 3:15am. My darling Athena wakes up at 4am to play again. I accompany her until 5:15am, can't stand it any longer so ask maid to take over. Then Athena KO at 5:45am. I woke up at 6:30am to pump after 20mins, nothing come out so I go nap for 10mins before I washup and prepare for work.

Now I even pump in the car - travelling time esp. when seating in traffice jammed. Ytd, I pump 130ml at 6pm while my hb drive. We were on our way to Orchard Rd for our Chiropratic adjustment with Athena n maid.

Later I will go think Parkway for lunch then pump.


My job oso cannot afford to make mistake de cos' invovle $$.

Happy new year everyone! Hope 2011 brings lots of joy and happiness all around.

Mummies who were at IMM on thurs

It was really great to finally meet up wid all of u, had a really great time!! now m still try g to recall whose nick belongs to which lady. Pinkyluv can help hor? u took some photos rite???


pls tell ur mommy that autie leila has a backache aftr carry g u for a full 20 mins or so...u r much heavier than my daughter n the vain auntie leila was wear g a 2 and half inch shoes lor...pls tell ur mommy to book me a massage session pls... :p


ur cookies r sooooooo yummy !!! my son loved it to bits...sell leh...collect fm u during the cny gathering can??


cny gathering 15 Jan (sat) correct?? i wanna go leh...pay who huh? n how much??

Happy new yr to all mommies and all at home!

TigerLily, wah, u even pump in the car! I think i can tahun 6 hrs without pumping. So I'm thinking of pumping in the morning before work, like 6am (that's when i wake up really uncomfortable), then 12noon lunch, then maybe 6pm just before i leave office. Then at night pump again. I will just be able to meet DS' needs of 6kg x 150ml a day if i do that. But, I dunno how Monday is going to be like. Don't like to think abt the milk that's going to be wasted! He really doesn't like the bottle even if it's freshly pumped milk... And these 2 days, we are still sleep training him (to nap/sleep without carrying), so I don't want him to struggle with both his bottle-dislike, and wannabe-carried-to-sleep.

Day 6 of sleep training... I think we are seeing some success now. He slept himself without crying at all last night, as well as for this morning's first nap. A little bit of whine for the 2nd nap today, but I'm happy that he finally got the message.

Actually, i was getting discouraged cos by day 4 i saw no improvement. On hindsight, I see TWO things i would hv done differently in planning to do this sleep training...

1) Don't need to check on him! Or when u do, hide yourself from him.. When we did Cry It Out on previous days, hb (who was on leave) would chk on him every 10-15 min to burp him and assure him we love him. I was quite upset that he was crying and also not eating well 'cos he didn't like the bottle.

2) Maybe we shd hv stuck with breast which he is comfy with, while doing this sleep training. He was only drinking 80ml x 4 feeds a day! When hb went bk to work on Day 5, I let DS cry and dun allow maid or grandma to go near.. He cried 30min plus without us chking him. Also, I made sure i fed him breast so that despite his poor hours of sleep, he still eats more and at the right schedule, which is 6x a day.

Taking a chance man. Back to work on Monday. Will leave caregivers to coax him with bottle.


thanks ! =) pls go ahead to confirm photographer from Noon to 2 pm on 15 Jan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so in total $250 right..Mag will tt to photographer the funds. Pls sms her at 90073277 the bank account


super paiseh that day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U help to carry Kyra for a really long time while i makan :p thanks you =)

haha...pls go and book..u do deserve a good one ;)

Pls tt to Mag, u have her number ? 90073277


i have ur cookies for supper that day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so crispy and yummy..thanks..my kids din get any cos the mummy finish them all herself, can't stop biting =p

will catch up with rest of postings later


, Pm me and i will add u to my facebook, k ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CNY Party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mag, can u advise how much is the balance funds after deducting venue cost of $40 and Photographer $250 so tat Weiting can go and order the food

Tiger Lily

i must take a leaf fr ur book..must work harder at pumping liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all who are attending the CNY Party

pls PM me for directions for those have have never went to Leobaby condo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks =)

Can we have some volunteers who can bring their playmat along please [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there is no more My 1st CNY Rompers according to Taka salesgal, so i propose all the boys wear red and gals pink..ok ornot ? =)

Or any recommended bp where we can all get the same clothes ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

