(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Leo: HOw many wks old is REi? I oso wanna go and buy and check. The gel is to mk bb more comfortable rt? Then if I wanna check if she's teething?? Just put finger and feel the gums rt?

Pomme: I brgt bb for to BB Spa for swimming and massage. She was soo super active and then overstimulated and over tired. Came home and took along time to fall asleep...will see how she does...hopefully after one more feed, wun wake up till morning...

Leo: Did u and Jac buy the package for swim at Baby Spa?



We din. Was thinking jio more Mommies n buy n share. But did got the tub to use it at hm.


Zeynep was behaving like Rei too. Tar will go buy the teething gel. Can buy it from pharmacy right?

Jac> yup i got mine at KKH pharmacy.

Ebelle> Rei is 4.5 mth now. Heard from Mag that Gel is to numb the pain he feels from the teething. Yup you can put finger in to chk for teeth. My hubby felt it first 2 tooth is from bottom and he pull his lips down to show me and 2 little white tooth there. Mag says take an amt of green bean size on last finger and rub on lower gum. Jac and I did not sign the package as we have the pool but just go there learn more skill from the staff.

Pomme> Rei drool a lot. just the other day he was looking at Athena and drooling so we disturb him say see beauty only drool until the whole romper wet. Sign of teething is drooling.

Jac: Do they allow sharing? I tot of getting with the massage. My bb seemed happy but I find the place lacking 'ambience' and my bb was like a 'performer', open for all to view, though I think she enjoyed the attention. What did Zyenap wear? I wanna get her swiming suit. The site that OP reco doesnt have the size and design for my bb...MOms...where else can I buy ar??


thanks for sharing. Athena is only 3.5mths leh. i got dentinox at my mum's place. Could she be teething so early cos' she oso has been drooling. She was dream fed by maid at 3:30am. She woke up again ard 5am wan to suck. Latch her for 20mins. Now giv pacificer n maid trying to coax her to sleep.


They said the swimmin package can share. Nv try massage. U dun need a swimwear at there as u must buy their swim diaper $2. But I did bought a swim pant n a swimsuit for Zeynep. she swim at hm.


Zeynep drools alot these days n alway cry like she is angry or in pain. Lata I go guardian check. Thks.

Xmas was such a busy time! Trust u all Had lots of fun s bb.

Didn't hv time to read the posts but Daniel had a lot of fun meeting his grand aunties for the first time. He was so awake the whole day, but next day so sleepy and can hardly eat more than 100ml a feed...

Teething at such a young age ah? Wow. Wouldn't it be ouch for us if we're breastfeeding?

Hb checked out baby spa, not excited about the swim. Guess bb can kinda play with water in the bathtub too... What do u all do w baby in the spa tub? Do they go underwater?

Still not successful at training bb to sleep w/o first carrying him. Not sure how much of cry it out to do... Any advice?

Later bring t1 nt2 to watch yoga bear. Hope I can survive staying in the cinema for 1 1/2 hrs


If Bb teething still ok, is when the teeth is out. Got to keep telling Bb not to bite.

Swimming tub

U can soak yourself in after Bb swim.

No diving for Bb yet but can try if u dare

Sleep training

Me too trying to do the training but after reading the dr Ferber method, I wonder if I can let Bb cry throughout the night in the worst case.

ccpet: BB had fun swimming but got overstimulated and had problem going to zz. I was hoping to tire her out so she'll zz tru the nite like Pomme's Gideon but wish didn't come true. She still woke up once but otherwise zz well. HB don't in favour of buying the tub cos too lazy to fill up and wash so we tot we'll just bring her there for a swim then top up abit more for the massage.

Sleep: BB had to much fun and love during Xmas, so seem to demand for more carrying now. She is yelling away now cos she usually tucks herself in but during Xmas wkend, her grandma and Dad were around so now she keeps wanting attention. I will only go in when her cries gets too loud and long...we'll see...


think most of us heading back to work next monday

wana have a gathering this thursday ?

we can have dim sum at Novena Square Zhou Kitchen

how many of u gals r onz

kindly list down ur name hor then we can confirm by tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Same same!!! Gideon's been drooling.. Got to change many bibs a day. Just went to get the dentinox. Will apply tonight.


Any one can recommend where can i buy absorbent bibs. Those carters one not very absorbent leh.. I am looking for those basic cotton ones.


Gideon hasn't been zzz thru now cos of teething pains. Though i will still let him swim 4 times a week cos it seem to make him more hungry so he will be able to drink more in evening. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheaper to buy tub to swim at home. Save on travelling time too. There is no need to drain out the water everyday, just take out two buckets and top up with hot water can swim liao. Though this only works if bb din poop inside, so must wear swim diaper.


Thanks for sharing the lobang. I bought some liao. really good steal.


Can't join u gers this week cos hubby got things to do. I will just thinking you will organise one last one before you all start work next week.

I went back to work in nov and was back to work on christmas eve too. Reality is not so bad, at least can have nice lunch and shop around during lunch time.

I had just bought the si shen fen, getting ready to feed baby when she turn 4.5 months, super kiasu right haha

This thursday meeting @ Novena? Maybe can meet you gals after work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Confirm tomorrow


i on i on...makan session at novena on thurs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, suppose the baby is teething but he doesn't know how to hold things yet...how can I give him a teether to soothe his gums?

I suspect mine is teething already (if not, soon!) cos he's been drooling a lot lately, and keeps sucking his own fist alot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And 2 days ago, he started waking up once in the middle of the night (making noise) when we already succeeded in getting him to sleep through for at least 5 hrs since 3 wks ago! ;)



How's ur movie trip with ur kids?


Wat's ur facebook acct?


I got wonderbibs fr mothercare. They r quite absorbent. U might want to give it a try?


Aiyo... See ur buffet spread I really buey tahan!!! *drooling*

Fist sucking,

Mik is v v into that n also she has also learnt to thumb suck as well. Always makes herself so wet with her saliva.

I'm the MOST MOST important person in Mik's life now. She has become v v sticky to me. To the extreme, she will wail until jialat jialat when others carry her (which include my hb sometimes) & once I carry her, ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, she will diam diam liao.

Becos of this... It's becoming so hard to pump esp in the afternoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sorry Mango..i oso have some errands to run that day lor..so that's y suggest IMM =)

if u drives, it is free parking =p


yes, i am bringing Kyra

Feeling kinda depressed nowadays... Hair dropping like nobody's biz n my weight... It seems to ve prob "heading south". My weight ve been stuck for so so long despite I've been bfdg my bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] & becos I've been bfdg... I always feel hungry leh. Haiz... Machiam like 饿鬼 like that.

Sad. Sad. Sad.


count me in..lately v into Twisties..last nite finished a big pack of curry ones at 11pm when watching TV

today finished the tomato and cheese ones..regret getting big packs

my hair is getting lesser too..the floor. the playpen, Kyra body and neck and hands all full of my hair

not getting any thinner too, but can only blame my greedy mouth

how i wish it is vice versa, losing wt and gaining hair =p


u r not alone lor...my hair dropping like crazy but weight never drop liao....so sianz!!! thurs still go n eat wor...mayb i shd jus drink green tea :p

ladies bring g bbs to IMM

u ladies bring g strollers or slings or carriers. The only way i can eat properly is when babe is in stroller wor...


oh the buffet is really good...yummy..how i wish today is yesterday and i can go through the same thing again =p

but now i am above 30 yrs old , better have a buffet a week and not more than that for the sake of health

come to think of it m ever since my confinement is over, i am almost having 1 buffet every week..oops

thurs ichiban gathering> very nan2 de2 my hubs is ard, so COUNT US IN!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hubs brought up a gd pt, IMM Ichiban not very big, beter tell them we need a lot of space (for strollers and wheelchair), so better tell them in advance. heehee, i remember, on the left of the exit, they seem to have this "room" area right? maybe we can ask them for it?

Movie with toddler n infant

Both kids enjoy the show n t2 keep talking non stop and t1 walking non stop . T1 keep walking , lucky the cinema not very big n not very crowded as well.

Gathering @ imm

I feel like going, maybe will bring t1 to inlaw house. If going sure i will bring Bb , sling n stroller

Drooling and teething

I think people always equate drooling with teething. My #1 was never a drooly baby. His teeth sprouted at about 9mths. Even so, he wasn't drooling then. He wasn't particularly fussy either. So we didn't really know he was teething either. I can count the number of bibs I have for him. About 5 or so and hardly used.

For current bb, she's a big drooler. My mom calls her "lau nua peh" (Teochew for drooling uncle... maciam buaya). Even when she's swimming in the tub, she's drooling too. My HB said she look like perpetually kena poisoned and tu4 bai2 mo4 (spit white foam). HAHAHAHA! I just hope her teeth starts sprouting at about the same time as her bro. Not so early, pls!!!

Toes sucker

Any bbs found their tasty tasty toes yet? :D


Oh, glad you like the pics as much as I did! Pls feel free to borrow the idea. I don't think I can ever capture her in that pose again, since it was all so spontaneous. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going back to work

I'll be going back to work in 13 days time (on 10 Jan)! I have no freaking idea how my 4 months of ML + some leave just went by like that!

What have I done in the past 4 months? Like nothing much leh, besides making and watching the bb grow. And some shopping. And eating buffet with you mommies.

I really dunno if I shld feel happy or sad... or scared? *sigh*

Shedding hair

I'm shedding hair too! So is my mom! Every time we carry the bb upright, she'll grab our hair. After we release her grip, we're bound to lose some hair! :D


Since the gurl started grabbing her feet with her hands (generally when she's trying to self-entertain), she's been bringing her toes to her mouth. Yes, I heard of the old wives saying too. But NOOOOOO, it's not gonna happen! HAHAHAHAHA!

Wish can go w u gals for gathering but too bad...staff meeting...I am so going to day dream...like I usually do at meetings...unwind...hehe

Mango/Pinky: Me too...hair dropping. At 1st was happy cos cannot rebond so tot less hair can get the 'flat' look then now...hair everywhere soo sian...I read tht if by 6mths stiill dropping cld b a case of shortage of iron. Must see doc.

My wt...din drop...old tops and dresses can't wear. If cant lose the wt goto change wardrobe liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( How to diet when we r bfing ar? I find that bf doesnt help burn much and I heard once we stop wt will go up.

R our hormones still hay wire? Sometimes feel funee...


During #1 time, I slowly put on weight after he turned 6mth, even though I continued to express and bfd. Then after I stop expressing when my #1 was 1yr 6mth, I put on even more weight. I think it's because I was so used to eating more, but not burning enough calories cos not expressing milk anymore.

I'm actually eating much more now (esp carbo) than when I was preg. Else really cannot sustain.

hi ..I finally shifted, and my new place now looks like a war torn warehouse..yes, it is that bad. think it will take some time to revert to normality. I should be going back to work next week..I thk on Thurs...still debating whether i should take a few more days off! can not bear to leave my baby at home.

OP - love the pictures..the pose is so pro! she is so cooperative ya..

pinkyluv - your girl has some of your looks...looks like a big boss in the stroller..cute!

my hair is also dropping! they are like everywhere in the house!

I am also eating more now..get hungry easily. it is true that after a while the weight just stagnates. i recall that for my older one, after i stop bf'g, my weight went up (and never came down!)..

Hair dropping - mine oso drop like nobody's business. After every hair wash, will find alot of hair stuck at the drianage.

Weight - i lost all my pre-pregnancy weight 1Bkg in all. No

w 48.5kg. 3.5kg to reach my wedding weight. Hopefully, figure will go back to that as well.


Really ah. By 6mths time if hair falling didn't stop is sign of iron shortage ah. Wah. I will remember n take note.

ML - I have been back to work early dec. Super busy at work. No time to read forum too. I m clearing my balance 6wks ML on wkly basis starting in Jan. For jan will be 17th onwards.

Buffet - what to go also but working leh so cannot leh.

Wow tigerlily really envy u, lost all yr preggy wt so fast.

Period- mine jus started. Is it normal to have period while still breastfeedg? me only express 3 times a day

Heh, can't fit into my Pre preg shirts too, esp the nice female cut kind.

Putting bb to sleep: hv been letting ds cry it out and in the mornings it's manageable. Just cries in a whiny tone for 10 min. But yday PM was really challenging. Let him cry until he's too tired to eat properly so mess up his whole schedule. But thank God he just started sleeping thru the night. Did that last night also altho he ate quite little during the day.

Hb and I are doing a middle ground approach, where we chk on DS every 15min to assure DS we love him and just want him to sleep w/o relying on us to carry him. But last night, we were too engrossed talking to friends we had over(who had been thru and 'done that' w their 2yr old toddler), that DS fell asleep immediately after his cries graduated fr a whine to a roaring F16 fighter jet! The crying lasted 20min w/o us checking on him

Bk to work 3jan. Gd that got iPhone now so easier to chk forum, or else won't b able to w all the firewalls... Wonder how I'm going to manage all the pumping man.

How do u all sterilize ur pumps at work? Still trying to figure out what's the quickest way to wash up after the pump session so that I can get bk to my desk asap? Tx


the washing area is right in front of my boss room..quite sianz lor..i think there is no quickest way, just wash


what time is ur staff meeting, hope u can drop by. IMM quite near ur place i think ? by cab should be abt 20min


noted with thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will call them up to reserve that part




that is so nice, can fit back into previous working clothes

btw, how abt taking half day leave tmr ? ;)

Gathering for Tea at IMM Iciban Sushi this coming Thursday from 3-530pm


They have a tea time set which is not bad.



1) Pinkyluv

2) Leobaby

3) Mag

4) Mango


6) badfifi&hb

7) phyphy


think the only way for me to lose wt is to lock me in a room with no access to junk food at all

Pumping @ work,

Though I'm a SAHM... Was thinking if I ve to pump at work, I will prepare 2 sets of shields n bottles (presumingly I ve to pump twice in office).

So say after pumping using the 1st set, I will rinse (w/o soap n brushing to save time) n keep. Then when it's time to pump again, I will use the 2nd set. After pump then rinse.

Then when I reach home, I will wash thoroughly n steralise the 2 sets. N viola!! They r ready to be used again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I bought a 2600ml round fake lock n lock container fr valu$ shop for abt $2. Fits d pump parts. I place d parts for washing in d container n fill it to half to rinse once. Next, squirt 10x bb washing detergent n soap them in the container. Then rinse off with water 2x by filling the container half full n swishing the parts in the water. I will pour hot water into the container to sterilize n then pour away. Leave container semi open to air dry the parts. By washing them all at once in a container is faster than washing piece by piece under running water. Bcos the container will be filled with soapy water, I assumed it's washed too, so I don't remove the parts and wash the container separately.

For the bottles, wash individually n pour hot water inside n swish ard to sterilize.

This is what I'm doing at home now.

During #1 time, I don't even use washing detergent! :p



You use medela freestyle right? I think other brand bottles are compatible with the pump? If so, can use them, even those that are more than 5oz bottle, so that after expressing, combine milk from 2 bottles into 1. That way you only hv to wash 1 bottle instead of 2.

