(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

uh-oh. i just read properly how much you all pump. Oh dear, i dunno how to stop pumping, don't dare think of the pain. I do realize though that some days when i dun drink enough water, i hardly get 100+ ml per pump for both breasts.

But got headache, 'cos i'm not well hydrated...


Bottle feeding - DS was a good boy today! NO STRUGGLE at all with the bottle, even though the whole of last week was almost all latch on! My maid, hb (most kan chiong yday that i'm going bk to work haha) and mom really followed the website suggestion:

* make sure bottle nipple is warm,

* start feeding before he is too angry with hunger.

* They also took away my breastpillow and anything that had my scent on it, 'cos like that he won't think i'm around and will take the bottle calmly.

It worked!

MAngo: Let me know if rebonding coses more drop cos I wanna rebond but scared more will drop. My hair is like everywhere...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pomme: I starting end of this mth. Yo I went to check out pampers after seeing ur post. Cldnt find it. They only had promos for DRypers which My bb is allergic too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Which Cold Storage did u see the promos?

Mango, Yvonne, Pomme, and any other not wrking moms: Wanns meet for lunch in town area this wk? Say Wed or Thur?

CCpet: Glad DS 1st day w u at work went well. I made it yesterday a a fren's but svc was at 1115am. Will try again and hope to make it for ur soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I do take 'caffeinated beverages' but I control the amount so that bb wun b over stimulated. I am kinda addicted to bubble tea..hehe. Max 1 cup a day but not a daily affair and usually less then 1 cup so I don't think it's too harmful??? Other moms???

Ccpet me been taking coffee when pregnant, 1 cup a day. After delivering 2 cups a day. But my bb is on half formula half ebm. Usu give fm at night so hopefully by then if any caffiene effect wld wear off. So far bb ok.

Mango I also bot a Zara hello kitty top. Purple in color right ;)

Only bot a jacket for myself cos q v long n a lot of fitting clothes can't buy wo tryg like last time ;(

Jeslyn - read somewhere pump frequency is more imp than pump duration. So 3 times a day better than 2. I tink it's Kkh breastfeedg guide

Happy 2011 all mummies & sep babies! Wishing all a blessed and healthy year ahead with lots of happiness and joy!

Faith celebrates this new year with a huge POO today till all poo oozes out from the front onto the TUMMY and flooded the belly button!!!

Sorry was not able to join the IMM gals, hope u all had fun! :p

Bigger size clothes:

1. Marks & Spencer sales now

2. GAP 50% off

3. Topshop

4. Wareshouse

online stores:

1. OLD Navy

2. Forever 21

3, Miss selffridge

Mummies looking for unique cheongsams, can go Tongtong boutique :


They just have new arrivals!!

Hv fun shopping!


Maybe u can wait till sale then can go take a look? Think mark & Spencer having sale now rite? So is topshop. Thinking of grabbing some jeans. (think I saw jeans selling at topshop, warehouse or Dorothy Perkins at 39.90 bucks... Can't rem exactly is which shop liao)

V hard to buy clothes that requires trying on nowadays cos I'm always carrying Mik. Unless I put her on the floor of the fitting room? Hmm...

Caffeine / coke

I'm a coke siao... But I try to restrict my intake. I usually latch/pump n feed mik. So far ok leh.


I'm not supposed to wash hair for 2 days. So, can only update abt my hair loss on day 3.

After the haircut, I definitely feel much lighter... But this hairstyle is making me look pretty Ah Tu like that. Sighz...


Yup... Shitting help to reduce some weight... But then I dun shit every day leh, thaz y I say it hard to lose even 100g.

Even I shit.... The weight drops... But once i eat or drink, the weight piles back. See... Haiz.


Thanks!! I am not going for the CNY gathering. So I will arrange with Mag to pick it up! =)

Bigger sized clothes,

Ya..i am in need of them!! Tummy is so big. Just saw my brother's wedding shots yday, I looked like a ball. sianz,ask me to go on diet now also sian. always so hungry, when hungry, cannot think plus no milk!! =P


Before delivery I am off caffeine. After delivery, I take 1 cup or maybe sometimes 2 times a day. but i try not to drink immediately before each pump. I will drink when i reach office @ 9am, in between drink water then pump before lunch. after lunch, maybe 1 more cup and pump at 6pm.

Hair dropping,

My hair is starting to fall slowly too. Dreading the full impact of hair fall, darn gek sim. Hopefully i won't end up with bald patches on the head during CNY.

ccpet, I drank tea during pregnancy and occasionally latte then. Now I bo chup wor. Maybe abt 2 tea and 1 coffee per day :p but its latte not those kind of black coffee. I am not like batgirl will time it to pump. I simply bo chup haha (opps) and errrm bb seems ok leh. I never notice anything :p

Hair dropping, sama sama. Damn sad. Was asking my hairstylist how long it will last and she said half a year. I was like HUH! By then I will be a botak. Asked if there is any cure. She said nope. Its just those hair that are already dead which was supposed to fall off the head during pregnancy but did not. I was like ... errm but that was during the entire pregnancy and now all of them fall at one shot is damn sad la!

Morning ladies

reporting from office.. v tired + stress + whole body aching. ;)


Do your ger pee much? I think my boy pees a lot though i haven't experience any leaky diaper with any brand i have tried so far. So you mean pet pet and fitti basic can be use for overnight wear?


YOu never clarify with your colleagues ur are not to be disturbed when ur comp "peng san"?? Scarily some helpful gentleman come over and saw that you are producing milk.. LOL.


Hug hugs.. Everything will be fine soon. HOpe Calvin will recover soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I never remember the shop names. I just walk around and see see look look. Normally along the two stretches ending at the library side.


Normally treated tea would have less caffeine than green tea. So black tea wun have much also.. all will be processed by ur liver before going into the blood stream. I suppose ur hb too kan chiong liao. ONe two cups wun matter so much de. Unless ur boy is sensitive to caffeine as some pple do. If you see ur boy behaving normally after drinking caffeine milk, i think it is not affecting him much.


They still have the promo. Till 6th jan. https://www.coldstorage.com.sg/onlineshopping/products.aspx?SubcatCode=30&CatCode=81&DeptCode=09

Which outlet you go?? Normally causeway point and taka outlet will sell out very fast de. Am thinking of going novena outlet to buy this thurs. Am ok with lunch in town this thurs. Msg me at 96442107 ok.

Mango Tai tai

Can guide us newbie temporary tai tais on where to lunch in town on weekdays? 要不要 Thurs go buffet ? Am interested to go warehouse, topshop and dorathy perkins to see see look look. Bring ur stroller lar and put ur ger in. This thurs ai mai? Msg me ur hp then we go meet up this thurs

Upload ur new haircut pic leh. I don't think u look more auntie than me.

Weight loss

Try not to snack?? Cos i don't have snacking habit, so even when i am hungry i will wait for meal time de. Also no snack at home anyway. If not like what OP said, after bb is 6th mth, the weight will just go up even if we continue bfing.

Day two of sleep training for Gideon

Still need to drink 70ml to sleep at 3am. Sianz... battle with him by feeding water from 2am to 3am. Hope he gets the idea he will have less milk at night and wun ask for it soon. Did i give in too early.. or i should just let him cry and cry.

Diaper cream

Anyone knows when can we stop applying it during diaper changing?

Gripe water and rid wind

Any mummy still using them? My boy is still gassy in the tum tum. So should i still continue to give or he should have outgrown it by now?


Can stop burping le ma?? When would we not need to burp them anymore? Anyone knows??


diaper cream ,gripe water , I stop using for Bb already . Actually I never really use these very often .

Burping, once after feed , I bring Bb up to sitting position he will auto burp .

Buffet thur

I wan , where ?

bb had fever on NY's day and day after...he's ok now. But he's now on milk strike (maybe 15 oz a day? for 2 days already.), but otherwise, active. should i be worrying? Have tried changing bottle and teat but not much use...


You interested in thur lunch buffet? Not sure of where to go cos not foodie. Maybe Jap buffet at Keiseki at heeren? Or kushinbo at great world city? Very baby friendly plus lots of bb stuff shops and nice changing room? Msg me ur HP then we can contact each other on thurs.


Check if he is teething? PD always say active and smiley baby is a better sign if bb is fine than drinking amt, pooping frequency and what nots. So i guess ur bb will recover to normal soon.

for those bb girls: this jumpsuit so cute http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4957323.html?1294058495

pomme > the houseman at KK A&E say not teething leh ;p anyway cannot see anything on gum.

thanks phyphy

anyway, some pointers for future milk strikes:

- feed cereal if bb not interested in milk

- cup feed/ spoon feed/ syringe feed/ straw feed

- change teat/ change bottle/ change milk powder

- dilute the milk so that easier for bb to drink (not so sure wether this pt is 'correct', but it makes sense to me)

POmme: GReat minds think alike. I was thinking of Keiseki again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]). REasonable and good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiya...soo loss without pinky[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How phyphy? Mango? Where's Yvonne? Any one else???

ok,lets set at Kiseki

lunch @ Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant (The Heeren)

date: 6 jan 2011,

time: 11.30am or 12noon?

1) phyphy

2) ebelle?

3) pomme?

4) mango?

5) yvonne?

6) mag?

7) leobaby?

Hi op,


Does the tutu have a shirt attached together wif the tutu?or is just the tutu skirt?

My aunt dunno where to find cos she staying there

Pomme ah... Aiyo... Me where got tai tai? Me typical housewife niah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If we eat at Heeren, nearest warehouse, topshop, Dorothy perkin will be at wisma. Oh... U can check out Miss Selfridge too.

If eat at suntec, nearest will b at Raffles City [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No snacking....

Chey no wonder my weight loss is horrible. Porky, dark choc, oreo biscuits r my best frenz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Buffet ends at 3 pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Join us leh.. i am so bored at home. Will be bringing Gideon this time.

lunch @ Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant (The Heeren)

date: 6 jan 2011,

time: 11.30am or 12noon?

1) phyphy

2) ebelle

3) pomme

4) mango

5) yvonne?

6) mag?

7) leobaby?

8) HUshlibb?

lunch @ Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant (The Heeren)

date: 6 jan 2011,

time: 11.30am or 12noon?

1) phyphy

2) ebelle

3) pomme

4) mango

5) yvonne

6) mag?

7) leobaby?

Yvonne: Japanese buffet...similar to Kushinbo lunch. There's salmon sashimi...still havent figured out what's salmon belly though...Q Cheap[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Clueless: Tot u not working?? Wanna come?

OK...anyone else coming cfm soon then I'll make reservations. I found their no.

Yo MOms so what time ar? 1130? Beat the lunch crowd?

hi ladies

today so busy at work and i end up pumping once at lunchtime..so it is 150ml from 8am to 6 plus pm.

Kyra only drank 300ml during my absence, i heard fr my mum


can PM me ur hp..i will call Mag


high 5 with u ! i love chocolate stuff..just had a choc yan yan..tthose biscuits stick with choc dip..now they even comes with educational wording on the sticks

i just finished 4 nutella during weekends

and one chocolate colleen

2 more choc pocky at home now


aiyoh..i wish it is next thursday 13 jan..that day i can cos my boss gave me that day off for working weekends


somehow always got people coming to my workstation to talk to me when pumping..so sianz lor =p now i feel very at ease liao..will switch off sound and converse..

1st day think the boss got a shock..he actually said sorry..ha


miss u gals lor on weekdays


geng mc ? i think my boss will burn me ALIVE ..

these 2 days at work the boss commenting that other people will come back regularly during maternity leave..and he tot i will come back once every 2 weeks after teh 1st two months

another person commented that his ex colleague came back to work 3 days after delivery and she is enthusiastic abt work..thus implying i m not bah

how sickening can people get


anyway, happily tot these sat and sun i dun have to work ( anyway, this is my only 2 free consecutive weekends for this month), end up being recalled back to work on sat for a working event

hi mommies!

if anyone is keen to bring their babies to hwa xia at vivo, plazasing, yishun or parkway parade for swimming and would like to take over my balance package, pls PM me. Good to train their muscles!


Looks like a lot of mommies hv gone back to work cos no sound no news on the forum.

I'm counting down to another 5 days and I'll be back to work - urgh!

I really appreciate those few moments I hv w/o kids, and just sit ard and stone. Like now, I'm waiting for my boy at his kindy while watching the 2+ yr old pre-N kiddos crying for their mommies (note: no one cry for daddy hor). I wonder if Megon will wail on her first day in sch. Her bro never!


Yes, Pet Pet claim can use for overnight. I think how much pee come out dpds on intake. But I oso dunno my Girl's intake cos still mostly latching. Overnight 10hr, her diaper will be v heavy.

Diaper cream, dpd on Ur bb. For #1, he use until abt 2+yr old when he was toilet training. Cos he always kena diaper rash when bb. Megon also got a bit of redness on the butt now and then.


Org a non buffet lunch gathering next wk in town and I'll join you during my lunch hr. How abt Korean food @Central (Clarke quay MRT)? :p

Hello Mummies,

Finally back to work, and thus, have time to come to the forum :p

Jessica: "mommy, this ship has your size. It has many x x x!!!" <- Lol! kids say the cutest thing!!

Mango: ur hubby's colleague so evil leh!!! how can so direct ask qns like this! Hair dropping. I used to use Panteen anti-hairfall and never had problem with dropping hair after using for some time. I switched to clarin herbal essences cuz I like the smell, then now my hair drop like nobodys business!! Maybe getting the right shampoo helps? speaking of which, I will get my panteen ASAP cuz i will go bald if this goes on! Hey babe, im also coke siao. Lol addicted to it since young! till I was hospitalised once for gastric... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] still cant stop... sigh.

Pomme: ur just like me... I have so many diapers of all sort of brands I am now stressed, hoping she will not outgrow it! I have 2x Huggies ultra, 2x jumbo mamy poko, 1x petet plus 5x Large size huggies ultra! I also saw the pampers sale, and was wondering shud I get since it's 'cheap'. My husb will kill me. lol

Lizzie: Petpet is pretty good for its price. It's my favorite for 'lower end' diapers. I bought all the other brands for 'testing'. Huggies wise, which one did u try?

Pinkyluv: LOL! Where did u pump?? I pump twice in office at 11Am and 330PM

ccpet: whoa. ur hubby so strict ah?? I drink coffee once daily at work... and have been feeding my expressed milk to my baby??? How many cups u drank at work?? I am ashamed to say, my diet has been horrible, coke and coffee daily, and fried food.... I gotta change...

Baby T: How is ur work for u?? Who looks after Germaine? Sorry been away from forum for so long, need to catch up! =(

ebelle > yeah am working already.. office at ngee ann..=) can ping me ur number. I can only know whether ican make it tomorrow morning depending on the work load. my num 97907481

Sorry to disturb yr thread.

I've several packs of frozen Ebm to give away.

Self collect at my place at Tampines.

If anyone is keen, pls pm or email me at [email protected]

(I do not take beef or mutton and I watch my diet very carefully) I'm frm nov mtb 2010

hey jess!

U did not shave him in 1st month?? Why not take all 15 days and go back after all been used up?

Heavy mucus, yes. Sticky type. I know sticky mucus means Im infertile... does this indicate im gonna get my menses soon? Usually how long did it take for u to have ur mense after birth?

I have been eating like a horse, and u commented i might be pregnant on FB. I brought the topic to hubby and he denied. LOL

I guess I shall just wait... I dont know whether to cry from joy or shock if I am preg... Whoops!


hehe, i think i too hungry read wrongly...

I see I See, i know wat u mean abt going bankrupt!ive never spent like before while during maternity!

after birth, and full BF, still can get preggy ah? i tot quite unlikely.. hahaha

Lucky chased is a boy, can shave and heart not pain ;p

