(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

chin: Melbourne australia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bbtigger: my bb crystin once in a while will skip 1-2 days; if u are breast feeding more than formula it could happen and its normal as per pd and from internet info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sab: if u can do 3 pumps at work, i think it is good enough. U go in at 9 am, after one hour at work u go and pump.. 10am.. after lunch u pump 1 pm, before u knock off 4pm u pump.. then when u get home 7pm u can pump or let ur bb latch. If u pump at work 4 times, i think it would interfer with your work as i only pump 3 already quite distracting and sometimes drag to 4 hours per pump but once again, i seldom get engorgementand one pump only come out 1oz.. so maybe i don't feel that bad.

sometimes i had to pump in toilet/ boss room. to mantle the thing take 2-5 mins (go in, put down ur things, mantle the parts, put the cover ..)then pump 15-20 mins, then another 5 mins to pack up. there goes 30 mins minimum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No. I mean pump 3 times per day. Means only pump once at work during lunch time. This the best I can do. My work very hectic. Sometimes, I dun even get to eat lunch properly when busy, I always got to lunch in. My boss will not allow me to go pump. I always caught up with meetings one after another.

Now I only pump 4 times per day. I don't pump 3 hrly, too chiong. Or Mayb I m toooo lazy.

Plan to pump at 6 am, 1 pm and 10 pm per day. Initially, I tot of pumping 12 noon and 12 am. Haha. Now I pump 7 am, 12 noon, 6 pm and 11 pm (already find it too time consuming Liao).

I sometimes go ta bao or go lunch, my boss will msg me asking abt work. I can't even eat lunch in peace. She very workaholic and demanding. Very stressful. Her boss gave her a lot of stress, so she pass them down to the team members. That could b why my bb came out 1 mth early. I even have to carry heavy slack of doc at work, ppp there all very stressful and busy, hardly get help. At best I can think of is pump once in office which is lunch time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pinkyluv & Ebelle,

I'm keen to join you gals for lunch tmr BUT my freezer broke down today =( Rushed to save my 50+ bags of FBM today & service guys will be here tmr to check. Arrghh!! Enjoy yr lunch =)

sab >

ohhh i tot u want to pump 3 times during office hours which i salute totally! at the moment i pump once before go in or let my baby latch, once after lunch and once around evening and sometimes even skip..and one final time at 9-10 pm haha so i think i am in the same shoes as u. Maximum 4 times a day!

do you have a comfortable place to pump at work? or else u find it even more discouraging to pump. don't forget a fridge which have a little place to put ur bottles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That the next concern. Need to go back office to figure out where I can pump. Should be quite inconvenience, my office level confirm dun have. You started work? How did u adjust back to work life after few mths break?

Tiger: Thx, bgt it. Will try it out and c how. Got any better ones in the mkt?

BBtigger: I oso taking care of bb on my own but HB tks over once he gets home and Mom cms by to help at times. I find myself v overwhelmed at times so much so that at one pt, my bb was smiling at everyone else but me cos I seldom communicate with her. It's better now cos I cut dwn on hsewrk and try to rest more so tt I have energy to interact w bb. It helps to go out esp with the moms here. Helps me to maintain my sanity and gives me more confidence in handling bb. So join the outings if possible. It's gd to hang out w moms who understand[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])Come tmr if u want, m sure PInky will b ok.

CCpet: Yo saw ur msg. Talk more tmr when we mit for makan.

Chin: Din get to tok much that day. Ur shifting settled? U goin for CNY gathering?

Jeslyn: OK, another time. Wao...how did u get 50+ pkts? How much do u pump per session? Wao...that's alot.

Hey moms: Is it a must to give h20 if we r giving FM? Read somewhere that for every bottle, shld give abt 25ml of h2o.

thank you all for replying.. really appreciate that.. my gal finally poo at ard 9pm, green in color.. but better than nothing..

ebelle, thanks for the inviting.. i wish i can but dun think so with the pain on breast. now i am expressing in pain. haiz... think next expressing i must eat panadol to stop the pain for a while [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i have also never meet my friends for a long time.life is all abt my girl, expressing and feeding.

sometime i was so sad as i have no one to support that i can only cry helplessly.. my mum cant help much as too many grandchildren to take care. MIL duno how to take care of baby as she has no experience and she said she is old to take care. hubby always working late. even when i told him come home early as i was cold and aching, the earliest is 8pm+. so sad that even fever i have to take care of my girl. aching and no energy still must carry and feed her, carry her causing pain as she press on my breast. can't go over to mum hs as i have nephew staying there and really scare the bad dramatic episode will recur again where she got the hfmd virus and was hospitalised. now i only hope the pain and lump on my breast can go off soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi phyphy , do i have to massage real hard?? the lump doesn't get away no matter how i pump.. its getting painful and lump seems harder..

BBtigger,tat time i also got blocked ducts and its damn pain....shd be same as what u are experiencing except without the fever and chills...u gotta massage gently (and not hard - which was also what i did and it aggravated the pain and lump)....use hot towel the massage if possible and when taking shower, also massage and manual express a bit to relieve it..the pain shd go away after a day or two...lump might/might not still be there...need another 1-2 days for it to clear too....else, let bb latch on for faster relief...

meanwhile, hang on in there ...dun think negative thoughts ya? can come in here to rant....


I know how u feel but as times goes by u will get the hang of taking care the little one. Me too trying to balance the two little one. Hd also often working late n next mth , he is going overseas for training.

The lump n pain , like wat sugar say the pain n lump will go off after a few days. I will massage whenever my hands are free. Do remember to massage before n after pump if Bb is not latching.

Where do u stay? If in the east , we can meet up for lunch once of these days after u get better. U sahm?


Lucky u realise the fridge breakdown early n just in time to save all FBM.

am awake again, just finished w feeding and pumping. Think baby was overstimulated during the day (brother's wedding dinner), so much so that he was crying for close to 15min after the feed before finally falling asleep!

Ebelle - yeah, did not have a chance to chat much the other day. Have not shifted, later part of dec. We are heading to bangkok for the short trip this weekend. Still considering whether i can go for cny party as my older boy has some classes on sat, and we have to send and fetch him. Will see how i can split this w hubby.

bbtigger - have you tried latching baby on to clear blocked ducts? It worked for me.. I nursed him, and massage gently at the lumps at the same time.

Phyphy & Pinkyuv,

Thanks, will go checkout. Nowadays toy very expensive.


I took antibiotic and panadol for fever caused by blocked duct. Medication given to me was safe to continue with BM so I did not throw any milk. Do check with your gynae on medication.

I understand how you feel regarding expressing in pain. Pump normally can’t do a good job to clear block ducts as compared to latching, so you will need to be extra hard working to massage your breast before expressing. Start to massage in circular movement at nipple area until you feel it is not lumpy . Proceed to massage aerola area and outwards thereafter. Very important to make sure that areas near nipple are not block so that milk can flow out. See a LC if you are not sure about the massage method but be prepared that it is extremely painful.

Do not massage too hard or it will worsen the situation. The last time I pump and massage too hard and too frequently until there were blood in the BM. According to LC, can use cold compress to relieve the area but don’t overdo it since it will reduce supply.

Relax yourself and remember that parenthood is far more than just expressing & feeding. Jia you jia you.

CNY BB's Party 15/1/11

Timing 11am to 4pm

pls list down ur name if u r ok

1) Leobaby

2) Pomme

3) Chewy

4) Bbdreamz (only if weekend)

5) Ebelle (ok with both)

6) Weiting(ok wif both dates)

7) Shinchan (only if wkend)

8) Jacqueline (depend on date)

9) Pinkyluv

10) Yvonne

11) Mag (Any date)

12) Adelynn (weekends only)

13) MamaG

14) Kris

15) Carolyn (weekend if Jan, ok with any date if feb)

16) Winnie (Any date)

HI mummies, finally can go online as I am pumping now...


For blocked ducts, try massage ur inner thighs. Locate the "suan" spot and tt's the area connected to blocked ducts. It can be quite painful for urself to massage if blocked ducts case is too serious, so can get ur HB to do it for u. U may wanna use ur fist and roll on the outer side of ur hand (knuckles to wrist-- massage left hand if left breast is affected and otherwise). My foot therapist who uses a canadian massage taught me, pretty useful. Hope this helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes yes! WInnie, phyphy and pinkyluv, very expensive toys! PLus, take up space!!! Warning, dun buy too many now as babies' future birthdays will build up.. heehee. Esp 1st birthdays if parents here wanna throw a party, can receive heaps of toys. I suggest having a gift list and registry so can plan better. My #1 had a list but still we ended up more toys then we wanted and some are really bulky!!! Acutally can save $$ and space by renting, I tried this co: THE TOY RENTAL CLUB. They hv a gd range!


Mummies, anyone interested to get X'mas bibs or no mess bibs can take a look at this site :



If you still want to maintain supply, dun drop it immediately. You may get stressed or need time to adjust when you get back to work. So milk supply may dip. Mine crashed the weekend before i went back to work. After 1 week (and adjusted to work life), then you drop it to 3 pumps. I am not sure about your supply, but if it very good, then you gradually drop to 2 pumps.

I pump 4-5 times a day (2 times in office) cos i dun have an overflowing supply, i need that frequency to have enough for my girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


OH dear, ur helper fly u kite ah! Oops...so not getting one now? I totally understand wat u mean by hesitating to get a helper as not getting used to hv a stranger at hm. Same here, I also used to hv a part timer but the cost as compared to a helper is not justifiable. I am uncomfortable in having a stranger too and esp someone from a total different backgrd. We just need a pair of helping hands to improve our lives now. I feel too tired to chase after my son n get worried with thgs like if he climbs into cot to slp with mei mei o_O But my HB worries with a helper the children relies on the helper too much and less independant, etc. Sigh we ding dong this issue since Oct.....


Nice CNY romper!! Gd idea to print, more unique. I printed my son's romper before so it's do-able [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tigerlily, leo_bb,starluster

RE: diamond water

heehee... if i knew earlier, I also tabao!!!! In the past, a FM 95.8 DJ recommended drinking tt with lemon can slim down!!! & very gd for complexion and detoxification!

CNY gathering

Am fine with any dates since no appt yets till end 28th Jan hahaha.


Dun cry babe... can understand ur frustrations and pain. It's not easy to look after baby urself esp when u r not well. Can get HB to get leave? So can relieve u this period. Where r u staying? Maybe we can meet for tea. If u hv time u can contact my therapist for a foot massage. PM me if u interested, her plc is at Thomson. Nera Novena square.

Jeslyn, so scary! Can't imagine what will happen if freezer break down.. So how are u saving ur bags? Neighbor?

Chewy, i like water with lemon, it's just refreshing! And it's actually more alkali kind of food (i know, quite counter-intuitive) so can counter all the acidic nature of our body. Maybe bcos of the alkali nature, can slim down? =)

Batgirl, wah! U pump so often! But do u latch at home? How do u manage your time man, cos it takes at least 30 min each pump right?

Clueless, ur helper is fil/indo/myan?

Jessica, very cute romper! will go and chk it out..

BTW, Was there a meeting for Serangoon area mommies? Not sure if something like that was happening. Wanna go out as much as possible before starting work on 3 Jan. I'm living at Balestier, near serangoon, newton and lots of other areas, can travel =).

Windy, u going for lunch later?

thanks ladies.. i cant help but cry now.. called my mum, she cant come over as nephew is sick.. hubby told me bring our gal to see doc.. so its clear he cant take leave.. its not a surprise. when my 5weeks old baby is hospitalised for 5 days, he still has to go back to work everyday, leaving me there alone to take care. its a tough period that time when my girl was so sick and need comfort, and i cant go off to do the expressing. that is when the doctor there has to prescribe medication to increase my milk ss

ss is getting low and lower liao. pain is still there. i really want to give up the bm. it has never been a easy path. last night i purposely wait till 3am for her to wake up. i let her latch on the affected breast. usually first time can, but it means she doesn't has enough and fall asleep. at 6am, i latch again and she totally refust my breast coz she knows she is hungry. we give up because we dont want to hurt her during the process of getting her to latch onto my breast. so hubby want to prepare formula while i change her diaper. knowing i did not get her to latch, she smiles at me.. she just know what she is doing.. so now im back to expressing. and the worse is i cant use electric pump. tried the pump hand down by my sil and it cant empty my breast. only handpump. that means i have been using it since i start pumping and both hands and fingers are so sore, and cant move even at night. i guess its stop to stop expressing totally..

its really painful to do the massage. can i check, if i take the antibiotic, if massage still needed?

phyphy, chewy, im staying at west... currently not possible for me to go out. probably when current situation gets better, i will be able to join all of u for the big gathering. so nice to see those group photos of the babies!

btw for massage, do i also need to push the lump to the nipple?winnie, i try circular, but its just fail to go off or reduce. try hot compress, like no different. going mad by the bm and breast

chewy, thanks. once im available, i will try locate the spot and do it. hope it will relieve the pain.

sorry for the ranting. i feel so helpless and can only come in here to get advise from u all

BBtigger> the best pump is to latch your bb. Whatever left over that U cannot get out of your breast. latch your bb. I did that the last time I had block and cleared all.


have u pm me already? i haven recieve yet. I'm not gng later cos very hard to eat w my lil one. She thinks she's a kangeroo n wants to stick to mommy all the time. just now i went away to have my breakie for 5 mins n went i came back she was crying softly but had tears comin down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


the romper is so nice!! does it come in bright red? i think my mother in law will b v happy if alexis wears that. my MIL had been striking 4D since Alexis was born n she dotes on her even more bcos of tat!

WIndy I can't pm you, but found your email on the xmas exchange list =). Just emailed. I'm leaving Daniel to the grandma... I'm going to latch at 10.30 and leave at 11 for Heeren.

bbtigger, if it is too stressful for u and u think it suits u better to stop breastfeeding, then by all means go ahead. No one knows better than urself what is best for u and ur bb. My friend's advise (which i think is very true) - if u can, nurse 100%; if u cant, express 100%; if that does not work, do partial expressing and give urself some space. If u are going insane wrt breast feeding, then just stop it so that u are still a sane person. It is very important to keep ur sanity especially so because u are the only one that bb can depend on. Remember a happy mummy makes a happy bb. Bb can feel if mummy is stressed or unhappy ...

Give urself a pat on the shoulder! U have done alot for the bb already. This weekend, get some "ME" time from hubby. E.g. when bb is sleeping, sneak out for an hr or even half hr. Even go downstairs kopi tiam drink something. Take some time off bb. U will feel so much more refreshed.

Yah which part of west u staying? If near JW or CCK, we can meet up. =D

Remember that we are here to listen to u so vent all u want here!


Sounds that u going to have post-natal depression, I had that last time, fully understand ur frustration, I went thru the struggle too last time, taking care of bb alone with exclusive pumping for #1. Fully agreed with Jacelyn, u have done ur best! *pat pat* Please seek help from LC if u cant clear the lumps. Even if u wanna stop BF-ing, blocked ducts problem have to solve too. Dun drag too long, I read abt a jialat case that a mommy need to go under the knife to clear the lumps. Once this problem settled, am sure u will feel much better. If u need listening ears, i just one call away, pm-ed u my contact. Take care dear.


I had minor block ducts last Sat cos' didn't latch my bb and didn't pump for more than 10hrs.

This is how I clear my block duct. You may want to try this method before getting LC or ML to massage u.

My nn is super hard n painful lor - I pump and massage at the same time. Use left hand to form C shape & masage using twisting motion. Remeber to massage the bottom. After this use yr thumb press from the inside of yr nn push out towards the nipple area. Do this for both side. Lastly, let yr latch your baby to fully clear. Got to do this process for a few times to fully clear block ducts.


*pat pat* I agree with Jacelyn's philosophy. You have done great already! Our generation grew up on FM, we are no less intelligent or unhealthy. You have to take care of yourself to give the best care to your bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Agree with Jacelyn, if it is too stressful for u to BF. Do consider partial BFing of even stop BFing.

Sanity isvery important even more so when u r the only care given for yr bb. Remember bb is very clever. She can feel yr stress. Happy mummy = Happy bb.

Be strong and stay positive. Come in here to release yr stress if you need. Many mummies here can be good listening ear and give you suggestion. Hugz...

bbtiger> join us for the West Side Mummies' Gathering! it'll be at my place, on 16 Dec, 12.30pm or so... Come! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


With the antibotic, pain will be gone. Massage is still needed but without the pain. With constant the circular massage, the lump will eventually get smaller n smaller. Remember, since our milk supply is always replenishing, the lump will resume pretty fast so got to be hardworking. Please dun use hot-compress, it will make the situation worst since it will increase milk supply faster and if massage can only clear abit at a time, the lump will be even harder. LC actually told me to use cold-compress (only on affected area, not the whole breast) to relieve the soreness. Must stop once condition is better to avoid drip in supply.

When your affected breast is softer, try to latch your baby on. As advised by LC previously, not your baby dun like to latch on, it's becos the breast is too hard and baby feel pain or uncomfortable when sucking. So to be fair to baby, soften the breast by massage, pump and latch baby on to clear the blocked duct. It took me about 3 weeks to clear my blocked duct - 2 visits to gynae, numerous call to LC, a painful visit to LC and numerous home hard-work to rectify the problem.

Agree with all the mummies, you have done your best for baby so far and even if you want to stop breast feeding, still need to rectify the problem.

Share with you a real life story which motivated me to solve the problem when I can : My MIL told me she stop BF but did not clear milk completely years ago. Ended up having a pair of rock hard breast, no effective pump in the past to assist. Finally got to go for surgery to extract two full bowl size 'nong' to resolve the problem. After hearing her story and with advance medication and equipment now, I told myself I will not end up in the same situation. So please believe in yourself. You can definitely do it, jia you.

mummies, u all are great! im so thankful for the concern. just a quick update. im back from gynae visit. went to cck dr adrian to get antibiotic which is safe for breastfeeding. but he still said if 24hrs later condition not getting better, i need find LC for help. i have also got the medication to stop bm, but only on standby if i really cant take it anymore. my initial plan was to stop end of jan, but now....

poor gal has to tag along with me, and im so tired with the travelling, the carrying and the feeding outside....

just had my first meal and going take my medication, have a short nap. i hope by then the medication works and no longer that painful and i can do the massaging again and clear that lump..

btw, sorry, its not handpump.. think im sick to indicate that.. its manual pump.. has been doing it since the day i start trying to pump for milk..

im staying at JW and would love to join in the gathering if possible. i will keep u update again for the west side gathering k?

now im rather angry with my hubby. just want to send him a msg to tell him how disappointed i am with him as work is forever so important. its family biz and i wonder why cant he just get his family to help out. how can he bo chap his wife and gal. just like what i told him before, if one day i fall too sick, pls throw our gal away because there is no one we can help to take care of her....

phtanus, thanks for the contact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i will check it out later and msg u if i need further help.. really thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh gosh... start work already, ppl all throw my work to me even I am only working "part time". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] no time to come in, morning work, afternoon housework (now washing clothes), night sleep. aiyo... busy again. Have not been keeping up with the postings for the past days. I saw the CNY gathering, don't think so can join in. Need to help mama bake the CNY cookies. Mummies and babies enjoy yourselves! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbtigger, *hugs* is good that you have voice out to your hb so he know what is going on. I can feel the pain that you are going thro, I pain till my head throbbing when I have the slightest movement. Cried everytime and thought of give up breastfeeding. But I went to see a chinese physician, he told me that bm is good for bb at least feed for 3mth. But in your situation, to stop bf is also a good solution. You have to be healthy first before you can take care of your baby. If it is possible, please don't take medication to stop your bm, consult chinese physician to see what you can eat to stop the bm. My mum's friend took medication to stop bm and her breast is "lao lao". Mum mentioned to me, if there is one day I want to stop bf, go to chinese physician. I am staying in Taman Jurong, PM you my contact if you need any help. Take care! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbtigger & sab: huggss if its too tiring den don force urself.. Bfing not suppose to be stressful. Take gd care ok??

Jayden went for 3rd mth assessment n 5-in-1 jab today. Spent like 2.5hrs at sk polyclinic super fed up.. Don understand y cannot make appt for babies and strictly walk in. End up whole clinic patients all done we still haven take our jab.. Grrr

Anyway his growth:

Weight 7.425kg (97%)

Length 59cm (50%)

Head circumference 43cm (97%)

Wasnt expecting a 7 for his weight.. Haha anyway his pneumoccal jab i pushed it to 5th mth then take as cant bare to let him take 2 jabs at 1 go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

OP, how long did you bf? Not having a social life for a year sounds scary =(

Tigerlily, good luck for tmr! 1 hr to clear both sides? I supposed you don't pump in the middle of the night & that's the first pump of the day?

bb(dreamz), yup I can totally understand the pre-working blues. Enjoy your last 5 days! =)

Ebelle, I pump after bb latch so barely 100ml on both sides. 50+ pkts are accumulated since day 1. My hardearned milk...

ccpet, luckily my in-law's shop freezer has space.

My saviour was an styrofoam box I have at home & cheers nearby my place. I rushed to buy 2 pkts of ice to packed the fbm (rushing like a mad woman).

BBtigger, you're not alone. I've blocked ducts today too. My 3rd over 3 months & it feels like shit ya.

Kicking myself big time! I got blocked ducts becos 2 pkts of fbm got defrost so bottlefeed baby yest (gotta drink within 24 hours). Ended up I didn't pump diligently & kena blocked. Stupid right? Having fever too but I've not seen a doc. I've see LC in the past. They can't help much except to help you massage. Keep pumping & latching. It should clear soon. Jia you!

Windy, hv u received my email? I can't seem to PM you. thks!

Kiseki is really nice. Nice chatting with you gals too, pinkyluv, bbdreamz, pomme and ebelle! When I came home, i realized Daniel scratched his face again...

Went Mothercare to look for nail file for baby. THe surface looks the same as those adult ones provided in hotel kits leh. It's just smaller that's all. Decided not to buy.

Jeslyn, wah grandparents are such a blessing right? Really appreciate my parents for the help that they can give, whether it's hands-on help or simply logistics help. =)


I m back to work today. My let down is slow so still need between 45mins to 1hr per pumping session. Today, just first day - work haven't really come in but I have already cleared all my emails cos' 1 week before I already start clearing emails.


Poor thing. P/T still got to do F/T work. My backup also return all my work load to me le. Alot of paperwork not done lor. I got to go thru' one by one slowly clear them. Got new product & training to attend. Dunno how to find time to pump leh. Hopefully, can last as long as possible. I heard some ppl only pump twice a day - How huh. If these 2 times can be done at home will be alot easier for me. Cos' my job require me to go for meeting and visitation to customer.

Pinkyluv & & leo baby and mummies,

The photographer i found charges $100 per hr. How many hours do we need for that day?


Can imagine how panic you're. Eveyday i was pass my fridge, i'll also ensure its close tight. I scare the maid open and forgot to close for no reason.. Glad that u manage to save them.



Glad u sound better! *hugs hugs* It's gd to voice out to ur HB. Hope he can get some leave & help. Agree with Jacelyn, dun worry too much abt BF-ing so long u are happy. I remembered I was so adamant abt total breastfeeding for #1 that it kinda strained our relationship with my inlaws... and made ourselves too tired. Partial feeding is fine too and most importantly is u r happy. Tigerlily is rite: keeping sanity is most impt so as to b a happy mum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u hv done so well babe! Hv some gd rest now k. I stay in CCK so can meet up when u can :D dun worry u hv our support here!

