(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Mummies who r attending the CNY party, please take note that I'll b away in Penang fr tomorrow morning till 19th nite.

Those who tt the $$, please do send me a PM(Sure to reply) or SMS 90073277(may not reply as SMS is too ex during AutoRoam). I'll try to check my email as often as I can. Unlikely to visit forum often during this period.

Sorry for inconvenience & thanks for understanding.

CNY BB's Party 15/1/11

Timing 11am to 4pm

pls list down ur name if u r ok

1) Leobaby

2) Pomme

3) Chewy

4) Bbdreamz (only if weekend)

5) Ebelle (ok with both)

6) Weiting(ok wif both dates)

7) Shinchan (only if wkend)

8) Jacqueline (depend on date)

9) Pinkyluv

10) Yvonne

11) Mag (Any date)

12) Adelynn (weekends only)

13) MamaG

14) Kris

15) Carolyn (weekend if Jan, ok with any date if feb)

16) Winnie (Any date)

17) jrgal (weekends only)

18) Skymom

Hi Karen

My baby oso used to have bad odour from her ear. But subsequently we realise that it was actualy from the back of her ear. We use the same way as treating cradle head by applying baby oil 30 mins before bath. It was very easily washed off. We use baby body shampoo during bath.

I have a total of 5 years experience bf my 3 kids. From my experience, your bb's poo is perfectly normal. So dun give up...

CNY BB's Party 15/1/11

Timing 11am to 4pm

pls list down ur name if u r ok

1) Leobaby

2) Pomme

3) Chewy

4) Bbdreamz (only if weekend)

5) Ebelle (ok with both)

6) Weiting(ok wif both dates)

7) Shinchan (only if wkend)

8) Jacqueline (depend on date)

9) Pinkyluv

10) Yvonne

11) Mag (Any date)

12) Adelynn (weekends only)

13) MamaG

14) Kris

15) Carolyn (weekend if Jan, ok with any date if feb)

16) Winnie (Any date)

17) jrgal (weekends only)

18) Skymom

19) Jeslyn

Anyone bringing hubby since it's a weekend? My hubby is keen to join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kris, I also have nothing to buy. Just browsing & maybe I'll get new feeding bottles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! I know there is some harden stuff behind her ears, so that could be the culprit too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Phew... So her poo colour from yellow to green is ok loh, then I don't have to worry too much. If not my mama come nagging at me I will worry again. :p


Wah, your boy more than double his birth weight in 3mths! Power! Is he fully on BM?


Abt no social life, did you ask me how long I bfd? 11 months on full BM, 12th month I supplemented with FM. I latch my #1 to z every night until about 18mth and he slowly grow to be less reliant on it. I also express BM in office until 18 months.

Baby sucking hands/anything

Read you mommies exp with the lil suckers and had a good laugh. Mine's a sucker too. She sucks at anything - hands, her own clothes, my collar when I put her on my shoulder, my stuff toy if she lays her hands on it. It's a passing phase I guess.

Like some of your lil suckers, mine puts her fist in her mouth too, only to gag. Haha. The standing joke is that she feels she's too **FAT so she's trying to dig and puke out her milk so that she stay slim.

**Lately, my boy is practising London Bridge Is Falling Down on the piano. And he'll sing "London Bridge is falling down, my FAT MEI MEI!". So mabbe the sis is a bit affected by it. So don't you tell your bbs that they are fat or anything ok? :p


Sorry to interrupt.

I have a set of brand new AVENT dual spare parts for sale. It consists of the 2 funnels and the tubing. I bought it at $170. willing to let go at a lower price. If interested, please pm me.


Jes- I'm bringing my hubby for the CNY gathering since it's a weekend.

Mag - sorry, haven't tranferred funds to you yet. Will pm you when I did so. Thanks.

Jeslyn> as many of the other mummies know already, I'm usually with my husband for gatherings. CNY party is no different. He'll be with me again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP> Isaac same as Megon, anything and everything also suck... your #1 so naughty, tease his meimei liddat! :p

West mummies gathering 16th Dec 2010















I've got a few mattresses that we can use for babies to lie on, do we still need playmats/more mattresses? If so, can anyone bring?

I told my parents that abt 10+ mummies are coming with their babies, and they both said "u think our house very big ah?" my mum even suggested we book a function room somewhere and i repled "u think we very rich ah?" :p My place is an EM lah, just FYI

FOOD> shall we get lunch delivered? alternatively, we can buy takeaway from Ichiban Sushi at Bukit Panjang Plaza. there are other restaurants there too. is that ok? my maid is not a good cook lah

ccpet, yup, sure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi phyphy, yup i do massage on my nipple because the ML i engaged during confinement said i have bloackage near nipple area, so every now and then i will do the massage.. currently the lump still there.. pain, yes.. but i still bear on and massage. how's ur block duct now? clear? i rec'd a pm from a mummy and got a ML contact. the ML helped her clear the block duct. i have called the ML and she said since i am on antibiotic, she asked me to complete and monitor. if not ok, i will call her come over and do the massage for me. my nipple streams is funny.. most time is 1 stream doing the work.. then sometime 2-3 and max 7-8 streams.. but if got so many streams, usually it last few seconds only.. i wonder what's wrong with my breasts..

Hi karen, thanks for the offer. my SIL who also gave birth this year has stop the pumping and she passed me her medala mini electric pump. it just dun work on me, leaving one big lump of milk ss in my breasts. i cant pump out completely. only manual pump can complete the job. sianz...

regards to hand sucking, my gal also doing the sucking so well.. so loud like so delicious! when i carry her to burp, she sucks loudly on my shoulder too. i did not stop her when she does it as usually she does it when near sleeping time and its telling me she wants pacifier. but occasionally she does it during the playtime.

hi badfifi, probably i give this west mummies gathering a miss first. the lump yet to be clear and it's affecting my mood. but i am interested in the cny gathering..

but i am so sorry that previously, i read thru very fast so miss out alot of thing. where will the cny gathering located at? i will make the payment but how to go about it? the payment is for? what do i need to bring?

Hi BBtigger,

From Mag (treasurer for CNY gathering):

Pls transfer to my account POSB Savings 153-07888-2.

Kindly PM/sms(90073277) me the following details after u have transferred, Thanks.

SMH Nick:

Real Name:

Contact Number:

Transaction Ref, Time & Date:

Amt: $30/mummy & $10/additional pax

I'll be away in Penang fr 10th-19th Dec wif minimal internet access.

WOULD APPRECIATE IF ALL COULD TRANSFER BY 9TH DEC NITE so I can at least consolidate the headcount b4 I leave on 10th morning.


The CNY gathering will be at Leobb place at West Coast Road on 15 Jan around lunch time. Hope you can join [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya my bb doubled...haha in fact i think 2.5 times..his birth weight was 2.875kg now is 7.825kg..


ya lo..giant bb..the nurses n passerby saw my bb..all wanna pinch him..kaozz..


did the doc at polyclinic check yr bb testicles? the doc pinch my bb testicles n note down bilat testicles felt..kao y cant see meh..must pinch???

BB having fever after the jab..lucky not that high only 37.2 degree..


how u check bb temperature?? i use thermometer put under bb armpit..how accurate is it?


can u pm u yr address??

BBL: yes got check.. all the docs check. i am quite used to it la since jayden's hernia issue his testicles duno kenna touch n pressed how many times le. x_x

Jabs after fever

my SIL who use to work for PD as nurse told me that after every jab best is go home give bb 1 feed of the paracetomol to supress the fever and prevent it from coming. I did it for Jayden during his 5-in-1 1st jab and he manage to escape from the fever monster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Karen - i think if greenish watery but not too frequent (mine was abt 5 times a day), it's okay. If it's green and pasty, then maybe some concern, 'cos that was the kind of poo i saw when DS had the respiratory virus.

OP - but mei mei isn't fat what! So funny...

mommies, share your opinions please

hb ask me to either

1) quit my job and be SAHM and he would take care of all expenses for the family. *but with one income... i worry i lose myself and have to listen to everything hubby say.. a bit siao right?

2) conitnue working but share the cost of the family

note: since young i always have the principal that family expenses should be bore by the Husband regardless whether wife work or not as that is how my family brought up is but husband think differently.

Which would you choose? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes we sharing cab and going together..


i also thought of becoming a SAHM..but come to think of it..very hard cos the economy quite bad..if hubby loses his job..then we jialat ah...so in the end i chose to go back to work..

nowadays hubsband n wife need to share expense one..very hard to ask the guy to fork out everything..but maybe the % is hubby 60 n wife 40..

i was also brought up the same way u r..the guy should take care of everything..but in spore..abit hard right.


Maybe you could inject some of your considerations and ask your hubby to "repackage" the options?

Maybe give him an idea on what kind of expenses you would need him to pay if you become a SAHM. What he thinks is expenses to be borned by him and what you think may be different. E.g. men may think buying new clothes is not to be shouldered by them but it is a necessity for wedding dinners and CNY affairs, one vacation trip a year... etc.

My belief is the same as you too. Family expenses should be borne mostly by hubby. Though we can chip in, which they should take as a bonus, not a right. If i want to go dutch for every living expense, i don't think i will want to get married. Siao bo. Contribute to household 50-50, machiam i support myself as a single and still got to do housework and cook for hubby ( which i wun need to do as a single), i bo tai ji make myself a maid to a man for what. I will ask what is the man bringing to the union??


Well said. But in today context, is 50-50 for all expense, at least for my case. But, today woman dun cook, I dun know how to and dun like to. Mine told me not to be SAHM and continue to contribute.

Hi mummies! I'm oso mummy of a sept bb. He's currently 13 wk old. I've been a silent reader of tis discussion thread so very sorry 4 my lack of contributions! :p

I'm having tis dilemma wif my bb's sleep routine dat I hope fellow mummies can help. My boy usuali feeds @ 8.30pm or 9.30pm and tis last him ard 4+, 5 hrs which means nex feed is 1+, 2+am (means I gotta wake up n feed him, after which in another 3hrs, it's another rd of feed). Very rarely it'll stretch to 6 hrs. And 2 days ago I got lucky and it went till 7hrs.

After reading many theories on sleep routines, I'm contemplating to give my boy another feed @ 11+pm... Hoping tis can stretch him till early morning.

Ques: shud I make tis timing change? Or do u all feel dat my son's feed timing is oredi normal?

Oh, and I'd like to add dat last nite he went back to 4-5hrs schedule again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Dat 7hrs was a reali 'lucky' nite! Haha!

Tks mummies!

Winnie> can you email me at [email protected] abt the West Mummies' Gathering? you don't accept PMs

West Mummies' Gathering> I have PMed the rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if you haven't heard from me, pls email me at the above add

Sab> no worries that you can't come, totally understand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clueless - Think it really depends on what you want.

1) quit my job and be SAHM

Like what someone said, you must discuss if he will give u allowance for clothes, outings etc. n holiday? Think quite imp to set both your expectations right.

2) conitnue working but share the cost of the family - Think it's quite common in Singapore, as expenses are so high. Since the couple is both contributing to exp, both shld contribute in terms of household chores and looking after kids, to be fair.

Personally, even if I choose to be SAHM, I don't think it would be permanent. I would consider going back to work in a few years time or do part time work etc. Somehow, I feel it's quite important to be employable, cos u never know what will happen in the future.

hi mummies! TGIF!


Just went to SEPTEMBER21 & beacon communications to take alook at books, educational kits and teaching guides for my boy. September21 has gd promos on Eric Carle books, Karen Katz & Leo lionni sets. They even hv interesting educational toys. A gd plc to get x'mas gifts for kids esp for those who prefer to buy educational toys.


I shall trf u tonite!!! Sorry forgot, my HB shall attend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thx babe~ Hv a gd trip & c u soon.

All mummies hv a gd weekend! The x'mas crowd is in!

i guess i should step on step behind on this and not be too stubborn. But before we were dating he say he would take care of family expenses type of man.. but now he say he would only if i am not working haih... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Agree with you BB.. i also think we should continue work as u never know what happen. But some say it is better to take care of our own kid. of course as u some know that i would be going to austalia soon, so having a maid is impossible there.

Pomme > Yeah lor!! I totalyl agree with you but .. haih... now he say differently.. i feel like kena cheated to get married like that

Sab > even i am working he also would expect me to cook one la ... haih..

Korean Kids Boutique Warehouse Sales Up To 80% Off

Korean Kids Boutique will be having a warehouse sale up to 50-80% discount

Venue : Level 3 Room 320 Suntec Convention Centre

Time : 10am to 8pm

Date : 12 Dec 2010

Korean Kids Boutique features quality children’s apparel at affordable price


How's ur block duct now? I have cleared mine .. Oh u do have engage ML before, is she gd?

Gd that someone pass u the contact as well. Hope after ur medi, u will fully recover from it.

Regarding, the nipple stream, if I set my pump to factory standard pressure, there will be 1 or 2 streams but if I set higher, there will be 4 streams. I believe that the streams are there but just that it will not spray unless u set at high pressure.


How many times do u sterilize a day?once or after every use?

Hi Jessica tks 4 ur reply! The prob wif my boy is if I inject a feed @ 11+pm he will auto wake up 3hrs later leh (compared to if I dun feed dat slot, he'll sleep for a 4-5hr stretch). I dunno how to overcome tis prob. How come if he eat @ 8 or 9 plus, he can last longer than the 11pm feed? Does chesed wake up in btw the stretch fm 11pm till nex morning?

My boy's feed during daytime is 150ml n there r 5 feeds of such counting fm daybreak (5+am) till early evening (6+pm). Is it sufficient?

Jin, same as u, I have this problem. My boy will only sleep "1 slot" of 5 - 6 hours and that is last feed at 9plus 10pm and he will wake up at 2 - 3am for his nx feed and 5 or 6am for his nx feed and without fail, he will ee ee eh eh at 7plus 8am to ask me to play with him.

i tried to do a force dream feed at 12am or so. Guess what, he woke up 3 hours later and 3 hours later again..

CNY BB's Party 15/1/11

Timing 11am to 4pm

pls list down ur name if u r ok

1) Leobaby

2) Pomme

3) Chewy

4) Bbdreamz (only if weekend)

5) Ebelle (ok with both)

6) Weiting(ok wif both dates)

7) Shinchan (only if wkend)

8) Jacqueline (depend on date)

9) Pinkyluv

10) Mag (Any date)

11) Adelynn (weekends only)

12) MamaG

13) Kris

14) Carolyn (weekend if Jan, ok with any date if feb)

15) Winnie (Any date)

16) jrgal (weekends only)

17) Skymom

18) Jeslyn

sorry cant make it

Hi phyphy, the block duct seems to be smaller, but pain is still there.. i dont know why there is pain and what causes it. hope by the time i complete the antibiotic, the pain will stop.

for me, i will sterilize my pump everytime because my gal is a hygiene freak.. if not clean, she can poo every feeds and so my pd told me i need sterilize her bottle every time.so its every 3hrs i will sterilize once and i will sterilize whatever that's needed include the pacifier.

Hi jin ong, yvonne, mine is the same. how come our baby so alike?? she will drink her last milk at 8-10pm. then auto wake up at 3am. yesterday she had formula at 9.30pm, so last her till 3.30am. next wake up time is 3hrs later, then 2hrs later and by then its day time.

btw, how old is ur baby? my gal coming 3 months next week and she drinks only 100ml every 2hrs (whether BM or formula). i dun dare let her drink much as her stomach cant take it. and i wonder is it that she drinks so little each time that she gets hungry at such short interval, because i always read the babies here drink every 2.5hrs to 3hrs.

previously under my confinement lady care is worse, she drinks 80ml and hungry every 1hr and 15mins later. make my life so busy with the feeding and pumping when the CL left. my mum doesn't believe initially and when i went over her place to stay for few days, she finally knows and can understand how tough my life will be

hi all.

Selling our 1 year old odd Orange Stokke Xplory. 

Condition (IMHO) 8/10 

Going at $999 ono 

bought Oct 2009, warranty till 2012.

started using for 8 months from April when our boy was ready.

now sitting in storeroom, awaiting new user.

Interested pls PM

Sab,pomme n clueless,

Like sab,my hubby ask me to continue to work.nt sure abt ur reason, bt my hubby n I earn abt the same amount.if I dun work, we r losing 50% of our household income which is quite significant. It will also mean no outside restaurant food,no holidays n no car..as much as I hope to b a SAHM, it is nt possible in my case.


I feel that if my hubby ask me to quit my job n take care of my kid, I will do so..however, this is provided that he takes care of all expenses n that my current job is not such a perfect job that I wun want to quit. I will Also take into consideration the field of work I m in, whether is it difficult to simulate into the job if I need to return to work later on,n whether is it difficult to find a job in my field..

In continuation to my post above,My current situation is that my mom is helping me take care of my ger with the help of a maid,however becos my girl is so demanding, and my mom cares for my ger at nite so that I can sleep as I m alrdy back to work, it is taking a toil on her health. She doesn't really trust the maid as maid is new,so even in the day,she tries to keep an eye on the maid. Now my mom is having hig blood pressure( think is due to insufficient rest), I feel v.bad n guilty that my mom has to go thru all these. My ger wakes abt 2x a nite to drink milk. Thus I was thinking of placing ger in infant care so mom can take a break in the day even if she takes care of my ger at nite, also i can have les stress on maid issues. However, people around me r not keen on the idea on placing her in infant care, as they felt she is so young,shld be care for at home..

Yvonne,Jin, BB tiger,

hahaha my bb also..last feed 9 plus..then 2-3am awake..then 5plus awake...7plus wake up liao..faint.


I don't know how your hb put it to u (tone, etc), but it just sounds like giving u ultimatum type.

Quit job and stay home look after bb AND cont to work but bear household expenses is two separate matters and shldnt be brought up together. I think it's silly to say that if u stay home, he'll tk care of all the household expenses. Ah ber then? Else who? Parents? Godparents? Can't be u since u not working. Unless u hv already set aside "special savings" in anticipation of this purpose of staying home. Then maybe he can say that he'll tk care of the expenses and no need to touch your "special savings".

Sorry lah, don't mean to add salt add vinegar. But as I said, the issue is first abt whether u shld quit Ur job n stay home. If u decide not to quit job, then next is to explore possibilty of sharing expenses. Shldnt be that if u don't quit then u must share! What kinda proposition is this? Why is there a need for u to participate? Why do u need to choose any of the 2 options given? Why cannot choose none? Why can't u give him options that are to ur benefit instead n ask him to choose?

As to whether who shld pay household expenses or who pay more, to me, logically if the person who earns more, n if really a lot more, he or SHE shld just pay more, if not all. It's not uncommon to see wife doing better in their career than hb. So if wife earn 10k and hb earn 3k, cmon lah, wife can pay more, if not all.

My thinking diff from Pomme. She ask what does the man bring to the marriage. To me, I do not see myself as being the cook, the maid to sweep the flr and all. I see it as being equals. The guy has a fair share in the crappy boring stuff like cooking, house cleaning n minding kids. Myself, I auto share in household expenses. Once or twice I cook n end up hvg to do washing cos hb give excuse not to wash. I told him I not gonna cook again cos end up I'm d one who is so bz. Might as well eat out n I'll more eng. N i really mean it! So the next time when he wants me to cook something cos he lazy to go out, he'll auto tell me he'll do washing.

Sab and Jrgal,

I don't see anything wrong with our hubby wanting us to continue to work. We achieve self satisfaction by putting what we have learn into our work and are kept in tune with the changes in the society when working. Maybe that's why your hubby wants you to continue working?

I want to work but my hubby wants me to be SAHM so we compromise that i do part time instead.


What's the reason why ur hubby want you to quit ur job? I infered from the two options he has given you that it has more to with financial reasons. Cos as what OP said, the two options really has no linkage. If he need you to share the household expenses all the more he shouldn't be asking you to quit ur job. If he is able and ready to support you finanically if you become a SAHM, then why is he ask you to chip in since you are working?

I feel it is more healthy for a marriage if each party comes forth with what they want to contribute and part take readily rather than demanding from one another to contribute what they think the other should put in. The latter gives an element of distrust (like one party trying to protect their own interest thinking the other is trying to get away as free loader)


My hb also told me the same thing when he started planning for kids. I still dun understd why they make such logic, but it's assuring to know it's common male logic!

But because God created woman out of the rib of the man (and not the head so that she can dominate, nor the foot so that he can step on), We believe I need to be an equal player too. That means I can give him my suggestions and he shd consider. And also means that since i'm earning, i shd contribute something (altho it doesn't hv to be mathetically precise how much i contribute!) That said, man is still head of the household, so he shd be able to take the lead in most of the expenses too, especially if he's earning more.

If i'm earning more than him, than of course i also feel bad when he forks out so much.

That said, it's a good idea to manage ur lifestyle/expenses such that u can all live on single income.

You can also test drive with your hubby for a yr, where you all live only with his pay. Meaning that u get to keep ALL your pay, and he has to pay for groceries, mortgages, insurance premiums, utilities, medical bills, as well as give u say a few hundred for ur personal ("beauty expenses"). Then see how.

i tried one year of not working. Wasn't a SAHM, so it was a bit different. In fact, i ended up too busy to do any housework so i used my previous savings to pay for part time maid =) cos hb a bit stretched too.

But other than that, hb had a gd taste of supporting us. It was a bit of a strain but it was gd practice. Maybe u can try out a season of that, where all the expenses come out from his pocket.

I'm back in traditional employment now. Not yet finish maternity leave, but basically i'm paying for the maid again, and being generous with my parents in whatever way possible, 'cos they are really helping out a lot. And of course, i use my own money to pay for my own beauty expenses, clothes etc. But we still try to hv the practice that our lifestyle must be such that hb's pay can cover everything except maid. Assuming that if i dun work, no maid needed.

Hope that helps?

yet to go through postings..

can i find out fr medela swing users why got 2 shields ?

no dif right ? one hard, one soft..so i used the soft one 1st ?

