(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Finally settle my boy and can log in now.

Chomp down lots of sashimi at Kiseki. Food is good. Nice chatting with you gals too, pinkyluv, bbdreamz, ccpet and ebelle. Hope to catch up again.

CCpet: The scratches will go away soon so you don't worry. While it is there, it makes your boy look more macho!!


I was on course in nov and i only pump at 6am, 12pm, 6pm, 10pm and 1am. Still need to pump 5 times. That time i also kenna block duct once (got red patch on surface liao, nearly become infected). So i think you better don't pump only 2 times. I believe those who pump 2 times breastfed longer.. meaning they are into their 6 - 12 mths time where supply decrease liao. Not for new mothers like us.

Ku lat pump is better than blocked ducts or infection. I one time kenna nia very scared of it liao.


going to feed a v hungry bb..nice meeting u gals and wow, discover ccpet and me are alumni, and her cousin is my ex classmate ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Express milk at wrk

I go wrk since 1st nov and i pump twice a day at wrk, 4hrly interval.. Other times i am latching baby..

so fed up with hb, he wanna clean christy's ear with dettol! He say christy ear got smell, ask me to be alert, must clean with dettol. WTH!!! USe water to clean cannot meh? Use so strong cleaning agent for what?!


so sian loh... they all come to me, feel like telling them off. I am not working f/t don't come to me first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But cannot say leh... hahahaha....

my mama ask me to stop bf cos christy's poo poo is like lao sai. Her poo poo is nv solid kind, is always yellow small patches. Is this normal?

Hi ladies - Nice chatting with u gals @ Jap buffet jus now. The food was good, & value for money and the company was great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky - Hope u didn't get caught in the rain ;p Didn't realise os was raining so heavily when I left.

ccpet - Agree with u on the grandparents part. Without my mum helping, dun tink I can join u gals for makan or go for short trip with hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Karen - Why dun u consult those ask-a-nurse helpline to see if can use dettol? Sounds like quite strong to use for bb ears? Whenever I got question, I always call KKH ask-a-nurse hotline.

Pomme - look more macho ah, ok! BTW, when I showed my dad the pic of daniel wearing colduroy pants among all the other xmas babies, he said, "the rest dress like babies but why is daniel dressed like ah-beh?"

Karen - it doesn't sound like lao sai leh. Btw, for the longest time, Daniel's poo was like mashed over cooked green veggies! And got blood too, and PD said it was milk allergy. But after i stopped milk for 2 wks, still green poo. Then I pumped out foremilk one night to stop baby fr fussing fr the letdown, his poo turned proper yellow, yay!

PInkyluv, can't believe the coincidence! Will tell my cousin when i meet her for xmas =).


was "horrified" when i saw ur sms :p the weather looked so good when we enter paragon lor

taxi q was awfully long

but luckily rain was much smaller when we left and the stroller was able to shield her fully


v normal, dun give up since ur ss is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u must meet up with us to destress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u r staying in west, just take a cab to badfifi's place..definitely easier to cope with a bb in a house if u r bringing out bb first time.

Regarding ur milk ss, sometimes pass down pum pno longer strong suction.

even my mini E has not been working well alto i m the 1st owner

low milk ss usually is due to the pump i feel..

u can invest in a good pump like freestyle recommended by most of the gals here.


how to add u in facebook again ? think i miss ur post [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i feel Daniel was v well dressed that day , like a big boy =) pants can also keep the legs warm, so great idea

PS: my 3 kids r inside the video u saw ;)


note to self

ok, i better surf less net. my eye was red again when heading home..think still not recovered


My bb poo is the sane as yours. My aunt also say that why is like Lao sai. But I still gg to bf. Cos I still think is the best for bb. Thou I M tempted to stop when go back work. But bb still want to suckle for comfort, is keeping me from stopping bf.


think yr hb dunno dettol is a strong cleansing agent esp. On baby. Sugget u use luke warm boiled water to clean ear - use cotton ball.


yellow watery stool for bb on 100% BM is perfectly normal. So dun try to cut down or drop yr ss. Some ppl want to hav BM oso dun hav. I m an example. My current ss is result of my hardwork - pumping 3hrs round the clock for 2mths lor.

Karen: My bb had the same problem. Her ears smelled bad. Do u see some yellowish 'dirt', dry or wet? If yes it maybe a fungal infection. Can cure with cream. Got mine from PD.

PInky, CCpet, POmme, Bb: Had a great time. We really can talk man...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]). Thk Pinky for organising[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]I qed for a long time for a cab bec of the rain[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Adelynn: How did u get the data, i.e. the percentile? How come my bb has only taken bcg and 1 hepb jab at 12/13wks? Is this a norm?

karen, baby's ears got smell means some water got in during bathtime.. Try to avoid water getting into the ears. I do not know how to dry it as well, for my boy, the smell went away after a couple of days. For the outer ears (i.e outside ear hole), we clean by using baby moisturizer and cotton bud. Pls do not try to insert anything into baby's ear hole.

Ebelle: after bb 1st mth jab why nt assigned next appt? Bcos jayden's 1st mth hep b taken at pd, and i wana go polyclinic for future jabs due to its nearer to my plc therefore we cld only start 5-in-1 at 3rd mth instead of taking 6-in-1

Btw the percentile is inside the health booklet the nurse pluck the figures on to the chart

Hi Mommies with Baby girls.

Would any mommies be interested to buy this?


It's a soft cushioned mock heel pump for infant girls 0-6 months! It's retailing at $59 in SGD which I find it too expensive...

If able to get at least 10 mommies, will be able to share shipping cost and get this around $37 SGD...

Just trying my luck!! Pls let me know if ur interested!! ;)

It's super cute and am thinking of getting it for CNY! :p


Does Bb have cradle cap? If yes, it will also cause the ear to have yellowish stuff. My pd say it ok to clean with water n cotton .

Hi mummies, for those who has went to see LC due to the blockage, can recommend me the LC and the contact no.? reli appreciate it.


Other than jeslyn posted, I also heard

Yan Ping from KKH not bad as well or u can try post natal therapist. I think babyT or tigerlily maybe able to give some recommend.

Seciously, if u are going down to visit the LC, might as well get a post natal therapist/ massage aunty to ur house as. Heard that the LC in the hospital are very busy, they may not be able to give u the full attention and worst they may just ask u to keep latch on unless u are getting them to do a house visit.


do u know wats the reason for ur block duct?

me too got block duct for 2 days,its still there but less painful now.mine is due to my boy sucking n not drinking.causing the body to think that he need more milk.now i got to make sure he is hungry before latching on.


Sis Kang from Mt Alvernia does house call. BabyT used her service before. Very good feedback about her - she even teach her how to properly latch baby. If u deliver at Mt Alvernia charges for house call abit cheaper, if is from other hospital sightly more expensive. But I strongly beleive that the money will be well spend. I almost engaged Sis Kang last week cos of my block ducts - manage to clear them myself. Give her a ring to find out - no harm checking.


Sis Kang from Mt Alvernia does house call. BabyT used her service before. Very good feedback about her - she even teach her how to properly latch baby. If u deliver at Mt Alvernia charges for house call abit cheaper, if is from other hospital sightly more expensive. But I strongly beleive that the money will be well spend. I almost engaged Sis Kang last week cos of my block ducts - manage to clear them myself. Give her a ring to find out - no harm checking.

Bb tigger, I engaged sister kang for house call last time as I blocked ducts n got problem in latching. I can say she's very good. Encouraging n patient. I manage to latch until now n so far no blocked ducts. She will teach u how to massage as well. As I din deliver at mt.a the charges is 160 b4 GST. But it's a well spent money

Tigerlily, Daniel's poo is not yellow, it's greenish (overcooked broccoli kind of color) most of the time for almost 3 weeks now... then one night I pumped out the foremilk 'cos I was afraid the fast letdown would irritate him. And his poo turned yellow! Now his poo is still green 'cos i lazy to separate fore and hindmilk but I realized it doesn't matter too much anymore =D.

Pinkyluv, agree re pants keeping DS warm. I mean, very funny to dress him in tights right... hehe..

Went for bb 3rd mth jab..

weight: 7.825kg (90%)

height: 60cm (50%)

HC: 41cm (75%)

Aiyo so heartpain to see the jab on my bb thigh..

but my son is so brave..he cry few seconds n he stop..then he became fussy cos he is sleepy n slept immediately..my sleepy bb..


my bb poo also like lao sai..my pd say its very normal cos bf bb tend to have more watery bowel n the frequency is more..

Like ccpet, my bb also have blood in stool..also very common..so nothing to worry..


Hi Mommies, helping someone dear that i know. Can't find much on the singmotherhood forum, but does anyone know of anyone with autistic children, and can recommend resources? Many thanks..

Baby sucking hand/thumb perpetually?

I've been experimenting, trying to teach DS not to do so. It's quite tough, but we get a laugh out of it!

Yday I pulled his left hand away, stared into his eyes and firmly said, "No, Daniel, No." and it worked! ... for one minute. Then he wondered for sometime what to do with his hands. So he tried his right hand, and i repeated the "No" procedure. Guess what, he immediately avoided my stern face. So i tried to put my face in front of his glance and he kept turning away! Aiyo they are quite smart..

And today I tried doing the same thing so he put his hands on his tummy. But it will gradually move higher and higher to his mouth area... I was talking to my mom and didn't see that he eventually put his hand in mouth again. But when i saw it, again i quickly pulled his hand away and said "No". And he gave a loud SIGH!!Haha, even babies can feel frustrated!

Now the grandma is training him to sleep on his own in the cot without the pre-sleep carrying. Grandma normally gives in, but i keep reminding her that DS is getting heavier! But hmm, this is a bit noisy i must say..


Last night my bb finally found her thumb and sucking away loudly in the sarong. Sigh. We also gave her the No No. But she was sucking so happy away. I tot she had found her thumb. Today, just now she got all frustrated when she couldn't find her thumb. She was licking all her fingers and trying to find the thumb, but she just could not find it and went cranky, fussing and crying her lung out. Aiyo, give her pacifier she don't want. But she was so tired from the fussing and crying that made her even more sleepy and finally knowing that she doesn't have any luck finding her thumb, she gave in to pacifier and fall asleep. Her eyes were all red and teary, and tired. Sigh.

Soon, she will find it.

Sab, soooo cute! Frustrated that she couldn't find her thumb? My boy just puts the fist into the mouth...

Chris, actually looking for someone with more firsthand experience with regards to how they managed the situation (if they are willing to share). I PM u...

ccpet: i bought tube bras from eternity brand.. but feel that totally no support and i feel that my NN reaching the floor. LOL v saggy looking.. therefore i nv wear them anymore unless i waer v v v bag top..

ccpet, I just ordered this today! Will let you know once I receive & try it on.

Btw any east mummies planning to check out the Mums & Babes sale tmr? I plan to send in my PISA to check the motor & at the same time checkout the sale so if you want a lift, PM me.

hi mummies, just back from hospital, my gal went for hearing test due to the fever at week5+.. as the fever was too high that time, the doc worry it will cause hearing problem. now waiting for the result in 2 weeks time as the prof is away to read the wave chart. she had to take sedative because she just woke up from sleep when we reach the lab.

karen, yes, many times i wanted give up. but when i see my girl drink my milk, i cant bear to give up too.. always wanted to hang on to 6 months, but now, the most is before cny, i will give up. now im trying hard to store up the extra since she drinks formula at night. hope the frozen milk can last her another 1 month. i see, i didn't know the stop milk med can cause the breast to be lao lao.. my sis had that and din hear from that. but i hope to stop naturally, but one hand very scare another mastitis... and thanks for your contact [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Adelynn, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] this time pumping seems to be better. with less pain from the med, i try massage as much as i can.. and looks like it gets better. i hope im right. btw, i bring my girl to bukit batok polyclinic for the jab, their svc reli good. the last time round at 1month, we hardly need to wait. how come not all polyclinic works the same.

wah, Jeslyn.. thanks god u save the milk.. i had abt 50+pkt too. if all spoilt, i will reli get into depression. its true, our hardearn milk. not easy at all.. for me, i reli cant let my girl latch. i do not why when she latch, she cant empty.. then i try pump but nothing come out. this is the same when i only latch her on affected breast, then she fall asleep. i use manual pump to clear the other and i hardly get much milk, and i feel full. that's why most of the time, i do not dare let her latch as i scare of the block duct. but, i reli love the moment she latch and also the hessle free.. but unfortunately, my breasts are making a fool on me.

chewy, yup. once i feel better, i want to join in the gathering. its reli nice to chat with you all. i get alot of information and comfort from u all.

Pinkyluv, hmm, maybe i will bear with the manual pump because i will stop next month end if i can still bear on. if i have #2, then i will consider investing since i know i have breastmilk. by i hope with #2, i will be able to breastfeed successfully.

oh, yes, can i add into the facebook group? how do i do it?

with regards to LC, if there's a need, probably i will engage ML again. and if still fail, then i will approach sister kang. i will still engage if its costly coz the pain is terrible. so mummies, if any of u want to reduce the pump, pls do it gradually.. now i have a phobia of mastitis.

phyphy, actually i do not know why i had it. but i rem last week, i have the lump, and trying all ways to clear it, but cant no matter how hard i do.. and the issue is i do pump, except at night, sometime oversleep, i will pump 4-5hrs. but most time is still 3hrs pump.. this morn try coax my girl to latch when she is super hungry, she just doesn't want.....


I have the tube bra, but i hardly wear, cus i don really feel comfortable. I don use the transparent bra strip provided. So seems like no support for the breast. and tube will be a bit tight as i don wan it to drop, so i feel like my breast cannot breath.

But its gd to hv if u really want to fit into a dress that needs a tube for coverage.


you're tempting me to go.. but i feel that i got nothing to buy..

bra - tx for all the reviews! Think i'll just wear the normal strapless bra then..

Chris yup saw ur email. Chking what i need to find out and get back to u. Thks so much!

BBTigger, mastitis really sounds jia lat. U take care yah? Or maybe let us know when we can visit u even..


Have u try massage at the nipple area? There's once that I also can't get much milk by pumping n latching on, then I saw tigerlily posting n I try , it works . From one stream to 4 streams.

CNY BB's Party 15/1/11

Timing 11am to 4pm

pls list down ur name if u r ok

1) Leobaby

2) Pomme

3) Chewy

4) Bbdreamz (only if weekend)

5) Ebelle (ok with both)

6) Weiting(ok wif both dates)

7) Shinchan (only if wkend)

8) Jacqueline (depend on date)

9) Pinkyluv

10) Yvonne

11) Mag (Any date)

12) Adelynn (weekends only)

13) MamaG

14) Kris

15) Carolyn (weekend if Jan, ok with any date if feb)

16) Winnie (Any date)

17) jrgal (weekends only)

hi all, finally i can make it for one of the gatherings CNY party! i work on saturdays till 12.30pm so willbe a bit late on tat day =p

bb, pinkyluv, sab,

thanks for your advice.

ccpet, bbl,

now christy poo poo is greenish watery kind, can't see the yellow patchy kind. Hope she is well from drinking a mixture of formula and bm.


my mama smell christy's ear is fine leh, so she only clean the external with water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sometime really can't tahan man! aiyo...

ebelle, chin, phyphy,

I only see the ear shit around her ear opening. Not yellowish kind, looks normal to me. maybe really water got into her ears.


you need to borrow my medela dual pump? I am not using them at the moment. Let me know if you need it.


heng ah! Luckily you find out fast can save your milk, you must be very anxious to get those stuffs ready to keep your milk. Phew... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thumb or fist sucking, I think christy is starting to find her own fun soon! hahaha...

