(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


ok, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


noon is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cya gals

Ameda Dual Pump

need to get another one cos current one sayonara liao and no longer under warranty

Is KKH The 1st Few Years selling it at the best price ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

or there is other price that has better pricing ?

sigh* thinking of pumping hard cos going back to work and i only hav 3 frozen packs in fridge and now this has to happen


Hi mummies,

i just bought 900g Enfalac A+ AR (Anti -reflux)yesterday .

however my baby is rejecting the milk.I only used a it for 3 feeds(4 scoops).

Pls pm me if u would like to buy it from me @ $40 It is retailing at $43+.

Hi Ladies,

Haven't been here to check out the posts cos been dealing wif alot of family issues for the past 2wks, totally exhausted.

Brot my gal for her 3rd mth assessment & jab yesterday, today she super cranky, kept wanting to latch & cuddle so today I'm tired. Thank God she slept well fr 9pm to 5.30am yesterday & I had proper rest too or else I sure collapse by now.

So excited abt the gathering tomorrow. C u ladies!


West mummies gathering 16th Dec 2010








8) BBL (if its at weiting place)


10) Sab

Yes, see you all tmr.

Leo baby and shinchan

Pai sey, it took me forever to decide to go or not.

I think I just bring the pump, if too lazy will just let bb latch on.


Same, I just start to freeze some ebm some days ago. Cos I can for see I will have no time to pump at work, or too tiring to pump or too lazy. Jan got to go back work, mixed feeling.

After putting bb in ifc, I need to dig out my working cloth from store and arrange back in my messy cupboard and pack my stuff. And do rebounding. And meet some ex coy for lunch. And facial, i have not done that for a year. When i was preggie,i have no outbreak, but now it is coming back. Suck lor. Btw, can do rebounding right? Any idea?


hehe, me no mixed feelings at all..very clear cut..

will miss my maternity leave A LOT =p

rebonding, i think Adelynn mentioned she did it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i dun dare cos i scared i will lose more hair.

Gathering after tmr Xmas Party

Tigerlily mentioned this place @ Hanabi, think another mum did also in forum

anyway, i just saw the commercial on TV and it looks super tempting

shall we have it next friday on 10 Dec 2010 ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


will post details after tmr =)


Can do Rebonding lah. Last time for #1, after confinement I went to rebond. Actually, I'm at the salon doing Rebonding now. Buay tahan liao. Hair super duper messy!

pinkyluv: i so liao la.... but i droping hair. not bcos of rebond but bcos of labour.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] last time for #1 i also do rebond str8 after confinement..

btw thanks to all for understanding on the noon meetup cos i will b coming from the east.. don hope to miss any of the mummies meeting up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I click on the link and when I saw d page load up, it's like, OMG! I WANT TO GO!!!

How much per pax? The page like cannot click here/there to see other details. Ajisen card got discount? I hv d card leh! Kids/toddlers must pay $? Aiyoh my boy will love it! Tho I already told him I won't bring him for anymore bb gatherings....

Wah, I think I'll replace my wallpaper on my iPhone with a pic of those cakes and pastries! Current wallpaper is my boy n girl. :p Bad mamma! :D


just saw ur post ! poor gal, i would be v upset if m u..

the worst fear of any mummy with frozen milk


haha, if u have seen the TV showing the commercial, it is even more tempting :p

$18.60 nett good deal hor

looking forward to seeing ur rebonded hair tmr ")


Wah $18.60nett only?! So cheap!! If I eat 3 slice of cheesecake @kopibean, easily $18 also!! I wanna go I wanna go!

The other Jap place @Heeren, I saw the ad pasted in the Heeren lifts but I nvr go in and see before.

After rebond sure look v toot one. But heck, I got wedding lunch next Sat. So better get the hair sorted out and "seasoned" by then. :D

starluster: just read ur post too..totally understand how u felt. bcos when i was bfing #1, TWICE my frozen EBM all go into drain.. 1st time my dad didnt close the freezer door -_-, 2nd time he changed the fridge bulb and nv turn back on the electricity.. Cried buckets for my wasted hardwork!!


Since you hvnt firm the date for the buffet, possible to hv it after 10 Dec?? I just chk my schedule. 10/12 difficult leh.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


no prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] discuss with the rest tmr then =)


hehe, just saw it too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for sharing

just tried my spring maternity red nursing dress and gosh, it looks like a maternity dress !

so weiting, I will be wearing my green top [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I guess i will wear my maroon nursing top but it really make mi look old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

paging for ebelle

Can u pl call me i sms u since noon but no reply leh. Need to arrange wif u on the timing to leo baby's hse tml. We need to pick mango too.

Op: thanks! Looking fwd to our bash tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw r u preparing any baptism candle for megon?

Pinky: r u looking for an ameda pump? I m tinking of selling my motor cos I never use anymore

Sugarong: it has been ages since I last ran! R u organising a run for the mummies? I need a workout! Lol

Hi Mummies, I'm new to this thread. Found this thread recently and finds it very interesting and informative. Hope to be part of the thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Previously will ask my sister when I have baby questions since she has 4 kids, now can check out with babies of the same age [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Leo baby say anything as long as is red, white and green.

I'm wearing my ugly maroon nursing top. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Yvonne [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dessert buffet at Let's Sweets looks really yummy... must go and try... but thereafter sure got to work very hard to get rid of the tummy. My weight is almost back to pre-pregnant weight but the tummy still very big. Probably becos I c-sect so even though i tried massage but not much use plus I allergy to Jamu. Any tips to get rid of the tummy???

Welcome Winnie~!


The kushinbo one is afternoon tea time buffet. I think wun have so much like those lunch n dinner de. Btw, its onli available at Jurong Point. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Welcome Winnie!

Am waiting a top off white color n Jean. no white or red or green blouse wor. N need to add a cardigan, cos sleeveless. I alr get ready the Xmas gift Lor! So excited! But not yet pack diaper bag cos Bb sleeping in her room now, dun wanna disturb.

Hi mummies,

I am back in business. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Been trying to adjust to taking care of bb. Have brought back work from office to finish up during dec. Guess i'm a workaholic.

Given a choice, i think alternate mths with bb and then work is better cos it really helps you recharge and appreciate the good points of either side.

Welcome Winnie..


I am interested in the hi tea.. Let's do it.. I haven't had any tai tai time during this ML. My hubby keep saying that i shouldn't bring Gideon out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


The kushinbo afternoon tea time at JP sounds good. Shall we go with the rest of the west mummies? Winnie you want to join in too?


I am wearing a maroon long sleeve cross over top with white capri pants. You leh?

Pomme Low,

Hehe, but onli available on weekends le. Most of the mummies wan to spent their weekends wif family rite? I'm anything de lo. cos hb oversea~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Attention Mommies!! Mums & babes is having a warehouse sales next fri to sun, 10, 11 & 12th. Selected brands got quite alot discounts. N got 15 early birds special! Interested let me know, wil tell u the items fir the early birds specials. Really attractive, wil nv get this kind of prices!!!

At Toh guan rd east, medela service centre there.Secom centre. Early birds 1st day $9.90, 2nd day $19.90 n 3rd day $29.90. Items damn attractive but 我先卖个关子. Hee~


Tats great~ at least gt a warehouse sale nearer to west side liao. If not all always at the east side~ :D


Babe, take care. SO sorry that u r unwell and still hv to host this Friday. Any more help needed dun hesitate to ask. U seeing any chinese sinseh to improve blood circulation? Hv u tried soaking in warm bath? I hv similar headaches when I am dehydated so drinking alot of warm plain water helps. Cya tml!


Any mums staying at CCK & wanna share a cab to leo_baby's hse? Can meet at lot 1. Msg me at 9746 5732

chrissy, oic...pai seh for misunderstanding...hee

pat, lets see when is the next run (non-stan chart since this yr's on this sun)....will jieo interested mummies here too....haf not been running since preggy and now bb almost 3 months old liao, so my lazy bones had it easy for like 1 yr!!!

kuishinbo...sounds nice...izit the same one as the suntec's? but jurong point too far for mi...other side of the island...

winnie, welcome! like u, im also back to pre-preg weight but the tummy still there..also did malay massage but dun seem to help...really cos of c-sec ah? alamak...

jacqueline, sounds good but toh guan v far! haiz..

sab, back fr pd..he looks at the chart of bb's intake vs her growth and says growth progress is ok (gain 250g since last visit 2 weeks ago)despite the low intake..he suggested to train bb into a routine (now we jus let her be - sleep late, wake up late etc)...eg, when bb wake up, play a while, feed...this is during the day time....then night time, let bb sleep but at 4hr mark, give her bottle and let her drink to sleep...he also suggested sticking to 1 type of teats (currently we haf various brands)....so maybe u can try? though she is small at 4.5kg now (birth weight was 2.8kg), she could most prob double her weight by 5 months and triple by 1 yr so he is not worried...having said that, todae my gal seems to be doign better than past few days....past few days is damn worrying...got 300+ ml kind!


the hi-tea at kushinbo sounds gd leh..but only weekends and weekends crowd at JP is horrible!!


enjoy the party tmr and take more pics..i can only drool at the pics

Chrissy, yay! Let's not be stressed about the distance or timing and workout the body on Sunday. =)

Sugarong, next run should be in March next year. There's 2XU 12km run & Sundown marathon (10km category available).


ya lo. so many "black black" ppl. also dunno y they onli do it on weekends. if not i sure go try liao~

