(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

hehe, just realise now nov liao..ok, so let's get a date


great suggestions

Orchard Hotel more accessible hor ?

i called liao, promo for 2 for 2 only mon to thur

so shall we, how about next Thursday 11 Nov High Tea Buffet 3pm to 5 pm, it will be $16.50 nett after two for two ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so at least 4 of us or 8 or 12 hor to enjoy the offer

How many are keen ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we need a confirmation so as to enjoy this discount

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on 11 Nov 2010

who are keen ?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) pinkyluv



The pic that u posted of Megon, reminds me of his kor kor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Toking abt passport.... My hb has been chasing me to apply for Mik.. But it's sooooooo HARD to take decent pic of her... Cos my 小猫 simply can't stop moving... Well unless I take a pic of her when she zzzzzzz.... :p

ok, just saw mango's post..so amended to tuesday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

who are keen ?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) pinkyluv

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

who are keen ?:)

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

who are keen ?

1) pinkyluv

2) Jacelyn

at this rate hor I think I will definitely not be able to fit into my pre preggie clothes when I go back to work -_-

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 16 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

who are keen ?:)

1) pinkyluv

2) Mango

3) Jacelyn

4) Optimus Prime


*kowtow* Your kar-ciu v fast! :D


forego dinner that day after high tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or have fruits for dinner that day

PS: i dun practice wat i preach :p

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

$16.50 nett

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime


No lah, I don work there but being train Liao. Have help my whole family, my hd family to apply passport online so roughly know which pics can n which one cannot.


Send the number to ur email

C if can get another 3 mah

Posted on Monday, November 01, 2010 - 3:43 pm:       

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two

$16.50 nett

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

can someone get the date correct?

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two

$16.50 nett

so is it 11th or 9th or 16th

wow, pinkyluv- trust u to be so efficient on organizing outings ;p

I'm keen too. Btw, u mean tues which is 9 nov right, not thur ?

Posted on Monday, November 01, 2010 - 3:43 pm:

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two

$16.50 nett

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

Anyway, just to share some other promo, slightly more ex.

Citibank - Rendezvous Hotel lunch promo - Buy 2 get 1 free (37++, av 29 per pax) - limit to 6 per table

UOB - Traders Hotel Cafebiz - buy 1 get 1 free (39++, av 23 per pax) - limit to 6 per table

Passport for baby

Can apply online. Very fast and simple. There's a online tool to get it to the right size & proportion. Also an example of how the photo should be like.

Am I blur or are u all blur??

11 Nov is a Thursday...

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Thursday 11 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two

$16.50 nett

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

I have a prob for wed gathering: I have never breastfed outside my home before and I dunno how I'll cope. Can I please be obiang and bring my breastfeeding pillow cos I'll definitely need tt. Tried cradle hold yesterday and totally CMI.

0k, typo typo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two, so it is either 4 or 8 or 12..

$16.50 nett

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

apologies ladies, thanks leobaby for her sms


was wondering anyone can enlighten me.. now back to wkr i can only express 4hrly.. i got 200ml each 4hrly from both sides.. wondering wad can b done to get more milk?

maybe pomme, babyT can advice....

Badfifi of coz u can bring! Anything that makes u feel comfortable. Too bad I dun have if not u dun need to bring.

Pinkyluv ur date is correct based on the original post la but u amended to tues without amending the date. Haha

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two, so it is either 4 or 8 or 12.. $16.50 nett

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

Pinkyluv> can double chk the plc got big enough space for pram.

jacelyn: hee its good but jus worry in the long run wont b enuff for baby's appetite..

Adelynn, 200ml per 4 hr damn solid liao lor! Try drinking more water??


Re: Weds outing, I may have to pass. Cos I am still sick. Will let you know tomorrow on my condition. really hate to be sick. Started with dry throat with the haze...now is the runny nose. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

batgirl: yea trying today at work drink 2liter already in 8hrs.. bb feeding 100ml 2hrly.. faint.


Increase bm, u mean increase per session output ? If can slot in another pumping session . If is to increase output per session , I will pump longer .

phyphy: yea increase per session output.. ya actually i tink if i have a few more let down can express more but then feel paiseh to hide in the rm so long to express. headache..

batgirl hai yah ok .. i tot since u coming over then i not going to ur place visit u. nvm i see next week find one day go over to ur place. or u join us at the hi tea buffet next week? i wanna see wufferine! hee hee

adelynn, yah if u got a few more let down will get more. actually from my understanding of my #1 their total daily milk intake will stablise soon. they will increase per session milk volume but reduce in total number of feeds per day so if u roughly calculate it will turn out to be the same. based on ur output rate of 200 per 4hrly and i believe night time should be more right? it will be approx 1200 ml per day which i think is more than sufficient for a bb ... no point increasing so much until bb cannot finish then u will have to freeze, which will actually cause some of the properties to be gone if milk is frozen. so just maintain this milk output i think is more than enough. if u overproduce it is also not good for ur health. (i speak like i got experience hor? how i wish i over produce! wahahahah)


I need to release my long time stress:

Long time din write in here. Only on n off visit this site. Was busy taking care of bb, boy n his study and housework. Sleepless night really siong!

My maid just came in last fri pm but already crying on Sat night for home sick. Also, din want to eat my fish as her hometown dont have such fish. Not even willing to try after long persuading. sian! spoilt my mood that night as it was my birthday and my first time with my girl to celebrate! Sunday whole day face moody and only after calling home, then she is better.

No experience before so doing things very slow. Dont know how to handle bb. Only like to chit chat with her. With my guidance in cooking also need 2 hours of preparation. Display her family photos to see.

I am upset as I feel to have a stanger at home. Feel like asking her to leave but she just came a few days and I m about to go back to work since this is my week 11th.

Very sian and vex!


hehe, getting careless liao cos not enough sleep

hi ladies

hope all can make it on next tuesday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the price is $33 per pax if not in groups of 4

pls PM me ur number so that i can reply my number too.


hehe, actually, all resturant will say cannot accomodate so many strollers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i just called and they said exactly wat Tarafuku say, cannot accomodate so many strollers

that day when shinchan, Mag and i reach, they said the same thing but end up still manage to contain us :p


Same as Pinkyluv, I oso leg itchy and may join Thur gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Have pm-ed you my num.

Passport Photo,

Mango, hi^5 leh.. I oso need to take for my girl, which I oso faced with the same problem. She is constantly moving ard when awake, only time she is still is when she is sleeping or stoning..

For the benefit of mummies who need to take passport photo for their baby, extracted this from ICA website:

•One recent passport-sized colour photograph of the applicant meeting the following specifications:

◦Sharp and clear, 35 mm wide by 45 mm high without border and taken within the last 3 months

◦Taken full face with you looking directly at the camera with head straight, eyes open with no hair across and/or covering the eyes. Both edges of your face, and the top of the shoulders must be clearly seen

◦Taken with the image of your face measuring between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown of head

◦Taken without wearing any hat or other head covering, unless you habitually wear a hat or head covering in accordance with your religious or racial custom. If any such hat or other head covering is worn, the photograph must still be a full frontal view of your head and shoulders, showing your facial features in entirety with eyes open and clearly visible

◦If you wear glasses, the photograph must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection off the glasses. The frame shall not cover any part of your eyes. Tinted glasses and sunglasses are not allowed

◦Taken with uniform lighting with no flash reflection or shadow, no uneven bright spots on the face and no red eyes

◦Taken against a white background. However if your hair, hat or head covering is white, the background must be light grey

◦Ensure that only you are photographed with no chair, toys or other persons visible in the photograph

◦Be printed on high quality paper at high resolution with a matt or semi-matt finish with no ink marks or creases

Xmas Party

if muslim, we will order from Neo Garden halal branch ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think got orange clove ?

Orchard Hotel High Tea Buffet on Tuesday 9 Nov 2010 3pm to 5pm

we need min of 4 cos it is two for two, so it is either 4 or 8 or 12.. $16.50 nett,

1) pinkyluv

2) mango

3) Jaclyn

4) Optimus Prime

5) phyphy

6) bb dreamz

7) starluster

8) Leo baby

9) Tigerlily

PS: if anyone back out last minute, we will change the venue to Novena at Zhou Kitchen. Pls call me at 1pm if u cannot make, and I will inform the rest accordingly

Shinchan, sorry! my preference is 20 - 30 bucks ok? thanks!

Pinkyluv ok so long as got hi tea buffet can liao wahahahha .... but need to know earlier then can arrange logistics wor

Alternatively, we can tt to one of u gals with UOB card 1st, maybe latest by sunday 7 Nov

like that can confirm attendance and make settling the bills easier ?

r u ladies fine with this suggestion ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sorry lar.. type too fast liao.. Heehee.. maybe a sign my next bb should be named Yvvone since i like it so much. As though i sure get a ger.

Shin Chan

My prefer budget for bb christmas gift is $20 - $30.


Got to give tuesday lunch a miss liao cos going back to work on coming monday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Though my office is nearby and can join.. but seems like got a lot of work. My boss and colleague call and sms bout work liao.


I think i am worse off than you. After a pumping without attaching bottle episode, i had a more embarassing moment. i try to buy a book from my church book store. I pass the cashier the coins, thinking i gave her the dollars earlier.. She stare at me and said i haven't paid up full. end up i demand her count all her cash in her box before i am convinced that i took out and put back the dollar notes in my wallet. Totally no recollection lor. Like instand memory loss


Think ur milk supply quite good liao. Don't need to increase lar. If not engorgement very jialat de. If event you boy drink more, you can just pump 3 hrly during weekends to try to increase supply.


Shall we order take out coming wed for lunch? I am suggesting pasta mania. Any other interesting food can check out hungrygowhere.

Are we taking group baby photos this wed? Shall we think of a few poses and bring props? I can bring my C cushion to prop up bb to sit in arm chair pose? Flip bb over and they can have push up head up pose. For white background, we can just use white mattress protector.. Anyone has it??


Don' worry, i was thinking of bringing my C pillow there to take bb photos...


yes. My new helper is here, she is my bil's maid. We took over cos' my nephew is big now n going to sch so they dun need a maid as my sil is a sahm.

She got experience taking care of children but stil need to refresh cos' my nephew already 3yrs old now. She is oso q. slow, but i got to tahan la. I need help to care for my bb when going back to work ma. So far she is ok. Let's see how it goes, we trying her out for 1 to 2 wks time. If everything ok, we will do the transfer.

Haiz.. so sian.. I'm down with sore throat and flu. I'm officially quarantined from Denise, my parents brought her home with them. Gotta pop Vit C and hope my flu will recover soon. Dun wanna take medicine cos I 不舍得 throw away my barely there milk supply. Jus a qn, if I dun take medicine, my BM is ok to feed Denise even if I'm sick, right?


How come u also ending your ML so early? Thgt u are converting to part time isit?

Haha.. dun worry, I had the same experience earlier. I pumped without attaching the bottle. Luckily I cant pump 400ml in 8 mins, so I din kena wetness on my pants.. din know little supply oso have benefits.. hahahahha...

Jacelyn & OP,

Think I'll give this week's gathering a miss if my flu is still there. Dun wanna spread lar.


If I manage to attend this wed, anything will do for lunch. McDonald, PizzaHut, PastaMania.... and the list goes on..

Hi mummies, for the west gathering i may not be able to join as hb's leave may not be approved [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I got stomache since last night. Must be due to the fresh oysters i took yesterday. I took 宝季丸 last night and i pump and throw the milk after i took the pills.

Still haven't fully recover yet. The stomache come and go de. Super pain, like my intestines all kenna wring my someone.

If not fully recovered, i will go see doctor tomorrow. Got to go pop vitamin C now and drink more yakult.

I am spliting my ML so can maximise it. Working in nov and continuing my ML in Dec till mid feb next yr. GOing back in nov to settle my part time arrangement too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Also one mth back boss cannot give me much work also cos i will be on leave again. Scheming hor.


Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Jacelyn (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum if shinchan recovers

5. Leobaby

6. Badfifi and father

7. Weiting and hb if bb is ok

8. Bubbleling

Ok for lunch we decide when u all reach by. Btw my friend will be joining in .. she gave birth in March this year. Hee I will be cooking red bean soup. Maybe get some cakes ba

I have a playmat think it should be enough ba.. if not enough can use mattress.

Shinchan there are some medicine which is safe for breastfeeding. U go see doc and tell him u bfing and he will prescribe u safe medicine. For sore throat, I also buy danzen from pharmacy which I believe is safe for bfing too. If I remember correctly, I believe generally medicines safe for preggies are also safe for bfing mummies.

Passport photo

mummies doing passport photo, u all can just send in the photo to try try lo. I send in mine last week than already done, will be colleting on wed. I think for bb they not so strict ba cos they shld know it's diffcult to make sure the bb meets all the requirement.

aiyo... my throat is funny leh. I worry that I kanna HFMD from my son. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Ya lor! I also wanted to go and meet up with you and mini xun as well as other mummies. But my nose is still dripping now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But I feel better today, except my nose is like a broken tap. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] You remember correctly, medicines safe for preggers are also safe for breastfeeding.


You can ask the doctor for bfeeding safe medicines. then no need to pump and throw away..i know very heart pain one...


Thank you so much ladies... I feel much more assured now regarding my bb Alexis's huge appetite. Today my mom just commented that her face is becoming square due to the chubby cheeks. Like what Pinkyluv said, hopefully the fats will all go down once she starts to be more mobile.


I really applaude you! With 3 kids you still can move around so easily. Me, only one baby and I am so crippled.

Compasspoint Gathering

This thursday's gathering I also hope I can go. It's actually very near my place and I can go together with Phyphy. But I dunno if I can manage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm such an incompetent mother lar.

