(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


just saw valerie email again, miss out the part abt gift

i m ok with anything u gals suggested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]replying now



will tt another $10 now , my mum will be coming with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To Account POSB Savings

070-19281-0 shinchan

Amount S$10.00

Transaction Reference 3243862481

Jacelyn - Wow.. ur baby so good. can slp thru the nite le...

Windy - hi 5. My girl drinks abt 160ml per feed now and feeds btw 6 to 8 times a day. She is 8 weeks, 5kg. If she is not full, she will still fuss around and refuse to go back to slp. She is drinking what my #1 drinks when she is 6mths.

Sigh.. talking abt my #1. Suddenly last night she came down with high fever, hovering around 39degrees. And me myself down with bad cough and congested nose. Hope that she will be alright. Will be bringing her to the PD later this evening. Sigh.. In the meantime, will have to keep monitoring her temp and keep sponging her.. sigh...

Morning mummies...

reporting from my office.. 1st day at work after 8weeks rest.. super not use to it!


Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Jacelyn (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum

5. Leobaby

6. Batgirl and helper

7. rachoho and hb

8. Badfifi and father

9. Weiting and hb if bb is ok

10. Bubbleling

everyone has my address? attendance correct? take mrt to pioneer the exit turn right, walk back towards jurong point direction, cross the road n thats the cluster of flats which my place is at. there is a map there to direct u all to my block. my flat is cream colour with orange n purple paint see everyone!

PhyPhy:Thanks for the advice. Thk I m too scared that pp will stare if bb cries or yells.

Optimus Prime, Jaycelyn: I am staying at Old Airport Road.

Sab: Yes.By myself, no helper and no inlaws. That's why v daunting. Am going to check out 2 other infant care later cos the one I prebooked is near my office so may not be ideal.

Sab, BBtigger:If u ladies r looking for day-time or PT nannies can check out this website.


If u ladies are still looking for a nanny, check out this website.

Hi mummies,

I brought bb to Baby Spa for massage yesterday and sign up the swmming course. They gave me a $10 voucher to give it to any friends. So anyone intend to sign up and take the voucher from me.

BB enjoyed the massage.. Haven start the swimming yet as she still got a bit of block nose. But my elder son started when he was 7wks and he simply loves it.

Xmas party,

I'm fine with any budget for the gift exchange.


I think she is fine. baby will know how to reject when they're full. When my bb is full and n wan to force her to drink more, she refuse to open her mouth and stick out her tougue to lick my nipples and give me the EEEE face..

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm

(Let's see how many pax b4 we decide on Toastbox, Ya Kun, Starbucks, etc. Ya Kun/Toastbox table a bit small/cramp for big group)

1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat

4. Phyphy

5. Mama G

6. BabyT

7. Lizzie

8. Elle

9. Shirlyn

Babies drinking lesser

Mine is super z today n not drinking much. Tot a bath wld wake her up but to no avail... My mum asked her if she was up catching burglar last night. I told my mum she must hv gone out trick or treating without me knowing and the neighbors seeing that she's so small and no teeth decided to give her milk instead of candy. That's y she's not hungry, n v z bcos of the late night! :D

No joke, yesday some kids from my neighbourhood came by, knock on my door to trick/treat in their halloween garb. So kewt lor!

I was telling my mum how some PD/lactation consultant/parenting book will insist on waking bb up for milk. Cannot let them fall z at the breast, etc. Pls lor, like so ez! I try to play with her, mk her not so comfy so she won't z etc but no use lor! She's z-g again as I type. I think the only way to wake her is to spray cold water at her, like how u can get a drunkard to be sober almost right away! :D

OP: yea my boy was drinking lesser past few days too! wonder what happened.. this morning too.. fed at 330am and he slept till 730am still don wan wake up.. my breasts were so engorged no choice have to wake him up to feed one side and he slept half way thru the feeding.. my breast after tt still can express 40ml of hindmilk~


is fine about the intake, Christy drank 140ml per feed. If I don't give her enough, she will not want to sleep. They will slim down when they grow older, let them grow to the size they want first.


the weather is bad nowadays, even some mummies are sick. Let her drink lots of water to cool down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


still holiday mood? You still have 4 weeks bal right? Enjoy your 4 weeks when we have none.


thanks for your link. NOw I know at least they charge $12/hr so can consider getting one aunty to help out if needed.


hahahaha.... You are so funny! Really those kids came knocking on your door? You gave them sweets? I don't think my neighbourhood will have such kids cos too many foreign workers around. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

karen: i got 8 weeks balance.. equivalent to 40 working days ML.. haa ya half of me wish to b home half of me wish to slowly utilise it!

adelynn, wow... enjoy it slowly. Can go for holidays! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OP/ Adelyn..

My boy is also drinking less and sleeping more these few days. Think it is normal ya..? Seem to recall my PD mentioning that the milk intake will slow down a little in the 3rd month..


At least you still feel engorged! I already dun hv that feeling for a looong time and d bb is not making things any better. I threaten her that my nehs will dry up (they already are...) and her milk ss will be cut. But she bo hew leh... :S 不见棺材不流泪. Tsk Tsk Tsk...


Yes, the kids came and we gave them some choc & candy. I'm staying in a pte estate. Neighbors doors are always open unless they go out, but gates are closed lah. I think it's quite safe. Anyway, the kids are accompanied by their maids.


My is the opposite. She drinking very little, yesterday only 400 plus ml. I don't really know her wgt, but I think she shd be drinking 600 ml a day, but on avg she drink 500 ml a day. My worry is the is nit drinking enough, direct opposite to yours, but still worries me.


I'm also worried. I'm worried nehs will dry up cos she not drinking. I am not worried abt her cos she's already 6kg so got buffer even if she decides to go on diet now. I think I need to start expressing liao. Dpd on her, sure die!

I just drop my iPhone and Kok her head accidentally (few cm abv her head only). She look at me n gimme the 她妈的 look. :p 她妈的 v guilty and stick out tongue at her. Heng she nvr cry... :p

sorry, windy! It shd be 150ml for every kg!! so shd be 750ml!! Paiseh, insufficient sleep brains a bit jia lat.

But as long as your girl does not vomit out her feed (the merlion type), it shd be ok. This is only a guide, no need to worry about she drinking a lot. I think BM have different consistencies, sometimes there is more fore milk, and less hind milk, thus baby gets hungry easily. Some BM has a higher hindmilk content so the baby keeps full longer. Dun worry hor.. as long baby can take down the additional milk, let her have it.

Tea @Compasspoint on Thu 4 Nov 3pm


Pls tk note of venue JACK'S PLACE. Toast box, ya kun hard to find table for 9 and worse if we hv strollers. JACK'S got aftn tea + cake $4.50. Not too ex and conducive for chit chat.

I'll PM u my HP. Pls reply me with yours too. C u Thurs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. OP

2. Yvonne

3. Pat

4. Phyphy

5. Mama G

6. BabyT

7. Lizzie

8. Elle

9. Shirlyn


haha.. so funny..

Last night i also playing ball wit my elder son and left her on the rocker. And the ball hit her head too.. She gave me the XXX look too..

OP> I also knock this forehead this morning with his milk bottle. He was struggling not to drink (I guess filled liao)& my bottle somersault knock his forehead with shower of milk onto him. At first blurly look at me then burst out and cry. Guess it was more of the milk that he felt uncomfortable with :p

Also my boy drinking less n sleeping more. He has been wasting my milk. that's why I sort of force him to finish by trying to bring it him to each time he awake.


I wan to come for the tea@compasspoint. may bring my helper along.


You staying at old airport rd. very near my mum's place - I m at Jln Batu. Wanna go for the NorthEast Zone outing this Thursday at Compasspoint. We can take a train there from our Circle Line - Moutbatten Station. I got a helper. Will be bringing her along - she can help out. Join us la.

Hi mommies,

anyone has a good massage lady to recommend?

i juz had mine today(delivered on weds).she was terrible..no herbs,poor massage..ran off in 45mins n didnt massage bb!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

urgent help needed!thnx

Say, will ICA accept this photo to make passport for bb? :p

Scarly every time go past customs, the customs officer insist bb stick out tongue for verification. Super bo eng man! :D


Leo baby,

If I really style her hair, it will not look like that.

This is her on a bad hair day. And everyday is a bad hair day for her. *sigh*

BBT> I think i am having your syndrome liao. Having lunch now n when look into my cup of of blueberry drink notice only half cup. Immediately yell out to my helper why you only make me half cup. My helper blurrly replied I gave you full cup. embarassly I replied "is It" :p drank liao also can forget. Power hor


high 5..guess what i just drank ?


btw, email u liao regarding the sms


hahaha... Everytime you never fail to make me laugh! hahahaha... Making passport? So early? Wow... so xin fu, can go holiday loh!

OP - u r very humurous =D My bb also likes to stick her toungue out most of the time.

Pinkyluv - Saw the pics on last fri outing @ Somerset. Looks really fun. Too bad I am too tired so can't join u gals tat day. Maybe shld have another central outing in mid nov? ;p


Siao liao! Got shadow cannot ah? You work in ICA? :D But all the photos I took of her that day got shadow leh. Sian... So difficult to take photo lor. If not eyes closed, she's like waving her hands or looking all over the place, or crying........

Anyway, I didn't use this photo. Later kena blacklist by Ah Gong then mati! Then everytime come back from JB will check car boot. :p


No lah, not go holiday lah. Just go up north only. Cos school hols my aunts will sometimes drive in. My in laws also like to drive in to makan. So if bb got passport, we all can tag along. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I just tt $30.00 to you

Details as follows:

To Account POSB Savings

070-19281-0 Shinchan

Amount S$30.00

Transaction Reference 3245020641


loves ur sense of humour ! the picture of Megon is so sweet !

would love to join u gals, confirm with u after my wed outing to Jaclyn's hse =)

can u PM me ur hp ?


hehe, yes i must, b4 i go back to work,

u were saying got some weekday deals for buffet ?

can share again ornot ?

Hey let's have another buffet outing!! I love the outing last fri but hor no more sashimi ok? Hubby keep blaming me for eating sashimi n giving sashimi milk to bb -_- let's go for high tea buffet!! Any of the cards discount???

For wed outing to my hse hor wat u all wanna eat?

Yes, I also don't mind another buffet. :D BUT dowan to go to a place with the same type of seats as the Jap place that day. Cos v hard to move in and out. Normal tables and chairs is the best!


Hi tea buffet... I want I want!!!! If possible can it be a Tues or Friday (even better!!) gathering? Cos that is when my older kids go to my in-laws place... N that is when I can enjoy some ME time (with Mik of cos). [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

