(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

@Kris: Glad you like Alexis's room. I hope she will like it too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Phyphy: Thanks for sharing about how to take care of babies too. Mine got such bad tummy wind yesterday as I realize later on her tummy was so bloated, that explains the crankiness. After I put ru yi you for her, she slept for 5 hours straight, drank milk, and another 4 hours plus. Thank God she's much better now. :D

I will tell my helper you thanked her later.


Actually your helper is very helpful. Thank her for me too. Saw her helping around, the only thing was she offered cold drink to phyphy girl. She seems to dote on babies and kid.that why she did not know that is not right to do so. Haha, but am sure phyphy girl enjoyed the lychee drink!


saw your post on fb...teared when reading about your niece...she's so poor thing and her medical bills are so hefty. I will make the transfer to her CDA acc and also share on my FB, hope more people will help. That is the only little bit I can do for her.Hope a cure can be found soon.


i like Alexis room too! You put in so much effort for her room. Even the sheets are in sync with the theme.

Someone shared her story here about the importance of medical insurance and I believe it may happen to anyone of us too. Of course, none of us wish for hospitalisation to happen to us. But I’ll like to share an experience, which you will understand why taking up insurance the soonest possible is important here.

I have never mentioned this to anyone before but it is very important and dear to my heart. Many of you knew that my boy had jaundice and I had to bring him to hospital for follow up once in awhile. In one instance, one young doctor mentioned a condition about my son in which he wasn’t really sure of. Having heard that, my heart tumbled and I questioned how could it be? As Dr wasn’t really sure because he is still growing well, I chose to believe it not true. However, because of his “mis-diagnose” it may make it more difficult to get any form of insurance in the future for him.

Many of you who are closer to me and whom I’ve spoken with had been advice by me to quickly take up the medical and life insurance. I have not had the opportunity to speak with the rest of you but would sincerely like to arrange a time where we can sit down and discuss your needs.

For ppl who do not know me well, let me introduce myself again... I’m a mother of a lovely 2mth old baby boy, just like most of you. With 12 years of experience in Financial Planning industry, I hope to share the works that I do and the experience that I have and help more of you. Please pm me your details to get in touch with you.

Someone shared her story here about the importance of medical insurance and I believe it may happen to anyone of us too. Of course, none of us wish for hospitalisation to happen to us. But I’ll like to share an experience, which you will understand why taking up insurance the soonest possible is important here.

I have never mentioned this to anyone before but it is very important and dear to my heart. Many of you knew that my boy had jaundice and I had to bring him to hospital for follow up once in awhile. In one instance, one young doctor mentioned a condition about my son in which he wasn’t really sure of. Having heard that, my heart tumbled and I questioned how could it be? As Dr wasn’t really sure because he is still growing well, I chose to believe it not true. However, because of his “mis-diagnose” it may make it more difficult to get any form of insurance in the future for him.

Many of you who are closer to me and whom I’ve spoken with had been advice by me to quickly take up the medical and life insurance. I have not had the opportunity to speak with the rest of you but would sincerely like to arrange a time where we can sit down and discuss your needs.

For ppl who do not know me well, let me introduce myself again... I’m a mother of a lovely 2mth old baby boy, just like most of you. With 12 years of experience in Financial Planning industry, I hope to share the works that I do and the experience that I have and help more of you. Please pm me your details to get in touch with you.


i agree with you with getting medical insurance asap, i had already applied for them during my confinement, super KS mummy here.

To everyone else, please get covered asap, i believe they should be the 1st priority.

Other then this, we also draft our wills after my #1 was born, so this time, we need to redraft our wills again. The main purpose of getting a will is to ensure we get someone reliable to look after our kids if *touchwood* both of us pass on simultaneously, i.e. to appoint trustees and guardians for our kids if that happens.


thanks for sharing. i saw it on fb.

i did share here that i need to more out from my PIL place cos' my SIL with her sick bb Chole move back to my PIL place to stay so my MIL n SIL maid can take care of chole.

just before i delivered bb Athena, they move out of PIL place to her sis hse nearby cos' my FIL is a veg wholeseller and the hse is quite messy and air a little poluted. Chole gets infection easily & required very clean environment.

Can you imagine she is less than 1yr old and got to go thru' so much suffering. Every time she gets admitted we always pray that God has mercy on her and His hands will be at work.

Dear Mummies,

Here's the fb link of my niece Chole Mak.


Fully agree with Nigella and Leo Baby.

Medical Insurance is the most impt. if you need help and wants to see the diff. between agency, Leo Baby can help. In fact, she help to do up mine for Athena the next day after she turns 1mth old.

so long never come in already... got so many events that I have missed. I want to join this gathering! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But when ah? I sort of read through some post is it 4th dec and what is the another date?

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv (prefers 3 dec if it is with family , cos hubby is flying off on 4th dec)

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2(Either day is fine.prefer PG)

31) krishojw 32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events

37) Karen

Christmas Party

I might have to back out if its on Sat coz it's my niece birthday. Not sure if bro is going to have any celebration on that day. Will check n get back to you gals again. If Sat, will have to bring #1 along as well.


I'm ok with the personalized rompers, both kids and hobo font are nice. Would like to order one for #1 too if this idea goes thru, can ask if got discount for us?


So heart-wrenching to see your niece's condition. Can't bear to see the video. Really hope they can find a cure soon.

West mummies gathering > Sorry, I better not go as bb having jab on 2nd, don't know if he will have fever on the 3rd.

Tiger Lily

Had transfered to Save Chloe account via online banking. Dunno it will work for CDA transfer via online ornot. Hope it will.

Had sent the link to my friends, hope they able to help too.

Hello mummies

Super fast moving thread wo!!!

Would like to join the gathering:

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv (prefers 3 dec if it is with family , cos hubby is flying off on 4th dec)

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2(Either day is fine.prefer PG)

31) krishojw 32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events

37) Karen

38) Jynnsan (4th Dec, Sat will be prefer, PG is ok)

West Mummies gathering, I forgt tat bb Jaron will be having his 1st jab on monday. Dunno will have fever or nt. I will keep u all inform again k. Most pro shld be ok de rite? In case he really gt fever than have to postpone the gathering liao. Very very sorry ah~

If my bb really gt fever than maybe someone else can open her hse for gathering? At least the rest of the mummies can still meet up.

Mommies Gathering

I dont mind opening my place for gathering but am staying in Woodlands. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If one day after than wed shld be ok le ba? I keep u all inform again k. Hopefully he will be fine than we can carry on wif our gathering~

Jacqueline, Woodlands, same same lei [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If got gathering let me know ok

Jacqueline and jynnsan,

I think u all mix up liao cos both of u are not in the west mummies name list.

The gathering at my hse is for the WEST MUMMIES ON NEXT WED @ JURONG WEST de. Not the christmas one.

Tigerlily - my heart goes out to your niece. Really poor thing to suffer such a disease at a tender age. Hope everything will go well for her. Will donate and fwd to frenz 2. Really prompt me to get medical insurance quickly for my gal.

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv (prefers 3 dec if it is with family , cos hubby is flying off on 4th dec)

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz + bb+mum(prefer 3 Dec, any event ok)

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2(Either day is fine.prefer PG)

31) krishojw 32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events

37) Karen

38) Jynnsan (4th Dec, Sat will be prefer, PG is ok)

Leobb - u wanted help on that day? Maybe u can list the things u need help with and see who can volunteer? I can help u to collect $ for food that day.

Tigerlily - my heart goes out to your niece. Really poor thing to suffer such a disease at a tender age. Hope everything will go well for her. Will donate and fwd to frenz 2. Really prompt me to get medical insurance quickly for my gal.

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv (prefers 3 dec if it is with family , cos hubby is flying off on 4th dec)

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz + bb+mum(prefer 3 Dec, any event ok)

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2(Either day is fine.prefer PG)

31) krishojw 32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events

37) Karen

38) Jynnsan (4th Dec, Sat will be prefer, PG is ok)

Leobb - u wanted help on that day? Maybe u can list the things u need help with and see who can volunteer? I can help u to collect $ for food that day.

West mummies gathering, can come my hse instead I stay at st 62 which is a stone throw away from weiting place. Let me know if want to come my place instead hor


Thanks! I think we confirm on ur place better cos if Jaron really gt fever than at least u all still gt a place to meet up~ somemore ur place shld be quite near mine also so i think shldnt be a problem for the rest of the mummies.

I will msg u all the address of Jacelyn. Really sorry for the changes~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Mummies, I believe I have sms most of u the address of Jacelyn. If u still do not have it, please kindly PM her for it. So sorry for the trouble and thanks Jacelyn for offering her place~ :D


Next Wed West Mummies Gathering 3rd Nov 10am

1. Jacelyn (host)

2. Pinkyluv and mum

3. Pommelow and mum

4. Shinchan and mum

5. Leobaby

6. Batgirl and helper

7. rachoho and hb

8. Badfifi and father

9. Weiting and hb if bb is ok

10. Bubbleling

Anyone else dun have Jacelyn add, pls PM her ur number than she can sms u.

phyphy: can PM me your mobile? i don't have. so wanna go kym's place for playdate w our tots next week?

sab: watch the videos here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6CFSGAuey

neh: hungry, tongue reaching towards top of mouth

owh: tired, mouth in shape of O

eh: burp me

eairh: gas in lower tummy

heh: discomfort, e.g. dirty diaper. listen for the 'h' sound

i was skeptical from my first boy. but yst and today i tried again w my bb...sort of works! but still the hungry neh sound cannot hear. the eairh also hard to pick up. but the eh, heh have been helpful.


Thank you. Now I pay close attention to her cries as well. I heard the neh today! It works!!

Yesterday gathering, i learnt 2 things. One is learnt from you and phyphy on how to use the sling (today I applied it while bring bb to coffee shop buy lunch, so cool) and from leobaby the dvd. And of cos, catching up with you mummies and make new friends.

finally home with kyra after almost 9 hours since we left at 1030am :p

Rompers for Xmas Party on 3 Dec 2010

we gals were shopping after buffet and saw this, can order from Taka directly for those confirmed going


Guess how much, only $6 ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xmas Party on Friday, 3 Dec 2010

need volunteers for some roles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) Venue booking - Leobaby

2) Rompers Purchase - Leobaby

3) Treasurer - Shinchan

4) Food i/c -Pinkyluv

5) Event Photographer liasing - Mag

6) CD Purchase and burning - ?

while shopping, Mag, leobaby, shinchan and myself were thinking $30 per mummy & baby ( inclusive of a romper ( all babies wear the same), buffet and photo CD, if bringing additional person, to top up $10

Pls confirm your attendance with [email protected] latest by 2 Nov 2010, money pls tt to shinchan..she will email u gals her bank account after i have all the emails of those going

oh yes, want to thank Aries Mum, Tigerlily , Pomme and Mag for helping with the mummies today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow u all very happening lo!! Pinky u out for so long sia. Think my back will break n nn will burst if I go out for so long!! Ok I think the romper idea is great. So cheap n meaningful since it says first Christmas. Scarly all wear the same then we mix up the bbs. Hahahaha. Think I might!! N i am also ok with the money too.

Dear All,

We have reach the cap to the no. of mummies for the Christmas Party. Base on the feedback from most ppl it will be cfm as:-

Christmas Party with Catering service

3rd Dec, Timing:abt 11am to 4pm (10am to 11am for logistic preparation and decoration)

Location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

As we have decided to get the $6 romper from Taka for all mummies and I am incharged of purchasing the romper for all, pls chose the size of romper for your bb. Size 0-6 (shoulder to groin area)L29cm W23cm Size 6-12 L41cm W24cm

I will need all of you to PM me the following details, nickname,real name, Hand Phone No., Email address, selected romper size, no of additional ppl each is bringing. Will need all this info for all the coordinators to work on these asap. Appreciate your fast reply.

1)Optimus Prime








9)Mummy princess


11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop

13) ccpet

14) shinchan

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn

18) chin


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby

24) bb dreamz + bb + mum

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab


29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2 (What is T1,T2?)

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag

37) Karen

38) Jynnsan

Dear all

was reading up on the neo garden website. Need to place order for the food 30 days before the day of event and pay 50 percent of the total cost to enjoy a 20 percent discount

As such, need u gals to tt the $ to shinchan latest by Tuesday, 2 November 2010 so tat we can pay neo garden on 3 Nov, 30 days b4 the event

any lady hav any objections to cater fr Neo Garden ? =)

since they are the #1 caterer in spore, should be ok bah


PSS Shinchan : can place ur bank account here, if u dun mind ?


No prob! Will directly tt to Shinchin once she gives the bank details. So confirm on the amount? Ea mommies $30 and $10 extra pax?

Oh yes, change of plans, instead of emailing me, pls PM leobaby the following details, nickname,real name, Hand Phone No., Email address, selected romper size, no of additional ppl each is bringing.

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, let's wait for shinchan to give us her bank account [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


has PMed u my details =)


tt the $ to u liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Transaction Reference 3238554704

PS: i noe shinchan ac cos she helped me buy a playpen b4 =) but not sure whether she is ok to releaseit here..so will wait for her to say hor

ok, was looking at this Neo Deluxe Menu , 12.99 b4 20 percent discount..

pls see whether u hav any objection.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. Sin Chow Mee Hoon

2. mushroom broccoli

3. cereal fish

4. curry chicken

5. butter prawns

6. soting yu tiao and breaded scallop

7. almond jelly with longans

8. fruit punch

9. steamed siew mai


2 sizes

0-6 months ( yes no in between sizes)

6 -12 months

Size 0-6 (shoulder to groin area)L29cm W23cm

Size 6-12 L41cm W24cm

