(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

OP - I'm not sure of the size... I've seen buniquestore's stuff before.. Actually my beanies and blanket also bought from her de... Let me get quote from her...


I also ve the lump aka breast tissue.... Found out after I delivered my #2... scare the hell out of me.... Was refered to a "breast specialist".... Then to find out it's a breast tissue.... Phew...

Dear mummies

Anyone has preloved but good condition BABYPLUS and wanted to sell it off...?

pls msg me at 98799250 for fast deal


OP - buniquestore only has pink n blue rompers...

Mango - Scary right... When I was 21 I had 2 lumps in my breasts... I only removed one lump, the other disappeared... That was another scare...

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events PG)


So everyone make the same font n thread colors or choose individual?

Calling out to shinchan, BabyT, Jacelyn, Tigerlily, Hushlibb, Yvonne, Diamantz, Lizzie & Pomme

John has passed the CDs to me and informed that the group photos are included in every of our CD. As such, need not bring thumbdrive anymore.

Just to share 2 of my fav and beautiful pics of Megon taken by John on Monday.



Tiger Lily,

The way I see it, it's all a big, big misunderstanding - really. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya. i know is misunderstanding but john really over react lor. he forgotten about customer service.

this pix is so cute. wil show my hb later.


My lump is still there... Then I will go for a check regularly to make sure it dun evolve into something BAD. (just being kiasu n some form of 'insurance'on my part)

The doc say dun ve to remove.... Unless it bothers me.

hi all

back from windy's place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it was great meeting some mummies for the v 1st time =) now can place a face behind the nick

John has passed the CD to me & leobaby liao.

the group pics i will upload in my facebook shortly, for ur viewing pleasure

PS: Optmius Prime : thanks for collecting the rest of the CDs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

John wanted to pass me all the CDs but i am afraid just in case last minute I could not turn up at somerset as there is an outbreak of chickenpox in my children childcare and everytime they see some dots, they will want the parents to bring the kids back immediately.

just one week plus ago, was asked to bring my gal back immediately alto i told the teacher she has already went for the chickenpox vaccine jab,

went to see the doc and was told it was mosquito bites


The pictures of Megon are very nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she looked cheeky in the last one


Level B3, a jap restaurant starts with T... (something). see lah... Yvonne told me yesterday niah.... N my pea brain couldn't even contain the info... Sighz...

Tmr date...

How many of u going?

Hahaha....the pic of Megon and Athena is so cute..

I like the one which megon put her fist in her mouth... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gathering at 313 Somerset 1130am tmr

I called up restaurant to reserve seats for 20 adults and 12 strollers(estimated) but look like the place cannot accommodate so many strollers and some strollers may have to be parked outside

seating arrangement is max 8 to a table, so we need 3 tables

so how ?

last updated some time back- Gathering at 313 Somerset Basement 3 Tarafuku Restuarnt on Friday 29 Oct 2010

1. Ariesmum

2. shinchan

3. hushlilbb

4. Phtanus

5. bbhopes2009

6. bbdreamz maybe

7. Pinkyluv

8. liteonmag

9. diamantz

10. Yvonne Low

11. BabyT

12. Jacelyn

13 phyphy maybe

14. Optimus Prime

15. Pommelow

16. Tiger Lily

17. ccpet

18. Jessica Ong

19. Letty maybe

20. Mango


looks like the photog managed to pass the resp on to you, OP! actually he asked one of the girls to help him distribute trow but she couldn't just in case she couldn't go last minute or some don't turn up l=cos something crops up. she has to end up mailing to those who can't go. never know w bbs ma.

today's shoot was an eye opener for me.

WINDY: thanks for opening up ur plce. u were bfing so didn't disturb you when i left.

SAB: yeah! she looked so relak one cprner. how did u fire her?

LEOBABY: thx for sharing the dunstan dvd....

PINKY: nice chatting w u !

PHY: thx for showing me how to use the cradle hold.

SUGAR, CHRISHO, KRIS: gd to see u all too!

OP - very nice pictures indeed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everyone: Enjoy your gathering tom! I have a post natal pap smear scheduled for tom with my doc, already postponed it twice..


as for the caregiving part, I will take care of bbJX from now till mid Nov. 2H mid Nov I will put the baby and my #1 at my mum's place. I am going back to work in Dec. So for the 2 weeks I will go and buy some new clothes (a lot cannot fit!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ) and probably get a hair cut (in anticipation of the hair loss @ 4 mths), prep myself to go back to work and also let my parents and my girl bond and get used to each other and the routine.


I also like the one where Megon put her fist to her mouth. Very sweet and it exudes baby innocence. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no worries =) since u r bringing stroller and Yvonne is bringing stroller, it is easier if those in CCK share a cab [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PS: kyra seems stuck to my b* so i think if i want to have a good meal, i may not be bringing her .

still in a dilemma

the idealistic view is i bring kyra out in a stroller, eat buffet while she is in a stroller, latch her on when she needs ( so that i dun have to pump outside) , go shopping in town with her in stroller while waiting for hb to knock off and gives me a lift back


my lump quite big lor so its making me worried...no matter how i pump also cannt make it smaller really pump until ki siao.

hopefully tmr sis kang manage to do something to it!

seems like sudden i just get this lump one..


Actually, she really cannot make it. The only helps me with house works, I really have enough of her. I told my mum before we went home, my mum came over my place. We told her we have other plans to look after the baby and don't need her anymore.

My mum was with me. Thanks to her for being there for me. Mummy are always the greatest of all. I so big still rely so much on her.

Tmr i have reserved a place under Jo for 20 people at B3 Tarafuku Restaurant , pls take a seat if u r there..buffet starts at 1130am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ur helper dun look like a helper, . Agree that our mummies is the best

threw up in just now in the car ( heng have a plastic bag inside my bag ) and came back to rest as the aftermath is a horrible headache , lucky my mum is here to fetch my kids fr childcare as hubby is working late


Originally to pass to the bunch of us at 313. But even if one of us did not attend the lunch buffet gathering last minute, the understanding is that we will keep the CD for that mommy anyway. So it's no incumbance to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events

Chin> out of curiousity if 4th Dec you can still make it

OP> without spouse if 4th Dec you can still make it?


paiseh, u have informed me and i add in accidentally again, miss u & ur boy lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv (prefers 3 dec if it is with family , cos hubby is flying off on 4th dec)

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2

31) krishojw

32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events

Leobaby - if 4 dec, can only join after 1pm or later as my older one has classes until 12pm-ish. Can hubby and sibling go as well? Actually not sure if my older boy will be too tired..


My lump is approx 1cm (my aga-ration). If urs is a breast/fats tissue (like mine), there's no way to make it smaller thru pumping lor.

Leo baby

Ya, I didn't really mention abt her. But has been very dissatisfied with her performance, she simply cannot make it. She really irritate me a lot but has been enduring since she can help with house work. But then, the way the does house work also cmi. Thinking hard if she can really help me

After much thoughts, today finally I gathered the courage to fire her. That is why I gotta leave early, as my mummy coming my place after her work to be there for me when I told her my decision. This helper was supposed to be hired for one mth, but after 2 weeks, I cannot take it anymore. Lukcy my mum was there for me to give me moral support. Our mummies are the best.

Hi Mummies here..Congratulations to bundle of joy! Something to share with you all.

However, my motive is to help new mummies to please get your babies covered on a medical and accident. TOUCHWOOD.

What spurred me to approach mummies because of my experience at beginning of Oct. My 2 year old was hospitalised due to acute brochitis. And the saddest story is that I didnt get the rider to cover the excess so in the end..she went to KK and the bill has to be pay from medisave.

During my stay there for a week, I saw 2 newborn cases. One was admitted due to high fever (3 weeks old) and one (3 mths old) was admitted due to urinary tract infection and caused high fever.

I like to talk abt the 3mths old..her mum shared that her bill was almost 8k when she first stayed at Mt Alvenia. She cannot take it anymore so has to come over to KK. Worst part is she was taking her own sweet time to submit the birth cert for the insurance so she cannot claim anything...And after medisave deductions, she still need to fork out almost 5k for the private hospital bill.

You may think that I am making story. But I am telling the truth to alert all of you not to take insurance protections easily. Other plans can wait but medical is impt.

My girl was staying at Ward 62 from 29 Sept to 3rd Oct. I cant mention her name.

Honestly, I am a financial planner starting this year. I do not want to blurf mummy here. If you are interested, u can PM me to ask more.

Shinchan: oh so our hbs r really same batch then high chance they know each other. His name is Bernard chua. Ur hb? Tis is quite qiao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Op: megon is such q pretty gal! Hehe v photogenic

Hv fun for the buffet tmr ladies, eat more! I can't make it but will try to join the nxt round ya


My #1 got class on Sat. Weekend is family day so it's either they go with me or I don't go. I'd rather not they go with me cos #1 tired after his class. If they don't go and I insist on going, there'll be some logistic issues.

But if you all hv to do it on a Sat, then it's really ok and pls just go ahead without me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies,

Nice meeting you'll today. I had a great time.

Pls add me at FB: [email protected]


Thanks for letting us do the photoshoot at ur place. Ur girl's room is beautiful!


Our mum is always the best. I see that the helper nv really help u. Let her go if you feel she is not suitable to help u take care of bb. Sometimes it can be irritating to see someone in the house and realise that they cannot help much.

have a great time chatting.ytd outing to windy house was a gd trial for me,letting me know that i cant handle a cranky toddler n a crying bb right now.will have to wait till later time.


got to give it a miss,enjoy urself


thanks for having us,ur house is so nice,like the design and really thanks for ur helper help.


ur helper like a woodblock...


u puke? motion sick or ....

Christmas Party with Catering service

location @ Leobaby Condo (West coast)

Timing:abt 11am to 4pm

1) Optimus Prime (3 Dec, Fri - lose the hb lah!) (photography - chin chai)

2) BabyT (either day I'm fine cos hb can't go, prefer event PG)

3) tiger_lily (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

4) Pommelow

5) Batgirl (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

6) Windy

7) Pinkyluv (prefers 3 dec if it is with family , cos hubby is flying off on 4th dec)

8) Phantus

9) mummy princess

10) bubbleling (either day im fine)(event pg im ok)

11) Yvonne (Sat 4th Dec)

12) Jacqueline Aktop (Fine with both dates.PG fine too.)

13) ccpet

14) shinchan (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

15) hushlilbb

16) twirly

17) Jacelyn (Either day is fine. Ok with event PG)

18) chin (prefer 3 dec, Fri. PS - go with the flow!)


20) starluster

21) mango

22) Lizzie

23) Leobaby (Either day since my plc)(Event Photographer OK for me)

24) bb dreamz

25) Jessica

26) Clueless

27) Sab

28)Badfifi (I can make it on the 4th Sat. If it's on the 3rd, I'l have to catch you another time)(No preference about photography, no photography aso fine by me.)

29) Chris

30) phyphy + t1 n t2(Either day is fine.prefer PG)

31) krishojw 32) Mama G

33) tinkerstars

34) Letty

35) Pat

36) Mag (Either day is fine. PG prefer Events


ur com can on liao mah? if not ,clear bios c if its help.chk ur manual for instruction to do that ,no need to on com to clear.it suppose to help to on ur com


i didnt help ,u already know how to use it


Ya lor, can you imagine, she can sleep on my sofa and doze off in the afternoon when bb and I were napping! And even request to watch one hr tv in every Friday. I don't have that much house work for her to do and she don't even know how to handle a cranky baby. Only made baby more cranky. I see how she carry and treat baby, I told her to just leave it to me, I can do a better job lor.


Aries Mum,

So sweet of you to offer. Thanks. As long as Denise dun fuss, I can xie tian xie di liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No prob, we can meet for lunch. Will pm you my number. Which part of tpy are u staying? I'm at Lor 1, opposite CHIJ.

Btw, your helper is like really cmi type. local auntie huh?


ya lor so qiao rite. I'll go ask my hb tonite. My hb got a super duper common name (Alvin) and it didnt help when his surname is even more common (lim). If I'm not wrong, there are 2 other Sept mummies whose HBs have the same name as mine. haha..

