(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

any idea if pre-natal massage will help in easing feet with water retention? Haiz.. no prize for guessing the right answer.. Yes, my pig trotters are back again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hey LeoBaby, I miss the yogurt ice cream with bananas & peach too... yummy! Hope you had your dose already!

Jynnsan, is your bowel affected by your low placenta? Please take care. *hugs*

Btw ladies, Baby Guess at Forum is having sale. I bought 2 dresses, 2 long sleeved rompers, 1 pants, 1 hat, 1 set mittens and 1 set booties for less than $100. Good deal and looks so pretty!

Hey LeoBaby, I miss the yogurt ice cream with bananas & peach too... yummy! Hope you had your dose already!

Jynnsan, is your bowel affected by your low placenta? Please take care. *hugs*

Btw ladies, Baby Guess at Forum is having sale. I bought 2 dresses, 2 long sleeved rompers, 1 pants, 1 hat, 1 set mittens and 1 set booties for less than $100. Good deal and looks so pretty!

windy, how much was the sale? shucks, jus bought a romper dress not too long ago at nett price....hope that one is not sale item else will bang wall!

aiya... sorry for the double posting... forum kept giving me error message!

SugarOng> I think it's between 30% to 70%! Most of the store on discount, but not the entire store. Hopefully your dress is these not on discount one! I got 2 romper dresses (1 for me, 1 for friend's bb) that was not on discount. who knows we mite have bought the same dress! very sweet hor their clothes.

lizzie - Blk 34 Upper Cross Street #03-132 Tel: 65323855... Rabbit got her stroller from here i think... eh this sat u free bo?? i go ur house collect the bag...


Yes, that was me. Your hubby very sweet and nice to help you choose PJ, mine only acompany me find the stall and went home first. You lucky girl.

Is the PJ you bought cotton material? You bought the pink and orange colour ones right?


pj looks cute !


did u receive my PM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yah, will be in singapore lor..among friends mah..lots of durians, mangosteens etc etc


that is quite an ordeal ! glad all is fine now, hope ur placenta moves up fast


ur boss is from paradise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, the Guess Sale sounds really good..now feet itchy to go town


good information =) thanks for sharing

30th week

today is the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] counting down..hope to deliver 37 to 39 weeks hehe

but also quite delimma..cos if deliver b4 13 sep, will be back in office in december cos 16 weeks not very long lor, abt 3 months plus


today tried this Butter scotch bread fr Bonjour..v yummy lor

Regarding Chocolates

everyday for these few weeks i am craving for chocolates..chip more, mars, kit kat etc

so i think the choco buffet will make me v happy :p can i confirm who are still keen if we go in late july or early august

sab, badfifi - got new stock ar??? hmm... i still thinking wanna get some more not leh... but get 2 pc de... SHORT SLEEVE AND SHORTS... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies, for those of you who would like to order the confinement shampoo and shower gel, can email the bp seller at [email protected]. I ordered mine through email from her. She mentioned that the stock will only come in in the 3rd or 4th week of July.

A Gentle Reminder that the next Gathering will be @ Nyonya Cafe Restuarant on next friday 16 July at 630pm

according to my memory ( which is not v fantastic now) so v paiseh if i remember wrongly or miss out, just remind me hor

1) Leobaby

2) Shinchan

3) Windy

4) Tigerlily

5) Sarah May

6) Diamantz

7) Jessica

8) Mango

9) BabyT

10) Mag

11) Pommelow

12) letty

Pinkyluv... I will be having my antenatal class every friday for month of July :~( Cannot go again...

wa...I must try the butter scotch bread! Everything taste good with butterscotch or caramel to me. Esp cold babanas!

Hihi ladies,

How's everyone? Not sure if u all still remember me? I am on HL leaves since end of May, was hospitalized for 4d3n at TMC my short cervix and cramps, now resting at home. Went see gynae last Sat, thank god, both mommy and baby is doing fine. My condition is considered stabilize le, and bb weighed abt 1.89kg@31w, and head down already! Still on ventolin to prevent contraction and pre-term labour, really keeping my fingers crossed that my cervix can tong til >34w, I dun wanna deliver my boy so early.

hi there

I am new to this forum. Am about 29 weeks and feeling super bored with the pregnancy. I am a FTM and SAHM. Sometimes, I feel thankful that I dun hve to work. Can't imagine going to work with the lack of zzz, aches and pains but on the other hand, I also miss the office buzz. Sign, guess humans always want the best of everything!


glad all is fine now, Jia You ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi May

welcome !

Good morning mummies,

wanted to post yesterday but the post didn't get through several times.


no twins for me la, wrong person. haha. I asked my mum to help me get the dry shampoo from people's park already. For my 1st confinement, i wash hair weekly only and they really smell cos i have thick and long hair plus perspire heavily everyday, want to try the dry shampoo see if possible to rid of the smell everyday.


Thanks for the email contact! Wonder if she's going to start another BP soon.


from what i know,the medishield plans that covers pregnancy complications are really those serious and death threatening type, they don't really cover the serious but non-death threatening type.

good morning mummies~~

have any mummies pack their hospital bag? care to share what have you'll packed? i cant really remember what to include in the bag already.. very bad memories nowadays =(

Hi Hi

My hospital bags contains: disposable maternity pads (Pureen at about $8 from Kiddy Palace), 4 button down nightgowns, disposable breast pads, disposable panties, black and white toys for baby (i made them myself cos v hard to find B/W toys in the market), blanket and shirt for baby, toiletries for myself,jacket and socks in case it gets cold.

I am delivering TMC but dun know whether to choose one bedder or 4 bedder. Cost is so different lei!


Pregnancy complication is only covered by Medishield under certain criteria. Most impt criteria is that you must have bought the shield plan even before pregnancy. Also the coverage is not all sort of complication. This is an info for all

hi may..

thanks for your advise .. hehe

my last pregnancy i remember i didnt bring breast pad coz my milk supply only came in on the third day..

me too this preg will also be at TMC..for my last preg, i chose 4 bedder but was auto upgrade to 2 bedder..coz the doc told us that the hospital will auto upgrade his patients to 2 bedder..so yea..!

this time will also be 4 bedder =)

SO basically Hospital Bag will include:

1) Baby Clothes/ Receiving blanket

2) Mum's PJs x 4 pcs

3) Mum's Disposable Panties x 2 packets of 5

4) Mum's Jacket

5) Mum's Socks

6) Mum's Pad

7) Mum's Nursing Bra

8) Mum's Disposable Breast Pads

9) Mum & Dad I/C

10) ROM Cert

11) All d receipts to claim Medisave

anymore to add on?

Hi Hi

I read that newborns can only see black and white in the first few weeks so black and white objects will attract their attention most. I drew human faces on those disposable paper plates. Alternatively, you can also try taking black and white photos of you and hubby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey, by the way, I am having trouble sleeping well and have indigestion problems. My left side mei mei aches sometimes too. Does anyone have the same issues? I asked a lot of my pregnant frens and all of them claim to be symptom free and enjoying their pregnancies and they dun understand why i got these problems. Makes me feel abnormal.

Re: hospital bag - additional things i can think of

1) Hankys for baby

2) Hospital letter

3) Handphone charger

4) Camera / videocams

5) Mittens and Booties for baby (hospital don't provide)

6) Hat for baby for discharge

Wah.. I think none of us here having a good time on d last tri.. here pain there pain.. normal la.. cos bb getting bigger inside and pressing/ hitting ur bones, organs la.. press on ur lungs tts y u have difficulty breathing ..

May - I am also having difficulty sleeping, especially when I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee and my baby starts kicking me, thinking it's morning already. And for the past few days, my baby keeps stepping on my bladder and it's very uncomfy.

Thanks, Yvonne. Makes me feel better to hear that I am not the only one. I am tired to hearing those chirpy comments that "I love being pregnant" and "I can eat loads of food without feeling bloated" "Dun know why you have so many problems".

Yvonne, ya, guess u are right.. even my hb commented that my last trim is not comfy. I have difficulty turning while sleeping, always feel like urinating, swollen feet, very tired, etc. And more imptly, had my 1st major puke since pregnancy. HB took me for a nice fine dining kinda dinner last fri and i puked everything out upon reaching hm.. he said i liao lui.. :p


Juz came across this thread. Can I join u ladies?

My EDD is 5 Sep 2010. Baby #1, having a prince.

I'm with Dr Joycelyn Wong at TMC

Age 27, Location Bukit Batok

Angela, I know how that feels. Tossing around to try to find the most comfortable position. And tossing around is now so time consuming cos I need time to turn from left to right and vice versa. My hubby calls me turtle mama and he finds it amusing when I turn. I feel hungry sometimes in the middle of the night and hve to munch something. My girl will start kicking (she does it without fail every time I eat something). And it will take me some time to fall asleep again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] -

Welcome, Clewlezz. I am new too and just joined today! My EDD is end Sep and am with Dr Adelina Wong at TMC. Have you decided on one bedder or 4 bedder delivery?

May: Dont worry la, its normal to feel all these discomfort.. =) Im delivering in TMC too.. stil duno which to take leh.. sighz. u have any idea whats d price diff of 1 and 4 bedder?

shinchan: yeah.. toilet visits.. sometimes at night, bb kicks on my bladder so often that i feel like crying.. cos go toilet pee a tiny wee bit.. then whole night's slp disturbed, so i will slp in d noon to catch up..

clewlezz: Why not? Welcome! Dr Joycelyn Wong.. bz gynae!

Yvonne: Normal delivery 4 bedded is 3079 t0 4082. Normal delivery one bedded is 4348 -5754. C section 4 bedded is 4820 to 6287. C section one bedded is 6542 to 8580.

May - Hi! I've booked the single-bedder cos' of the privacy, own toilet and hubby can stay over. Agree it's quite expensive though. May have to rethink about it if *touchwood* end up going for C-sec since it will be a longer stay.

Mummies, btw if you are still looking for nightgowns/PJs for hospital stay, you can also check out this shop at Novena Square 2. It's called Pink Bear if I'm not wrong...2nd floor, near escalator and besides this Mama Bakery. I bought a couple of nightgowns from there at $10 each.

Clewlezz, oh can change half way one ah? ok then maybe i book one bedder first. I am thinking of going for C section cos I think I dun hve strength to push [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]-

$10 each for the nightgowns is really cheap. I have hand me downs from frens so no need to buy. So far, I haven't bought any clothes for myself and baby cos got a lot of stuff from frens!


thanks for the info! i'm looking for nice PJs cos the ones that i got from my 1st confinement are very grannys'....just look at my hospital photos, so ugly.


ya lor.. esp so when i'm very particular on having an empty bladder to sleep.. the constant kicking/ pressing is making me unable to fall asleep.. Guess this is something i wont miss abt being pregnant.. hahaha..

shinchan.... ydae my mil cooked fried prawn mee AGAIN!!! hahahaha.....

and i agree.. being kicked in the bladder is something i won't miss...

Jessica,it's at TMC. I was shocked when I saw the table of charges too! And TMC is supposed to be the second cheapest private hospital after Mt A!

