(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


extracted from ICA webby

Documents Required


Notification of Live Birth issued by the hospital*

Identity Cards of both parents

Original marriage certificate of parents, with English translation (if applicable)



I tot prufirst is a investment plan? It is life and edu plan oh...


please take good care of yourself. Hang on there.


me.. me.. me... majority of the time, I feel bb's movement on my left tummy. I think bb now is still in breech position, so maybe she likes to use her left side to touch me.


welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


don't feel bad abt hearing those comments, every preg to everyone is different.

hi, Karen

how's ur blocked ears? i also have it and it's been a week by now. yest went to see gynae but he gives me flu medicine. So far no improvement yet. And seems from right ear now spread to left ear already. so terrible.

my bb also kicked me on the left but doc says she's head down already. so i also wonder y i feel her kicking on my left.

karen: Me also tinking of going for holiday after delivery, maybe in Nov/Dec. Cos may not be able to take leave so soon once come back to work. Maybe plan for a short one? I also intend to bf.

jynnsan: hope u feeling ok now. didnt know constipation can be so serious. Me also have this problem, sometimes need a lot of "energy" to go toilet. Try to eat more fruits but don seem to help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] In fact, sometimes, I have a bit of blood on discharge but my gynae said if only a little bit it's ok, won't affect bb.

portia: Me also feel kicks on either left or right. Per my last visit, my gynae said my bb is lying in a horizontal position (breech position). He warned me if near delivery still in tis position, have to go for ceasearean.

Hopefully bb will turn downwards by then.

2 more days to weekend, counting down ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


trying to tempt me again, right? hmmm.. shall not fall into your trap.. wo ren!!! wahahahaha...


me too.. although my girl is still in breech position, but i dunno how come i felt pulsing movements (which i suspect is hiccups) at my v-area ytd nite..

Afternoon mummies,


Yeh.. i think i will just use normal shower gel with herb water. You do the same for shampooing hair?

You ladies are fast.. I haven't pack my hospital bag yet. Still need to buy herbs. Almost done with all the washing of baby stuff.


Why do we need 4 gowns? Two per day?? I only prepare two leh. I wonder if KK provides. Anyone knows? I was thinking if i bring all the new gowns to wear at hospital, scarily kenna stained by lochia then got to ask confinement lady to help wash up. Then got nothing to wear while at home liao. Seems like i have to buy two more to stand by.

Gynae visits

I'm still seeing gynae once every 4 weeks. Is that the same for you all too?


The nurses were saying that if i take classic plan i will have to see my gynae at the clinic A instead of TPS. Is that the case for you too? I was thinking of saving some $$ since it is the midwife taking care of us till we are ready to birth anyway.

hav been v annoyed with my sis after she flew off with my mum on sat...cos i was wondering y she so stupid to buy a $841 policy for a 8 days trip

and now tat i get into the bottom of things, i feel v malu ...

v misleading ?


pomme - yup.. that's what pre-admission told me... will be seeing him in Clinic A instead... which is why i'm only going to do my pre-admission today.. actually the only difference between classic and premier is premier only own gynae can check VE... whereas classic nurse/ midwife or gynae on duty check VE...

pinkyluv - it's $84/ not $841 right?

good noon ladies.

Clewlezz welcome! able to share the pic of hte PJ u bought?? i am still sourcing around..


PM me and I can let you know more. Ur PM me is off.


Thks for info, so Marriage cert is it only needed for birth cert purpose if yes then can bring later right.

Pomme: KKH provides gowns.. alot of ppl say orbit but if i can choose i rather wear hosp one.. cos confirm stain.. my #1 deliver at KKH i changed 4-5gowns in 2 days also the bed sheets.. haa if KKH no need bring own gowns..

yes i bathe with normal shampoo and shower foam.. nv specially go buy anything..


What is VE? I was thinking since gynae may be busy at clinic and anyway the midwife will attend to me during the 1st part of labour, then i might as well save $$ to choose classic. you have the same thoughts too?


Thanks for the tip. I am worried about staining, then even 4 gowns also not enuff. Washing is another headache, how to wash in the hospital?? By the time bring home liao maybe harder to wash off the stains le.

pomme - VE = vaginal examination.. to check how dilated our cervix is... our thinking is as long as gynae is the one who delivers our baby, we're ok with others checking my cervix...

pomme: yes u are right.. tts y i headache now.. giving birth in TMC must wear own clothes.. prob i will nt wear PJ in hosp.. mayb t shirt + jacket + track pants.. cos i rem TMC is quite cold..

BabyT: lsat time i deliver in KKH.. only mid wive do VE check for me in labour ward.. no other gynaes come in to check le..

adelynn - depends ba... that day during antenatal class i asked the senior nurse... she says depends whether got "complications" or whoever is free then will do the VE lor...

BabyT: i see.. cross fingers midwives do enuff le la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U are doing your pre-admission so early? Actually Mt.A oso encourages us to do pre-admission but i forgot wat is the benefit liao.

shinchan - my last visit 2 weeks ago they already ask me do pre-admission le... but anyway they say i can wait till August... for KK no benefits ba... just scared no room nia... cos i choosing A1...

Ladies, I have a big headache regarding infant car seat. Is it illegal if the babies are not in car seats when travelling in Singapore? My MIL kept saying carry baby can already because they use to do that last time also, don't need to buy. but I read that car seat is safer than someone carrying, esp when there is sudden jerk or even accident. Anybody can help me on this?


Can call me to let me know more of the extra $500 charges for the KKH when you get to find out the admission charges. Heard got $500 extra charges for some extra don't know what?


Can call me to let me know more of the extra $500 charges for the KKH when you get to find out the admission charges. Heard got $500 extra charges for some extra don't know what?

This forum has been down so often!

Nigella: paiseh. sorry thot u were having twins. hehe.

may: welcome. Actually it's not that NB can only see Black and white. it's just tt B&W easiest for them to distinguish but by wk 9 they can distinguish subtle shades etc...http://www.ski.org/Vision/babyvision.html

pinkyluv: still have so many bananas??? how come? better clear stock asap. haven't checked my email.

shinchan: not sure the benefits but preadmission means u need to do less paperwork upon admittance i guess...and gives u somesort of guarantee. now isn't too early to do it is it? i did mine last month.


yup yup i'm on.


Think car seat is something we cannot save bah.. studies have shown that using the car seat is safer than carrying in our arms. And even if we put this aside, you wldnt want to get fine by TP by not complying bah.. You never know when we will suay suay kena spotted by a TP on the road.

My mother oso make the same comment as your MIL - "last time oso no need.. blah blah blah.. ".. Then i will tell her "wat to do, that is wat the law wants. I dun wanna get fine ah.." then she got nothing to say liao..:p

Adelynn: thanks!

Windy: i bought d $89 from motherhood fair tt time.. 0 - 4 yrs old... Maxi cosi price not bad.. I think d car seat more or less same.. Buy a chEaper one cos u wont knw if ur bb wants to sit.. But got to train them to sit.. Haha


i think it will be easier if you wear a night gown then track pants n tee..no?

TMC the aircon can control..i remembered i perspire the whole night while sleeping on the 1st day..


heard that if TP wants to catch you they can do it..but most of the times they will close 1 eye.

but for safety purpose i still got it. and think will be getting another 1 for my next boy.


u r rite ! i only noe after I called up the travel agent


BabyT was rite lor


cos i enthusiastically went to freeze the bananas..but after tat, dun feel the craving for frozen banana liao..now i prefer to microwave banana with nutella

hb was quite annoyed that all his bananas got frozen too :p i happily assumed he will love his frozen bananas too, but guess i was wrong

Hi hi, thanks for all your wishes, am getting better, just trying not to have probia when doing "big business" now. For me case, no matter what fruits - bananas/payaya/prune juices/yogurt/etc doesn't seems to be effective, i think something wrong with my body. I also drink alot of water daily, no choice, now can only hope everything will be fine till birth. Somemore the pressure from baby is making the whole thing worse. No matter what, for the sake of baby, will jia you!


Car seat is by law de, it is for safety purpose. So i also have no choice, need to put 2 car seats.

July Gathering,

Sorry, din really manage to read all, can let me know where is the venue?

Maternity package:

I think for gynae fee, we might not be able to claim from medisave, all cash, we will only claim for delivery, hospital charges deductable. Is there anyone who is sure? I assume this because from my recent medical/hospital bill, the claim i made is mainly for hospital and procedures charges, gynae fee they indicated (non-medisave), hence in cash. Not sure whether am i correct to interpret in this way.

Talking about hospital bag, ya hor, i almost forget, should be getting ready now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think my MIL more powerful..she say put the car seat on the front seat!! WTH

she used to do that is what she added..OMG dont they know that its very dangerous to place car seats near airbags? or their era's car have no airbag at all!! sometimes have problem communicating with her luh~


car seat is a must! we kanna accident before and thank goodness my girl was in her car seat, had a big scare but she's perfectly fine. Only my maid got a bump on her head. It's not because of law or what, sometimes it's not our own fault but it's other reckless driver that we can't control.


haha..i really think for safety purpose its better to let your child sit irregardless they like it anot..my son will make noise sometimes when he's cranky..and keep pointing to the buckle wanting you to unbuckle him..lol

but we will not give in to him..let him shout all he want till he calm down then we explain to him.. =)


OIC, does it mean this is extra out of the $2.1K claimable for maternity package? I am very confused as I remembered i din see any refund to me during my #1 delivery wor. Is this claim by ourselve or the hospital will do that for us? Thanks

thanks so much for sharing ladies! Ok lar, looks like its a must for safety and legal issues. Not to be compromised!

The last time I was at cheong choon, the lao ban niang recommend a combi seat at $330. Looks very nice under their macaroon series. I will look into Maxi-Cosi also as recommended by LeoBaby & Yvonne. Hopefully will purchase by next weekend. This weekend is maid hunting. :D

Nigella, good thing your girl girl is safe. Phew.

Winnie, your MIL is really powerful sia!!! hahaha!


tahan a bit more lar.. we are approaching our destination soon liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

July gathering is at Chilli Padi, opposite Bugis Junction.


Y your MIL wanna put the child seat at the front seat?


I agree with Nigella. Accidents do happen and it maybe of no fault of yours. My fren once got into an accident, with her sons in the car. Then TP was called upon due to the accident and discovered they dun have a car seat. her sons are not infants lar but still within the age limit to have compulsory car seat. Although her sons are not hurt but damn sian lor, kena accident and fine..

pinkyluv, karen,

Thanks, will try to tong as long as I can.

Re: Car seat

Is a must, coz bb's safety is extremely important, maxi-cosi is a good brand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, summon for travel with bb w/o car seat is $120, my HB's colik kena b4.

Labour and Hospital Fee:

I opt for single-bedded @ TMC for my #1, if I am not wrong, total cost >4k, and we paid <2k after medisave. Not too sure, will need to check with my HB. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie: noted.. hee still last time give birth at KKH no need worry.. tis time.. sianzz


yes..damn powerful!!


so that driver can see the bb? actually i really dont know..i thought its common sense to put car seats behind? when she sees we place the car seats behind she starts to say she used to place it infront bla bla bla hinting us to change it infront..BAH!


Hi Mommies, can I ask where did u all get the nightgown / sleeping gown from? Can't seem to find them anywhere.


wah liew, your MIL oso weird theory.. shldnt it be placing behind, so that we can take care of the bb while the hb is the driver?? ermmmm...

Ask u ladies ah, how are u going to place the car seat? with the bb facing the back rest or facing the front? I was told that it is safer for the infant to face backrest cos lesser impact on their neck in time of e-brake, etc.

Hello... Just seen my ah girl... She's 1.6kg @31w2d... She put on 200g in 2 weeks... I put on 1kg... 66kg now... Total weight gain 6kg... Sian next visit is 3 weeks from now... Must wait until like giraffe liao...

Leo baby - I didn't do my pre admission today... Intend to do the next visit...


Car seat: back face for infants...

BabyT: nice weight!

Xiaopang: some got frm tpy push cart outside ntuc.. Someone mentioned novena sq 2 selling at $10...

