(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Yvonne and BabyT, I got mine from metro at $4/5pcs and the auntie there advise that 20 pcs should be enough as we probably need it for the first 1-2 weeks only. I hope it is enought. Later on I saw that disposable cotton undies cost $2.80/5pcs at chinatown, similar quality to the ones i bought. :S


windy> sigh, i'm the one nagging at my parents! :p cos will forget to turn off tv etc (then the sofa gets to watch tv)... but i'm also quite jialat myself...my husband is the one who's best at saving energy/electricity...

Windy: which part of chinatown? Any shop name?

Babyt: 1 mth which is about 30 pcs.. Hmm quite ok. But i think buy a bit more nvm as if go travel can use also..

Yes Yvonne, this is the store:

Cheong Choon Store

Blk 34 Upper Cross Street #03-132

Tel 65323855

It's very near the Chinatown OG. They sell a lot of baby supplies at reasonable prices so we got almost all our stuff there.

FINALLY able to post something le....cant post anything since Sun

elect bill

cant ever understand how come my bills so high....2 adults in 4 room, only on aircon at nite...$200 per month...to make things worse, i heard from radio yest, that they gg to increase price again...

cheong choon store

is this at the same place where ocean (cheap toiletries shop) is? above the food centre beside chinatown OG?


yes, you can walk through from ocean to Cheong Choon! They close at 8pm and not open on sundays if i remember correctly. http://www.cheongchoonstore.com/ I think the lady boss is nice and not overly pushy. She actually advise us not to get milk bags and warmer first in case I don't have enough milk supply, dun want to earn my $$$. haha.

And your bills is even higher than mine!!!


That's a good suggestion. But we have ~40 downlights at home and I wonder if it will be very ex to change them all. If not perhaps we just change those that we use more often. Aiya, but tell the hubby also dunno when it will be done, he always procrastinate one! btw, is it true that white lights are less energy consuming than yellow lights? our bulbs are all the yellow kind.

windy, thanks for cheongchoon help...ya lo, my bills quite exorbitant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] toking abt downlights, i oso haf like abt 20 odd....all use energy savings de, which apparently not seeing any savings.....i haf a mixture of white and orange tubes, so depending what colour of light we wan, on diff switch accordingly....maybe ask ur hubby to change some orange to white bulbs....orange de v warm


ya you are right... yellow one is so warm and end up gotto switch on the fan. waste electricity again! That time the designer and hubby both say that yellow is nicer though I insist white is more practical, but 2 against 1. The designer even propose to have 4 downlights instead of florescent light in the study room, glad I stand firm on that one as i work from home most of the time. If not the bills will be lagi higher...

badfifi - sure sure... i will take pics tomorrow morning ba... later i reach home sure KO de... just now super busy at work.. grr... i hate afternoon shift!!! 1 more day....

babyT> just one more day!!! then happy days liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Performance indicator for maid? Sounds stressful!! can share more, we will be getting our helper soon so maybe can implement also.


My gynae has given green light for this Fish Oil http://www.iherb.com/Garden-of-Life-Oceans-Mom-Prenatal-DHA-Strawberry-Flavor-30-Softgels/18250?at=0 which I bot online. Haven't asked for GNC Triple Strength but only taking that after delivery. Thanks for reminder.


For Fenugreek, take only when u really need it. If u drink enuff water, have sufficient rest & eat well, milk supply shouldn't be an issue. Try methods like fish/papaya soup, oatmeal, milo or other hot drinks first b4 resorting to supplements. BTW, milk supply will only stabilise after 2wks.

Fish Oil is for DHA which will b passed thru milk to baby so advisable to continue taking after delivery.

13 TB can get fr medical halls.

moRning ladies...

its getting harder and harder to wake up in the morn! no matter how long i slept, i jus cant wake up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just went for my gynae visit.. At week 30, my boy is at 1.7kg.. Lol! Doc said week 30 weight shld be 1.5kg.. So quite a big baby.. Haha.. Also, i shld be delivering in end august...

yvonne: wow 1.7kg.. hehe intersting! i wonder how much mine have grown over the last few weeks.. 1.14kg at 28weeks..

thanks pomme for the updates...

yvonne. the doc estimated an earlier EDD for you because of the size of baby? doc est my baby come out 3.5kg... yikes.

i'm traumatized cos i watch a vid of natural birth at prenatal -_-" what are the benefits of natural birth?

tigerlily > i'm attending prenatal by thomson at AMK, finihing soon- 2 more lessons. pls go on time, they will show videos at the beginning and go earlier cos the carpark jam... you were mentioning that you are seeing 2 doctors? or are you only seeing doc at kk, but attending prenats at thomson? but how do you choose where to deliver?

can anyone advise what are the complications that the baby might have and what's the associated cost? wanted to go for one-bedded but... now might consider otherwise in case of costs from complications...

hi ladies...

Wow, seeing everyone posting abt their baby's weight make me so kan cheong abt my checkup tmr. Wonder how big mine has grown at wk31. She is jus 980g at wk27 during the last checkup.

yvonne, you're the tall babe rite. tall & big baby ok leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I was attended by gynae in TMC, at wk20 scan + blood test found that I got thyroid & low placenta. Afriad that baby will be preterm so I ask to be refer to KKH by Polyclinc under C Class - sidsidies. (Cos' if really preterm & all the complication, my bills will be very high - at KKH sibsidies so more affordable) After few rounds of blood tests, consulations & scan. On Wed 30/6 when I visited the Gynae at KKH, they finally cleared me of Thyroid and placenta has moved up to 3.2cm above OS - can even do natural delivery now. If everything ok, I will go back to TMC for delivery.


Yr baby quite small hor. Wk 27 only 980g. Mine at wk28+4days is already 1.4kg leh. And I put on 1kg every week. Going to cut down on my food intake now. Think I balloon too fast.

Diamantz: yup, considered tall la.. Haha.. I think also due to hubby being big sized la... But im not sure if doc gave an earlier edd bcos of weight, but he did mention tt usually will give birth 1 - 2 weeks b4 edd.. He told me if come out end aug shld be 3.2kg like tt, but if he decide to stay until my edd, then will be more than 3.8kg .. Then will need c section..

Shinchan, my bb at wk 27 is 1.2kg.. Eat more durian .. Haha! Jus nw i ask my gynae, he say very "bu" n bb will be bigger.. Haha

diamantz - i am thinking of taking half day leave every thrus so won't be late

sinchan - ya. take durian. i took 3 times before my consulation on 30/6. then bb really grow so much bigger. my last check at wk 24 bb is only 560g lor

wah, i think i ate too much durian, that's why isaac's so big! :p

mag> anastasia's a lovely name! if my baby were a girl, we would have named her natasha, which "comes from" anastasia.


Congrats on having clear your thyriod and placenta moving up.. at least less off another worry. Not sure if my placenta has moved anot. Gotta check tmr. Then oso need to see if baby has moved head down alrdy, cos she is still in a breech position during last checkup.

Tigerlily/ Yvonne,

got, this mth i ate 2 times of durian liao. with all these temptations from u gals on the forum and FB, how to resist? :p So i will be able to see if the bu-ness got kick in anot by tmr.. hahaha...

Oh ya, my boy move his head down liao.. Dr said i will be getting lower abdomen pain soon.. N very bad backaches.. Which i had already..

Badfifi: i got a customer whose name is natasha.. Shes very sweet n pretty long hair lady.. When i first saw her, i as a woman, was like, wow.. Shes pretty! N with a nice name n v nice person as well! So i also tot to myself if i have a ger, i will name her natasha too.. Haha


thanks for sharing the info for the fish oil.will sure order.is it suitable for bfing as well?any calcium products to recommend?

Oh ya, anyone knows if swim wear for preggys are diff from normal ones? i wanna buy one and go swim at public pool! haha.. doc kept asking me to excercise..but i cant walk for long.. so wanna try swimming..

mag and yvonne> hee, well, if i ever have a girl, then i have a ready name for her! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diaper bags> i'm very swaku. are allerhand diaper bags gd? i was looking at the black version of this http://www.allerhand.com/english/messenger.php

is $35 for a pre-loved version of this a good price?

yvonne> i think they sell maternity swimsuits bah. there's no way we can still fit normal swimsuit cuts right now. my friends are actually all wearing bikinis cos it's easier and i think they also feel more comfy...

yvonne> hee... well, maybe ask ard and see if you have friends with a condo pool you can go to... that's usually much better bah

Yvonne - Can buy maternity swimsuit from OG or John Little. Any of those departmental stores that sells the brand "Fun Fit". It's a one piece swimsuit with a lot of fabric at the tummy area. So far I find it quite comfy coz I wear that for my aqua aerobics. Oh, it's quite cheap too. I bought my from OG for less than $30 then.

Thanks for all d links ah.. Haha! U all swim public or condo pool? Wanna go condo but dont wanna keep on trouble my fren..

Hi mummies!

Wow super many postings :D


Allerhand diaper bags @ $35 quite good deal wor

I am using the TMC haversack, previously, i used cartier, pigeon, at first wanted to get the allerhand haversack, but now got this, so save the money :p, 能省则省

Actually to be frank, delivery at KKH is still the most economical, the deposit for TPS only less than 1K, but @ TMC, it cost gynae + hospital = $1.8K, the upfront cash difference is around 1/2. Hmm...

adelynn and jynnsan> thanks! am trying to ask for more details abt the big, cos it's pre-loved. there's another colour in the same style, asking for $50 also... at least these are not "girly" colours, my husband can use... hee

delivery at TPS> wah, such a huge diff! sigh. too bad my gynae decided to move to TMC...

wow, really a lot of posts to catch up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was thinking yesterday that now july alreday, some of those mummies due in early sep will be meeting their babies next month !

wow..times flies ..very exciting!

Ya, if count by no. of days, mine due on 19/Sep should be around 80 days to go... so for those early Sep will be around 62 days :D


yes time is passing scarily fast!! i am left with 68days to EDD.. goshh

badfifi: nice. v nice original allerhand messengeer at least S$100++

