(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Yes my entitlement..alamak yr poor hubby..if my hubby can automatic hug n kiss me..i be more than happy to accept..he is like a block of wood..everytime i complain then i get a hug...u ah...so bad...


Even though bb delay by one week also ok ah..cos we can take ML 4 weeks b4 birth ma...see how u swap ard lo..if dont take early..wait 6 days child care kena eaten ah


pomme - cos if i don't take early, my child care leave will be wasted wor.. anyway my doc did inform me that he will deliver me around 39 weeks plus... not sure why he said that, maybe cos of my girl's size ba... my edd is 7 sep... i start ML on 2 sep... end ML on 23dec... then 6 days childcare leave... i go back to work 3Jan11... i hope everything will go as planned.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelynn - oh.. not 6 days per child??


so fast ah...


Haha i also plan swee swee my ML liao..MC n HL depends on doc la..think MC still possible..HL think doc wont gif leh..anyway i leaving 1st sept..n coming back 2 jan 2011..dun wan see my boss idiot face

BBL - haiz... he understands why i so pek chek and just wants to comfort me... my gastric starts 7pm.. ends about 2am plus (that's when i slowly drift off to lala land).. then 5 plus wake up go pee... sit on toilet bowl until 6 plus... sleep until 11 plus... not enough sleep man... but still i feel guilty... he just wants to make me feel better... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiz...

BabyT: nono.. no matter how many child only 6 days. HEee

BBL: yea lo. my mum nt free i got to take off to tk care of my son so i jus utilise childcare leave first. so tat i can claim frm govt before i go maternity leave ma.. i doing HR for my co..

BBL - i know private gynae don't issue HL unless u really stay in hospital for min. 1 day.. but if KKH... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's a different story.. my gynae knows my MC finish liao.. so he issues HL to me... everytime i go he will ask if i need not.. i say dun need.. next visit then give.. then he and nurse will smile.. haha...

BabyT - no wonder i always feel hot, must be to blood rushing to my face.

ML - I taking 1 week before my EDD - 18 Sep. Taking only 12wks + 2 wks of AL = 14wks. The balance 4wks, I can clear in Yr2011 - within 6mths. My company dun give childcare leave for Yr2010. So I can only take in Yr2011. As long as they give me my entitlement - 6days per yr before my bb turn 7yrs, I am fine with that.

Childcare leave only 6 days regardless of no. of kids. I will use them up before i take my ML bah.

I also hope i can deliver over the weekend so no need to waste my ML :p


Yr gynae gd sia...dont think my gynae will give me HL..but then i still have 13 days MC to waste..


Aiyo lugi this yr..cant take 6 days..

babyT: cant la.. not v good idea to give the days according to child. later no people working if the co every staff have a few children below 7yrs old. hee

tigerlily - erm.. are u the one who's attending the antenatal class at KKH?? or is it pomme??

BBL - ya lor... now i keep saying i can't wait to give birth... then next time sure say i miss Germaine being inside.. all mummies all like that say... hahaha.... i was thinking whether to clear my AL not.. but since can carry forward, then next year i will have 20 days + 2010 carry forward 10 days + 6 days cc leave... wah.... not bad... mwahahaha...

jynnsan - oh ya.. u can clear cc leave first then after that ML, then not wasted hor...

BBL - that's cos he's KKH gynae ma... wah... 13 days is alot leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's like 1/2 a month not having to work.... hahaha.....

Adelynn - hmm.. quite true also hor.. maybe they can cap at 3 kids below 7 years old??? but then again, government sure won't pass this kind of law de lor... we can all WAIT LONG LONG... haiz... i very bu shuang today... firstly THEY give us $200 GST credit... which honestly is not much cos THEY GONNA INCREASE ELECTRICITY TARIFF!!!! vampires... take money from left hand to pay "people" then right hand very fast "snatch" back...


Ya lo..i also hope bb come out faster..no should be the day pass by faster..bb must be 40weeks then come out...

BBL - yes yes... that's the way... day pass faster... baby come out on target... hahaha... it's super contradicting cos when we're nearer to see our target, we start panicking and "living in denial" that time pass so fast.. hahaha....

babyT: woo.. my electric bills are really high mthly.. going to get worst i guess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw we all jus pray harder that during NDP they will announce some good news for us ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBL - precisely lor... $200... go delivery suite 1 time POOF gone lor.. or $200 see gynae 2 times POOF gone again... or next month bill come POOF gone again... faster than the show gone in 60 seconds man...

adelynn - haha... what kind of news are u wishing for?? when's the next GE ar?? i doubt they will announce anything till next GE ba... NDP... slim chance nia... how much ur bill ar?? mine 4 adults, 2 dogs, 1 5 foot fish tank.. monthly about $250-300...


think yr is the average bill ..

Mine is cheaper..cos only 2adult..and fishtank..dunnoe how big la..its abt 100..


I antenatal class is at TMC. I go KKH cos' in case preterm then I wil opt to give birth there cos' cheaper. I got a friend delivery preterm at TMC - 35wk only. bb still in incubator for 2wks cost a bomb lor.

actually i dun understand.. GST credits... this kind of "sesame green bean" amount to rebate to us is nothing compared to the amount we pay for GST lor... honestly dun say buy baby stuff... anything just anything... smelly smelly add up also more than what is given for GST credits...

BBL - average ar?? wah... $100... that's when i was still staying with my mum.. only me and her plus my little dog... still can below $100... now if i can see below $100 i sure go check whether my meter got problem not.. hahaha...

tigerlily - oic... have they asked u to do pre admission?? i'm going to do my pre admission this coming wed.. they gave me the rates and package options last visit.. u taking Premier or Classic??


Yaya,,my gynae from TMC told me the same thing too..if preterm delivery in pte hospital..the bill can kill u..

Anybody attending antenatal class from TMC. My 1st lesson will be on 15/7 - Ang Mo Kio Hub.

I can't decide which hospital to use since I am going to both - KKH or TMC. My SIL who gave birth last yr at age 36, her bb now got complication. She conceive via IVF at Raffles, so her bb is at Raffles Hospital. It has been 2wks liao. Her bb's development is low and under weight. Doc did alot of test & still haven't found the cause. Test even send to overseas (USA) now pending for her result. BB is still hospitalise cos' she can't eat well. I think her bill will cost a bomb lor. Last time bb admitted for 2nites due to jaundice already cost her $1k.

Anybody attending antenatal class from TMC. My 1st lesson will be on 15/7 - Ang Mo Kio Hub.

I can't decide which hospital to use since I am going to both - KKH or TMC. My SIL who gave birth last yr at age 36, her bb now got complication. She conceive via IVF at Raffles, so her bb is at Raffles Hospital. It has been 2wks liao. Her bb's development is low and under weight. Doc did alot of test & still haven't found the cause. Test even send to overseas (USA) now pending for her result. BB is still hospitalise cos' she can't eat well. I think her bill will cost a bomb lor. Last time bb admitted for 2nites due to jaundice already cost her $1k.

hmmm... how come my utilities bill for 2 adults is always around $180 bucks. Even get taxed for using too much water almost every month. We only switch on the aircon in masterbedroom at night and bathe once a day!!!

bbl> change the panty liner frequently and maybe at home, let the area "air", go commando :p

pomme> i forgot to say...must drink enough water or will run risk of UTI...

babyT> aiyoh, nvm, u go sayang your husband when you next have the chance ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No wor. They never ask me to do pre admittion. Gynae just say if got contraction quickly go to delivery ward. If really preterm, I will go for c class cos' subsidise ma. Quote you e.g. My consultation + urine test + scan (3D (2pics given) - can see baby's face, hands, legs etc) Onlu $77.04 w/gst.

windy - u staying in 4 or 5 room?? last time i stay 3 room avg $80/90++.....

badfifi - ya.. gonna sayang him tonight.. poor boy have to bear with my mood swings... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tigerlily - huh.. then they never ask u to book bed first?? ur seeing ur gynae in private suit or clinc A/B?

Windy: u stay how many rm? i stay 3rm.. my bill is S$180 mthly. zZz i tink bcos of my fridge tts sucking my electricity.. and also husb always use the com for many hrs.

BabyT: not sure le. i rem 2 yrs ago NDP they announce the change in baby bonus mA! hope this time got some good news for us preggys again! praying hahah

BabyT and Adelynn,

I stay in Exec Mansionette but usage shouldn't be that high because we are either in the living room or master room and we are always in the same place so we dont switch on the lights all over. Hmmm... i suspect it's the downlights and the central water heater that we use... Or do we have less subsidy from government? Wow Adelynn, your fridge is so high in electricity consumption! Do you on aircon?

actually i was against only having downlights everywhere in the house apart from study room and baby room. But hubby insists on the mood lightings. End up we have to switch on a few to walk around the house because each downlight is so dim, and put them together is not even as bright as a traditional big white light. Not practical...

Badfifi, how much are your bills on the average? When we first shift in, we got a shock when the first bill came, it was ard $220. didn't expect so much. then we start to be more careful with our usage to bring down to $180. Is it because we have lesser subsidy? I also work from home most of the time, but only the fan and computer is on during the day.

adelynn - then i cross my fingers, toes and eyes and hope they increase child care leave, increase ML (immediate effect).. hahaha.... INCREASE BABY BONUS!!!!! FREE INCOME TAX.. NO MAID LEVY!!!

windy - EM $180 is ok ar... should be ur electrical appliances and lights....

tigerlily - ooh... i go TPS, my avg bill is $88... i get to choose my gynae to deliver for me... i'll be staying A1 ward, but classic package, ie only when i'm going to deliver then gynae will bring baby out... other than that the tests or checks will be done by gynae on duty...

windy> i don't know exact figure, cos my dad handles the bill, but for 4 pple, i think we always hit $300 for sure...partly cos i'm a fuss-pot lah, need the fan lah, light lah...then when i go on the exercise machine, the TV goes on too... then the fridge, and aircon at night... super jialat lor, expenses...

My 4 room bill is abt $150.. Never on aircon lo.. But PIL on i think.. Electricity must be leaking somewhere..

Talking about gst bonus... They pay me $200, income tax take $200+ from me... Suckyyyyy!

U all bought ur disposable panties already? Cotton or paper? Thinking of preparing 3 pcs /day..

badfifi - yup... gynae visit, scan and routine test.... same gynae all the way cos i'm seeing him at the private suite...

Badfifi> Haha... jialat, you are like my hubby, on this and that. I used to be like when staying with my mom b4 marriage and wonder why she always nag at me. Now my turn to nag after hubby, but taking a break for now cos no more energy to nag anymore... After baby come out will nag at hubby and baby... It's a vicious cycle!

yvonne - i getting cotton disposable from KKH... BBL told me to get from there, so i'll be getting this Sat... erm... need so many or not per day???

BabyT: how much per pc? I duno leh, cos i v gao wei when got mensus one. Lol.. N always leak out when i have mensus.. So i super paranoid on leakage.. Haha.. How many pcs u intend to buy?


yvonne - i intend to buy 1 month supply... which is like 1 pc 1 day... hmm... maybe i should buy more... i also prone to leakage de... not sure how much per pc... sat i buy le let u know ba...

