(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hi Mommies

I'm dying of backache manz...... Can't wait for 3rd trimester then can go for massage. Had cravings for Arh Bo Ling (sweet dumplings) this week. Lucky my boss was nice enuf to drive me to Beach Road to satisfy the cravings.


badfifi, dun worry, im sure ur boy will be independent, jus like his mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 1st month celebration ah, we only say say nia, nothing concrete....i tink settling names is even more impt!

xiao pang, ur boss is really sweet!


agree ur boss is super nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tonite during my 10 course dinner somehow has an intensive craving for cake..sigh* feel v unsatisfied now despite being full

1st month

actually doesn't need much preparations leh :p

just invite the guests ( which r already informed via sms once i gave birth, will chop them for a date on weekend 1 month later )

order food, order cake..remind guests a week before actual event, and take lots of photos on that day :p

that's it..maybe, mine is too simple ? ;)

haha.. will show my hb all your comments tmr when he is back from his overseas trip, too prove to him that i'm not kiasu.. :p he kept telling me can plan during my confinement.. but i have secretly settled her first-mth clothes behind his back liao! lol

so i'm not the only one who haven settle on name. Chinese name more or less settled, jus the english one. will see if have any better ling gan later.

cant rem which mummy ever asked me abt the price of combi miracleturn TJT-450. anyway i think currently kiddy palace is the cheapest, going at $529. Will check cheong choon tmr and update.

sugar> we decided on the chinese sounds for isaac's name but not the characters yet :p

xiaopang> your boss is uber-nice lah!

pinkyluv> you mean must be more elaborate?!? alamak


U have such a nice boss..


luckily with the help of badfifi, i managed to reached the booth 5 to 10 mins b4 2pm, so i'm the first in Q!!!

re: first mth

actually i'm thinking on the cake thingy. cos dunno whether to buy the usual sets for relatives and individually-packed cupcake for other guests or shld jus simply order cupcakes for relatives and other guests. then who to order from? choz? sweetest moments? others?

shinchan> yay! glad you no need to Q! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for 1st mth ah, wah must go and order and give actual cake ah? i thought nowadays is all give cake voucher then you ownself go collect?


nah..i think ok lah for 1st month hehe.. for 1st year old, then maybe add a banner and some deco hehe

now come to think of it, the hb also did some powerpoint ( machiam weddings montage :p) for 1st month and 1st year..so guests can watch the progess via TV


heng =) thanks ")

1st mth bdae.. Wan to book chalet, but afraid no more available by then.. Hope to book bungalows one .. Not those ntuc ones unless no choice..

yvonne: chalet? bungalows? eh u have friends in civil service? i tell u the fairy point one, no. 7 to be exact, is super nice lor! a lot of ppl bk it for weddings, and i also wanted tt time but can only bk like a month or so before.

pinkyluv: are u in admin line? tt is why for u planning 1st mth not diff. for me hor, diff story, cos leh...i need more time to go list out guests names etc etc....so i slower. hehe.

jessica: hotmilk! hehe. u want ah? i showed my hubby leh and he doesn't think it's tt hot. but still...i'm tempted.

badfifi: oh yeah...who's going to help u with confinement and w general care of isaac?

shin chan: so what is ur lil princess wearing for first month???

xiao pang: 2nd trim cannot massage ah? u want to try foot reflexology too when u can? cos i hear from my preggy friends the kenko one is super shiok. but i never dare tried. if u have long bath, a warm bath is also good for now. btw, as i read ur post abt ah balling! i also crave!!! ur boss ultra nice siah...


when i was with my gal,i also bought her 1st dress very early.but this time round,i was thinking and also still hunting for the perfert one.boys really got so limited choices.


8 weeks toilet training,hm...thats call EC ,right? Elimination communication .i did try for my gal but i don really go into it ,thats y my gal still on diaper now......


wow,ur boss really very nice .....

just realise that my hd have deleted my sorted pics of my gal,its a few weeks hardwork from me....;( n i woke him up to ask him,he just say its my fault that u didnt backup.....but he was the one to ask me to put into that pc...house too many pc also will create problems....

im not going to talk to him anymore ,i think i should set passwords on all my eletronics products to prevent him from REFORMAT.....so angry...don know y ,every now and then need to reformat the pc and he did a upgrading of my xp to window 7 without telling me,it so different from xp n i find it so hard to use.i took 5min to find the program that i wan to use......he himself pc,still using the xp,ask y u didnt upgrade for urself.his ans is he not use to it....then wat abt me? im force to use it.....

here i am at this hour ,sorting out 4.63g of pics......

Good morning mummies,

yesterday did not manage to go expo. too tired after guiding and entertaining the kids for the cookie deco session. *Salute* to those teachers mummies here. aiyo... the kiddos are so active, but is fun! They are so innocent, once in a while i can be a "teacher" without licence. hahahaha...

There is one boy drawing nicely on his cookies, I went off for a photo session and leaving them alone for a short while. When I am back, that boy's cookies are flooded with coloured icing. When I saw it, "oh my"... I ask him, why he make his cookies like this. His reply is, "I love colouring". hahahahaha.... Make sense! I have forgotten they are kids, very creative ones! hahahaha...

Sorry for this bo liao post. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You wake up so early to sort the photos? is very time consuming to sort them again but relax ok. All will be soon sorted out. Rest well later.

Morning ladies

This is such a good morning to sleep in. How come the weekend weather is not like today.

SarahMay and Tigerlily, thanks for sharing about the sucking pads. I will see if i can order from the distributor online.


You have such a nice boss. I'm contented with my boss not asking me to do field work lor.

Full mth celebration

Still thinking about it. Pinkyluv, i like your simple idea. But got to make house presentatble for pple to come.. So the chalet idea is good but so far for me. CCK to east end is very far.

I like Sweetest Momements stuff, think Bengawan solo vouchers too sian.

Any caterer to recommend? I am thinking about Four Seasons.


Intending to use Sealer NB first then Mamy Poko NB. Will only use Bumwear after baby hit 5 kg. So should start by 3rd mth bah... In between may try to use cloth diaper in the day. See how.

Toilet training

So when should we start to toilet train our kids? After 6mths??

ask u ladies something, how is the prices of LV in Belgium for those who have been there? hb asked me whether i need any bag cos the boutique is nearby

my geography v poor, dun noe which part of belgium is in..

only heard of the chocolates there


hehe, me in event management, basically i oversee events to make sure everything is properly run ..solely admin work will kill me cos i am not a deskbound person

anyway, simple checklist for me cos i v lazy to step out of my hse to travel to chalet ..so usu have held most occassions in lovenest

v cosy and can accomodate 50 ..so ok liao..only intend to invite relatives, colleagues and friends

Checklist is

1) send sms once bb is out to reserve people for a date a month later :p

2) hb will usu prepare montage

3) order food & a 1st Month Cake to cut

4) if got time, can decorate lovenest a bit

5) usu will only order a banner for 1st Year Old bday, see how it goes in Oct this round

6) remind people 1 week before the date

that's all for me lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi everyone!

about massage : can we do massage now? i'm planning to go batam next week for massage... will be 28 weeks then.

and... on bumwear. does anyone know the price? if want to toilet train the kid, how fast to let it wear this type of training pants? when does the poo stop coming at 8 times a day... ;p i intend to start when the poo is 1-2 time a day, around which mth is that?

i also looking at first mth planning cos saw a link at the spree section of the forum. very nice, things like banners and matching plates, cups, balloons and stuff. expensive though. to pump helium for balloons alone cost $1+ onwards depending on the shop lor. Also thought of doing powerpoint but i have no pictures of tummy growing.. turning out like wedding planning lor. i think in the end will be a simple buffet. for favours, think sweetestmoments got best deal. has anyone done their own favour box?

@ phyphy: oh dear! cool...cool. men ah....sometimes they really one kind la. i was up till almost 6am!

@ jessica: huh? what kind of response. my hubby also. i dun get it la. i thot they will be more into this sexy lingerie thing...but seems not. to me, i'm going to spend the next 2 yrs or so of my life nursing, i think i don't want to be limited to looking frumpy (to myself...since hubby dun care). it's impt how we feel mah since the leaky breasts already not v sexy what, hor? hehe. btw, how come your FM don't approve of early budgeting? he shd be applauding you for taking initiative leh.

@ pomme:diff theories on toilet training. i'm not sure of all the terms. but i read tt it's best to start when they can sit up unsupported generally 6mths. BUT tell u, i know ppl (the more old school folks) who toilet trained their bbs by 6mths lor. some start from birht, every 15 mins bring bb to potty. I cannot do that! but from my exp i regretted not starting abt 2 mths, cos by then he had a predictable poo schedule and always made this grunting/ constipated face before pooing. then when 6 mths came, started weaning, his schedule became more unpredictable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yah man. so limited choices. my consolation is can save money. hahahah.


neo garden is yummy! I also catered from Mei Hao - not too bad and q cheap compared to Neo's. Oh! I also really like this CJS catering.


1. My friends recommended some educational games to me. I'm really tempted to buy. Just wanna share them with those of you with kids aged 2-5 y.o.


2. Also wondering if any of you care to share your thoughts with me about raising our kids in terms of balancing social academic pressure with home values. been really thinking a lot abt this. so many more of my friends sending their kids abt my son's age to preschool and/or enrichment stuff. while i am still 'homeschooling' him. this is just a post abt my thoughts http://messangel.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/educating-my-child/

pinkyluv, no wonder u can easily coordinate the meetups here lah.

i'm thinking of just giving customized cupcakes as favours. anyone got good lobang? i saw cupcake-momma about $6.50 for 4 with box but that was price stated in forum a few years back. as you can see i'm v. excited about this topic. haha.

Jessica and SarahMay,

Thanks for the recommendation. Will note down and discuss with hubby which one to get.

First mth clothes for boys

I have already gotten a nice clip on romper from Les Enphants. Can the babe wear the same romper for returning home and at first mth?


Thanks for the tip. My parents is helping to take care of my boy, so most prob they are old school type, so i get more support for toilet training. Will note about starting when the schedule is predictable and when he can sit up on his own.


The planning checklist is really useful. Now i think i can start planning the guest list first.

I think Belgium is next to France. Paris has the cheapest LV. I bought LV from Vienna Austria last year.

hey, do you guys know of any books that can recommend you what to do every month after the baby is born? my friend was telling me.. but i forgot.. i think its gina something.

good morning ladies.. wat a nice cool morning.. feel like sleeping in more.. :p


aiyo, seeing your blog always make me salivate leh. tonnes of food and this time round i saw my 至命伤, i.e. instant noodles!!! my determination might caved in to my cravings today liao. haha..


I bot her a romper from gymboree.


are you sorting out the photos to do the photohub thingy like wat Jessica showed us the other day?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dun be angry lar, shld be glad that at least all photos are still intact. If all photos deleted, think i will kill myself. LOL

Re: Full month

No lar, not distributing cakes to relatives one-by-one. Those who come will get lor. Think this arrangement shld be ok with our parents cos that's wat we did during our wedding - GDL oso.

Actually i jus feel like giving away cupcakes cos they look so cute and giving single pieces are more economical too. I like the cupcake tier concept from sweetest moments. But dunno if parents are agreeable. cos u know lar, sometimes older folks think differently from us. They may think it is so han suan to jus give one cupcake with no red egg or ang ku kueh. haiz.. gotta discuss.

Like sarahmay, hb and me like neo garden. will probably go with them if no malay guest invited.

Will not do it at home, cos i hate the cleaning up part.. Yes, I'm LAZY!! lol


i think shld be ok to wear the same one on discharge and full month lor. I din even plan any outfit for her during discharge, probably chin chye will do.. anyway it is jus a short trip hm and no many pple will see her mah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

shinchan > i saw a blog that can add ang ku kueh and red eggs (80cents) .. haha. if u interested i post the link tonite.

btw, i saw a lobang online for braun thermometer (same as the one at expo fair but no warranty) http://tiny-shop.blogspot.com/2010/01/braun-thermoscan-ear-thermometer.html

am thinking of getting this or the singapore made one... i dun remember the brand, its located on the right side of fair. any comments on this 2 thermometers? or should i just get the normal pigeon one for $7? i also saw some supermarket selling braun thermometers but i duno where i saw it, only about $80. does anyone know??

Shin Chan,

You can still give the cupcakes away. Buy the ang ku kuehs from Bengawan solo or that teo chew kueh shop opposite queensway and place it on the table for your elders to eat when they are there at the full mth celebrations. If you have confinement lady, ask her to help you make the red eggs. Very easy one.

Cheap and good and you get to give your cupcakes.


My SIL is a nurse and she uses the convention one for her kids when they are babes. She gave me her braun thermoscan instead. She say underarms for babes more accurate, also the braun scan is too big for babies's ear canal, so no point buy so expensive one.

pomme thanks. any other books to recommend?

i thought discharge will wear what the hospital give? i only got a nice blanket to wrap it lor. although i think the hospital also give blanket.

i went to consolidate baby's clothes and realised that i only have ONE set of clothes for newborn -_-" the rest i bought are frm 3-6 mths... sheesh.


Me too have only bigger sized clothes, just that the romper is so cute and only have 0 - 3mths size. Just wrap in swaddle cloth pple also cannot see that your boy is swimming in his too big a size romper.

@ phyphy: oh dear! cool...cool. men ah....sometimes they really one kind la. i was up till almost 6am!

@ jessica: huh? what kind of response. my hubby also. i dun get it la. i thot they will be more into this sexy lingerie thing...but seems not. to me, i'm going to spend the next 2 yrs or so of my life nursing, i think i don't want to be limited to looking frumpy (to myself...since hubby dun care). it's impt how we feel mah since the leaky breasts already not v sexy what, hor? hehe. btw, how come your FM don't approve of early budgeting? he shd be applauding you for taking initiative leh.

@ pomme:diff theories on toilet training. i'm not sure of all the terms. but i read tt it's best to start when they can sit up unsupported generally 6mths. BUT tell u, i know ppl (the more old school folks) who toilet trained their bbs by 6mths lor. some start from birht, every 15 mins bring bb to potty. I cannot do that! but from my exp i regretted not starting abt 2 mths, cos by then he had a predictable poo schedule and always made this grunting/ constipated face before pooing. then when 6 mths came, started weaning, his schedule became more unpredictable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yah man. so limited choices. my consolation is can save money. hahahah.


neo garden is yummy! I also catered from Mei Hao - not too bad and q cheap compared to Neo's. Oh! I also really like this CJS catering.


1. My friends recommended some educational games to me. I'm really tempted to buy. Just wanna share them with those of you with kids aged 2-5 y.o.


2. Also wondering if any of you care to share your thoughts with me about raising our kids in terms of balancing social academic pressure with home values. been really thinking a lot abt this. so many more of my friends sending their kids abt my son's age to preschool and/or enrichment stuff. while i am still 'homeschooling' him. this is just a post abt my thoughts http://messangel.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/educating-my-child/




email the receipt to you liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]!!

yikes...sorry ladies. dunno why got delayed double post! i went away to be w son....came back... saw the CONFIRM POST thing...so i hit. tried to delete but cannot. sorry!!!

pinkyluv: ah! no wonder la. event mgmt. i cannot do. hehe. shall go check out ur blog on shopping loot later!

@ diamantz: yup. it's gina ford. but are u a routine/schedule person? cos if not, it can be hard to implement. i for one cannot. the dream feed thing...didn't work for my boy.

which hospital you going again? Mt A blankie is sucky...rough cloth. i made mistake of not bringing. but TMC one was nice and soft. just buy a nice soft cotton one is good enough. 3-6 mth is good cos they can still wear. NB outgrow their clothes really quickly.

UNDERARM THERMS are better for infants. Even my PDs say better.ear therms are too big to fit them into the ear.


What to Expect During the First Year is good too.


shopping one is this is better hehe

much more organized :p



thanks for the email [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe, i love to eat and live to eat..must make good use of all my makan time to eat things that r really enjoyable

and that makes me think of wat to have for lunch later..hmmm


thanks ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i never noe Belgium is so near France, if that is the case, prices should be pretty ok , cos importing fr france is so near

anyway, my pal who is holding her 1st month thisweekend has a flat tummy liao, without any massage lady ..i think genes is really impt..she stop bf after 2 plus weeks

and this guy colleague of mine who eavedrop on us said

"because Jo, u eat a lot lor, that's y ur tummy so hard to go flat

morning all

i tink i am the only one who never went to the fair at all... =/ didnt have a chance to go.. either husb busy or i not well. zz

had leg cramps, swollen feet, tummy ache, diarrhea tis weekend.. boomz

and he still continued with eat so much, so of cos still fat lah

really boi tahan him

so i responded u very thin lah ( he looked more pregnant than me )

he said i am a man wat...doesn't matter

Another book mummies should really read is this http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Baby-Whisperer-Connect-Communicate/dp/0345479092%3FSubscriptionId%3D19BAZMZQFZJ6G2QYGCG2%26tag%3Dsquid806648-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D0345479092

written by Tracy Hogg http://www.babywhisperer.com/babywhispererdcae.html?load=tracy

This is one book that got me through the early days of caring for my boy 2yrs back. Have recommended this book to many of my frens & they were all able to understand & follow what the book taught. Simple to read even for mummies who r not regular readers. Highly recommended!!

Adelynn: I also nvr go to the fair, cos I got most of my items, plus not v keen to go crowded places nowadays.

Diamantz: Ya, like someone mentioned: I think "What to Expect - The First Year" is quite a good book, heard from my colleague. You can get it in Borders, but the last time I checked, it was out of stock.

Pomme: I read from a website a mummy introduced here that underarm temperature reading is better than ear for newborn. May i know what brand of thermometer your sis recommend? Most I saw seem to be ear type. Duno where to get underarm type?

Massage: Nirvana spa having promo, 68 for pre/post natal massage. Was told can do massage till 32 weeks, after that cannot do.

bb: yea actually i also don know wad to get i tink i will jus go to kiddy palace get the member card and buy all my stuffs there. so far i only lack fo breastpads and glass milk bottles. other then that don need anything.. phews.


ur colleague ah.. really terrible leh.. trust me, u are not fat and moreover this is your No.3, u maintain well liao.


regarding swollen feet, i checked with my gynae last sat during checkup. He said no worries as long as it is not too swollen and since my bp and urine test is normal. Wat i understand is that for bad cases, gynae might probably prescribe mtbs with medication that promotes blood circulation. U monitor your case lor.


morning mummies...

adelynn, i was having diarrhoae last week...

and this morning, very bad cramps.. i dunno if it's contractions. heard not very good to expereince contractions so early in pregnancy...

must ask gynae when i go for my 24 weeks visit...

