(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

badfifi, BBL - me using Mustela Body Wash and moisturising cream for baby Germaine (she sleeping in air con room with us so better to hydrate her skin)... then diaper rash cream Desitin and California baby Calendula cream (suitable for adults and infants with eczema cos my hubby has eczema so i damn scared Germaine *touch wood* will have...)


BBL: TMC ley.. actually if go TMC website see.. its ard the price too.

Btw i agree with BabyT u are super slim..... woo

Badfifi & BabyT,

Well i treat that as compliment ..LOL..gonna tell my hubby tonight...so happy after listening...

But infact i am abt 62KG..5 kg gain..and BB only 700grams..


no la dont wanna compare now..haha cos u say i am slim so confirm i lose one../hahahhahahaah

and yesterday i went to attend wedding dinner..the bride ask me how many mths pregnant i am..y tummy so big i say 6 mths lo..and the best part is..i am 7 mth but look smaller..

I was like are we comparing tummy size??

Even though the bride is 7mth pregnant she look fat instead of pregnant...and she gain alot of weight ever since she is pregnant


think MT A rate are better than TMC..so i am still thinking where to go..and parking at TMC is horrible..

dont wan hubby n relatives come visit me then no parking for them leh..

sarahmay, thanks for your suggestion on borrowing a BP to try first but problem is almost those i knew who had BP still need them when i deliver ... and being the gan cheong spider type, i would prefer to get ready the stuff that i need, in case i scramble last min...keke....but BP not cheap so haiz...u super mum sia, still gotta walk up 7am prepare breakie for boy boy...

SK, u can check xiao pang's post on her KL getaway trip...sounds good!

Pomme, Gideon sounds nice!

Mag, wow, u travel up to JB frequently? Maybe next time i will also do that....things cheaper there considering the exchange diff....ya, booze is dirt cheap in europe and im so missing that place! oh, and i love ur kids' names! everyone here is like so expert in naming their kids!

Lim, no worries.....u must rest well ah.....when the upgrading finishing? v dusty de..

On deposit to pay to hospital, i can neber understand how it works....lemmi check with the nurses when nearer my due date...

babyT> yah, i intend to get Desitin and Cali Baby also. but will probably get baby wash from supermarket, maybe pureen or something not too ex. our philosophy is to not "pamper" our baby with products that are too exp or too "good", get him "used" to it. after all, boy mah...scully he next time got day cream lah, night cream lah, toner lah, eye cream lah etc...i will PENGSAN!!!

BBL!!!! i am super envious... 62KG!!!!! kaoz... me now smelly smelly 65kg lor.. and i'm short and fat.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] AHHHHH.... i definately gain back the 5kg i lost in 1st tri le..

today dunno why my chest very pain, then keep wanting to take deep breaths and heart also sometimes pump too fast......


Just saw yr post..wah need 12-15K ah..

Must earn more $$ for your bb leh..

Actually we start paying for bb stuff ever since we are pregnant..all the monthly visit.all $$$$$


Duhz y is the topic abt me today...

I am blushing in office liao..

Makes my day..monday blues gone..

Actually i am afraid of weighing myself at each gynae visit..cos its always a surprise..

BBL: ya i agree but bcos my gynae is TMC doc ma.. the gynae nurse told me for his patient choose 4bedder auto upgrade 2 bedder.. i tinking why not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sugar> i am one of the champions when it comes to being kancheong so i totally understand! in fact, my husband likes to make fun of me by making "spider" hand-signals... =_=

bbl> you are definitely very slim!!! too bad i got no pics to show you... my friends used to say i'm quite slim 1, but now, i am machiam dumpling!!

badfifi - icic... i scared Germaine *touch wood* don't have good skin... cos i see hubby's eczema very bad especially during the hot weather now... aiyo... heart pain... so i dun mind investing in something good and slightly expensive...

bbl how tall r u? our weight n gain about the same... but look different leh ;p somemore my bb is near 900g lor.

now v. common hor, pregnant bride, i also just went to one wedding: 5 mths pregnant bride.

whahahaha all mummies today comparing weight sia..

Aiyo every pregnancy is different and also depends on the no of babies u have..this is my first one..of cos still slim la..wait till i get my 2nd one..think should be gone case...


My hubby like to say i am the world's most gan cheong mummy..super kiasu..no 1...wah lau eh..damn sian when i hear that ..then i dont buy lo...then last sat hubby told me..i purposely said all these to u..then u wont go buy so many thing..now its the right time to buy so i dont say all these nasty words to u lo..

I was like..angry n funny at the same time..

bbl, sugar> for me, cos i'll need my husband ard 24/7 (even tho nurses will be ard, but not the same cos i need help even taking one step), so i have to go for sgl bed ward. and then c-sect = higher dr's fees + ward charges. i'm also getting the confinement nanny for 6 weeks (cos if not scared can't cope)... soooOOOOO SUPERHIGH costs lor... sigh. i calculated in feb ah, then was so depressed...then i still have costs of medication (cos my haematologist wants me to do daily injections since i can't move much)... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I am 170cm..but bb is 700gram..then all those auntie dont believe i am 6 mth preggie..say i look like 4 mths nia..damn sad..keep saying my bb is small..when he come out wont hit 3kg..

But my doc say bb will hit 3kg leh..


That's bad..not gd to be depressed during pregnancy..slowly earn the money..dont get depress..

The daily injection part..sound scary..

bbl> i have learnt to always just laugh. for me, when my husband teases me, i barely react anymore, cos the more i grr or watever, the more he will tease me...

actually, i'm feeling my hormones affecting my moods liap. i really hope i can still control after i give birth.

bbl> oh yah, abt J&J, 1 friend told me her son got red spots here n there, then another friend just noticed that her baby's skin was drying out...


Hi^5..my hubby is the same too..he told me he loves seeing me angry..he say when he sees me angry he is happy..sadist man..

And he say he will teach my bb to make me angry..then they tag team..daddy n son bully mummy..Faintz

badfifi, oh dear, daily injections...scary....but jia you jia you...ya lo, we opting c sec more ex than natural.....xianz...everything abt $....

BBL, u are tall! im 157 nia...cos i not the super skinny type, so at my height, i look fleshy...but now preggy, maybe pple will see mi as pregnant woman rather than meaty woman...haa..

badfifi - thanks for ur consolation... haha...

BBL - people still looking at me with the "is she fat or preggy" face... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sadz...

BBL: haiiiiiyooo. you aare very very the slim. my first thot at seeign ur pics was 'wah! so slim! like 3 mths preggy!' anw ur weight does not equal bb's weight ok? and dun wish for a big baby if want natural birth. seriously.

BabyT: my son had super bad ezcema. even spent hundreds on doc's bills at KKH to treat it (saw prof so u can imagine the price). so honestly, i can tell u things like mustela, sebamed and even california bb...even tho they are popular, i've tried them and they aren't all that fab. the cheaper and more effective alternatives (more ex than J&J but still cheaper than these more 'branded' ones) are cetaphil, lactcylcid (cannot rber spelling) are good for cleansing. even oilatum and QV aalso not too bad, and more gentle. mummy can also use. And for moisturisers - a really good one is PHYSIOGEL. the best place to get this is at hospital pharmacy where they have the big tube. works cheaper than using Mustela, Sebamed etc. For skincare products, best to always look for NO fragrance, no preservatives and no parabens if possible.Oh! even tho it may be organic, it doesn't not automatically mean it's gentle on skin. cos sometimes sensitive skins cannot tolerate the essential oils used.

badfifi: u know...don't worry abt the hormonal fluctuations just after birth right now ok? as long as u are prepared for being a bit of a mood nutpot..and ur hubby is, u will be fine. i haad a bit of the blues too. really terrible. thank goodness i brought aalong my ipod to hospital cos i really cldn't sleep and felt q depressed after birth. so the music helped.

J&J; oh! my friends who gave birth in Oz both told me that the midwives there all advised ag using these products. a lot of sodium lareth sulfate in them too...something i find irritates sensitive skins.


eh...u all ladies no need to fight. think i'm the shortest here....1.52m nia. and also roundest. ppl think i'm going to pop liao. :p


Gd that people see u as pregnant..people dont even see me as preggie during initial stage..the bum look like a tummy lo..so ugly..


I understand how u feel, the feeling of fat or preggie...but tell yrself that..when u r pregnant..u definetely got to gain weight ma..


You sound so experience..really makes a big different to us (first time mummy)..we seem like noob lo..Will take note of those skin product n monitor bb skin condition..


OIC, 12-15K is alot.

Don't worry so much lah, just be prepare to be a happy mother hugging our angel.

Haha, talking about weight, to be frank, i only weighs once a month, that is when i go to visit gynae. My current weight still consist of my previous weight gain unable to shed off from last pregnancy, now just add on and on. Phew!

My son also have ezcema, we went to see doctor but not specialist, we just try our best to keep his hygenic especially now weather super hot, he will get rashes easily if we din watch out, he will start to itch and scratch. We always had a few medicines standby.


To-date, i think i had spent about $1.5k liao for gynae visit and all these tests. :S


Is it very common for children to have skin problems..seems like few mummies got this prob with their children...


First we are saying slim now it became comparing who has more mass..

sarahmay - i understand what u mean... my hubby tried cetaphil, but sadly doesn't work on him... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i just pray hard Germaine dun have... *cross fingers, cross eyes*...

yvonne: ur weight gain i can tell is mainly on your tummy!! u wont wanna see me in shorts.. i like your slim legs.... hoho but i like yr TUmMY more! nice nice nice!

BBL: haha! Ya lor! Was screaming at hubby tt wad if icant slim dwn la blah blah blah.. I was 58kg before pregnant.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Adelynn, slim legs? Lol! Pic lies! My thighs hor, fatten so much tt now when i sweat right, the 2 inner thighs brush against each other.. Wah lau, i super hate that feeling.. I feel so fat...


Saw some post a few days ago - you ladies all so young. I m the oldest lor. Some more 1st time mummy - blur like sotong. The pic is taken last yr wor & the shot is so far away, can't see clearly sure look young la. My job quite stress especially on mth end - need to rush for sales figure so I got alot of grey hair oso. Wait till you see me on Wednesday - some old auntie lor. lol. Some more last wk, whole wk mc - tones of work to clear lor dun even have time to come in to chat until now.

Thanks for sharing the Medela Pump Spare parts -

Oh. Some one mentioned about the freezer. My mum hse no spare for spare freezer. So I just brought a bigger size fridge for her - is Mitisubishi Folio 4doors - made in Japan.

wow, BBL, i can't access facebook but give ur 1.7m ht, u r v slim @ 63 kg lor..

urs truly is 15 cm shorter and abt ur wt too ..geez :p


dun sad, i am 155..actually 154.5, but round up a bit :p

Sarah May

alto u r 2 cm shorter than me, but ur wt gain is still fine =)

sigh* how hiw how..i can't help being hungry & greedy


u r too humble..u look v young lor ! in fact, younger than me..i would have tot is 25 !


BBL: no leh, my bb at 24 weeks is only 780g.. Hope he grows bigger.. But he was 483g when at 21 weeks..

He grew 300g within 3 weeks n i gained 3kg.. Faint faint faint..

