(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Morning mummies!

sarahmay, wow eating sarah lee in the wee hours! im also not much better...cant get to sleep and reckon maybe i shd grab a bit so also wake up to munch on bonjour choco bread @ 1plus am......bedok north got lotsa yummy food! haven bot my BP but u are right...once invested, it will keep mi motivated...only thing is scared wait no milk come out ;p ya, my kid is made in france, during honeymoon....and u know what, we stayed at my SIL place in france and me and my hubby has even decided to bring our kid to her "manufacturing factory" aka SIL place in 2012 cos SIL will be coming back SG that year...last chance for my kid to run ard the house where shes made in ;p

pinkyluv, i love your kids' names too. somehow, i got this liking for names that has a slight variation to the normal ones which we hear...for no of months, i think for ease of calculating, it shd be divide by 4 ba...also, gotta give the gathering a miss this time cos already have appointment le.....shall aim for the next one...but next one is choc buffet? alamak, mi not choc lover...nvm, lets play by ear first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessica, wow, u really CAN! 3 kids and hubby happily promise you daughter 1 more mei mei....*salute*....being civil service has really made u guys patriotic in following govt's "have more babies" capmaign [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I find that kids are soooooooo expensive and SG has soooooo little incentives....

On Chinese master; appreciate recommendations to come in so that can racee and decide who to use...keke

On KL shopping, indeed tempting. Lemmi go sound out my hubby...haa

BBL, nice! when im really like "hardworking" shall also load up mine to share...but bet it will take a looooong time cos even my usual pictures (whether wedding or hols) also get uploaded late, if they are uploaded at all! my ultra scans all are in a scrap book which i prepared with all my thoughts and feelings during the pregnancy though...

thanks pinkyluv for organizing. btw, pls help update my hospital to TMC. thanks.

i'm still deciding between some names... chinese one probably go fengshui, but i have some 'name sounds' that i like.. haha. interesting fact was that we had a lot more nice girls name when we attempted to think of names when i was 3-4 mths preggie. how does the fengshui master work ah- do you have to tell him what sound you like?

xiaopang > makes me want to go KL too...

wah jessica your names very cheem. the 举 is following family name or u just want it to be the same?

haha. pinkyluv i also duno how to count the baby age by mth. i just go by 12 weeks. dun care about the 'extra'. so now i'm in 3rd trimester! 6th mths at 26 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessica; yes, you and hubby really are true singaporeans! haha. and being in civil service, i guess u have even more motivation to have bbs! given the good maternity benefits. u are pri sch teacher? i was one before! then i left, and did my own stuff. still education but much more freedom. and i must say, i admire u for being aable to juggle demands of MOE teaching with family!

xiao pang; yup, i know have to have doc's letter to travel after certain cutoff date. but now i cannot rber what! and silly jetstar and tiger doesn't seem to have it online. jetstar is terrible no email! bleah. anw...the airline doesn't really check one i tell u! that time the counter staff at macau airport can even ask if i want to upgrade to exit seat and i was like 30w!i just flew to taiwan. no one bothered to ask me how many weeks tho i tell u ...some think i am abt to pop lor! heng...cos no letter.

pinkyluv: er...just frozen banana a bit not the same lor. hehe. just blend ...v fast. easy. less than 5 mins done. then get ur hubby to do washing la! i like names starting w K. Kelicia and Kecilia is a bit similar. u think u will gt confused at times? I for sure might...when i'm scolding one or the other. hehe.

bbl: hmmm but pureen seems more exp than kotex - 10 for 1.90. is the quality better?

sugar: actually i think not too late to wait till u decide abt breastfeeding after birth IF you can borrow a pump to try. i was up from 12+ to almost 4am! pengz. thankfully i had enough energy to get up at 7+am and make pancakes for my boy's brekkie.


just to share, i know this is like super good supposedly for bbs. but for me, i found that it made my son's skin rashy after use. so i think i used it like for less than 5 times then stopped. didn't have any prob with 'wind' or colic etc. but i do use it for myself. v effective. hehe.


Zambuk for bruise lo..u never know when my active boy will fall n get one blue black here n there..adult also can use ba..so just buy...


Kotex so cheap ah..i am not sure if pureen is better..just buy first cos me also first time mummy..

Koetx is even cheaper than normal pad leh..think for materntity pad u need it to be extra long n super absorbent ..if not stain the bed..think i will cry cos my bed cos me 2K++

I even bought those lining where u use in hopsital to put it at our back incase overflow..kiasu leh!!


My recommendation is Nepia. I find is as good a Mamy Poko but at a fraction of the cost. Order online at $15 per pack (all sizes), min 4 packs for delivery. Unopened packs can be exchanged for other sizes.

Diaper Cream:

Desitin Creamy is the best for me. I use california baby calendula for other rashes. Some mummies use california baby calendula for infant eczema or cradle cap too.

Maternity pads:

You will use 2 per time for the first week. Get the adhesive type & not the tie type coz you wont use sarong. Good to standby some cotton disposable panties for 1st week too so can use and throw... its a headache to wash all the lochia.

I used disposable panties during confinement, i am wondering whether are we able to use normal pads for confinement?

jynnsan: yes i used normal pads for confinement.. but i tink depends on individual flow. i used those normal pads for heavy flow during confinement.. only need to use 1 each time. and with disposable panties. perfect for me. no issues


Thanks for sharing,so for your case, you did not buy maternity pads. I have some normal pads, if can use, then i will not buy maternity pads le

jynnsan: yea if u have those normal pad for overnight use.. its good enuff i guess. i like to buy the brand SOFY, if i don rem wrong. they have v long ones like 30cm? cant really rem cos v long never wear pad liao..... haha!

I think i saw on some advertisement.. there are pads that are 40cm.. Cant rem which brand though..

i will prob get that.. haha..

i have a sickening issue is that during my mensus, my blood will flow thru my backside thus staining the bedsheets..

yvonne: i have that prob all along.. thats y the long pads will be useful :D also rem the cotton/plastic lining from hosp to put above yr bedsheet when slping/sitting down on bed.. and most impt is go toilet regularly to check if pad overflowing or not lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello fellow mummies! I'm new to this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm expecting my #2 Princess in end Sept and it's been like a 'refresher course' reading the forum again!

Any SAHMs in this thread? My older girl is already 3+.

Oh I'm also going to KL next week - Sunway Lagoon - anyone been there b4 and what kids/baby shopping should I look out for? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies,

I feel the long weekend is not long enuff. I did a lot of things over these 3 days. so very tired still.

My boy's name is Gideon (mighty warrior) and Chinese name is 崇恩 (esteem God's blessings).

jessica> wah! you and your husband super support the govt's policies! :p very peifu that you gave your children French names. i think we thought of that very long ago, but in the end decided not to, cos i've already got pple mispronouncing my name, if they also mispronounce my child's name, i will pengsan!

sarahmay> isaac was the 1st boy name that both my husband and i liked when we were discussing names...and when we found out the meaning, it made the name seem even more "fitting", so we decided on that! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm going to be evil and saddle him with a double name lah, like something isaac surname... but his 1st name will only be for official purposes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and if he decides to be catholic, well, three names lor :p

sarahmay> forgot to say: your banana i/c recipe sounds so yum!!! haha, i'm gonna try that, then try a mango variation of my own!!! hee


Agree with SarahMay that the 2 girls name are too similar. It's like the 2nd name being derived from the first. If I'm your girl, I'd prefer something more unique... and not a derivative of my sister's name.


I can help u buy wet tissues from JB when I c it on offer lor. I go in at least 1-2times/mth. Where u staying? I'm at Kaki Bukit.


I'm sure your hubby can quit or reduce smoking in time. Just encourage him more lor. Talking about Europe, really miss the time when I was there, booze really dirt cheap lor, cheaper than soft drinks.

I din go for the haute sales cos had exams & doc's appt. Hopefully will have more of such sales then can pop by & take a look.


This is my 2nd preg & yes, I'm a SAHM. I go JB often to buy diapers & cos I visit my aunt who lives there too so when we got nothing much to do, I will drive my hubby, son & mum there lor. U can try buying the pads from Giant & other supermarkets, Metro & OG as well as Cheong Choon in Chinatown.


If u were in my shoes trying to get pregnant for almost 7yrs, u will also quit immediately cos so hard to get preggy, worse than strike lottery. Moreover, I smoked for the last 4yrs prior to getting pregnant, previously had quit for 6yrs but too stressed so picked it up again. Tried to conceive for 2.5 yrs when I was smoke free but still kosong.

My hubby was surprised at my determination too cos the last time I had such determination was when I was trying to get my driving licence in <9mths.

hi sarah.. i am doing fine so far, jus went to lab for blood and urine test and report will be out 2morrow and then will see my kidney specialist 2morrow.. he siad he need to increase the dose of my steriod from 40mg to 50mg but i felt terrible now as my foot swollen like pig trotters ahhaha. and face are very bubbly now also... is all water not fat ..:-( but i looked like i am FAT!!!.

hi sugarong.. so sorry i did on my pc over the weekend so missed your post.. i did not go.. as my hubby not free.. cos my house currently under HDB upgrading programme.. so he needs to stay pack the house as i cant do teh cleaning after the workers left the house...

Talking about names, I named my boy Athanasius Luke Leow (can call Athan for short). Both names are after saints as I'm Catholic so my boy's baptised too. I decided to opt out dialect name so his name won't have to be any longer than it already is but I still gave him a Chinese name 廖軍淮 which is reflected in BC. I'm Eurasian wif angmoh surname & no Chinese name at all but I think it's appropriate for my children to have a Chinese name since their surname is Chinese in the 1st place.

My hubby got a Fengshui master from Fu Lu Shou to do the calculation & he said my boy lacked Metal which means power so my hubby chose these 2 characters which is full of power, dun ask me why cos I really dun understand all these Fengshui stuff. He's more superstitious so I bochap as long as the chinese name sounds nice. Call me conservative but I'm not a fan of direct translation of Christian name to Chinese name cos I still feel there must be a meaning to every name cos it's wif u for life. I understand the trend now is to have direct translation cos it's easier for the kid & parents, at least that's wat my frens have told me.

For my No.2, I should be naming her Anastasia Louise Leow (can call Ana for short). Hubby's given green light so far but he will have to start practising on the spelling again.

My concept is to make sure the middle name has to be easy to pronounce for ppl who cannot pronounce the first name. My son's doc feels more comfy calling him Luke which is fine wif all of us cos my son knows that's his name too.

Just spoken to the gynae nurse, they said @ TMC, we need to make 2 payments:

1 to hospital for bed (<1k)

1 to gynae fee (around 900-1k)

So total cash we need to fork out for deposit is around 1.8k. But i do not understand how it works, medisave can deduct a total of $2.1k, but i do not think they will refund us any balance right, so die die we must come out with $1.8k?? Anyone from TMC before, can share with me your experience? Thanks

jynnsan: frm what i have checked.. seem that we need to pay cash first yes.. and after delivery they deduct our medisave all that then they will refund us our cash payment.. its like a "deposit" we have to pay incase our medisave not enuff to pay the bills..

my gynae tell me end up the cash fork out will me S$500+/- only for natural delivery w/o epi in TMC by him.


no la..those are deposit only..if u dont use so much they will refund the balance by cheque..cos me hopsitalised there b4 so i know..

The refund took 2-3 weeks

mag> oh, thanks so much!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was also thinking of buying CARLSON wet wipes from cheong choon, so no need to trouble anyone :D haha, my address has a 'bukit' also, but very far! bukit panjang!

jynnsan> yes, i remember i was quoted 2 amounts also, 1 for gynae, 1 for hosp...but my costs different from yours cos mine will be c-sect.


Oic, so maybe for example if we pay an upfront deposit of $1000 + $900, after deduction maybe the total bill size is $2500, they will return us $1400, something like tis workout?

Hehe, cos last time KKH just collect 1 deposit, so not sure about how it works.

SK: hi! I'm a SAHM. how old is your first now/

Mag: You've been a SAHM since the birth of ur first kid? So what do u do everyday? Do you have help? I'm wondering how I'm going to cope with one NB andd one toddler....i'm giving up on trying to get part-time help.

badfifi: think mango shd work too. just lots of frozen fruit and little liquid. actually i really want to make fig ice-cream! i love fig ice-cream. have u tried the new zealand fig i/c? it's heaven!


that's pretty good. but dunno why my son outgrew them and after some time it just didn't fit him as well.


i bought those extra long ones...but i tell you, the rate i was bleeding and having to change, i just found it easier and cheaper to use maternity pads. And i didn't buy the adhesive type, just the loop type. Didn't wear with loop. Just stuff into panties (disposable is BEST idea. the hospital gave me the gauze type, and i bought more. that is the BEST disposable i had then.)because i had stitches from episiotomy i found the maternity ones more comfy than sofy/laurier. Think it's sofy that has a 43cm one.

BBL; just went to KPO on your fb photos. saw u got J&J baby shower stuff. just to let you know, their products tend to be rather ddrying and harsh on NB's skin. u may want to avoid using them initially until u ascertain that ur bb's skin isn't sensitive. u can try gentler cleansers like cetaphil.


something like that la..

But what i know 1.5-2K cash is a must leh..

So your 1000 + 900 is about there liao..so the refund is maybe few hundred dollars nia

BBL: yea what he mean is after medisave deduction.. end of the day cash we paid is only 500+/-. which means we must pay cash first then wait for the snail mail to send us the cheque refund lor

jynnsan> not sure leh cos when i asked, it was like march (cos i wanted to know how much i need to set aside)... i'll need to dig out the info then i see what i can tell you...

Oic, thanks BBL/Adelyn, i got it le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So for normal delivery without Epi, the refund should be around there bah


LOL, kiasu haha


Yap, i am also trying to work the sum we need to pay upfront, wow, plus confinement lady, have to standby with min. 4k+ :S

sarahmay - for a moment i read lochia as LO-CHIA (direct translation from hokkien) and i laughed damn loud in office.. haha... ok jokes aside... i'm damn prone to staining especially when i'm asleep... cos i'm a super chor lor sleeper... is it a must to buy maternity pads ar?? or normal night safe pad?? cos i'm using Sofy and it's 40.5cm with wings.. other than that i dun feel safe using other pads...

bbl> if really J&J not suitable for your baby, then use it for yourself lor. cos their products are quite mild for us adults, so they're good if your skin is a bit sensitive...


$500+ is cheap leh..which hosptial?


Am i slim?? gain alot of weight recently cos i am eating non stop..just had one goreng pisang n 6 pcs nuggets after lunch...

think u meant my arms are slim ba..dont worry about giving birth and all the carrying of baby..we compare see who have bigger arm, muscle n fats...


jynnsan> for my case ah, c-sect all, IF NO COMPLICATIONS etc hor, including confinement lady etc, i need to set aside 12-15K lor!!!! this is why i don't want to even *think* about it...

