(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

babyT: ahhaha ya even go out like to polyclinic.. jus wrap with a nice n new hoodie can liao no ppl will go see the baby wear that clothes de. ahaa.. i like hand me downs bcos after many washing from others clothes v soft n nice. hehe

i give away all my cloth diaper.. dun even know where they wnet too.. my mum ask me to buy S$100 worth of cloth diapers.. hahahaha


Chrissy - ya... don't anyhow buy.. me also first time mum, but good thing is i got alot of friends who are mummies or mtbs... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so ask first before u buy k... here so many people sure can advise u de...

Adelynn - ya.. i don't intend to buy those hooded receiving blanket.. cos i bought swaddling blanket.. and it's the same effect anyway, then just wear cap... and i'll only swaddle lil' Germaine for maybe up to 2-3 months..

i not getting cloth diaper.. lazy to wash.. and i'm a bad mummy.. haha.. i don't save the earth de... lolz... disposable.. use and throw.. better...

babyT: haha don say that! no bad mummy la.. depends on caretaker willing to wash or not ma. my mum v pro cloth diaper bcos last time when me n my sis young we got v bad diaper rash tts y till today she cant forget it. haa.. good for me is save $$ from buying more disposables.. haaha

Adelynn - haha... my mil was the one who said buy disposable.. mafan to wash.. my sis was the one who ask me buy cloth.. i told her "ok.. u come my house help me wash twice a day..."... hehe.. i'm not eco friendly... =)

yday evening go gynae visit..

gynae said tummy is v tight now ask me to be careful with my movements.. don be to rush cos tummy is very big.. LOL

baby is 447g.. (is it big?) and 16.5cm.. gosh

Adelynn - how many weeks le ar?? tomorrow then i'll know baby's weight and length... finally i look preggy... i'm so happy leh.. hahaha... i got difficulty getting up from lying down position.. cannot rush.. arbo leg cramp back pain cos tummy is bursting...

babyT: hahaha yr MIL modern ma.. my mum old fashion de =X

i am 20weeks 6 days as at today.. haha finally u look preggy.. i look preggie since 2-3mths ago -_-" whaha

yea when gettting up from lying down position must b careful else will strain the tummy.. i kenna alot of times cos always cant wak eup on time for work. :p

yest i went to delifrance to get some fruit tarts, hub was waiting at the road side, so i kinda walked a little faster after buying, then got 1 auntie sitting at the side.. jus as i walked past her, she say: walk so fast for wad, pregnant must walk slowly mah.."

i was like -.-"

yvonne: yr fruit tarts pic make me drool lor.. i only like delifrance fruit tarts.. esp the crust.. yum yum. haha

old people always v direct.. but they all meant well. Heee!

Good morning

At times, I will also run after bus when kancheong, but after that i suddenly recall, gosh, i am pregnant lei...just slip my mind.

Oh ya, last night i had a very very bad dream! I dreamt that i gave birth to lil' Nat and one side of his face was distorted! I was crying madly..

argh, stupid dream!

yvonne: drooling.. haha shd try to drop by delifrance soon! but compasspoint delifrance closed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

relax ok.. don so stress about yr pregnancy else u will have more weird dreams !

Jynnsan: haha i tink i don have the energy to run liao le...

Baby T.

Lol. I happily checking out then realized, the shipping fee international is fixed. $77. Haha, even more expensive than my purchase. i think this one only worth if can pool a large group of ppl!

chrissy - wah!! i didn't know shipping so ex leh... tell u what.. u go to the overseas spree section and see anyone got babymallonline spree or not.. or i ask my other friend who always organize spree de.. see if she's going to organize another babymallonline spree...

Baby T

hahaha, yeah I also got a shock. yep searching ard!! I try to get colleagues to see those interested then think order mass!!

U're lucky to have managed to get the clothes thr!!! ;)

The clothes are super cute!!

chrissy - u search for this username elicia_mum.. then PM her to ask whether she's going to organize babymallonline spree not.. sorry i can't include u in the spree i'm in cos it's only for our circle of friends nia.. pai seh pai seh...

Hey Baby T,

it's ok, I totally understand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for that info!!! Actually, it helped me save money.. LOL.

After lunch I looked into my cart again, I think it was a good thing I did not submit cuz I didnt realized that I've put 20 over rompers into my cart! All cuz it's bundled up and so cheap.. -_-"

shinchan ,

thanks!! Ive dropped her a msg. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if its open I'll get it, otherwise, I'll jus take it as, not fated! hahaha

Hey Baby T,

Elicia mum, Im not sure how to search.. but it's ok... I'll try the link shinchan gave and see how it goes ba~ Thank u thank u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies, Went for checkup last sat but bb still don't want to show gender, got to wait till detail scan next month, what a long wait. For mummies who have went for Detail scanning, can share how much did u pay for the a



I paid $120+ for my detailed scan at TMC.


haha.. me very bad to tempt u but since we are the topic of spree-ing, i realised that the clothes from gymboree is very nice oso. Someone just started a new spree - http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/3910253.html

Gymboree clothes are pricer than babymallonline but the designs are very nice and sweet. wanted to this (http://www.gymboree.com/shop/dept_item.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524445986472&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374306253295&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=1408474395917465&bmUID=1272430856026&productSizeSelected=0&fit_type=) for my girl leh, unfortunately only left with 0-3mths. Trying to search something for her full month party. kiasu me.. LOL

HAHAHAHA shinchan !!

I already placed my orders with BBmaegan (vern1705). I keep convincing myself, it's all necessities but dunno why still feel the guilt!! LOL.

I will take a look at www.gymboree.com too!! If it's 'cheap' then I really dont mind... haha... Thanks for tt info babe! ;)

things to buy> to date, i have bought a cot, sheets, a couple of bottles and teats and that's it. i intend to do all my shopping much later (eg good bargains during the GSS or later babyfairs). don't intend to buy playpen etc until baby is slightly older...


the amt is b4 discount cos i dun have FBI/SBI card as I dun intend to deliver at TMC.

BabyT/ Chrissy,

Yes, gymboree more ex, so i dun intend to get much. Maybe those that she can wear long long, such as cardigan, will definitely get something much bigger, then wu hua *self-consolation* :p

shinchan - i understand.. hahaha... princess can dress up more.. the moment i know it's a princess, i went crazy.. hehe.. but hor.. must buy long lasting things hor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] self denial..

Hey BB T:

Ya, gymboree more ex leh.... I think it's better to buy when my girl is bugger, like 2-4 yrs old! I'll also consider buying from there when BB is bigger

bb (dreamz)

Thanks so much !!! Really useful... I am making my own list now, but wondering what I've missed. All baby rompers from 0-9months, I already bought it online.. pretty happy with the purchases! ;)


I think it's still pretty early to buy baby's stuff. But I hope this BB fair can get good deals.. that's why Im making a list now to get whatever that's 'cheaper' there.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeap... more ex.. but still browsing.. thinking of getting 1 dress for special occasion.. LOL.. ah.. impulsive buy again... sigh.

BTW, I buy everything pink....

if my next appointment the sonographer tell me it's a boy, I'll faint! I wudnt wanna dress my boy all pink. That'd be pretty horrible... Keeping my fingers crossed! lol

chrissy> yup! agreed, that's why i settled all my bigger items first then leaving the rest till later...i'm the sort that must plan everythg one, so alredi checked out previous Expo babyfair and Taka babyfair :p and i thk someone mentioned earlier on that Taka will have another babyfair in Aug?

adelynn> oh that cot. it was at the previous expo babyfair. babyT got it i think. there's a no there on the flyer, maybe you can call and ask if they'l be there for this fair too

Adelynn - u still aiming for that cot ar?? that's the one i bot.. eh if i find something that i like, i sell u this one can?? mwahaha.. i got a bit regret leh... my hubby will kill me...


thanks for sharing, TMC is much cheaper then Gleneagles. They are charging $249 for the scan, i got a shock when the nurse told me cos 2 years back, i only paid $116.

badfifi: yes yes.. i don dare call mayb if at the show i nv see it then i call them. bcos the uncle told me at the babyfair that if after the fair buy mayb no latex mattress (x_X)

BabyT: whahaha why u regret le? my sis using this cot and i can say its reall good..

Adelynn - cos my room/ whole house is black and white theme.. then buay matching leh... hehe... just asking nia.. see whether u want or not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh u staying in sengkang also hor? which part huh??

diamantz: i am 100% going to bf my 2nd kid.. even if it is after going back to work.. for my #1 i started working after 3 mths and i continuted to bf till he is 26mths old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyT: Anchorvale Link [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha okaY.. i will ask husb bout it. if the fair don have u will be my alternative liao.. =x

btw why u regret buying it ??

Adelynn - ooh.. me staying Compassvale Link.. u ask ur hubby lor.. my hubby got no objections.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the colour lor.. i bought cos it's cheap, value for money and sturdy... it's just that the colour abit turn off... cos my room black and white ma... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway i only paid $100 deposit nia... the remaining $199 when deliver 1st week of August then pay...

babyT> we saw a Shears (i think) cot at the previous expo fair. it was white and simple, but no latex mattress. $268 or something i think

badfifi - i just browsing see got cheap white cots not.. if not then i'll stick to the current one.. 299 incl latex mattress and full bedding set is worth it...


adelynn how often per day?/ how committed do u have to be? i'm thinking about this now, cos my decision will affect the pump i get. i think if want to breastfeed will get freestyle, if not really, will just get swing. how did u clean the pump at work n you bought a cooler bag to keep the breast milk? thanks

