(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

shinchan -

1. sturdiness is very important.. make sure the bed frame is not flimsy..

2. the gap size cos u don't want ur ah ger leg or hand or body part to get stuck in between...

3. get those cots that can be converted into infant crib, day bed, toddler bed... more worth it..

4. when i bought my cot, the sales guy was sitting on the cot to prove that the cot is sturdy.. see whether the salesperson can do it or not...

5. the wood finishing must be smooth, no sharp edges.. basically safety for baby...

anything else to add??


based on my observation of my colleague, she breastfeed her son for a year+. she uses medela pump-in-style. She will pumped twice daily in office, ard every 4hours. i din ask her how she sterilise but i know she kept the breast milk in the fridge and bring hm with cooler bag lor.

diamantz: i pump at 12pm and 3-4pm when i was working. i bought pigeon liquid wash to wash my pump and sterilize with hot water the pump parts.. yes i carry my medela pump and cooler bag to work everyday without fail. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for the info. Originally we thgt we dun have to buy a cot, since BIL is lending us his. But then on 2nd thgts, we decided to buy a new one cos BIL is trying for their No.2 in Jun liao. I'm not surprised if my SIL strikes fast cos their No.1 was a one-shot-one kill attempt.. so we wanna save the effort of transportation lor.

ahh.. thanks. adelynn u r hardworking mother. my office no lactation room and the fridge... dun really like the idea of sharing. my place a lot of foodies, what if one day they suddenly buy a lot of durian puffs back... will stink the milk? or if they bulk purchase cake, no place in fridge. altho alternative is to borrow other dept's fridge.

so i was reading this thread they don't put in fridge, they put in 'fridge to go'? cooler bag which they bought from tangs, think can keep whole day. sounds like a good idea to me if it works.

One of them wash, one put in airtight container, and one use hotwater. but i think airtight container not a good idea.

diamantz: thanks.. last time i express in meeting rm (if available) and also in the SMALL PUBLIC pantry room with no lock.. had to write a note outside the door as i express with sweat in that public pantry room. haha really go all out jus to express milk for baby.

I was blessed with fridge in office and usually no one will touch my milk.. i was using coleman insulated cooler bag with moms-in-mind sold icepacks.. but i do not think MIM sells them anymore. it could last me for 8-9 hours as sometimes if the fridge is full of stuffs i jus keep my milk in the cooler bag and its still cold when i am home.

anyone knows if we need to have full/ empty bladder when we go for DS? Mine is on Friday.. counting down.. hope d bird bird does not disappear...

yvonne: when i go for DS i go with v full bladder bcos i was stressed seeing other mummies drinking non stop at TMC! hahaha then i learn my lesson from 12week scan that if our bladder nt full baby wont be lying down.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't think I can bf after I start work, there is no room for me to do so. My colleague did in the toilet with manual pump and pour away the milk. hai... if my company is good to us mummies, then I can bf for long... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


so nice... your company still have pantry. We have pantry too but is meant for office staffs in the higher management floor and that only pantry is without door.

Come to think of it... even the tiny storeroom also have door window to the open public. hahahaha... only place is to hid in the toilet but that is so unhygenic...

I also can't express bm in office too - no lactation room too. Conference Room or Meeting Room always occupied. Office is quite near my mum's place so tot of going back to mum place during lunch time to express bm. Don't know whether 1-time during office hour (8.30am to 6pm) is enough anot. Many of my colleagues stop BF once they back in office.

karen: my current co also no room for expressing, only place i can tink of is the storeroom where all the goods are. haha gonna express there don care.. if they wan the stocks wait for me express first then say :p

ya prev office at gateway building, got a pantry in my office and a public one for the janitors to wash their stuffs i guess. but i jus use it without caring.. haa i expressed in toilet at times bcos really no choice no room available.. but lucky gateway toilet is clean clean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All, I'm new to this forum. Looking for cheap & reliable confinement nanny in Sep 2010. Anyone who have someone in mind don't mind can let me know. Thanks

tiger lily: really no way out? the best is to express twice as u will be too engogred by the time 6pm hits if ur last express time is 12pm.. also it will affect the milk production as it iwll signal to the brain tat not so much milk is needed as u only "feed" once between 830am - 6pm

wah. so actually a lot of mummies have this problem...

haha. adelynn wait for u... u big shot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diamantz: no la i small fly, youngest in the office HAHA!.. i not skiving ma. doing good things le, expressing for my baby, the future of singapore... HAHAHA crapping

Hi mummies,

Thanks to all your consolations especially badfifi as you have really said it to my 'heart'. I have overcome my sadness and taken much courage to have this bb now. Would now be looking forward to see my baby girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Saw many mummies are sharing what things to buy, whether to breast pump or not. Ya, I am also interested to know more on breast pump thingy. Is it advisable to buy 2nd hand breast pump? Anything that I need to take note if buying 2nd hand one? My one I did try to breast feed but only done till 2 weeks so upset as I was under my MIL pressure so I stopped. She said I took ginger so better dont feed my boy. I was so tensed that I closed the room door but she complained to my hubby for secretly breastfeed. Haiz, this time round I want to try and hope I will have a successful one. Not sure got breast milk or not.

I have just gotten one confinement lady around S$1900. What about other mummies? Anyone is getting? Rate? Mine will be eating the same food as me together with my hubby n son. Is it normal? My previous CL wasn't like that but I heard nowadays has changed as CL become smarter.

Hi Hsian Tian,

I do know one CL is available in Sep 2010 but her rate is S$2000. What is your rate that you are looking at? This CL was recommended to me by my colleague but I took another one at S$1900 as this one has helped in my sis recent confinement too.

autmunkumiko: my pump is bought 2nd hand and it lasted me for past 4-5yrs.. i even lend it to my uncie's wife, my sister, and 2other frens. and the motor is sitll working.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care ok..

Hi, i m new here too... i am also looking for a confinement lady for the month of September... any recommendation?


at least u buy only for bb , i am buying a lot of Pink maternity clothes for myself :p

very sinful cos this is my last preg, and still got a lot tat i bought for 06 and 08


i do intend to pump, i must say my production sucks , but will still try :p 1st child bf 5 months, 2nd child 4 months. and they always cry when they see my breats, cos no milk :p


ur bb weighs almost double of mine @ 20 weeks ..gosh

come to think of it, i oso wun have a room..sad..storeroom is rather stuffy with no aircon


i did that b4, took a cab back home during lunch time and direct bf my eldest gal..that time the pump just refuse to work on me

once a day not enough, will affect milk flow

Selling 2 Pigeon 200ml and 2 Avent 125ml. All 4 bottles for $15. PM if keen. Pick up at Bt Panj or somerset MRT

my new office is at takashimaya/ ngee ann city and it is those rented office (one company rent the whole floor and sub-rent to many companies) so i don't think there is a proper place i can go to do Pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully can think of a way ...hmm maybe can be like pinkyluv, take cab back.. but don't know enuff time or not..

I will be going to BabyFair @ Expo this sat to look for my playpen. Decided to get playpen instead of babycot because would be migrating overseas soon so no point getting a babycot.. thats what a few friends advise! Any ladies going to expo on sat, if want to quick meet up, pm me ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and i can exchange numbers with you.

looks like a lot of mummies is facing pumping bm problem at work. I am planning for a holiday with hb after my confinement, not sure if I can tahan the frequent pumping during the tour? I really hope I can tahan then bb will have bm after I come back from the holiday.


you are migrating to where?

clueless: Just curious, how come u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when talk about migrating? Is it not your choice?

Btw, mummies, my niece used to sleep in, I think, a playpen. It looks like a cot but just that it's plastic (but seem quite sturdy enough for babies). Just wondering can cots be plastic or? I was telling my colleague my niece's cot is plastic and they were surprised, cos they say all cots shld be wooden. Any advice? Thanks.

Hi mommies,

How are all of you? Had not come in for a very long time. See that you gals are talking about expressing in office. For me, although we have meeting rooms in our office, but quite difficult for us to lock ourselves in meeting and be away from our workstation for a long period of time. So the mommies in my dept express at our workstation. I also did that for my #1 2 years ago and I managed to express milk till she turned 1 yrs old. Our boss had gotten used to seeing all the mommies expressing milk at our work station.. We normally use either nursing bib and jacket to cover ourselves when we are pumping. Quite convenient actually and we can still continue with our work while pumping. Can still remember there are times that I forgot that I was pumping until my milk overflowed.

Good morning mummies!

Extreme tired today, really no mood to work but bo bian, every night insufficicent sleep, now i am really a super panda which hyper dark eye bag and dark ring.

morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PinkyLuv: really? don scare me.. cos i felt tat baby is quite big.. and from what you say seems true le.. baby is really big. Faint. btw i am lucky the storeroom here have aircon.. Hohoho..

Adelynn - i saw the advert for my cot le... they are selling at same price at baby fair.. so u wanna get mine or buy from there?

babyT: i need to bring the husband to go see first.. he is the one paying =X bcos last fair i went without him thats y nv buy anything.. i let u know again k?

Adelynn - ok... i PM u my hp. no. if u want then u sms me ba... FYI i paid $100 deposit.. delivery early August... Remaining balance $199 to be paid on delivery... exactly the same package as the one advertised..

BabyT: thanks babe! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i do like coach bags !

looks very attractive .. too bad it is so far

lucky u lor, my storeroom confirm will make me sweat :p

Im a weird breed of not being interested in bags & shoes, but gadgets!!

Hahahaha ;)

I frd that link to my frens who r crazy over those brands! hehehehe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone know if there's someone selling newborn clothes at cheap price? 2nd hand also can. Cuz duwana spend too much $ on newborn clothes

bb: yeah i prefer to be in Singapore but hubby liked it there... anyway, as they say marry chicken follow chicken so have to go ... thats why got the [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Playpen can be use as babycots (where baby sleeps) as some of my friends do that. Playpen are using plastic (or some kind of plastic similiar material) But literally, playpen are using plastic and BabyCots uses wood to build.

Benefits of babycots: you can change it to many levels and into a bed. It is as high as ur height so much easier to change diapers

Benefits of playpen: it is slightly lower but when it gets dirty it is much easier to clean. It only has 2 levels and somehow when u pick ur baby u slightly have to bend a bit (not a lot but a bit). But playpen come wiht a changing tray then it is about your height when u put your baby..

Some of my friends got 2 - a playpen and a babycot. i am not getting a babycot as i am due to migrate soon so it is not a good investment becos baby cot can last up to 4 years.

Super good lobang @ Lot 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Met a pal for lunch and chanced upon a great Seiyu sale at atrium..

Nursing Bra at 5.90 and Comfy pant at 3 for $5

Further 15percent discount for those with POSB or DBS Credit Card ( only today)

clueless crystal

Playpen is good, been using it for both kiddos [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i got a pal who migrate to Perth, life is so relaxed there


hehe, i am so opposite fr u, i love clothes, shoes and bags, but my all time fav is clothes..just bought 10 items from online shopping recently within less than a week :p


hehehe. I think u r the norm!

I never found any interest in clothes and make ups etc..

To me, comfortable can liao.. maybe that's why I look quite sloppy! hahaaha.

Haha, so long as u can afford to, why not? And more importantly, as long as hubby dont complain... can try to do it before he does. heheheeh ;p

Hi gd afternoon mommies..

felt unwell for past two day.. today felt feverish ,last nite seen the doc.. but still nv turn out better for my body.. felt cold and tired in the office now...

and wonder is that bcos i am preggy and hormone also change.. cos i felt very moody ,dont neo what to do.. felt lost in everything.. dont neo wat i can do to cheer up myself... very xian...


ur last statement is so familiar ! ;)

which is what i was telling my colleague, she is a more avid shopper than myself and she will be getting married soon =p

once every day will tell me bonichito got new launch and asked me wat colour is better..and sometimes she is v tempted to buy both colours of the same design


Tt kind colleague unhealthy for ur pocket! HAHAHAHAH. But really, I dont spend money on clothes. I spend a lot of money on gadgets though. Price wise, which is quite equivalent to those branded hand bags!

I nvr even heard of bonichito wor... HAHAHA ;p


If ur unwell, shud be taking a rest at home! Your body and baby is more important than work... When sick, rest is the best medicine...

For me, I fell sick when I changed my multi vitamins. So it could be due to hormones, or maybe you are not getting enough nutritions.

Take a rest, see a doc, and maybe look at baby stuff to cheer urself up?? Hope u feel better!


Monday HOLIDAY!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:

never felt this happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I checking out the websites now. hehehe ;p


Hi chrissy , pinkyluv

actually doc gave me MC for today but i hv ISO audit in the office so gonna come if not my boss will mad at me.. i reall hope it will get well soon cos really felt uneasy and so bad feeling b4.. i use to be cheerful.. now felt v down.. hope will get well and go fro the baby fair at expo and cheer me up though..

