(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

ytd i had a weird dream. I dreamt that i was abt to deliver liao, on the delievery bed. and i was still asking my gynae abt the options of natural or c-sect, cant decide which one to opt cos scare of pain.. hahahaha...


sorry to interrupt - in case anyone's keen i have a set of 3 Mrs Wong Boi Boi's books to let go

1) Breastfeeding - Your Best Gift to Your Baby

(2) Childbirth - Easing Your Way through Pregnancy and Childbirth

(3) Childcare - Understanding Your Baby's Health and Growth in the First Year

[email protected] if keen $15 for all three books includ postage


These few days got bad or not so nice dreams....

I remember one dream is I am fighting with one fierce lady ghost, she trying to enter my tummy. I fought hard by chanting sincerely. In the end? I woke up cos the alarm rang...

What a dream... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Old Town White Coffee- they have a new outlet at Far East Plaza in Orchard, basement level, along the street.

BabyT: i'm also delivering at KKH. What is antenatal class about? My gynae never tell me about it.

I'm doing my detailed scan mid Apr. Hope to know my bb gender soon so I can start buying bb clothes! So good, some mummies already know your bb prince or princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Ladies.. my MS is back after a week's leave... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] puked water and gastric juice out this morning... sianz...

bb - http://www.kkh.com.sg/EducationAndTraining/ClassesAndForums/Pages/Home.aspx refer to the link... u can have a look at the contents for the antenatal class.. call the PEC to check also.. cos even May session is selling like hot cakes.. i'm going on Saturdays at 9.00am cos the 11.15am de NO MORE SLOTs... are u first time mummy?? me first timer, so better to educate myself.. i scared i gabra as a first time mummy... hehe...

jynnsan - if i'm not wrong tigerlily referring to Twinings.. me drinking Twinings de.. it's non caffeine... but i'm drinking pure camomile, without peppermint...

morning ladies~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yday went for gynae visit.. baby lying face down hiding his/her impt part don let us know the gender.. no choice gynae said wait for next mth detail scan x_x realised now gynae does not take the CRL measurement during the scan.. instead i saw some "FT 2.5cm" wonder whats that.

He took my blood too yday.. and he reminded me of my prev gynae!! gentle, nice and painless.. keep mumbling "sorry ah.. sorry ah.." when he was drawing my blood.. THUMBS up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I asked dr adrian about the delivery fee too.. he said about 3k, 2.5k from medisave, cash only S$500. v fast explaination.. i also nv probe more bcos hear S$500 cash i v happy liao.. haha

pinkyluv: sorry need to trouble you again.. my EDD confirmed at 8th Sep 2010, hospital TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks many many~ hugs*

Thanks Tigerlily/BabyT


Dr Adrian delivery fee after medisave deduction is only $500, wow! How about his gynae fee? Is this inclusive?

BabyT: Thanks for the info. Didn't see any antenatal class in May. Think most prob I won't sign up. Me also a first time mummy, but the class hours seem quite long and I stay quite far fr KKH actually. Think I prefer to use the time to relax ;) Will learn from the experienced mums here and fr friends.

jynnsan: if i not wrong is included already bcos i look at TMC web the hosp fee medisave deduction is S$1.4k gynae fee medisave deduction S$2.1k.. estimate hosp bill S$1,318 + S$1k gynae fee = S$2.4k+/- only

so i tink his estimate is right..

pomme : what does the breastfeeding workshop include?

babyt : john tee is which room? room 1 or 2 isit

anyone signing up for Thomson prenatal class? It'll be fun to go together.

pinkyluv, pls help to update. I have a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup, you are right, for 4-bedded normal delivery is $1,318, if gynae fee is $1K, total medisave deduction is hosp $1.4K, Doc $700, so total balance we need to pay will be $218.

jynnsan: yea cross fingers no need pay more.. last time my delivery fee was ex bcos all the extra charge for induce, prostin etc. zz

bb - the May course is not published yet.. i think per session is 1.5hrs ba...

diamantz - JT is room 5 i think... u seeing JT too??? congrats on having a boy boy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so envious quite alot of MTBs know gender le.. I WANNA SEE MINE TOO... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm seeing benjamin tham. yesterday appt 2pm, i went in about half hr later. but i see room 1 and 2 the number keep jumping. yeah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very exciting to know the sex. he was like 'what's this thing between the legs? ' heheh. i hope the sex dun change, cos i already went to buy boy clothes. haha

thanks jynnsan.


Congrats on getting a boy. I am very eager to know my babe's gender too.

Here's the link to the 4 workshops by breastfeeding org in July.


I am more interested in the first 3 workshops. The weaning off part can wait till after birth.

Seems like a lot of mothers will meet problems when starting to breastfeed, tot it would be good to equip ourselves with more info so that we wun give up so easily (cos blocked ducts and blisters quite painful leh) and know how to deal with it. Better, learn right techniques so we wun have to face those painful issues so often.

Also, i also don't want to end up selling my breast pump cos i give up BF.


I undertand ur pain in waiting for Dr Fong! wahhaa. my longest record was 3hours! and the carpark was abt $10! *faint*

diamantz - oh.. i thought ben tham going to TMC soon?? so u following him??how many weeks are u now?? I WANNA SEE WHAT'S BETWEEN MY BABY'S LEGS TOO... hahaha...

Hi everyone,

I have been 2 slices wholemeal bread with tuna in water and veg. I think im buying up all the cans of tuna in water at the NTUC near my place. Snacks will be plain crackers...These are the things I can stomach without being too full...

So now...Im a 164 cm and 48.5 kg woman carrying a 15 week foetus......hahahaha

I was asking my insurance agent for some plans to buy for my bb and she was exclaiming why Im weighing only 48.5 kg when Im pregnant....

do any of you not get to read the msgs in the forum until a long while later? I just posted a msg also didn't appear...

babyt > i seeing benjamin tham, i was waiting and i see room 1 n 2 no. keep jumping.

thanks jynnsan.

gosh chelsea i tink you should eat more.. u are tall and slim le.. i am only 156cm and now i am 62.4kg.!!! OMG


I dun dare to put my weight up cos I see her weight like "Wah!"

Here goes:

Im 160cm / 64.6kg as of last week


I am about the same as you. 62kg in afternoon till night. Early morning wake up time to be 60kg.

Any of you ladies experience such weight fluactuations too?

lizie: don like that la i am v short i also dare to post up le.. hahahaha

pomme: erm i don weigh myself regularly so not v sure bout the fluctuations.. i jus quite surprise i only gain bout 3kg so far.. been eating quite abit since MS gone and i tot i gained alot!

Wow chelsea... U r sooooo slim!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ve the habbit of weighing myself everyday before I was preggy... Now, I simply stopped doing that... Cos no eyes to see liao. I wonder how much I'm going to put on for my week 16 checkup tmr. Hopefully not too much, else I will b stress ah.

Hope to know the gender tmr. I want to shop!!!!! :p

WAH!!! u all talking about size liao leh... me 1.58 @ 60kg... that's after losing 5kg in 1st trimester... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jessica - ur hubby ask u keep fit... my hubby and sister ask me to get into shape.. i told them "ROUND IS A SHAPE!!!"

pomme> march schedule just started. are you planning to go july?

babyt > yes following him to TMC, wanna join the prenatal class there. i'm 17 weeks. EDD 3rd sep. one of the earlier ones lah.

I gained 2.5kg at 17 weeks, now at 59kg. If we gain 15kg at the end, I will be near hubby's weight liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pomme > not preggie weight also flactuate about 1 kg in morning and night.

I had a very "hot & spicy" lunch, with asam curry fish and vegetable with rice. How i can feel my stomach protesting

eh i last preggie gained 25kg..... tts y tis time crossing fingers not to gain so much~~

yvonne - for ur height, ur considered acceptable weight right?? u are so tall.. so envious.. mwahaha...

diamantz - me 17 weeks too.. but EDD 07sep10.. i think my edd got change, but gynae never tell me lor...

i ate curry fish head last nite and went to the loo 3 times! scare the hell outta me.

anyway, i was reading last night that most preggies will experience constipation n diarrhoea sometime in the pregnancy. Remember we were complaining about our constis... now i go almost everyday -_-"

Hi all mummies,

I am also one of the silent readers of this thread. Sorry for only to include myself at this late stage as I would like to confirm myself that my pregnancy is stable before I join in. I was bleeding and have rested at home for a month under hospitalisation leave.

I would like to join you all in the thread to gain knowledge, exchange views and contribute if I could.

Hi Pinkyluv,

If can, could you please add me to your list too?

My particular as follow:

Nick: autumnkumiko

Age: 38

LMP: 25 Dec 2009

Doc: Dr. KT Tan or Tan Kim Teng

Hosp: KKH

Baby #: 2

EDD: 2 Sept 2010

Location: Bukit Panjang

Gender: Still unknown

This week is my 18th week. Will only know my gender on my next appt two weeks later which is also my detailed scan.

In fact, I am very worried to have my detailed scan though we are excited to know the gender, my gynae mentioned it will determine whether I need to go for amniocentesis or not. Worry...!

I have lost my bb in my previous pregnancy, hence hope this one is ok.

Hi BabyT,

I would like to join the Pre-natal Class at KKH too? Not sure whether still available? Do you know? I have not joined any such class before as my boy who was born in Year 2003 was under SARS time. Therefore, such class was cancelled.

Nice to meet you all!


BabyT: i only went back pre-preg weight when son was 4yrs old. =X bcos i was bf-ing and no post natal massage.. eat alot as i produce more milk that day dun know why also? haa..

Welcome autumnkumiko~ btw i am curious why 20weeks then need to go aminio test??

