(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

shinchan> i haven't watched that. my taiwanese drama timetable is very behind one, cos we don't have cable and to save $, we'll buy the DVD only when it's on sale...


yvonne> supermarkets stock the teabag variety. i tried a couple but like Twinings best. if you want top quality, have to get from those tea specialty shops bah


think i gotta control my shows too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the mother's sickness worsen lor. she cant recognise her daughters and hb liao.


ya, some older folks are pantang abt watching weird looking things on tv. my sil's mum forbid her to watch things like avatar too..

shinchan - my auntie's maid was telling me.. back in philipines, they cannot watch cartoon.. cos wait the baby come out will look like the cartoon...

morning mummies..

jus step into office not long ago, went to run errands for co.

Weather really hot outside.. if anyone is going out to lunch rem a brolly and drink more water!!

i been having flu since last sat.. and my nose is still block now.. wonder how to recover. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Don dare to take the flu med prescribe by GP bcos i took 1 on mon nite end up the drowsiness last till the next day 11am. FAINT

shinchan> omg! what show are you n windy talking abt?! so sad!!! don't watch lah, sure cry buckets!

cartoons> i think i'll just look at my baby poster more, then won't be weird looking baby but adorable baby! :D

badfifi: yea but unable to slp well.. keep waking up to blow my nose. now my nose is peeling so badly n pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

badfifi> we are talking about a HongKong drama called Zhu Guang Bao Qi! Quite exciting but a bit lengthy, channel 55 showing the 74th episodes now i think. dunno how long more to go.

adelynn - please take care... i had flu for over a week.. suspected H1N1 and all.. GP med didn't work.. but 1 tablet of tamiflu did the job... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] drink more water and rest hor... if u still don't get well, please go kkh.. that's what i did...

Adelynn - another thing... if ur sleeping in air con room, and the air is dry, just put a bowl of water in the room... or if u have the humidifier, it's good.. u won't feel like ur nose about to drop off.. it works for me, no harm trying... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

adelynn> oh no, i know what you mean, cos blow too much liao, so very painful... if don't take med, the flu won't go away so fast. i thk if the med is pregnancy safe, shld be ok bah, but i know not many meds are...

windy> ah ok. i don't have cable at home so don't know... i think good also lah, if not i'll be watching those taiwanese variety shows all day!

badfifi> i agree. it's not a bad thing actually. Sometimes hubby and me end up watching show after show, sleep late every night. i find it a waste of time sometimes, might as well use the time to communicate more with baby and hubby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

question: Can we eat soya beancurd now? My auntie says its too liang but I thought it's supposed to be good for baby's skin? I miss my Rochor Dao Huay!

BabyT: don scare me....... :x

Badfifi: alright tonight i try to eat the med again.. abit scared thou.. cos v v v drowsy scare bb more drowsy then me..

windy> i think it's the powder they use to make the tao huay coagulate and solidify bah...cos some powders are too liang...

adelynn> if the med is pregnancy-safe, it should be fine. check first before you take if it is...can call clinic/gynae to check...

adelynn - i'm not scaring u la.. haha... i didn't have H1N1 but suspected only.. lab test results negative.. i went GP twice.. didn't recover, got worse instead.. dh send me to KKH A&E.. did H1N1 test.. given tamiflu... MC for 1 week.. then i just ate 1 tamiflu i felt better the next day.. i'm not asking u to get tamiflu.. but i think it's better if u can go to KKH to check it out, they might not do H1N1 test... and i had the misconception that must go overseas then will tio H1N1, but doc says no.. H1N1 is like the common flu now... at least confirm the medicine they give will be preggy safe...

BabyT: ok noted.. if it don get well by tis weekend i get husb to drive me to KKH liao.. really xinku this flu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

adelynn> actually, i haven't taken western med for years. i'll take TCM med instead cos i feel it's more um...holistic. it's a matter of personal preference. but i know from experience that lots of fluids and rest really make a huge difference. see if you can get an MC for tomorrow, have the long weekend to rest, drink lots of plain water and you should feel better bah

Adelynn - i know how u feel.. that time i also didn't wanna go KKH.. but the flu was making me cranky and grumpy.. then i was worried about baby cos that time i only 7-8 weeks nia... so u drink lots of water hor... oh.. another way to relief ur nose, is to breathe in the "steam" of any hot drink.. it creates moisture in ur nostrils.. u'll feel better.. don't rub hor.. wait peel lagi jialat... u got apply vicks ma?? vicks works too.. or u can mix vicks with hot water, then breathe in the "steam".. it works on blocked nose...

windy - i ate 1 bowl the other day... then drank soya bean drink too... if u eat in moderation should be ok ba.. that's where i get my calcium from cos i can't tahan milk.. makes me bloat...

i got craving for atap seed ice cream.. those motor bike scoop ice cream kind... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Oic...I want hospitalisation leave too...sobz...like that kips asking my colleagues to cover me oso not very gd...very tiring for them and kids suffer too.


Mine lasted since last sat....sun was ok, mon got abit worst, tues and wed breathless den today the min i step out of bed giddy liao. sian...


The iron pills u eat everyday or what? Mine only twice a week lor...dunno issit not powerful enuff leh...sigh...i tot 13 weeks liao shud feel much better coz into 2nd trimester but end up worst lor=(

ooo...ok=) But now another problem...sigh...neverending problem...just now went to pee,quite painful suspect is UTI so i gg to see GP later at 2pm...when is this gg to end???

babyT/ windy,

my mum asked me not to take tau huay leh.. cos she said inside have "shi gao", the substance that solidify the soya, may not be gd for the bb's development.

But on 2nd thgts hor, wat abt beancurd, isnt it the same logic as tau huay??? hmm... must asked her tonite..

badfifi - don't feel insecure la.. i just started my iron pills last week nia lor...

shinchan - yup my TCM told me that.. but she said that's for early stage of pregnancy, ie 1st tri... since now 2nd tri le, can take, but don't eat everyday kind la.. maybe once a week still ok...


i think every gynae will give different supplemnts bah. Think i saw Lizzie mentioning that her gynae gave her iron pills. Although we both share the same gynae, he din give me iron, jus multivits, fish oil and calcium only.. hence, even the same gynae will have different practice.. so dun worry..


Thanks for the info.. hehe.. now i can eat tau huay liao.. gd gd.. cos i need calcium cos i dun drink milk.. minor lactose intolerant.

shinchan - mwahahaha... i hesitated on eating too.. but don't take forgranted 2nd tri anything also can eat hor.. must eat in moderation.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] milk makes me bloat and trigger MS.. prefer soya bean..


Dr chen also only asked em to take multi-vit, i think unless necessary, otherwise she will only give us what we requrie bah


i also watched, i think the last episode is 82 or 83.

babyT and shinchan> thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i feel better! my husband sometimes scolds me for thinking so much. he says i machiam have a team taking care of me (cos i really do have quite a few drs), i don't have office stress and my family takes such good care of me, i don't have anything to worry abt!

jynnsan> did you get the pink multi-vits too? when i 1st saw them, i was like "Wah! So big!" Luckily, I'm quite good at swallowing pills...


I remembered my last visit she want to prescribe me the multi-vit, but i told her i already got GNC vit, hence, she said will give me next round, i did not see she prescribe other medicine wor


doc din give me mulit vit..he only ask me carry on folic acid and ask me to take fish oil which i already have so i didnt take from doc.,

jynnsan> she actually cautioned me not to take too many things, so maybe the multi-vits covered other stuff? not sure...

adelynn> you have the same big pink pill? the bottle is plastic, not very big, and label is yellow/orange or something?

badfifi: er mine don come in bottle wor they pack it into those plastic packs.. i belive they are the same la hehe


u are watching 珠光宝气 oso? now finally getting exciting hor.. the fromt part is so draggy and unhappening..


ur description of the multivits sounds like mine leh. My brand is Pramilets, manufactured by Abbot.. Yours too?

tigerlily> heard from my parents that me n hubby used this mat when young. its this ugly thing that is pink on one side and blue on the other. and quite cooling to touch.i duno what its really called though. also good cos waterproof.

thanks leobaby

my face becomes super flushed after lunch (maybe cos hot) anyone?

the 24hr clinic has a scanner there? i have this dull pain on and off at lower abdomen and my appt is on tue. should i get a scan or call the nurse? i don't think they can do much.

sashimi> up to you lah, gynae say ok when i ask at 12 weeks. actually most of this can or cannot eat thing is because scared of contamination.

adelynn > i also read in ang mo book that the bb will tend to eat a lot when it comes out if you 'starve' it during pregnancy. similar for eating greens, should intro it to greens when in the tummy. hee. i think at 16 weeks it can 'taste' what you eat.

mama G > benjamin tham? me too.


Yup, the Yasi is really 不择手段, for the sake of herself, she sacrifice anybody, i know later on her son also pass away.


yvonne, shinchan> mine is from some pharmaceutical pharmacy in msia, not abbott.. i'm wondering if it's gd actually, or if over-the-counter multivits (from GNC, Obimin etc) are better

