(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

chin> i can't wait to feel my baby kicking! right now, my husband talks to my baby with his ear pressed to my tummy, and when he speaks, there's an increase in the bubbling sound.



Leave the honey at yr desk. Camomile tea can release nausea - I m going to buy that.

I got applied the Bengay on my neck yesterday before I sleep - it does relieve the aches. But not so effective on my legs and ankle.

babyT> hmm, is there any honey that doesn't need refrigeration after it's been opened? if so, and your worry is ants, how abt after you wipe the jar clean, you keep it in a Ziploc bag on your table? i'm quite territorial abt my food, esp now...


Is oscar [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but my gynae clinic call this NT scan, check the neck thing leh... which you all do in week 12. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yr hb is so funny. Kan cheong spider...


Yr hb very sweet hor - talk to baby. Envy leh. My hb dun talk to baby de. Even if I tell him I m feeling terrible. He just say go rest. I m the only one talking to my baby.

tiger lily - it works for me.. the packaging states... a delicate infusion made with pure camomile flowers, which are well known for their soothing and calming properties making this the ideal "bed-time" drink...

Bengay - i haven't tried apply on legs yet.. but it definately works for back and neck...

badfifi - i'm super territorial lor.. i find any of my fruits, snack, orange juice or anything that belongs to me missing, my volcano will erupt.. so now nobody dares to touch my stuff... if wanna eat or drink, please have basic courtesy to replenish la.. BUT THEY DON'T!!! suckers... angry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

karen - oh.. icic... i didnt do Oscar or NT scan.. so i'm not sure. hehe...pai seh...

baby T,

i just drank Hot Green Tea,, should be ok right green tea not so much caffeine.

i realise i have Twining Tea with me all the while..but didnt drink it at al..so kuku of me..

tiger lily> he is quite a darling lah. and i am very lucky to have him. to be honest, if not for him, i wouldn't have had the courage to live on till today...

babyT> i am like you. volcano will erupt too! but luckily now, i'm not working and i'm living with my folks, so no such probs anymore.


i agree with u,,,i have a cheapo in my company too..he tend to stay late at night and when no one is ard..he finish all our snack n never replenish...until one of my col..actually wrote a note n paste on the fridge n say who steal my chocolate,, take 4 pcs return 4 pcs..


I share ur sentiments.. I oso hate it when my food go missing at home. I dun mean to be selfish but at least tell me after you eat lar.. then i know food/ tibits no more liao then i will stock up again in case i wanna eat mah..

I always keep my honey in a ziplock in the office, so fr no ants [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBL - haha... my office has the ginger with lemon i think.. but i don't like ginger taste.. then i read about camomile.. so i tried.. and it's good.. relaxing...

hot green tea should be ok ba.. cos i'm drinking that too... how u feeling now after drinking?? take small sips... then when the hot tea flow down, u will feel like "a sense of relief"...

BBL - mwahaha... that time someone drank my coke.. 1.5L left dunno how many mLs for me nia lor.. i exploded.. i went around everyone's desk questioning WHO DRANK MY COKE!!! nobody own up leh.. kaoz... new bottle some more... then i said damn loud, don't wanna own up never mind.. wait mouth kena ulcer... mwahaha.. now whatever i buy i write my name.. even my fruits... that one i use post it to write... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shinchan - sickening right.. i hate it lor.. like no sense of shame and responsibility.. not that we ngiao or gey gao lor.... ok.. i shall buy honey and keep in zip lock bag...


i am feeling better cos in the morning i had bak gua for breakfast..maybe too oily so stomach cannot take it..


Yap its Fruit & herbal Infusion

I had the whole set..6 flavours...

BBL - oh... oily food is the main cause for bloating and feeling quesy... drink lots of hot drinks to "dilute" the oil.. it's better for ur tummy too.. since our digestive system haywire de...

bbl> your colleague very funny hor.

i think it's just normal courtesy lor, to replace what you eat or at the very least, to tell pple if you ate something and there's no more... unfortunately, there seems to be many buay zi dong pple ard...


Thats a good one...think no one will dare to touch your thing...

Now that cheapo also dont dare to touch our snack..i tend to keep my snack in my drawers.. dont wan to put in pantry area...too dangerous..

digestive system> our digestive system is weaker now cos of baby, that's why we cannot tahan everything, even things we used to be able to take. so if you take oily stuff, drink hot/warm water, tea etc to help "get rid of" the oil...and steer clear of things that are harder to digest.

that day i wrote my name on a post-it and staple it to my jumbu and put in my office fridge.. in the end my jumbu went missing.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

being fed-up that our food always go missing, my colleague wrote "POISON" and stick it to his drink. In the end, his drink was left undisturbed.. hahaha..


For fruit i bring to office everyday from home..and eat it durign tea break so can avoid putting in the share fridge...too dangerous to put there...hahahaha very kiasu right..

bbl> then you can try the whole set of teas and decide which one works best for you. for me, i found some of the others a bit overpowering/i don't like the flavour

shinchan> haha maybe you should try that next time. i just think it's very horrible to take food that's been labelled! sheesh!

ask all of u huh.. are u gettin more emo nowadays?

ytd, i was watching zhu guang bao qi on ch55, then i feel sad for the mother and i really cried uncontrollably.. in fact is crying until very cham.. frightened my hb.. hahaha... then this morning i have goldfish eyes..


Oh i had the whole set in office for mths already.

Yap i agree that some of the flavours have overwhelming smell that i cant tahan too...

You be surprised that some thick skin people will still eat even if its labelled.

shinchan - that's funny.. POISON.. mwahahaha.... but the person skin damn thick hor.. got name still take...

BBL - i buy those 1 bag of small apples from NTUC or chinese pear.. then just snack when i'm hungry... not kiasu la.. we're just defending our food...

badfifi - i bought 1 box of camomile liao leh.. after finish will try.. actually i like blueberry and strawberry tea.. but don't think it's caffeine free...

shinchan - YES!!!! super emo... ydae my friend tagged me on my dog's puppy days photos.. i saw liao i tear up immediately... FOR NOTHING LOR.. all because i miss my dog leh... kaoz.. haha... i went home, i hug her tight tight lor...

missing food in office fridge - the other time my mum prepare black chicken soup for me to bring back to my MIL place to drink. I collect during lunch time and left it in the fridge. When I went to collect at 6pm, guess what happened. My soup gone missing. Dun know which greedy pig took it. (There goes my tonic)

Tiger Lily,

wah seh..,that bad..its soup leh...so irritating of that person to drink yr soup..if its biscuit still not as bad..its soup leh...

Anyone feeling pain on yr feet...today having pain at my foot...like vein bursting..

ya, agree with BBL. cos my colleague witnessed some thick-skinned pple pouring fresh milk into his kopi even though he was told that company dun supply fresh milk, the one in the fridge is most prob bot by someone else for their personal consumption.

bbl> yah, i found camomile was the most soothing in taste

shinchan> i don't even dare watch sad movies or anything anymore. i don't even play video games that are even remotely violent either...

I agreed, very emo, every single things might end up tearing. I watched the just for laugh also end up tearing in joy, buay tahan


After the drama at ch55, I switch over to channel newsasia - is was showing high risk pregnancy - 2 mum carrying twin boys. I also went into emo when saw one of the twin baby oliver suffering from kidney problem cos' they were born ard wk35 (pre-matured) Thank God. Both pair of twins are doing fine now.


i love horror movies alot..

But now kena banned from watching cos hubby dun wanna scare my BB.

Then also no emo movies cos he don wan me to tear..now only movie i can watch is comedy..so boring right...

tiger lily,

aiyo, that is so terrible of that person.. scarli the soup is meant for ladies (e.g. like ba zhen), then the greedy one is a man, let him drink alrdy become gu niang.. hahaha...

BBL/ BabyT,

so i'm not abnormal lar.. even the day b4, i was lauging very hard while chatting some past events with hb. Then i laugh and laugh and laugh, and all out of a sudden i almost burst out crying.. crazy, rite? luckily i managed to control the tears, otherwise think my hb will sent me for checkup liao..

bbl> i'm very chicken one, don't dare watch horror show...n i refuse to watch comedies that don't make sense, so got very few choices for movies. so i watch taiwanese dramas. the plot is quite silly, the acting not good, then sometimes, the sad scenes are actually funny because they are quite forced, but at least got eye candy :p

tiger lily,

ya ya.. that day i watched ch70 and saw this lady giving birth to triplets.. i oso cry.. jus feel soooo touched to see a new little life arriving into this world.

BBL: your hubby so good.. worrry scare BB. my hubby watch Naruto Cartoon and they have all weird creatures, then i say: Ehh so ugly, then he say Ok wat.. cartoon only :p

But one thing, i realise my BB don' t like to watch tv at night.... about 9 pm i would feel drowsy hahahaha

Ladies, GREEN TEA try not to drink that much ya.. friends and Mothers tell me this. Say green tea is consider "liang" category. Drink chinese tea like Wu long or something better. But keep to 1 cup a day if possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


then i must be damn jialat liao.. hahaha... cos i cried when watching taiwan idol drama oso.. recently i'm watching the vanness (F4) show, i cried too.. :s


Now I don't leave food in office fridge. My hb brought cookies for me - I keep in my drawer or in my hb room (cos' he is HOD - got own room can lockup but too bad no fridge)

Clueless crystal,

My hubby super concern abt my BB so he is controlling me...sianzzz


Then try not to watch too much..when u know u r abt to tear..switch channel lo..cry too much also not gd..

Tiger lily,

Not bad to get cookies...famous amos??i miss that but eat already sure pop pimples if not sore throat...

clueless crystal - liang ar?? ooh.. ok.. then i better cut down and stick to 1 cup a day ba... hey how old is ur crystal?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my crystal is 6 years and 1 month old...

clueless crystal> i was watching shrek 3, then my dad asked saw the lil ogre babies and asked me, "why are you watching that?" haha. i haven't watched naruto in ages, coz we stopped downloading.

