(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

morning mummies

For expressed BM - i was quite kiasu to the extend of putting my EBM into glass bottles and into zip lock bags [i have spare at home] before putting into the fridge/freezer.. this is bcos my mum's fridge is not so big to have so many compartments.. my son still benefited from the 26 mths feeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all

as we're all into 2nd trim now, our gynae visits are every 4 wks once.. so in between that period of waiting, how do you know if bb is doing fine? im in my 13 wks now, tried using doppler but cant find heartbeat..(when i tried at wks 11 at gynae's also cant find, but after scan bb is fine) but my symptoms such as nausea, heavy boobs and bland taste in mouth still exists.. so i assume that bb is doing well right? now we cant feel bb much from our tum tum right?

sorry but cant help feeling worried and paranoid..

hi Rachoho

Don be too paranoid! preggy mummies must be happy and enjoy the pregnancy~ I nv use a doppler before therfore i dont know how to comment. i always look forward to the scan as that is the most ACCURATE of all. the reason u cannot hear heartbeat mayb bcos u cant find bb's position? i am not v sure sorry..

but please cheer up and don worry too much alright? u must stay happy as baby can feel your emotions.. hugs**

i also feel a bit worried. besides being nausea, really dunno how baby is doing. my colleague who is wk 26 now could feel her baby kick when she was ard 14wks. i don't feel anything leh, now 14wks 4 days le.

i m also feel a bit worried. besides nausea, really dunno how baby is doing. my colleague who is wk26 now could feel her baby kick when she was ard 14wks. i don't feel anything leh, now 14wks 4 days le.

Hello Ladies.

here are my details to join the list.


Please update my profile.

Nick: sasha28

Age: 37

LMP:Dec 2009

Gynae: Dr Yu Su Ling

Hospital: SGH

Baby #: 1

EDD: 14th Sept

Location: Bt Panjang

Thanks so much

Tiger Lily.. don compare with others because every pregnancy is different. jus like for e.g. other people's kid flip at 3mths, my #1 only say 6mths!!

therefore don ever compare with others, impt is every gynae visit ensure baby is doing well, we take note our body changes make sure no discharge, bleeding, pain it will be fine..

Morning mummies

Tiger Lily,

Dun worry, my #1 i can only feel baby kicking around wk#20, depend on individual de. I also in 14wks 2 days le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tiger Lily: cheers ok! Hugs* Smile more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lizzie: i don notice that i have much CM le..... didnt know its suppose to b increasing? =x

when's your next visit tigerlily? i have to wait 2 wks more.. sigh.

so actually no bleeding and cramping should be fine right?

Hi Mommies, I am going for my Oscar test later. Any idea if it is better to go for the test on a full stomach or empty stomach? Or does it not matter at all?

rachoho (urara)> Doppler should be similar to the instrument that dr use on my when i went in to chk UTI. She only use that to hear HB and i guess it requires your skill to move the doppler around to find bb position. if you hear wishing sound that is blood flow (according to the dr) of our blood veins. try to go the the position that your bb was last scan at. Also sometimes gotto press down on the tummy a bit. that what she did. Ultimately if you can don't use the instrument and keep your mind off it it better for u and bb lah. I was paranoid but lucky i do not have the instrument as that will get me more paranoid. Send positive thot to yourself and bb and both u and bb will be more at peace.

Aiyoh Taka giving double points this weekend. so ladies who have taka card and intending to buy more pls go and chalk up your points. points can get voucher. Although i bought a lot still have things left out and need to get.

leo_baby > thanks for advise. didnt dare to press too hard on tummy scared will injure bb. lols bought the doppler to ease my mind de.. but in the end. lol shall look at things at the brighter side! thanks

Hi MTB: I think if u still got a bit of Morning Sickness - tired, nausea, food cravings then it is a sign everything is OK. if don't have also don't think too much and always keep urself in a good and relax mood. Don't do heavy chores or walk marathons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i know some mom like shopping so keep it minimum till ur next appointment. If this helps![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My appetite is getting a bit better now, not like every 2 hours need to eat and i think when i go to sleep at 10 pm i can skip my glass of milk already and won't wake up middle of night feeling hungry... as they say, every week there is a change in our body, and no one can be the same with others. My body still automatically get very tired after 5 pm (4ish it would give me syndoms of sleepiness) and by 5ish - i am really sleepy) and by 7 pm must eat and then i will be feeling "drowsy" right up to 9ish hahaha

Btw I rewarded myself yesteday, ate a GElare Waffle for tea break and then went to TIng Dai Fung for dinner hahahahahahah

hi ladies,

Jus to let u know that Robinson cardmembers are entitled to a 20% off all clarins pdt from 25/3 to 27/3. So those who haven gotten their stretch mark cream and wish to buy the tonic oil, can make use of this offer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gelare waffle!! Was still googling for it yesterday but too bad im at d west side and the nearest is central! I am so going to eat it.. hiak hiak hiak..

Ya i agree.. im going to my week 17th.. only feel bb kick once. sometimes i do worry too as the 3 weeks interval to visit gynae does worry me too.

but its very "xie men" each time i worry, i will feel nauseous. seems tt my bb is telling me, hey mum, im all right.


mommies: does anyone experience any pinkish stain when you go toilet? Just now went toilet before lunch n realised got a bit when I wipe, but doesnt show on my pad. Just hope dun appear anymore. A bit worried, cos I got bleeding in 1st tri but shld be stabilised by now.

Rachocho: I can understand how u feel. At one point in time, I thought of going to KKH 24 hr clinic every fortnight just to scan on bb haha.

Think I might just do that this Friday since I'm going to KKH for a urine sugar test.

Gelare Waffle - makes my mouth water leh...


good luck. yes. drink more water, oscar scan - need full bladder.

Appetite - my appetite has improved alot since last week. now i can eat my usual 3 meals a day.

Sleep - my sleep pattern has improved too - now I fall asleep while listerning to the 10pm channel 8 news. Hope this will last. Still need to go toilet to pee in between but can return to sleep easily. By 6am, I will be up.

yea! i also wish i can go back gynae let him scan lol. same tigerlily mine's 8 apr.. long wayyy to goooooooo

Portia... sorry my office scanner down... this is my bills so far...

Private Gynae:

1st Consultation $60

u/s $50

utrogestan $36

2nd visit - $75 (inclusive of u/s)

utrogestan $36

maxolon $6

dimenate $4

3rd visit - $75 (inclusive of u/s)

dimenate $4

KKH TPS A/Prof John Tee (subj to 7% GST)

Blood Test $62

1st consultation - $90

u/s - $28

routine test (urine) - $10

wow so many posting

i just came bk from gynae chk up n gynae confirm its a bb boy,great can close shop liao.now thinking of some nice nice name start with T,any mummy got any suggestion?

Bb is 130gm n 11cm.my edd has push forward again,now its 09/09/10.


ur gynae don have package?


congrats on getting a boy...exciting leh..dont know when will i know mine..

Bought Bengay from gurdian gonna use it tonight, hopefully it will work for my backache..

phyphy - congrats... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] T?? Tristan.. that's my first choice if it's a boy.. but my hubby don't like...

my gynae got package, but i switched from private to KKH ma, so i haven't sign yet...

BBL - it's only pain relief, not removal hor... hehe... u will definately feel the difference...

Expressed BM:

Similar to Adelynn, I also put my frozen EBM into ziploc bags. I used milk bags, then put the milk bags in ziploc. The BM will always be on a seperate level from the food but within the same compartment.

I really miss my BF days. So much more convenient to bring my #1 out. No need to worry about milk powder & save so much $$. But cannot continue coz if I do, I may put #2 at risk coz my own health is not good enuff to tarhan.


Actually that's the reason why some mummies advice not to use droppler. Coz we may not have the skill to position the droppler to detect the heartbeat and end up scaring ourselves. Remember baby is only a few cm now. So dun worry about not detecting the heartbeat. Its more likely that its coz you dun have the technique rather than a problem with the bb. Take your own feeling as a gauge. If you feel extremely unwell, then see your gynae. If you feel fine (excluding the normal MS, etc), then baby is likely to be fine too.


Some mothers can feel baby's movement earlier than others. Some later. It depends on how big baby's movements are and abit on mother's size. Some luck too. So no worries. There will come a time when you will tell your baby to please stop moving for an hour or two so that you can have some sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phyphy, congrats to you! I also wan a boy if possible.. thou i will close shop after #2 no matter what..

4mths able to tell gender? I remember the last time i only knew the gender at 5mth niah.. Guess my next appt on 7/4 might be able to have some news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw.. any mommies ate sashimi during pregnancy? i have been craving for it but my friend told me it is unsafe to consume during pregnancy..

BabyT, if it is fresh.. i guess shld be alright ya? Hee.. trying to make myself less guilty as i am gng for buffet!

jokris - erm.. i dunno leh... i ate it at sakae.. how fresh is it i dunno la.. but 3 slices.. no harm ba... mwahaha... trying to console myself.. if u crave, eat 1 or 2 slices to satisfy the craving.. my logic is crave, just eat, but in moderation...

thanks all,not too sure but for no1 n 2,gynae confirm at 4th mth. Guess my bb all not shy.


i also onces have sushi craving but i went there just to eat only tuna sushi.


oh yes,bfing direct save a lot of things.me too now go out got to count the abt of milk,hot water n normal temp water out.so mah fa.but my gal still wan to latch on to sleep at night.so shes some sort of on double ,180ml of fm n latch on after that .

Congrats phyphy!!!

i am crossing my fingers for my visit on 30th March.. hahaaaa....

Craving - i tink if have craving better eat some.. old ppl believe tat if preg got craving nv eat the bb out will be either drooling or very greedy for food le.. *shrug* i choose to be pantang. HAHAHA

i really hope i can breastfeed this time round.. didnt have much determination that time. Wld like to check if you will be very tired waking up to bf baby throughout the night.. or you only bf daytime and fm during the night to rest well?

Jokris: last time when i give birth my son.. my milk only came in 5days later. so during confinement my mum wanna let me rest, she say FM at nite. but i still wake up 3-4hrly to express. actually wont feel tired bcos day time forced to sleep alot already.. but truly believe that hard work is needed for successful feeding. it mayb tired at first, but after getting use to it, its no longer tiring. but an ENJOYMENT to see your baby enjoying the milk and getting all the nutrients [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really worth it.


Avoid eating raw food..its not gd...

Raw fish contain food which is unseen by us..they in turn became maggots.



i was thinking of tarvin,but still trying to get more opt.

gd to get package as it really save a lot down the road.


i latch on my no.1 the 1st day i give birth n i don feel tired at all but excited n if can try latch on.i feel so blessed when i latch my bb on,n the way she look so satisfied make me feel so touch n i cry(silly me).

but now(19mths),when shes teething at wan to latch on at night continuously,will make me tired n angry.

