(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Ladies with back aches,

Pls go drink more water too. It coulod be signs of lack of water and as a result the kidney is the aching organ and may lead to infection. Just my personal advise as i had that before pregnancy and drinking water removes the pain. Also just before i had this UTI when i went sleep last few days, as i turn to right side to sleep, i can feel ach on my right waist and true enough next day the needle urinating feeling starts and became UTI.


BubuMama> pls take care. What job did you go interview for? Pregnant they still employ?

Hushlibb> sori abt today. Sat we can arrange to go if my dr say i am ok for it. then after that maybe can go isetan or taka for shopping. Is isetan sales still on?

Badfifi> Which cot you bought? is it at taka? how come i never see the bed you mention in taka? what colour is it?

Pinkyluv> the other time you mention to meet on 21st March, did i missed it or there is change of dates?

wow.. the thread is so active today..

Re: Looking pregnant

I think i must have looked the most pregnant among you gals. cos at the babyfair, i had received a few goodie bags and approached by babycentre to sign up to win the 1 year supply of J&J wipes.. oso not forgeting that slimming centre.. so i think i might have looked fat as well!! hahaha...

So far, i have 2 occassions of pple giving up their seats to me liao but of cos many choose to act blind too.

Re: Multivits

We dun have to take folic anymore? But i do notice that folic acid is present in the multivit that my gynae gave me.. so far, my gynae only give me multivit, fish oil and calcium.

Re: Transport

I have a qn. Can we still contd to drive at late stage of our pregnancy?

Hello mommies!

Just back from my gynae check-up, having mild cramp since last night. Thankfully, baby is doing well, but my "likely to be a gal" baby decided to become a baby boy instead, AIYO!


Please help to update my info, thanks a lot!

Nick: Phtanus

LMP: 28 Nov 09

Gynae: Dr. Yvonne Chan

Hospital: TMC

Baby: #2

EDD: 4/9/2010

Location: CCK

leo_baby> i bought a cot from baby kingdom at kaki bukit, not from the fair. but the cot i mentioned from the taka is the rocio bonbebe cot. it's a light wood colour i think...the display area is middle aisle, i think it's near this other display where they had prams etc...if you face the screen, it's at middle right...i just got the mattress from here. maybe pomme can give better directions since she bought the cot.


date changed liao. Postpone to 24 Apr. Take care of ur UTI, lousy feeling ya..


My discharge is not like dead skin leh but kinda like the substance that we get if we squeeze our blackheads.. it is abit oily but not as oily as the blackhead discharge. same as u, i oso paisay to tell my gynae.. see how it goes bah.

All 1st-time mtbs who are delivering at Mt A,

To those wanna attend the preannental classes. I had checked with Sister Kang and she said that we shld start at wk26 if we are interested to join the classes. However, wkend classes are usually quite packed, hence she advised to book ard one mth in advance.

shinchan & lily,

Thanks ladies! I am in 16w3d today. Haha...coz my gynae found bb's private part very "empty" on last visit (bb was 12w+), and she told me likely will be a gal lor. Who knows my bb decided to grow his "didi" for past few weeks! haha...*diaoz*


The bonbebe stall has this light pine wood cot. The mattress is inside the cot. Don' think they display the mattress standalone. The stall faces the stroller area and is nearer to the back of the fair.

badfifi> 16 weeks. are you talking about multivits or all pills? i was actually more concerned about folic, but i went to gnc, and they happen to have this prenatal package which consists of dha, multivit n cal. so i took the package. i showed my gp the packaging, he say ok. new gynae also said ok. you're comparing over-counter multivits with? personally i feel folic more impt b4 conception n calcium more impt after cos bb will leech calcium from u.. not sure about the multivits, i guess good to have. i think its good to have dha too.

thanks for the info pomme. last time i also think once preggie must get car, but so far i'm still surviving. ;p

is anyone eyeing the gelite cot at taka? i like it but seems noone getting that. its behind the strollers.

congrats phtanus you must be thrilled to knwo the sex. i cna't wait!

take care leo_baby.


I am craving for TOMYAM Ramen! Haha...I love to eat spicy stuffs when I was carrying my #1 (boy) too.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also heard about "boy-sour, gal-spicy", which is not true for my case. Hee...

Like what pomme low said, didn't want to do last minutes since our tummy may become very big to be walking a lot. Also my tummy already very big too now. These are what i had already bought>

1. 2 newborn Huggies diapers (since got free gift in expo)

2. bumwear (chk out www.bumwears.com)

3. 3 different brand of milk bottle for new born in case bb chose type of bottles(1 of each only lah)

4. Mustela cleansing milk bath and diaper rash cream

5. Inglesinia stroller and car seat.

6. Beanie bean carrier and pillows

7. Bottle sterizer (gotten from garage sales)

8. bottle warmer

9. Medela Swing Pump (gotten from garage sales)

10. abt 6 set of newborn clothes

11. abt 6 set of 3 to 6mths clothes.

12. Nail cutter and bb head brush

Actually got some more cannot recall now and lazy to go chk now.


U have bot alot of thinsgs liao wor..

Tiger lily,

maybe i can see if the meat craving thing is true next mth. I hate meat ever since i got pregnant. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tmr I am going for my NT scan and blood test, should we have full bladder to do the scan? I am now only 12weeks, so excited to hear so many of you so way ahead.

Wah.. So envy that some of u knw ur baby's sex! Went for scan when i was 16w3d but once dr put the scanner on my tummy, straight away he say aiyo.. cant see today.. baby show us the back..

cant buy bb clothes! the suspense is driving me crazy..

hehe.. my gynae going to try to scan for the gender next tues @ 16weeks.. crossing fingers~ else gonna wait for detail scan on 24th april already..

Hi ladies,

Anyone of you have delivered at KKH TPS before? I would like to find out more about the total charges after delivery by C-sec. Kindly advise. thx

leo_baby: have light brown n dark brown with some pattern carved in at the side. bumwear means u have to use disposable liners- still have to wash right? mustela milk bath is good? i got the diaper cream n massage oil ;p where did you get inglesinia- why did you get it as opposed to peg(they seem about the same to me) hee. thanks. so many qns from me.

btw disposable liners from pigeon are cheap in jb. almost half price. the packaging looks diff from sg one but is pigeon brand. i wonder what other items are cheaper in jb? i got the cooling mat, clothes, mitts & booties there as well. bath towels also.

phtanus: appt next tue. hope so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

badfifi: oh.. you thought we went to get extra on top of what gynae gave? i think gynae give better.


Wah.... you are quite prepared liao. I am still short of diapers and breastpump.

So what bumwear product did you get? Got good discount at baby fair?

Can I ask a question?

Anyone ard week 15 and experience CM reducing in amount? (which the norm is to be increasing)


what does cooling mat do?

Yvonne Low>

I used yoko yoko on my neck and legs last sat after shopping at united sq. since gynae says not safe to used better stop. i m going to buy bengay later.


you really well prepare hor. I haven't buy any things except those stuff I need to use and eat.

Portia: my gynae said no need to take folic acid after 1st trimester. I'm prescribed obimin (multivit) & fish oil. But she says can continue to take folic if you want.

Taking mrt to work - Ya, it's a drag. i'm quite lucky as my hubby drive or I drive to work mostly. But tried taking a few days mrt last week when car was down and even in Pasir Ris, you have to fight for seats!

KK cost with c-section: Not sure abt TPS but a colleague gave birth last yr with c section n cost abt $5k in all (including ward, delivery etc).

Hi mummies. Have been on 2 days MC + my #1 was super naughty today so din chat much here. I just briefly scanned through and reply what I can.


1) How long can we leave the BM capped in the room temp?

Freshly expressed BM = 4 hrs

Frozen BM that is thawed and heated = 1-2 hrs

2) When do we need to freeze the BM? Can we just fridge it?

Fridge can last 48 hrs. Frozen can last up to 3 mths in a seperate compartment freezer & up to 6 mths in a deep freezer.

3) When is the expiry date for the freeze/fridge BM?

Fridge can last 48 hrs. Frozen can last up to 3 mths in a seperate compartment freezer & up to 6 mths in a deep freezer.

4) What is the temp to warm the milk that is suitable for consumption and not damaging the nutrients?

Warm to human temperature is sufficient actually.

5) Usually newborns will sleep a lot, when is time for milk and they are still sleeping, should we wake them up or let them sleep?

There are different schools of thoughts for this. Some say every 3 hrs shld wake for feeding, no more no less, to get a routine. Others say feed on demand as long as its not excessive sleeping (like 4-5 hrs).

6) How do we know if they are latching on sucking milk and not sucking for comfort?

Watch the throat to see if they are swallowing. IMO, some sucking for comfort is ok too as long as not excessive. Helps to increase your supply too.

7) Is 10-15min on each breast enough for them?

BF babies will know when to stop. If they appear satisfied, its fine.

8) If bb finishes drinking one breast, is it necessary to pump the other breast or can we wait till next feed then feed the other breast?

There is no hard and fast answer for this. Depends on whether the breast is overly full or not. If it is, advisable to express some so that it does not become engorged. The other part is whether you want to increase your supply that much from the start. Pumping the other breast is creating an artificial supply which shld increase your supply. Increase supply is good if you do not have sufficient but extreme over supply results in other problems like engorgement and blocked ducts. The other thing to consider is that if your feeding is every 2 hrs and you pump the other side, this tells your body that your baby needs 2 breasts of milk every 2 hrs - can you maintain pumping both breasts every 2 hrs in the long run (esp when you return to work)?

9) Is there a way to lie down latching them on instead of sitting up and carrying them? So we can also rest together mah...

Yes. You can latch your baby whilst lying down. Learn this asap and you really do get more rest. Though if you do this all the time, you have to know how to ensure milk from other parts of the breast are also removed sufficiently as 1 style of feeding removes milk from 1 part of the breast more than others.

10) What should we eat to boost up the milk supply? Drink more liquid or drink more fish soup?

Water is the most important as milk is 70% or more water.

Re: Diapers

I swear by Nepia but I heard Goo.N is very good too. Mamy Poko is very good but on the more expensive side. Pampers is over-rated IMO - quality is not as good as it was long time ago and frankly, it gave my #1 rashes and leaks.

Pomme low> I bought the one size pocket diaper from expo. 4 pcs with 10 insert for $128.

Diamantz> ya the bumwear still have to wash but more easy then napkin. Put nappy liners so wash is less. Bought inglesinia because is cheaper package deal, totally 1 hand close, the seat can be removed to wash and let the bb seat face u with having to take the normal seat along (as the peg brand cannot remove seat)

frozen BM storage

i think its best to have a separated storage for BM with our food.

Increase BM

it depend on indiviual,some ppl take hot drink like milo,soup(TCM will believe in hot soup) n some ppl like me take more water will do.

Expo fair

i just then went to c the goodie bag that i got from east parkway hospital,they have nail cutter inside.

I also have to be thick skin to ask for all those free give as i think i don l ook preggy but woman with big tummy

after buying so much stuffs, i realised i've got $50 taka vouchers.. any idea if the vouchers can be used at baby fair?


as promised, i was looking at my 08 SGH delivery bill. under Dr Tan Hak koon

Ward(A1) = 250 for a day

lab investigation = 66

specialised investigation = 90

rehabiltative service = 24

delivery charges = 761.90

drugs/prescription/injection =34.68

consumables = 53.20

professional service - doc =71.44

Total = $1 672.29

GST = 117.06

net amt payable => 1,789.34

i think the hubby paid less than 1K after deducting medisave

PS: i went into SGH at 1am and was out of SGH b4 noon the next day..dying to go home and wash my hair and shower with my herb water..1st birth under dr Yu Su Ling stay 3 days in SGH


urs is natural birth without epidural? Hmmm, if pay less than $1k than tats cheap but i think the bill now shld be higer ba. heehee. Btw, how come u stay 3 days for ur 1st birth? Its natural or c-section?

Hi Weiting

natural too =)but 1st time mum, so a bit more kiasu hehe, tot better to stay longer..

anyway, i oso have an infection down there lor..and for 1st kid, i only deliver the next day after checking ..

no epidural for both, but bite into a small towel when delivering

my threshold for pain is very low one..hehe..but biting into a towel really helps !

Orh. Than i will need to bring one towel to bite too. If not i think i will sure bite my hb.

Thanks for the info~


Thanks for the tips. Guess i will do part time disposables and part time with bumwear. Will most prob get goo.n.


Please update my profile.

Nick: Pommelow

Age: 30

LMP:Nov 2009

Gynae: Dr Irene Chua

Hospital: KKH

Baby #: 1

EDD: 1st Sept


morning ladies, talking about hospital - i went for the hospital tour at Mt Alvernia last Saturday...

Just a general tour of the maternity ward, delivery suite and nursery. Good impression of Mt Alvernia. Gives us the impression is filled with love. The nurses look friendly.

Oh, and the hospital has recently completed it's minor revamp. So that's quite welcoming. No more knocking by the time we are delivering in September.

As for the wards, i was told the rooms are subjected to availability. If the Single ward to not avail, u can opt for upgrade to the Deluxe or if Deluxe is not avail, then they may give u a double room (but with u inside only!)

Companion staying overnight only allow in single bedded rooms

