(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Are you ladies still having MS? I'm 2 days to wk 14 now. Still feeling MS in the morning. Ytd night, also had bad nausea. Wk 14 should be Tri 2 already, right. Hopefully, MS will be over very soon.


Tiger Lily, my MS also still on and off, just when i tot everything is over, this morning i puked everything out again


i am also thinking of the Ikea sleeping bag. Am planning to get in June. Also the baby high chair is good too. ALso need to get the rail protector from IKEA, it is this plastic strip you fix on the cot railing (length) that will prevent your baby from biting into the rail materials. You see such plastic strip on those cots on display very often. As for fleece blanket, i bought one from Carrefour, only $2. So look out for them.


I think the ceiling is quite low. I think will be gone after 3 claims, if you include supplements. The ultrasound scan at KK is $15 per scan, by the doctor herself. subsequent visit is $60 for consultant. Not sure about the detailed scan price. But i am sorry that i don't have her number,though i think you can email the private suite to ask. Will find out the email address and post it here for you.


oh no ! u must be really upset...i tot tehy cannot ask pregnant women to leave after they are into job for 90 days ?


sound like me this morning , and i din even have breakfast, puking out yellow water


u r not alone..me also heading to 14 weeks


now having a sorethroat liao..sigh*

Bubu mama,

Pregnant women are only protected from dismissal when they are into their 6 months before you EDD. So when you were asked to resigned are you pass your 1st trimester already?

I believe you can still appeal to MOM for the reinstatement of your job if you feel this is wrongful dismissal. Though you will have to weigh the pros and cons of going back to work after appealing to MOM, which they may find other reasons to validate your dismissal, thus you may end up losing your maternity benefits all together.

Portia - ur a csc card holder too??? Me too... I'm seeing John tee at the private suite... Also paying by csc... U wanna have a look at my bills so far?? Mine os deducted from hubby's pay, but not sure deduct how much...


The email is [email protected].

As for discharge, i have a pregancy book " what to expect when you are pregnant" states that discharge is normal throughout pregnancy. So you don't have to worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have it too.

Tiger Lily - my MS is just easing off now, I am almost week 16. In fact, was still puking last week. I think for most of us, we should be feeling better by week 16. My appetite is also coming back.

Bubu_Mama - have you been working for the company for long? Sorry to hear about your predicament.

bubu mama

i don quite understand ur company ,they willing to give u 4 mth maternity + one mth but y cant they let u stay on?

Bb fair

im looking forward to tomorrow fair


im 14 weeks 4 days n still having ms.still cant eat well at night


I have the discharge too.. it is slightly more than pre-pregnancy days..

I heard it is normal wor.. and seems like it will increase as you proceed along the pregnancy stages..


I heard bb's weight will be estimated using their head circumference at the later stage.


So exciting to be able to know the gender so fast.. I still have to wait another 4 weeks to my detailed scan to know the gender. Very tempted to buy some clothes now but cant.. haiz..

bubu mama,

Huh.. y ur company like dat.. At least they are willing to compensate u.. Think Optimus Prime is good in giving advices on whether any action shld be taken. But seems like she hasnt been coming in this week.. She must be very busy at work..


wah, means i start got to tahan another 2 to 3 wks before MS dissappear.


my appetite is also bad during dinner. only breakfast & lunch is better.

tiger lily,

same here... I see my mama's food, it sort of turn me off. I have no appetite for my mama's cooking but I can't tell her that. So I have to swallow the food bit by bit...

bubu mama,

sad to hear abt your situation.


Every night when return from work, i see the food on the table makes me sick. Only 2 dishes of freshly cook food (pork/fish/chicken) + veg. the rest are left over from either last night or lunch time. The food my MIL prepare really turns me off but i can't tell her too. I really don't think those food my MIL prepare is well balance diet for a MTB lor. There's nothing I can do except complain to hb. Tml nite, I m going back my mum's place for dinner hopefully my bb will like my mum's cooking.


I am the Fifi that is debating with you and not badfifi. I am really not interested in arguing with you here and I am just replying because there is 1 silent reader (mother of a newborn who happens to browse this thread) here who went into a massive panic because of what you said. Her MIL uses talc on her newborn. She is already suffering from some post natal depression and reading your statement implying that she is killing her baby by her actions is not doing her any good.

Talc is not good for babies. This is fact. But saying that talc kills is too strong a statement. Thankfully that mummy did voice out to some friends who manage to assure her that its not that bad and that she can just try to prevent further usage. Otherwise, I do not know what will happen in her panic.

I do not feel that I am misleading any first time mums. I am not saying that talc is good. I did agree that talc use is not good and I did advice alternatives to talc - the non talc liquid powder which I feel is better alternative to any kind of powder (even starch powder which baby may also inhale and its a potential for resperatory illnesses). I am just that although its not good, its not as "killing" as you may it sound. I do not want any mums to panic just because they have used it and then get into post natal depression and kill their babies. Isn't that worst? I am just trying to say its fine to say that its not good & try not to use it but dun cause unneccessary panic. Remember that our parents probably used talc on all of us and we are still alive.

As for breastfeeding, sorry to say this, I have BF for a longer time than you. I suffered almost all the problems BF mums can suffer - engorgement, block ducts, insufficient supply, oversupply, milk blisters, blood blisters - you name it, I probably have gone through it. Its good to have more milk than less but massive oversupply from the start is NOT GOOD. It leads to engorgement, blocked ducts and milk blisters which are primary reasons why mothers give up. Hence, the first month is NOT the time to have oversupply. If you do not believe this, please consult your lactation consultant if your advice is right.

This will be my last post on this issue. To the rest, please ignore this post.


You can use your hand to apply abit of pressure on the other breast to stop the leaking. Not 100% but it does reduce the leaking. Or just use a bottle to collect it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I did not use the shells as I din want an extra item to sterilise. I also realised that eventually, I worried less about milk wastage, became more relaxed and then my supply increased.


You should feel very fortunate to have MIL to cook for you, my MIL dun even cook for me coz she prefers to work...ask her do confinement oso machiam like v mafan her like dat...sigh

portia> there are pros and cons abt having to hire a confinement nanny lah... i'm actually glad that i'm hiring a confinement nanny cos i don't have to pai seh if something's not being done the way i like and i have to point it out... :p

hey porthia, congrats on the good results!! just came back from my clinic too, good news for me too!! so happy

yea im 12 wks now, but i still feel nauseous now and then. for the past 2 weeks i didnt feel anything and i thought i was relieved from MS but... lol

anyway my doc prescribed me mum-2-be.. anyone taking that too?

anyone going to the babyfair @ expo this weekend?


true true...haha...i wonder how am i supposed to tell my MIL if feel that something is not done the way i wan...


thanks=) congrats on your gd results too! Erm this MS thingy hor, i only feel nauseous at nite..still ongoing...hmm...never heard of mum 2 be yet, perhaps different gynae prescribe differnt medi...so long as is gd for baby must eat.=)

I wanted to go expo babyfair, but then thinking that hubby is working...if i go alone, is a very long journey, hence i decided to wait til june when there will be baby fair agn ba...haha

will there be one in june? if yes then we can really get to shop haha

i wonder such fairs are more for mummies instead of MTBs?

but what med did your doc prescribe to you now?

usually acc to my frenz who are mummies now, they told me that baby fair throughout the yr oso hav de...

I am onli on Folic and calcium nia....nx visit is in 2 weeks time which i will be in my 14th week...heard that will get fish oil by that time le.

portia> the older generation may also feel that they know better and "nag" abt certain things if they see things that are not done they way they believe right... call me a "coward" lah but i rather hire a confinement nanny then risk relationships getting strained in any way...

tiger lily> somehow, even the food that my family cooks doesn't agree with me...i just have to think about them and i'll feel nauseous. i have been eating tapow food when i can...

badfifi, same as me, always eating fast food and tapow. occasionally go back to MIL's place to eat. but now we eat too much tapow also no good..too much msg leh

portia, my next visit is abt 3 wks. you think during next visit will they give us back the full report for oscar? i wanna take back my bb scan only hehe

so far my doc never give calcium and i dont drink milk also.. hmmm


yes, next visit they will return full report. Hmm....actually calcium is quite impt ba...if u dun take the supplements have to drink milk...but then agn...is not a must, just that it will helps a little more...haha

I oso kips eating da bao food...recently ownself cook porridge but then eat with canned food oso not v healthy but i dunno how to cook, even if wan to learn oso lazy now lor...haha

bubu mama> i don't know workplace regulations all that well, but i think MTBs are protected from being dismissed for abt 6 mths before EDD...and i suppose if before that, there may be grounds for argument...u really have to check what MOM says AND what your employment contract says... i think it's impt to know your rights and not let them exploit u

yea calcium is important for both mummy and bb.. anyway too free just now, went online to get similac and mamil maternal milk powder sample. maybe you wanna go to the website to take a look too..

same.. i only leave cooking to my hb, but he can only cook simple dish with the help of purchased seasoning (eg blackpepper sauce) or else fried finger food. lol like make no difference... hehe

maternal milk powder> personally, i prefer mamil mama... have to put 2 scoops of similac powder (instead of the 4 recommended scoops) cos if not, it's very sweet and overloaded...for mamil mama, my husband can put all the recommended scoops... my mamil mama samples came quite soon but i can't remember for similac...oh and enfa mama choc is a mite sweet, i find... (i tried them all cos got free samples from gynae clinic)

portia > seriously, if you can afford $1800 please get a confinement lady. If your MIL didn't offer to do confinement for you and u actually neeed to ask her, then "misunderstanding" may occur later on like u "force" her to do it like that. of course there is a risk of getting a bad CL, but then if bad CL you can cancel her and ask her to go , but MIL u want to tell her off also cannot. Or else just get MIL to help take care baby and u order "tongkat" confinement food - so you don't have to worry what ur MIL cook and she also not so tired. do consider this! From what i imagine, when we doing our confinement, we usually more grumpy, more annoyed and more worried. So our own temper also not good, imagine u suddenly lose control, say wrong things and ur MIL "xiao qi" then misunderstanding again...etc etc that she help you and u still not appreciate and scold her and complain this and that...

of course if ur relationship with ur MIL is good, then diff story la.

Cooking - if you got a oven at home, a lot of food you can cook. Grill chicken drumstick (marinate the chicken with oyster sauce and soya sauce the night before, put in fridge, when u come home after work the next day, heat up ur oven to 180 degree and go and change clothes and cook rice, then put the chicken in alluminim foil, wrap it up, put in oven for 30 mins) *just suggestion*

i got many quick cook recipes.. if u like i can share with u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fifi > don't take it to hard. This is an open forum, maybe some people english expression different from others. we do appreciate your experience and thoughts, specially the New Moms to Be.. any experience and comments are valuable.

Karen > i think you are still stuck with MS ba... when i was having my MS, what my mom cook i also no appetite (1st tri) the food i usually like also no appetite. don't like to eat vege somemore (b4 preg. i can eat the whole vege dish on my own!) either that, ur mom really cook the food u don't like to eat .....

Tigerlily > it varies on individual. My MS only calm down this week where i am 16 week *touch wood touch wood baby don't be xiao qi" ya...hehehe because last time i say my MS getting better, then next day it got worse :p but i do have problems sleeping at night now..

bubu mama > agree with badfifi, make sure u check with MOM and ur employment contract first before Doing anything, and also think a bit on ur company side, is there a merging going on? is company got some financial problems? depend on ur company big or small..all aspect also must consider what is the BEST action for you.

jynnsan> 1 photo is considered miserable ah? i have no basis for comparison, so didn't know... from the OSCAR scan, will we get any photos?


Thanks for your kind words. I dun mind sharing my thoughts and opinions. I may not always be right. I just hope that in the midst of sharing our knowledge and opinions, we do not cause harm to anyone. Maybe I reacted abit too strongly but I worry when sometimes what we say have drastic results amongst readers, especially the silent ones coz since they are silent, they often dun clarify their doubts here and then react more strongly.


Some sonographers are more willing to give pictures than others. But so far, my gynae gives me 1 per scan only. Sometimes none at all even. I got the more pics of my #1 during the detailed scan coz I had to go back 3 times in a row coz my #1 refused to be turn to the correct position for the sonographer to check her spine. If you want more pics, can also consider 3D scan. Supposed to be able to get 3D pics. I cannot rem when we need to do the 3D scan though, muz be before certain week and after certain week. When I found out abt it, I was above the window already for my #1.

fifi> ooh thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 3D scan sounds a bit troublesome to me :p but hor, i think my baby likes taking pics. the night before my OSCAR scan, her daddy told her "tomorrow, we can see you again, maybe take picture, so you must be co-operative ok?" i was resigned to staying there for hours cos i had heard the baby must be in the right position for the scan etc, and guess what? 1 scan, everything smooth, i was out of there in abt 90 mins! :D

Do any of u get breathlessness when you sleep? I get awaken during naps and while sleeping at night cos it feels as though I suddenly cannot breathe and I'm forced to wake up to take deep breaths and then it's difficult for me to fall asleep again. I'm only seeing gynae next week to ask him about this. Have any of you been experiencing this too? I'm 15 weeks today.


I do get more breathless at night but is before i slp usually. I usually got awaken by nightmares but heard is common. You may want to check with the gynae by giving him a call if you are worried. No need to wait till next visit.

Clueless crystal,

Thanks for your advice, will need to check with hubby first=)

Regarding home-cooked food - so i'm not alone. ALthough i will like to have home-cooked food as it is healthier and higher nutrittional value, i oso find myself turn off by it after being pregnant. is it bcos we yearn for stronger tasting food when we are pregnant which cause us to be turn off by healthier but blander home-cooked food?


Think u better check with ur gynae soon. sounds lousy to be disturbed from sleep. assuming u r braless when sleeping rite?

talking abt breathless when climbing stairs, not only i get breathless easily, my blood pressure oso shot up. i climbed a flight of stairs just b4 i took my blood test last sat and my reading shot up to 140+. Luckily it lowered back to normal after i took a rest. Scare the shit out of me.. :p


So talc does not KILL? Please show research that it does not cause cancer, and babies DO die from cancer as well as inhaling of talc, And i recommend cornstarch as its a cheaper alternative, every mum want to save $...

Oh and am i suppose to even know that theres a mum suffering from PND and this affect her? SIMPLE if it affect her just freaking throw the talc away and buy 10 bottles of corn starch, u see if the MIL will throw away or not.. So you saying that even drink water for newborn will alive then why is there so many newborn dying from drinking water? SIMPLE, because everyone same logic, so give as much as possible. Its your CHILD, you have the choice to CHOOSE.

How long you BF for? If so u bf longer than me i really shake head at the way u tell others.. And btw, i suffer from those too and improper latch till today which i didnt change because i want to give her the best.

And, As i said oversupply is better than undersupply, ppl pump and keep, and if you find you no time to pump can slowly reduce the session better than low supply during growth spurt from my personal experience!And i have been consulting LC regarding info like this fyi and alot of my frens did these and their supply is going strong unlike me who didnt do it from the start.

And BTW, not everyone can have a "sudden increase" of supply during growth spurt thats why this is recommended to prevent cranky baby syndrome which most mums get super frustrated.. Why? Cause baby hungry Cry! Then do what? Give FM lorh.

Anyway to listen to who is their own problem, the supply doesnt affect me or my baby, i dont give a damn but i want others to know that all these advices are what i accumulate from my friends me experiences which we been there done that. And not just my own experience but OUR experiences which we accumulated and prior to having a child i have a few years of baby sitting experience

Portia - Sorry today was in a rush to get to work... i didn't bring my bills to office... Monday i'll scan and email it to u.. can i have ur email address?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Pai seh...

suddenly this thread turning so hostile and rude... everyone is here to share information and learn... don't see the need of emotions of flaring or exchange of harsh words.. so young girl, everyone here is definately older than you, so learn how to respect others... if you're not happy about people replying to your posts and sharing their thoughts or clearing doubts, then do not frequent this thread... Having said that, your "expression of words" does say very much about the maturity and level of respect you garner from people... with such a response, what do you gain?? do you think that people will think you have more experience?? from this post onwards, i will never reply to your future ramblings and unnecessary rantings... your immature behaviour and lack of respect to others is extremely disappointing... you are still welcome to participate in discussions and sharing your "experiences" however, if u still want to "push" your way through, then think twice...

Babyfifi - having said the above, in order to stop the "conflicts and war of words", IMO it's better that you don't reply too.. cos we are magnanimous and clear headed adults... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hmm, I might b considering Dr Irene Chua, but if her rates are abt the same as of TMC, I might as well stay on TMC and see Dr LN Sim.=p

