(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


I have a question and was pondering abt it when on the way to work.

If I am to buy the big ticket items tmr at baby fair is it too early? Im like only 14 week tmr...


morning ladies... looks like the babies these days are getting bigger. 12 weeks all about 6cm...

mine slightly smaller - 12w1d at 56mm. But doc says growing well.. with good heartbeat, so i am happy.

and strangly, the heartbeat gets faster than when it's only 6weeks. i thought it should normalise to nearer our heartbeat rate...


My current gynae (Dr yeap min li) is shfting to TMC in May. She's from KKH, but i din follow her cos hubby wants me to stay put cos he believe KK got better natal care.You can try my gynae as she is not bad and very friendly and loves kids (she has 3 kids on her own).

Luvelee and Chewy,

Thanks for sharing on the "crying out method" cos i also want my baby to sleep in their own room soon. I will try to find out more after you sent out the info and share with hb before deciding which method to use.


I am not a SAHM but I think if you can latch on fully, then pump becomes secondary to you coz unless you have a helper, you may not have that much time to pump as what I understand from my SAHM friends. Most of them latch fully. And latch is usually much better than pump.


If you are a FTWM, then double is of coz better. Just think, if you need 15 mins for 1 side, a single pump means you need 30 mins for 2 sides not incl washing up time. Do you have that kind of time? In addition, when you pump 1 side, the other may leak - waste milk.


I think it is good to buy early, when the belly is not so big and you feel comfortable and have more energy to shop around more to compare prices.

I for one is a kiasu mum. Have bought the milk bottles, cot, two set of beddings with comforter. I have also gotten the bb clothes, steriliser, and transport stuff (carrier, stroller) settled cos they are handme downs. So of the items e.g. cot can have delayed delivery, so you can get them in nearer to your EDD if you have limited space in the house.


Dr Sim LN from TMC is the gynae for my fren and her sis and SIL.. think it is a gd recommendation. They had delivered 7 babies under Dr Sim's hands to-date.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can experience mummies provide some advice on maternity inner wear?

I am now using two bra extensions for my existing bras, just to feel comfortable. Should I start wearing maternity bras now? Is it better to get wireless ones?

Got any recommendation on where to get these things. I am dreading having to wear "ah ma" kind of inner wear.


originally i oso thgt it is too early for us to buy until my colleagues kept telling me that this bb fair offers one of the best deals for the entire year, hence better to get now. Will most prob will get big ticket items that does not have warranty issues. Things like sterilisers and BP will get when the date is nearer due to warranty. And like wat pomme mentioned, we are able to get delayed delivery for bb cot and the warranty oso starts from the date of delievery, so shld be fine to get it now.


On the waste milk part. If you latch bb on one side, the other side will leak also? So what do you do then?

I saw that Avent has this plastic shell thing with compartment to capture leaking milk. Have you used that before?

shinchan > i brought the pigeon sterliser.. 15 months waranty only... and hubby say warranty starts as per receipt. So if u want to save $30 now then get at taka fair but if u want longer warrranty, then buy later...


Actually, KK private is more expensive than some private hospitals actually. I actually consider going to other private hospital....but KK has better neonatal care.....;)

Hi Thinkerstar,

My baby is also small 5.46cm to be exact...but then the sonographer who took my oscar scan said is good too...i was worried initially coz seeing all the 12 weeks babies to be 6 cm at least. haha...somemore i was wondering if small size mums will deliver small size babies?I am pretty small size,


Thanks for the recommendation...I will need to discuss with hubby. Because, if I shift to KKH and choose a gynae is still under private rate, so meaning there is no point changing, i might as well stay in TMC and change to another gynae which I m more comfy with. So which gynae will you be using if Dr Yeap shifts?


wow....that sounds very reassuring to me=) Tonight hubby come home i will discuss with him.

Just called clinic regarding my oscar test, nurse told mi is normal...phew...=) Hope that all mums who has done the oscar tests would be good as well=)


I agree that KKH rates are not cheaper than private. But it seems the medication they give is cheaper. Maybe it is the Singhealth group bulk purchase think which other private don't enjoy. Though i heard from some other thread talking about prices of fish oil seems like private doc charge more for such supplements.

Becos i can claim a bigger portion of the medical bill from company if it is govt so am sticking with KKH. Also hb want bb to have better care after birth and also easier to do birth registration.


I have switched to Dr irene Chua. A recommendation from a fren who's sister is working in KKH now. Dr yeap agrees that Dr Chua is good too.

Hi bad fifi as a mum of ONE who Breastfed her baby till 13mths and STILL GOING, im telling others on how it works. Well if they dont want or listen or anything. And remember, Oversupply is ALWAYS BETTER than undersupply. If you dont build up from Day 1 u`ll have a HUGE problem.

From my personal breastfeeding experience of 13mths.

And In case you didnt know TALC CAN kill babies.. pls do your research before u debate with me this. Yes its not 100% die, even 20% death, if it can be prevented in a inexpensive way. Why risk it? Just to save $1 for every powder that you use to risk your child death due to talc?

Pls dun keep on say experts experts experts, show PROOF, RESEARCH..Every kid is allergic to something, so if your child allergy to strawberry mine too? No right..? Use approriately, of course is logically if the baby has rash DONT USE IT...

Pls dont misguide other mtb and new mums to do mistakes that can harm their kids thanks


My Gideon is only 4cm at week 10. By the next appt it is push forward to week 15 cos it is 9.5cm. So i think your bb size is quite ok.


Dr Irene Chua is with the private suite so she charges private rate too right?and also, does she only deliver at KKH?

I am a teacher, am wondering if changing to her would mean cheaper financing too in the long run...

just went to Aussino at West Mall to buy baby bedding. they have 3 designs there. a pink princess print, the elephant print and a house/bunny set that says "For my baby girl"...

Pomme, thanks so much for the tip!

Portia, Pomme and Jynnsan, yup, i think most important is baby is growing. a bit of size variation should be fine - since we have different build.

just curious, since the babies will have different weight when born - some 2+kg, some 3kg... how does the doc measure the weeks towards the end? Won't be by the length already right?

Thanks for all your help ladies! Most probably I will go for the Medela Swing based on all the advice.

Just went for my 16 weeks appt this morning and found out that blob is going to be a boy at 11cm (head to bump)! Actually already had this feeling was going to be a boy but still nice to see the little 'stump' earlier! Heehee! We both had a slight preference for a girl but HB is right, pressure on the gender is probably more for 2nd child than 1st... but then again, as long as healthy, we should be contented already... curious to know if there will be more boys or girls in the Sep MTB thread!

badfifi, does the baby bedding fits any specific baby cot measurement? i am tempted to buy.. but problem is, i haven confirm my cot. haven even started sourcing for it.


Hi mummies!

Have been browsing this thread but no time to join in yet till now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm having my #2, EDD is 13 sep.

Thru NT scan, possibility that this is another boy.

My #1 is a piggy boy, superactive!

Just to share: [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes yes, I've been using ru yi oil on my boy since birth.

Also rub on my hands first, then warm his tummy.

For mummies who may be afraid that it will still be too hot, can try using minyak telon baby oil. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Desitin creamy is really good for diaper area, yup most hospitals also use it on newborns.

For mummies who wanna get talc free powder, can also buy it online, j&j has this range that is corn Starch powder and has aloe and vit E but don't see s'pore bringing it in so far.

I'm also a sahm, used to latch on and using avent manual pump. Now thinking shall I buy a dual ameda pump, saves my time and seems that have friends whose milk supply boost up faster when using dual besides taking fenugreek.

As for strollers, seems that baby hypermart staff is friendlier and knows more. No harm asking them to try out the strollers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Regarding raspberry leaves, I got it from moms in mind before i gave birth. Got the nursing tea and postpartum herbs soak from them too. But think they are no longer selling the soak.

hushililibb, happy for u. i guess your shopping can start soon now that you confirm the gender

do share the scan pic with us if u have (i am curious to know how the little stump look like on the ultrascan. ) hahaha

tinkerstars> i haven't got a cot either, but the measurements fit the one i have in mind...the Aussino fitted sheet is 132 x 71 x 10cm...

Thanks tinkerstars! Gynae only gave 1 shot of bb in lying down position but not the shot with the stump... come to think of it, so silly to not have asked for it. See if I can get hold of it during the 20th week detailed scan - will post then...

tinkerstars> one of the MTBs on this thread very kindly shared this with me...I think it's not bad. And I figured, at most, I'll just get cots that fit the dimensions of the bedding I have bought :p


tinkerstars> ah ok... that was a bit out of nowhere and i was like ???? :p

anyway, i'm hoping to go Expo and see cots etc this Friday...it's the sch hols so it'll be sooOOOO crowded... i hope i won't have to stay to long cos i think my baby hates crowds. the last time i went to a crowded place, the nausea was really damn jialat...

hushlibb> how many weeks are you now? my friends told me boy is easier to confirm (cos u can see the stump, heehee) hee, just in time too, if you're going to the Expo fair, can shop shop shop!

thanks badfifi... i am thinking of getting a cot that can convert to junior bed when bb gets bigger - and prob sometime lower so that when bb grows older, won't be dangerous when he climb up or down...

no la, i think u should also make sure cot is good and safe, instead of letting the bedding compromise the choices of cot.

but that said... i know i will run into trouble of buying things that are nice and fancy.. impulsive shopping.. hahah

i wouldn't be so wise when i am out there shopping than when i am here typing for sure. haha


do u all get very bad lower backache esp on the right side? I had it since wk 6 i think and the situation still did not improve...sigh and now left side oso will pain

portia, issit those occassionaly pain at either side? my gynae got mention it's normal to have occassional sharp pain tingling thru your lower body, esp the thigh area. it's the body changes to your growing body wor...

but not sure if yours is due to that or just posture problem

ladies, i would be skipping Expo Fair becos mummy ask me not to go too crowded places but if you see any Good Deals for Baby Cot and Baby Stroller please please shrae and then i send my husband to go get it !!hahahaha

So sad, just kanna asked to resign on Monday. But company paid for my 4 mths maternity and 1 mth salary in lieu. But for the next 6 mths will hv to sit at home and "shake leg". Any one hv any suggestion as to shall i go and see MOM or MP to get what I deserve?


ya gynae says normal coz of growing baby...but then nv tell me how i can alleviate the pain....sigh...sometimes i find myself walking like a penguine...gynae onli ask mi rest more...gotta to work lor how to rest more..

tinkerstars> no lah you make sense. it's just that i saw quite a few cots, and they are all abt that size, so i think it's a standard size (if not, then one of a few standard sizes)...

the bed in the flyer can be converted into a toddler bed. i figured, if my little darling is anything like me, by that age, she'll know her own mind enough to want to choose her own bed :p so no point in getting a junior bed...might as well get a child's bed straightaway, then at least until 12 or so, no worries


Dr Chua charges pte rate. KKH's rates are standard, depending on seniority only. I think for consultant is $85 first visit and $60 for subsequent visits. I will only be seeing Dr Chua for first time in apr. I can ask her if she only birth at KKH. Since you are a teacher, think you can claim 85% of bill using your CSC card. They bill the supplements togther with consultant fee, so can also charge to CSC card.

But i think it wun be cheaper by anything much than private. But can charge to CSC card, so that may make a difference to you.


Glad you've got a good buy. I like the blankets too. Comparing price and quality, cheaper and better than Ikea ones. But if your babe is sleeping in aircon room, my colleague suggest i get fleece blanket cos it keep babe warm better. Also a sleeping bag so they wun kick the blanket off.


I think some days back someone was sharing first trimester estimate of EDD is the most accurate based on baby size. I think after that the growth really depends on efficienty of the umblical cord and mummies food intake.

As for cot size, Aussino is have 50% off (so only $44.95 per set) and the sizing is the standard type (28" x 52" x Depth 4"). Since it is the fitted kind, i still getting it though my cot mattress is only 3". Which i think is bigger than the ikea cots.

For mummies buy maternity wear, i chance upon this clothing shop in Toa Payoh (Near toa payoh library) that sells them at i think quite reasonable prices. Workpants are around $29 to $31 and tops around $20. They have got dresses too. I think some website selling around this price too, difference is you can try the clothes on at this shop.

I'm 16 weeks yesterday badfifi. Actually already bought some clothes for a boy when I was away... was thinking worse comes to worse can give to sister or friends who are also pregnant so guess I better lie low for now.

Will probably still go to expo to kpo and look at the necessities like breast pump, sterilizer, playpen & stroller, which are definitely way less interesting than buying clothes in my opinion! Hahaha!

By the way, heard there will be a roadshow for this Mt A ladies card (like $100 cash off, 10% disct off antenatal classes etc) during the fair so keep a lookout for all those choosing Mt A.

pomme> yah, i am thinking of the sleeping bag cos sometimes, will be air-con...i was thinking of the IKEA one but dunno abt reviews for that so far leh

but i rem even with the 85% right, there is a ceiling to claim the money...not sure too....

appreciate if you can let me know the subsqequent visits fees for consultation and ultrasound and also if she only delivers at KKH.=) thanks in advance=) Hmm...or do you have her number that i can call the nurse direct and ask?den no nid to trouble u with all these. hee

I remember @ KKH, they are more generous in giving u/s scan photos, now my gynae only give me 1 miserable piece :&


been feeling the tension on my bum... b4 little cavin pops out, I have been feeling such "tear" on my right bum. After gave birth, the aching tear comes back, I can't walk properly have to depend on my left side to walk. Now the tension comes back, seems like gen1 la1 dao4. Oh no.... my bum is painful... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

