(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

My mil also very stress to me, always speak to me in pure teochew when we visit her every month, which most

Of the time I dun understand. And always feed me when deep fried chicken until I so fat.

Recenty got 1 mummy I look so chubby ~ sob~


Jasmine: u gg for the 6-10month trial? i duno which class shld gen attend leh,

she mention 10month can stand up on her own, sit n crawl, all these apply to Gen but i scare 10 month too chiam for her? whahaha.

very hard to decide..


i went to enquire GUG at suntec. fees is $188 for 8-18mths programme. they have popcorn-making, bongos, african beats, puppet characters, hand painting with ice creams, aroma with exotic spices activities. session is 1.5hr each, 4 times a month at $188


Ok once I get the date, I will let you know.


HB branch said is $80. Tanglin branch additional 7% gst. I replied HB to double cfm. Will let you know.


They said 10-16mths one will have many toddlers who can walk and even run around, our bbs might feel left out.


Lol anyone try to kiss him, he will also turn away??


i see.


A friend told me it's quite good and her son improves alot after attending the class. I am still looking around cos needs to go every wk and i am not sure if i can keep up the schedule.

good morning all... I really love Friday!! Yeah!

so many discussion reg mil yesterday... sad to say...I got no mil to comment... she has passed away since my hb was only 6 mo old... my hb grew up w/o his mother love & I knew that he missed his mum soo much even though he cant rem her face... I know it is really not easy for ur gals esp those have to face the nasty mil frequent or everyday... but may be think it another way round...you are blessed as she is still around u & ur hb... i believe all of us loves our partner & so we have to learn how to love their parent too, tolerate, close 1 eye or close 2 eyes ba... Cheer up everyone!!

share a joke of the day here...

A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan.

He asks, "What was that for?"

She says, "I found a piece of paper in your pocket with 'Betty Sue' written on it."

He says, "Jeez, honey, remember last week when I went to the track? 'Betty Sue' was the name of the horse I went there to bet on." She shrugs and walks away. Three days later he's reading his paper when she walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head again with the frying pan.

He asks, "What was that for?"

She answers, "Your horse called."

crescent, wah till now u still have a lot of excess ebm huh? very good leh u!! I used to use the excess ebm to bath my boy & do foot spa... very good moisturiser to smooth ur baby or ur skin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dun mind tryin the GUG..but wat is e earliest month for bb to start attending?

thx jasmine!!!!

ahhh...cant wait to go trial wit all mummies again..familar faces ..and fun!!!

any trial u all goin, i oso wan to go!!

haha i m a kiasu mummy!

crescent, i buy those popsicle and put bm inside and freeze it..then feed to my bb..

but now no more doing tat le..

cos i give away too much bm until now i got no spare one..

damm regret..sigh

Morng all

Anyone heard of sichida? Heard lots of gd review..but v ex, think 1k+ a mth. Duno if they provide trial lesson.

Leaving for bkk this aftn. Gonna miss my gal


once they attend these classes, sure will improve. Development will be faster - speech, phobia of strangers, etc..


ya lor... cos now my ger now drink 1 bottle @ IFC, then morning b4 i go work & at night is latch on...

now i already cut down to pump @ work 1 time nia... last time use to pump 3 times during work...

on off i will use some to bath my ger... but still got alot

crescent i bought at giant or ntuc..forget le..

they sell in pack of 6..

cos last time i oso got damm lots.. one time can pump 600ml..so pump 3 times got 1800ml

so i will pour into the popsicle..then e rest go into milk bag n freeze..

but now..after i change to pump 2 time...aiyo..drop like siao..

each time cant even reach 300ml

and after i pump less...i still eat non stop..and i gain weight again..damm..pants so tights..


i even try to change back to pump 3 times..it dun give me more milk le..

anyway, now i at work i cant pump so i can only pump twice..

and now i dun feel engorge anymore..hahaha

retribution la..last time keep complainin i got many engorgement n fever...now no milk n no engorgement

jasmine, onz la..we try to org more trials..hahaha


wah you want to go class every week. very tiring leh. i also wish to do that so that she wont fuss with strangers around her. but i dun think my hb will agree to it... haiz.


you can buy popsicle at daiso... $2 only. can buy more if you have excess of BM. hehe


have you try to let your maid kiss your boy? see if he turn away.. hehe!


talking about MIL, i also have problem with her. she is super naggy in the wrong way and sometimes make my husband angry easily. in the end, i also learn to bo chup when she talk. when she talk, my ear will switch to deaf. haha.

cheekrene, y hubby dun agree to go class every wk?

my mil not naggy, is FIL naggy..


but hor...i m a v direct person...i shoot whoever tat i not happi wit..even elders...cos i m brought up wit my grandparents, uncles n aunties..i m a pampered child..haha and no respect child :p

jasmine : Ya lor .. but so far .. the reaction towards me is stronger.

ducklingeshop : ya ya .... so do i look cute ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

crescent, envy leh. My supply drop a lot and I'm struggling to survive till my boy reach 1yr old. Freezer going botak soon. If I hav the time i can shift a place to store my hubby's favourite ice creams. He has been without ice creams for months cos my freezer used to be very full of EBM. Now 1 day I only pump 500+ml with 5 pumps a day. Last time 5 pump can pump 1000+ml. My boy don even wan to latch liao. Only morning he will latch cos overnite have more milk to suck.

How much you gal is drink now per feed?


true leh. very rigid.


he think waste of $$$ since my girl will fuss all the times.

oh FIL?! very rare FIL will be naggy leh.

i always give black face whenever i visit my MIL.. haha... not only that, I also dun like my SIL. she and her whole family can come to my house at 8+pm till 10+pm. that is the time for my girl's bedtime. super pissed lor. my way of being angry is lock myself and my girl in the room and they just ignore us lor. all i can do is to "ren"

Penguin, sorry that didn't have much time to read up all your postings. agree to you, at least my MIL cares. but this care doesn't come easily. Still fresh in my memory, when I was pregnant with my #1, she first declared not going to help us take care of the bb, and told us to find nanny or childcare if i want to work. she gave reasons that her arms are not strong enough to carry baby coz old, and my FIL retiring so they want flexible time and to travel ard. i think she just didn't want to commit and worried we would take it for granted. but after my #1 was born, he has colic and has been crying badly for the 1st 3 mths. she offered to take care of him till better than we sent him to infant care. when she took care of the bb, she insisted to give soy milk and her other ways, though PD already said my boy is not allergic to cows milk. and that was the time we crashed, and relationship turned sour. another eg was that she let my #1 took nap anytime, even from 5-7pm, then when we brought him home after work, he was so energetic till 1am didn't want to sleep. she just didn't believe it coz my hubby used to sleep anytime in the day and still sleep well in the night when young. but my son has half of me!

after these yrs, slowly she realised and accepted the fact when we let our son stays over their place occasionally. you need time to understand your MIL and build the relationship. it's hard to ask them give in to us first since they are still elder than us. they have their pride and we need to give them the respect just because they are elderly. don't take it too hard and your life will be easier & happier.

Mummies and daddy, now then I know you will stand a chance to win shopping vouchers if you vote for me in the Most photogenic family contest. So pls help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

penguin > it is ok to vent your frustration here...will feel better after that...i also got mil chanllenges...but have learnt to close one eye also...else every time weekend coming feel a sense of dread when shld feel happy cos can spend more time w bb and hubby....the tot of meeting her on weekends really quite painful...but i told myself don make myself unhappy over this...need to kan kai...also engaged my hubby on this issue and he is also alot more understanding and respects my request for space and family time on weekends...so he will ensure that only meet mil once on weekends or if meet on both days, we meet her only a couple of hrs over dinner/lunch...

ok, will got find @ giant, ntuc & daiso...

my ger drinking 150ml only per bottle @ IFC... then at nowadayz i just latch her on when @ home...

but she's taking alot of solid...

6-7am: latch on

9am: oats porridge

12plus: porridge

2pm plus: tea break (fruits/pandan cakes, etc)

4pm plus - 5pm: cereal wif EBM

7pm plus - 8 pm: porridge

9pm : BM, latch on (b4 sleep)

she still latch on in the middle of the night for feeds


I also show black face whenever I'm unhappy abt things being done. Hubby give me a nick name 'black face queen' lol. Btw, I'm staying wif my mil so at times when I'm really pissed, jus like u, I will stay in my room.

I'm having problems wif my boy's daily food intake. Not sure what he wan and what will be good for him. His milk intake drop a lot and do not eat so much solid.

crescent, so your ifc so good ah, provide so many solid feeds.

Mine only porridge at 10+am and then cereal with EBM or puree at 3pm. Then when he home he will have one cereal at 7.30pm. yesterday he totally reject the 7.30pm cereal.

Weekends he will only have 2 solid feeds cos we wake up late. Between 7 to 8+am.

