(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

All Bb same same. My boy also play with dirts and hair. He will used his handkerchief to wipe the floor for me too. He press it down on the floor and crawl with it.



u asking who is karin, siew mei and jaslyn lim

karin is purelyz, used to be very active during pregnancy days, but got busy after #2 comes out...

siew mei is chocochips, joined us for gathering at my place.

jaslyn lim, dunno who is she.

hello mummies,

Boss not around, want to leave some footprints here. thread runs fast now, will read through when i reach home later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i still can change her diaper as she looked drunk after her last milk feeding.. hehe...


you buying? my girl dun use or else i will buy...


for gymboree class, do you want to attend both trial classes on 1 day (diff timing) or on diff days?


HB branch replied only Tanglin branch charge extra 7% gst.

Hi pekkle, thanks for asking.. My elder gal rash peel off 99% le.. But left wif a mark. Dermatologist said it is a temporary mark n will fade off in a few months to 1 yr time.. Need to avoid sun exposure totally else might become scars..

Does anyone know what is 'hai cai'? What is the vegetable name in English? My mum keeps telling me bb or kids should eat hai cai.. But I dun even know what its name..

jasmine, i jus call HB..

i told them if they cant allow us to have so many bb in a trial class...they shld open one of their 60min gym class for us to accomdate more than 3 bb..

and she (jenny) said she will check with her manager and i already asked jenny to liase wit u via email as you had been sending email to them..

is tat ok? i told them your name is Jasmine

she asked me which wkend do we want, i told her we havent get a date..u wan to decide the date?

i will go to HB music trial class..

when u gals organising?

both session is 45min each..

i dun tink they can conduct both together on a same day..

shld b seperate day or there shld b a break


if class size is below 8, both parents are allowed inside. if class size is max 10, only one parent is allowed. the person i emailed to is Nazariah, not Jenny. but gym class play is only for members. non members can join in at $20/hr.


break time is 15mins. if you want diff days also fine with me. =) but will be going to the HB branch cos tanglin mall one must pay additional 7%.


if it is 45min then i think better diff days. My boy every 2-3 hour must nap. And his awake time include feeding, so 15min break not enough time. I'm fine with HB branch too.

jasmine, cos i call them directly..and speak to this lady call jenny..and ask her to follow up wit u after she check wit her manager..

u let me noe when u org the music trial class..and i wan to join ...

if u do the trial class being non member, u pay $45 rite? unless u decide to b a member after u trial then is $40..and add $10 to become member


you intend to send ur boy to ifc? Currently who is taking care of him? I'm also going to send my boy to ifc, but can't decide which month yet. Send him in when he is 10mo, 11mo or 1 yo... still thinking which is the best...


ok.. are you ok with sat afternoon?


i don't know 1 trial how much.. cos i just ask about cost of both trial classes..

so anyone else wanna join gymboree learn & play (6-10mths) class or gymboree music class?

gymboree hb

annual member ship $50

non member price for trial

$45 each - learn & play / music

member price for trial

$40 each - learn & play / music

so if u attend one trial, and after the trial, u wan to b membership, you jus pay in total $50 (when u join membership, their welcome package allow u to get one trial free)

so if u attend 2 trial, and after the trials, u wan to be membership, you jus pay in total $90


Im interested in the HB outlet. But if I want to use the $40 vouchers, i just need to pay $50 for another trial + $10 member? am i correct?

Are you all gg b4 the bday bash or after the bday bash?


you're interested in which class? or both?


how about you? which class/classes? these 2 weekends i also not free. gt musikgarten and little gym. he will get well very soon!


some of us will go before bday bash first. so if you want to use the voucher, gonna wait after bbs' bday.

Gymboree Trial (June Sat Harbourfront)

Interested in Learn & Play class (6-10mths):

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

Interested in Music class:

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) Fumiko


I am having some issues with my parents so if things turn really bad, i have to send him to ifc. But i can't decide on the food menu in ifc which i am very particular about it. So, i will just endure as much as i can for the good of my boy.

Hopefully i can last till he is old enough to talk or 18 mths to go childcare.

Hi mommies

Does anyone know whether there are schools/classes for babies at 18 months whereby they can go for a couple of hours everyday without being accompanied by parent? Or only childcare available at 18months?

My boy aimed for little black specks or moles.. He will come to us and scratch our moles and then try to bite it. or if there is black speck of dirt, he will use his finger to poke it.Very funny..

Ah bee, if u wAn 2 trial then u pay $50 + $40 (voucher) ($40 + $40 + $10)IF u sign up as member else

2 trials u pay $50 + $40 (voucher) ($45 + $45) IF u dun wan b member




Oic. Good to find alternative. My boss taught me so. Told me to look out for IFC or nanny even tho I got a maid now. Anything can happen.

My boy same as urs haha. The most funny part is he v curious over my hubby's nipple haha. Trying to dig it out hahaha.

Interested in Music class:

1) Jasmine Goh

2) Rachel

3) Fumiko

4) Bakaholic

5) Susan aka pd0513

how much must i top up to be member if i dont have the voucher?

Dear all, sunflower, mvh, jesho, duckling, eeyore, rachel, ah bee and some others i can't rmb..

Thanks for all ur advices. Maybe i'm frustrated due to missing the presence of my fil too that made my mind v easy to get irritated. Really v appreciate all of u whom has tried to persuade me. Shifting is not a solution as baby is also a problem. If i shift out den shifting back will be a problem cuz no ifc, no nanny or maid, so now every decision made is important. Girls, i believe there's a way out and the way is to give and take.

Jesho: ur bb born on same day as mine!


Great u found a solution. Escape away will not resolve becos new problems will arise and nv ending. Since u can't change ur mil, u can only give and take, close one eye, shut ur ears, or try to build a rship. Most of us do these in order to make our own life better. Else we are the one suffer bcos of frustrations.. .. So Jiayou !


Ya I also think puffs and some other snacks are too small for our baby to self feed. Still need more practice bcos Sheric 's baby can do it! Still can snatch from her hehe


I'm confused on the trial leh.. So if we use voucher , still gota pay additional 40?


If 1 trial then u pay $45 ($40 voucher + $5 cash) if u dun wan b member else

1 trial then u pay $50 ($40 voucher + $10 cash) if u wan b member

If 2 trial then u pay $90 ($40 voucher + $50 cash) if u dun wan b member else

2 trial then u pay $90 ($40 voucher + $50 cash) if u wan b member

Both scenario same Amt of money

But I dunno voucher can use in such way or not cos voucher usually got t&c

These are my guess

Y still need pay cash bcos

If u trial n dun wan sign up as member, each trial cost $45 so of cos $40 voucher not enough to cover

If u trial and wAn to b member then yes trial will cost only $40 ( member price) but u need to pay member fee of $50 so with only $40 voucher, u nerd to pay extra $10 cash


But hor I dunno voucher can use for trial or not le.. Cos I dunno the t&c of the voucher

Scar li say only for purchasing items.. Not valid for class or membership .. Lol

