(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


i think dream cant make it for playdate tomorrow as she got wedding dinner at night.


luckily i did not stay with my MIL. normally i feel dread to go her place, and naturally my face turn black.. hehe!


when is the motherhood fair? probably i will go there and sign up too... cheaper, right?

thanks for the update serene! cos haven been able to catch up on earlier posts...

that time my hubby asked me why i feel this way towards mil...i told him he wont understand the dynamics between mil and dil wan....haha...only we will know rite...


how about your mother and your family?


it's true. its very natural that MIL & DIL always got conflicts. some can get along well, some cant. that is life... hehe! husband wont understand how we feel

cheekrene > at least u can show black face and hubby leave u alone...mine cant lor...if i show black face, sure he not happy...haha...so i just try to be cordial towards her...


previously he is not happy when i show black face. but now got my girl, i can use all kinds of excuses... so he give in (depend on situation)

jascmy, cos my ger dun take much milk now, so i will give her @ least 3 meals day.. then 1 snack in the late afternoon between lunch & dinner

monkie, i have been giving my ger pork, chicken & fish since she's 7 months.. i will steam will the porridge then mince it & add into the porridge... then i'll add 1 vege oso... so at each meal she will have 1 meat (pork/fish) and 1 vege

I stopped giving her chicken for awhile cos of her phlegm... i'm tempted to intro beef to her when she turn 11 mths


can check who is karin, siew mei & jaslyn lim ah? cuz they added me in fb with mutual friends from smh but no nick given, so wanna know first.. ;p

Cheekrene: i use pamper cruzier? so far ok.. normlly wat is the last time u change Jovie dipaer before she zzz?

ytd gen also leak urine out from her diaper..

me so excited, i scare Gen is afraid of the photographer...

she is gg for her 1st studio shoot..

hello hello mummies...

I have a pre-loved manual yaolan which I bought from another mummy early this yr but my boy doesn't like to sleep in it, so letting it go at $40 which was previously bought at $60 from the mummy. Cuz no point keeping it since he doesnt like it at all.. If mummies have friends who are looking for pre-loved yaolan, can ask them to email or sms at the following details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Comes with the railings, wheels and the pink net, self collect at Anchorvale Link, Sengkang.

Interested parents, can email to me at : [email protected] or sms at : 93204131

Thank you. =)


her last change is at 11pm. if she wake up for feeding at 4+am, we will change again.

dun worry about Gen. just attract her with toys, she will be fine.


same. i use mamy poko at night. evening use pet pet and day use fitti. hehe!


you can try.. hehe!


So fast train speech? I'm still training his motor skills. He just manage to feed himself a 1cm diameter snack. So funny to see him passing the snack between his two hands to figure how best to hold so that it can go into his mouth. Chunky biscuit easy to hold and put in mouth. Small is much harder.


I brot my elder gal to GUG united square before.. I find it so so only.. They teach zoo phonics, some words begin wif a certain letter, a phrase using 5 languages, art n craft using kids hand (coz that time my gal is still ard 18mo, pincer skill not good yet), got 15mins break in between, etc..

I comment here before that I prefer zoo phonics school.. Cheaper $30.. Then again, each has own preference la.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheekrene: i lst change her diaper at 7+ till next day leh..i scare i change her during her last feed will wake her up..

wah Jovie pee alot too..

i scare toys cannot attract her ar...

Pekkle: she is taking Sean lau package.. tat time i sign up at expo. price $188. cannot rmb liao! waitied 2 month finally my turn.

thanks winnie..wow must wait so long ah...he must be v busy ah...

i think gen will sure look v cute in the PS..u upload when u get them!

Winnie ger_ i hope turn out well too!

I wanna see her showing off her tooth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Too bad my selection of photos is sunday.. not sat.. haiz.. sat full liaoz.. if not we can peek ah ger.. kekekeke.better dun, later give her stress.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Update me 2molo!

I also excited! Choosing JL photo on coming sunday! I hope got 5 photo nice...


Zoo phonics school only have classes for >18mths?

GUG got hands-on stuff which i was thinking my boy may not know since the age gap of 8-18mths is quite huge. So, i might not enrol him yet till he is much older.

i guess schools like kindermusik or gyms might be more suitable for his age.


He is lacking motor skills and speech. I was thinking to accelerate his speech so that just in case i have to send him to infant care one day. I am trying to train his motor skills thr toys and also food. I just bought some happy baby puffs so see how it goes.

I do realize he becomes more sociable and more curious after the jwt class.


anyone has recommendations for birthday venue? Have around 80 adults and a handful of children. Want a more central location so chalets are out.

Did I start planning too late? everyone seems to have started.


i try training my son with puffs..he likes to grab and never put into his mouth.. besides food, every other things go into his mouth.. strange.


Your boy so cute.. maybe the puff too small to put into mouth? I getting my puffs tonight so i will try tmr. Haha..


my boy pulls up to stand after he attended JWT trial. Duno if it is coincidental.


Did you try with rusk first? Rusk long and fat, so its easy to hold and put into mouth. Bought a pack of rusk, but he didnt like it. Only first two sticks he suck and chew for very long. Subsequently, he only chew for at most 5min then throw away. Waste my money.

I gave my boy pigeon snack, they are small so when my boy pick one up, he pass between his hands, sometimes crush it and looks puzzled when the snack breaks into two and he will open and close his fingers. I have been letting him try to eat it by himself for 3 days. Only yesterday, he managed to put one inside his mouth and eat it.


agreed but you have any to recommend? I am totally clueless...haiz. A friend recommended Yio Chu Kang grassroots club, not central but at least beside the MRT. And got a playground similar to Peekaboo..so may shortlist first


how about booking function room in hotel? or hort park?


same here. bb J loves to put everything in his mouth but if give him puff, he will just take but never eat unless i feed him.

Winnie, use tidbit to distract gen.. Bring her fav toy or soft toy.. If she likes to play peek-a-boo, bring a cloth or blanket to play n make her laugh..

Bakaholic, yes zoo phonics only for >18 mos. Going to enroll my gal in it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think it's not that the babies don't put the puffs in their mouths. It's too small, so they don't know how to hold in between their fingers in such a way that they can eat it. I put near his mouth, he open his mouth in anticipation leh.

My colleague warns me once they can pick up tiny bits of food and put inside their mouths, they will pick up rubbish, dirt and hair and eat. Yucks.

Hi Jasmine,

Hort Park is inconvenient if guests do not have cars, hotel function rooms, hmm think food got to be from the hotel and should be expensive...

My boy doesn't self feed, also cannot do leopard crawl, and doesn't smile to strangers...sigh


L puts her fingers into her mouth but doesn't knows how to let go so always not able to eat the tibits in her hand

Rachel, ya.. Our kids pincer grasp not good yet.. But my gal's eye r sharp.. She sees hair on e floor, she wanna pick up but can't..

Fumiko, ya ya I remember u wan to go too..

Suika, slowly la.. Let bb L plays first la.. Or give bigger size snacks?

Cheekrene, I also notice my gal likes to tiptoe when standing with support.. Dunno issit becoz sit in walker since 6-7mos..


MVH, yah. My boy can only touch the hair, like tickle or roll the hair haha. But can't pick it up. He sees dirt also use finger to touch touch.

