(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


that is good news "jump jump". i can save the budget since we have more food for our goodies bag... hehe! let me know what baby food jar is so that i can update in our event to let them know about our sponsorship.


hi, i am not an active member.. missing for a while since baby is born. I hope it will be alright if i can join you all once again to discuss about baby stuff? i am currently staying at home full time to take care of my boy.

Cheekrene, u can call every bank for a wavier...

I think standard charter card is one of the most exp.. $350 per annum but still can call for wavier else some banks will wavie for u if u use their card 3x within one month..

Ahnah, u still paying for annual fee? Aiyo.. No need to give $$ to bank.. Just call.. Guess what.. Uob juz need to call hotline, leave yr card n mobile no for wavier and after a few days they will SMS u upon approval.. No need to speak to operator at all!!

MVH, my friend's friend FB post. Feel so sad for her. She is 40years old. Maybe due to her age bah. Bb born healthy and good sucking. Can drink a lot and put on weight but from 2mths onwards, her weight drop a lot and not sucking and drinking very little. Doc wrote in the report, mother's BM lack of one nutrient. So have to take FM. After FM, she did put on weight but the damage to the brain is already done.

Sunflower & Jasmine

Thks for your info on the thermal swimwear.. Hw much cheaper if I order fr Mambo compare to Kiddy Palace huh?


I can't make it on 15th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Anyone interested to go on 21 May??


Hv pm u my details for the little gym class, thks for organising [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


For the kindermusik class, if it doesn't hit 12 babies, the class is still on right? Just that there's no discount.

Can hubby enter the classroom? Need him to take photos. Hee...

Hi Mummies,

I have some small sample sachets of Nestle Rice, Brown Rice & Oats to give away, anyone wants? Can pass them to you on one of the gatherings.

Helping Dsqyvonne to register!

Little gym trial class

29th May Sunday 435-520pm.

Marina square


1. MVH

2. Cheekrene

3. Bakaholic

4. Jasmine Goh

5. Rachel

6. ahbee

7. Glamgem

8. Snowy55

9. Xuan

10. Starz

11. dsqyvonne

Description: Discount when hit 12 babies and will be $27.50 instead of $30

Location: Tanglin Mall

15 May (Sun) 5pm

1) Fumiko (ok with either date)

2) Jasmine Goh (ok with either date)

3) Bakaholic (only this date available)

4) sweetkyra (prefer 21 may, but if this date also ok)

5) Xuan

6) ahbee

7) cheekrene (ok with both dates)

8) Susan aka pd0513 (ok with both dates)

9) Glamgem

10) Starz (ok with both dates)

11) Winnie_gal (Prefer tis date)

12) dsqyvonne

21 May (Sat) 5.30pm

1) Rachel

2) Jasmine Goh (ok with either date)

3) fumiko (ok with either date)

4) sweetkyra

5) cheekrene (ok with both dates)

6) snowy55

7) Susan aka pd0513 (ok with both dates)

8) Starz (ok with both dates)

9) dsqyvonne

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square

1) Sunflower

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) dsqyvonne

7) ah bee

8) duckling

9) bakaholic

10) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


Venue: Peek-a-boo at Kallang Leisure Park

Playdate: 16th May (Mon)

Time: 2pm


1) Glamgem

2) Dreamz

3) Babybee (tbc)

4) Cheekrene (Will be there at 12+ for lunch, anyone want to join me, do let me know)

5) ahNah

6) Jasmine Goh

7) Sunflower

8) Mvh

9) Rachel (tbc)

10) Joyce Ng

11) Eeyore_03 (tbc)

12) Duckling

13) Sheric

14) Pekkle

Playdate: 18 May (wed)

Time: 12noon


1) cheekrene

2) starz

3) xuan

4) mvh

5) suika

6) rachel (tbc)

7) ah bee

8) michelle (ahbee fren, also aug10mtb - silent reader)

9) snowy55

Just went to buy the sea horse mattress ... Good , very cheap ! haha ... only $35.50 .. left 1 only , thinking of getting 2 ... now i thinking of getting a PLAY YARD too ... any mummies have it ? any review to share ?


u miss out my post earlier..i repost now.

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square

1) Sunflower

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) dsqyvonne

7) ah bee

8) vivy (aug mummy)

9) bakaholic

10) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


I bought two complete sets of play yards total 8 panels, it's 2.2m x 2.2m. Very spacious. If you don't have the space then can try 6 panels. 4 panels is too small. My boy knows how to climb out if i didnt latch the door. He can push open the door and crawl out. Overall, I think its a good buy cos he is confined in one area, dont have to run after him all the time. Occasionally, he will cry for attention if no one in the yard to accompany him.


yup if never hit 12 babies, the class is still on, just that each baby trial fee is $30 instead. hmm, last time i email them, they said only 1 caregiver is allowed inside. let me call and ask the person in charge of our class tomorrow as she's on leave today.


Can I have the sample packs too? Will be going to peekaboo on 18th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Im ok with the kindermusik din hit 12 babies to get the discount. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sunflower, I don know whether that lady go on strict diet or not.

Rachel, if the nutrient is for the development of the brain. I have a relative's son, born pre-mature and due to nurse's carelessness (stomach bloated till very big and don care), his intestine burst and doc say he will hav problem adsorption vitamin B12. Do a search and its for the brain. The pre-mature Bb can't digest the milk tats y stomach bloated So now that kid also have problem in learning. No kindergarten wan to take him in. For that lady, is some other nutrient.


Go check the bp thread.. from koreacraze. 1 complete box is 4 panels, but she can customise and sell 6 panels. Depends on the combinations, the price differs. She posts all the prices in her thread.


U meant both dates, 15th & 21st Aug, u can't make it huh?


The diff is $20, that's alot.. Will go kp see & order from Mambo, thks!

Xuan, Ah bee,

I have around 15pckts, both of u can split ok.

Rachel (oasis2000) ,

ya i saw her bulk liao ... issit cheaper than outside retail ? the play yard is really useful ah , cos i thinking using the play yard to surround the mattress then she sleep in it at night

this thread is really fast..

i'm yen leng on FB.

my girl also puts everything in her mouth..

there's once she saw an insect on the floor..

she use her finger to touch it then she put in her mouth..

scare the hell out of my hb..

i dun quite like JWT..

my girl just wanna crawl..

not interested in other stuff at all..

maybe cos she's sleepy..

but after JWT, we brought her down to bakerzin for our lunch and she was so active..

keep shouting for food..

Ahnah>yes have to put child lock.

White lady> that is wat i'm gg to do. Put a mattress in the play yard

angel> my boy was bored at jwt so in the end he was looking ard at the other staffdoing things rather than the instructor

play yard:

i still hesitate if i should get one. if she crawl 1 day, she will be out to my planter area in my house or toilet, etc. but i dun have space to keep it as i got no store room.

dreamz ,

ya lor, i intend to put my girl sleeping mattress with play yard surround . cos she now sleep in bed with me , my bed so high , but got me to block her . if i place her on mattress on floor , she will crawl everywhere , also headache , so i guess play yard is the best . i will place the play yard in my bed room lor ... when she wake up , she can play safely inside even i sleeping ... u think alright ? haha

cheekrene ,

ya lor ... they sure will crawl one lor ! so i guess if our room are big enough , i think this is the best way lor , haha ... i buy liao then tell u all good anot ! haha

Whitelady> got same thinking as u. My boy is a little terror. Even if i block with 2-3 pillows stack on top of each other? He still climbs over them

Dreamz ,

Sure climb over !!! I thought won't , I stack 2 big pillows and she climb over ! So I make sure there is something need to be done !! Haha

Nowadays my girl is sleeping on my bed n sometime I will left her in the room by herself. But if she woke up n saw no one ard; she will cry hard. So not sure if i shld get her playyard n train her to sleep by herself.


For peekaboo, u Wana join us on 16th instead? Ya, it's cheaper if u buy from mambo


Now suddenly everyone bombard Aug fb haha

Re: Gathering

Date/Time: 14th May 1pm

Location: Yishun Blk 738 @ fumiko house

1) duckling

2) jasmine goh

3) susan aka pd0513 (tbc)

4) suika (tbc)

5) Cheese

6) Winnie_gal

7) MVH

8) Xuan82

9) cheekrene

10) Alibaba

11) dsqyvonne

12) sunflower (tbc)


1) dreamz

2) Sheric

3) eeyore_03

4) mandyn

Hi sunflower, suika & susan,

are you gals coming this sat?

otherwise, can give out to those at waiting list..

And i had PM you gals (including waiting list) for my mobile and address..

i tink only left alicia who has not receive my email..

becos after i sent out 10 PM..SMH say i cant sent anymore until another period of time.

pls let me know if you have not receive my email..thx

jus now someone mention koreacraze for buyin the panel..

is at oversea spree?

i cant find her spree le..

can send me the link??



I just make payment for the play yard 6 panel ... Delivery will be tomorrow ... Hope it's good ... I need to move my room furniture Tmr ...

