(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


pm you already.


yup, only when she is having her porridge time or wait for my mum when make milk. can only sit there for less than 10 mins. better than nothing.

bakaholic, if u found the stronger suction pad, let me know as I want to buy too... I use those pacifier click to hold my boy's pacifier or toy, but end up he will bite on the click instead n throw away... I also wipe the high chair at food court. Nowaday I let my boy eat together with us ... sometime i will give him baby biscuit, if never bring, then what i eat I will just give him some too so that he will be not too 'boring' there :p

Ya I also wan the suction thing. I always need to pick up the stuffs that he threw and clean with wipes umpteen times


i wanna know too! =P

for the toys when he's sitting in high chair, i will use the toy strap to secure the toy to the chair so even if he throws the toy away, it won't drop on the floor.


go apply 1 lor.. ystd i juz apply, they say takes 1 wk to send the card over..

this sun kindermusik confirm? im ok w it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] little gym im ok w 29 may. update me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jwt im ok w 18 june too... hee!

ahNah, actually can go without IOB card. That day I went, that lady jus asked me, u have UOB card, I ans yes ad she walk away liao. So at the end of the day I nvr show my UOB card at all.

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square

1) Sunflower

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) bakaholic

9) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


Mine also will bang table, grab food from the table.

How abt refuse to sit on your lap, wanted to "Walk" around in the house ?


like that also can ...... wait if she ask me to show and i give her my NTUC Card... then I kana lock out outside... dun wan lah.


Oic.. my boy is able to PULL open the car door from inside, but he got no strength to push it open.

He really follow what other ppl do. Monkey See Monkey Do.


uob got good discounts for food. And if you are under singtel, can transfer the bill under the card and get rebates.


Your gal very cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Use door stopper?


my girl can open car door too.


she did it on purpose and testing my reaction. my mum use slipper to block the door so that she won't bang the door.

The card annual fee lor.... so exp !

I was thinking shall we have a small gathering this Sunday late afternoon at Hotel ? my wife had booked a Deluxe room.


i nv pay annual fee in all my cards..they will waive for me each time i call..if they cant waive, just cancel lor..3 mths later if u still wan the card, apply again..no need to wrry about annual fee lar

Yup, I realized my boy start to learn and do what we are doing liao. And he learn very fast loh. Immediately he will apply what he saw from us. Monkey see monkey do!

My gal oso see monkey do monkey.. i use hp talk, she will take what ever toys/remote control/pc mouse and put near her ear and act like talking on the phone. last nite me and her was playing "telephone call each other" game.. i say "hello DK.." then she will take the remote and put near her ear and smile at me..


Yupz.. i wanna the black red rose but nw no more le.. they chg to white red rose.. so i juz apply since wanna go JWT.. then can use for office use.. cos at times i need to book my boss air tix, separate frm own use.

the annual fee u call n cancel lor.. last time i gt UOB platium card, they charge me for the credit card insurance mthly, they cannot waive tt, so i cancel it.. tts y no more UOB.. but ystd i make sure they don hv tt insurance then i sign up..


ladies card can only apply by ladies... ahnah no privilege for that card... hahaha


what card got so exp?? i thought amex then ex??

haha, very funny...

everyone start identifying themselves in FB...

can go see who is who list mah... most of them alrady inside...

bakaholic, the toy looks cute, which store u r going down to buy?

ahnah, I m just like sunflower, never pay any annual fee for creadit card... just call to waive it will do... i cant view the video ur post at fb leh, can resend?

eeyore, every1 update is good la, at least a refresh esp for those seldom update themselve... i really getting confuse who is who in the fb as too many of them liao :p

WoW, I thou my gal is extremely 'many-hand's coz my elder gal doesn't behave like tat when young.. Curious n grab things but not so violent like #2, demand things.. Looks like our bb same pattern.. Tigress? Coz my elder gal is rat.. Lolz..

Ching nah issit lunar? Angel is yen ling?

Sunflower, the squeaker class is fr 4-10mos.. By June some of our bb will be 11mos.. Maybe u wanna ask for the next level class?

Bakaholic, how to use singtel uob rebates? I have the card n charge bill to it but for 3-4yrs I din use the rebates before leh..

Jus read something abt breastmilk that make me so shock. Cos I always tot BM is the best. There is a Bb got serious illness and now become delay in learning and can't go to normal school jus because Mother's BM lack of some nutrients.

Alibaba> i think not gg for the SL ps cos hubby say too ex.

Cheekrene> can share with me ur cheaper PS option?

Ahnah> my boy started to open car door from inside lie when he was 6-7 mths ah.

My boy now bring him go out eat also headache. Grab everything, want to eat everything so my hubby came up with a strategy.

We go eat near his milk time so we will put him in the baby chair and feed him some food.

After that we put him in his stroller and feed him milk, after tmilk he will usually sleep awhile if he lying in stroller. Then we hurry eat before he wakes up.


yes i got think of that before already..but some of the babies in the list are only 10mths old at that point..and also the next category needs to be able to wrobble.. from the list, only 3-4 babies can wrobble, the rest either crawling or haven crawl yet..


as mentioned, the cheaper is The Studio Loft. It is about $150-$200. Additional head will be $15. You can call appt if you are interested.

My boy also very itchy hand. Even at the JWT gym, I have to hold on to him all the time. Busy grabbing things and also grabbing other babies' legs.

At restaurant, he will pull table cloth, forks/knives/plates/glass must put far far from him. Very tiring to handle him now, he is so restless and can't sit still.

At home, we have to turn on baby TV for him just to have a few quiet moments.

Cheekrene> ooops might have missed ur post. Ok will check them out. Thanks.


i cant remember how much you post. there will be 3 PG who offer different rates from The studio Loft. but i think per head is cheaper if i and my husband want famili portrait.


cheekrene, i got good news!!!!!!!

Healthy times just called me.. They will sponsor our goodie bags! They are giving out new product.. Baby food jar ( i cant rem wat stuff haha). But the shipment is coming in June, and the expiry date is mid Aug.. she asked if i mind, i told her we dont mind , as long got sponsor..haha.. anyway its a new product, and expiry date is short..she also asked me wat cereal we want, i just told her oats and barley..so now she will get her mmgt to approve. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

