(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


My hubby has the singtel uob card and i think the rebates from the card spending can be used to offset the card bills. But can call and check cos i could be wrong. Hehe..


The shop is in upper thomson, very far from my place so i still considering. But i saw robinsons carry Taf toys as well so it's nearer for me. Not sure got stocks though.

There is no need to pay for subscription fees for cards. Just call them to ask for waiver and nowadays is all through automated phone call. Just choose option and they will sms you the outcome.

I find citibank dividend card is good as the rebates comes in a cash cheque to us. I am not keen for those pts redeemption cos have to find stuff to redeem.



My boy is an energizer bunny! If in Cot He just keeps standing cos the Cot is small. Actually his play area has strunk after I put in the yard. I used to put additional 16 pcs of foam mat. Now only use 3 in addition to the playmat.


Do u still use Cot?

Ah bee,

DK likes nestle cereals too? You can have those from snowy coz I have already got some from Cheekrene and Sunflower will be giving me hers too. Hee...

Re: Cot

My ger doesn't sleep in cot anymore coz the area is too small for her to flip and toss. She will knock against the railings and wake up crying (not becoz of pain is becoz no space for her to flip). Now she co-sleep with us. Hubby and me will have to sleep right at the edge there so that she got space. Haha... But will be putting mattress on the floor for her to sleep soon. The cot is only a temporary holding place for her when I'm doing things and no one looking aft her. Of coz she will cry whenever I put her in but no choice.


I like Citi dividend card too. But not easy to reach the $50 mark. Got once my dividend$ expired and i call them to reinstate back for me and luckily they did or else $40+ fly away.


DK eats everything, cereals, puff, biscuits, durian, tofu, beancurd etc... Jus like her dad!


We everything also charge to the card. so, can hit the amount quite easily.


My boy still sleeping in his cot, since baby. We try not to let him sleep with us cos we dun get good sleep and also cot is safer for him.

Mine knocked on the railings sometimes but no choice cos he has to learn to figure out the unsafe boundaries eventually. It take a while for him and now it's not too bad.

my girl also sleeps in her cot..

but she always wake up in the middle of the night and we have to place her on our bed..

n when she sleeps over at my parents' place, she also sleeps with them on the bed..

so i think sooner or later, she will protest about sleeping in cot..

previously my girl sleep in playpen. till 4 months, we start to let her sleep on mattress on the floor. there is boundary too as she will flip till she knock her head on the floor. since then she know she will hit on it, she will flip back. that is where she learn.


The cot is really too small for them to flip. My helper told me he will stand in the cot with his eyes close in the middle of the night. She has to make him lie down and he will continue to sleep.. scary... I have also lined the cot with long pillows and then use the bumper to cushion his knockings. But once he starts to stand up, there is no way to prevent him from hitting the railings. He even steps on the pillows and tries to climb out.

Omg , just now my girl sleeping in the room then I heard her cry , went in to see , can't see her on bed , Omg , she land on floor !! Haha .... Lucky there is a play mat ...

re: sleeping

my girl usually sleeps on the cot. unless she wakes up in the middle of the night, we will place her to sleep between us. the thing is she can fall asleep on her own on our bed but not in the cot... so we always let her fall alseep on our bed then move her to the cot... she's so used to it now, i also not sure if i shld break this habit...

re: bb boundary

my MIL very protective over my girl, will cover all areas nice nice so tt she wun hurt herself... my hubby also like tt... but my mentality is tt she needs to learn where can go where cannot... she knock herself, cry cry, then she will know cannot do this again... so sometimes my girl will fall down/knock her head under my care and my hubby will scold me, say i never protect her, tell him tt she needs to learn, he dun get it... how to get this across to them ar?


it's good to cover all areas to prevent anything happen, your mentality also nothing wrong...

maybe u can use your mentality plus the coverage, like soemtimes I bochap my son go near the edge, I just keep telling him "跌跌啊", he understand what it means (as he fell twice before from bed) and u-turn.


but why u wana let ur gal fall down and knock her head? i meant if its accidents then its ok, let her learn..but if u do it purposely, wont that hurts u? i think everyone tends to be protective to minimise the hurts that the baby will get. but if dont even protect, the baby hurts even more.. no doubt she can learn when she gets hurts, but i think not neccessary all the time.. i believe wat ur mil and hb do is to minimise the hurt lar, since now they are super active and needs lots of attentions..otherwise, here knock there knock , end of the day alot bruises..accidents are ok, they will learn, afterall babies are precious in the heart of all parents and grandparents.


Yes she's very busy cos she's doing the baking, decorating & delivering. But because I'm her regular, I have her hp no. You need me to sms her to reply you sooner?

Ah bee,

I will call kindermusik later to confirm booking cos I called yesterday & our class in charge is on leave.


im not going to the JWT trial already as i have a bday party to attend. think u need to ask the others for UOB card.

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square


2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) bakaholic

9) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


Hi All,

Me also attending the birthday party so will not be going. Sorry.

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square


2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


oh. then i shall wait bah... i just want to find out the price. unfortunately she is not taking order for cakes too.. haiz..

aiya you all miss out dsqyvonne in the JWT Trial.

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square


1) dsqyvonne

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


because i will be ordering different designs. one with pink topping on cupcakes and the other with designs. i can't see any price in her FB.

so most babies sleeping in cot tends to stand up in the middle of the night..

mine started 1-2 mths ago.. freaked me out initially..

now i used to it...

--- On Tue, 10/5/11, Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) <[email protected]>

Subject: Outings for the Underprivileged Children

To: "Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network)" <[email protected]>

Date: Tuesday, 10 May, 2011, 11:22

Dear all

We are still short of sponsors and volunteers for the outings arranged for the Underprivileged children, below is the updated numbers :

No. of Children Sponsor : 12

No. of Volunteers : 6

We hope to have about 45 children and 35 volunteers to come along for this Ice Cream Making Workshop, for those who can help, do get back to me by 15 May 2011 so we will have sufficient time to send out the flyers to the children.

In the event we are unable to get sufficient sponsors, we will cancel the outing and will refund those who have sponsored so you can use the funds to reach out to others instead.

Thank you


Charles Tan

Volunteer Resource Network

Email : [email protected]

URL : www.vrnetwork.org

From: Charles Tan (Volunteer Resource Network) [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, 5 May, 2011 11:09 AM

Subject: June Holiday Programme for the Children

Dear all

We will be resuming our outings for the children from the low income family this June after taking a break last Dec. This coming June, we plan to bring the kids to downtown east for an Ice Cream Making Workshop and have Ice Cream Buffet there as well, below are the details :

Event : Ice Cream Making Workshop + Ice Cream Buffet

Date : 18 June 2011 (Saturday)

Time : 10am to 2pm (Tentative)

Venue : Downtown East

Meeting point : Daybreak Family Service Centre

Blk 855 Yishun Ring Road Training Wing

(5 mins walk from Khatib MRT Station )

Targeted number of Children : 45

Volunteers required : 25

The cost for each child is about $35.00 which will cover the cost of the event, including lunch and cookie packs for each child. We hope each of you can sponsor at least one child for the trip, we will also need some volunteers to join us for the trip to take care of the children and help them out during the ice cream making workshop when we are there.

For those who would like to sponsor, you can mail a cheque payable to “Maple Lifestyle”, indicate “VRN June” and mail it to :

Maple Lifestyle

195 Pearl’s Hill Terrace


Singapore 168976

Please let us know the details of your cheque such as bank, cheque number and amount via email if you are sending by cheque.

For those who preferred to funds transfer, please do email me separately for the account number to transfer.

Do remember me to update me so I can consolidate the sponsored funds, we will stop accepting funds once we have enough as per our usual practice.

And for those who are keen to volunteer, do provide me with the following particulars :

1) Name


3) Contact Number

4) Email address

The cost for each volunteer is $38.00, we will likely be getting McDonald Lunch for everyone, if you are a vegetarian, do inform us and we will pack lunch separately for you.

We hope to be able to get your support to sponsor up to a max of 45 children from the low income family group for this trip.


Charles Tan

Volunteer Resource Network

Email : [email protected]

URL : www.vrnetwork.org



Am posting for information as they are short of sponsors and volunteers for the event. Pls liaise with the organiser directly if you are interested in helping out..

Thanks a mil! =)


oh her fb never state the price. her standard size is $2.80, smaller one is $2.20. free delivery for purchase over $60 on her website ($50 for my case). are you ordering her brownies too? personally i prefer her brownies.


can I join the JWT trial. I have UOB Lady's card.

18th June 2011 1.00pm - UE Square


1) dsqyvonne

2) winnie

3) eeyore

4) starz

5) jasmine goh

6) Vivy (aug mummy)

7) ah bee

8) Michelle (aug10 silent reader)


oh thanks. i got to calculate and also tell her about the design. i was looking at the mickey and minnie design.. hehe! i also need to order plain one as i got my own thing to decor.. i remember you told me that got free delivery to Jurong, right?

very unhappy now..

just wanna complain..

my hb and i work in the same company..

normally we dun have lunch together so sometimes, I can use our car during lunch time..

in a wat, i'm the only one driving in my dept (there's 8-9 of us)..

my colleagues take it for granted that i can drive them out for lunch as n when they want to..

like today, they wanna go out for lunch, so they arranged with another colleague from other dept who has a car and take it for granted that i will be able to join them..

when i told them that i need to run some errants with my hb, they are not happy..

its like its my mistake..

after they come back from lunch, 1 of them joking say that they going to boycott me for a week..

although he say it joking, but i am also not happy about it..

i'm not their designated driver..

y do they have to take things for granted..

sorry for writing such a long post, such wanna complain a bit..


understand how u feel. ppl are like tat, take for granted when ev one are used to it.. instead of being grateful, they will just thought it's a daily routine.. and it's ur job! i also drive to work.. but at times i wont want to drive so all of us stick to eat in co's canteen.. cos i dun want them to have a habit.. that i'm the chaffeur.. gg out,, i have to pay the carpark leh.. waste my $$. haha.. sometimes they will say feel like eating this or that.. but i will jus tell them i lazy to drive.. hehe.. at times u shld also chu abit pattern on them..

haha.. yalor.. i also have to pay carpark..

n i'm driving a MPV, so sometimes have to drive 6-7 ppl out..

den they will arrange the baby car seat..

i'm ok with going out to eat once a while, cos i also dun like canteen food, but they can't be so pushy right??

alibaba, ya ya.. my hb colleagues also like that. ask him go here go there for lunch.. sometimes go town for lunch..i always ask my hb 'who pay carpark, erp, petrol? no one bothers to share with u, why u so gd always drive them ard. One lunch can eat $2-$4, now become $10..' After a while he feels the pinch, now he tries not to drive unless to his advantage.

You dun have to be upset cos they are not worth the effort.

Just tell them you need to cut costs so unless someone wants to chip in carpark fees or petrol, everyone just eat at canteen.


most of my colleagues got car, but usually is those with car that offers to drive out..those without seldom ask one leh.. ur side got mrt or not..ask them TAKE MRT or bus, else PAY the carpark and petrol!

i'm working in the industrial park..

can only take taxi if no car..

very hard for me to ask them to pay for carpark and petrol lah..

cos my hb quite high profile in my company..

so they will gossip that i very stingy if i do that..

to me, the petrol and carpark is secondary, its the fact that they are taking things for granted..


ya they take things for granted since you mention your husband is high profile. just tell them you are not free lor. or escape whenever if you can.


ok. if she no reply this week, i will let you know. thanks!

i think after today, they will know that i'm not always free..

hopefully, in future this will happen less often..

btw, any1 have recommendations on bday cake?

what kinda cake more for girls?

i dun like those cakes with princess designs..

Anyone of your company have vacancies. Hubby need a new job. Can let me have the list of vacancies if you have. Thanks a lot.

